Hey, everyone...I'm still kicking. I decided that a heart attack is not going to stop me. That is why I am working on Life of the Party first. Because this is the comedy story and I wanted to laugh.

I am down 22 lbs since the heart attack and haven't smoked anything but some tilapia on my BBQ.

So lets get the party going...again.

Chapter 7 Bingo!

The sun was relentless with its shine, casting a glorious amount of light upon the city, bringing the warmth this ball of fire has brought for billions of years. However, as hot and bright as it is, the cool breezes of the ocean, only a mile or so from the Capsule Corp., keep the temperature comfortable for all.

It's only a few minutes past noon, and already a few hundred people have piled into the backyard of the Capsule Corp. compound, all of them mingling with the birthday girl. However, the biggest thing on their minds is not Bulma, nor is it four hundred pound gold statue of a small dragon, that will be given as the second place prize in the bingo game later in the day.

"Is that a real dragon!?" asks a startled voice, staring at the coiled up Titan, taking another deep breath while sleeping poolside.

Bulma just nods her head nonchalantly, as if a dragon's presence is completely normal, since it is to her. But as a good host, the daughter of the wealthiest man on Earth introduces one of her very special guests.

"His name is Titan, King of the Dra... gonian race...I think!" she remarks, and a wide grin crosses the black and red dragon's face. His blood shot eyes open wide, still suffering the effects of a long night of puking and partying...then more puking.

"It's Draconian race, Bul..." Titan places a paw over his muzzle, keeping what little he has in his stomach down, then lowers his head to the ground again.

"...forget it."

The birthday girl smiles as Titan grumbles several times, then closes his eyes.

"He's harmless..." she says, getting several more grumbles from the large drake, but as Bulma continues, he calms quickly. "...but he has a very good soul...and I am honored to have him as a guest."

Bulma places a soft hand upon the tip of Titan's nose, getting him to open his eyes once more. With a genuine smile, she offers her appreciation, especially knowing how horrible the large dragon feels right now. However, as she always knows how to get under someone's skin, Bulma makes a quiet joke between her and the resting king.

"Even if he just lays here all day moaning."

Titan's eyes suddenly focus, locking upon hers, helping him gain the strength he needs. With a bit of a struggle, the weary dragon finds his way up on his feet.

Most of the guests back away, soon realizing how big this dragon truly is, and it somewhat annoys him to be feared so strongly. However, as Bulma touches his right paw, Titan understands that he is not feared by everyone.

"It is truly an honor to be here..." he says, then showing how gentle he can be, Titan lowers his head down and pecks Bulma softly on the left cheek. "...Happy Birthday, Ms. Vegeta."

"Are you looking for more pain, Tiny?!" The Saiyan Prince barks out sarcastically, getting Titan to raise his head from Bulma's cheek. "That's my wife, and I don't appreciate you gnawing on her face like that!"

"I'm still surprised someone said yes to you!" The large dragon retorts with even more sarcasm in his voice, as he returns his narrow muzzle to Bulma's cheek and plants another harmless kiss on the birthday girl's face.

The Saiyan Prince grasps his beer and gets up from the table.

Goku, Piccolo, and Krillian, who were sitting with Vegeta, leave the table with him. They can tell he is not angry, since he takes another swig off the bottle instead of throwing it at Titan. In fact, the real reason they follow him is to hear this sarcastic battle continue.

"So...Pudding Pop, are you feeling better yet, or should I have my wife fill the pool with Pepto-Bismol?"

Everyone laughs, with the exception of Titan, who doesn't quite understand the joke, yet knows he is the brunt of it. The large dragon lowers his head down to Vegeta and whispers his retort.

"I promised your wife I would not kill you for her birthday, so please, go back over there so I don't have to disappoint her."

Vegeta gives a good laugh seeing the smirk upon Titan's face, knowing his newest friend is not just being sarcastic, but actually enjoying the company of the Saiyan Prince. It is almost odd to this proud warrior, as it was his influence that made him a new friend, for the first time, on his own.

He grasps Titan by the right horn, turning his head towards Bulma.

"Are you kidding, Dragon?" he barks while pointing at Yamcha with his beer bottle. "I think she would love that as a gift...Not having me around anymore!"

Bulma rolls her eyes, now absolutely sure her husband is hammered. However, she goes along with the sarcastic banter between newest friends.

"You aregetting well past your prime, Vegeta..." Bulma places her hand upon Titan's nose again, then looks deep into his eyes while flirting hard. "...and this dragon is quite attractive and spry."

Both Dragon King and Saiyan Prince do a double take, especially as Bulma plants her lips upon Titan's muzzle again.

The uncomfortable sound of silence fills the area, with the exception of a very deep gasp from Krillin.

"Damn!" He remarks, looking up at his wife. "I thought you said she didn't have that much too drink yet, honey."

The tension never rises, as Vegeta could see the complete shock on Titan's face, and within a few minutes, the party begins.

Beerus was first to break out his moves, bringing nearly everyone in the yard to the dance floor, as the large cat showed his precise actions.

Krillin and his wife are sitting with Whis, enjoying a huge spread of tempura and spring rolls, while critiquing the speed in which the God of Destruction moves.

"WOW!" the bald Z fighter remarks, staring in awe at the large cat's ability, seeing him lay a combination of dance and martial arts maneuvers in perfect harmony. "He's faster than he was was two years ago... and I didn't think that was possible."

"Perhaps... it is possible he has gotten a bit quicker... " Whis retorts, looking away for a second with a bit of disgust, knowing how a year with Vegeta has improved the God he has honed with his skills for the last few eons. A more arrogant and aggravated voice follows as Whis finishes. "...but it is still sloppy and imprecise!"

"Well, you're a tough critic." Android 18 remarks, as her calculating eyes see only minute imperfections in the large cat's dancing. "I think he's got the running man down solid, and I personally thought that judo kata into the Macarena was pretty cool!"

Meanwhile another pair of eyes are critiquing.

"Isn't that what you do to warm up before you practice your martial arts, Vegeta?" Goku remarks, seeing the purplish-skinned cat using the Saiyan Prince's balance routine in an act of pure control. Showing the ability this four-pawed deity has learned from one of Earth's greatest martial arts masters.

However, this is quite aggravating to the Prince of all Saiyans.

"Are you mocking me with that dance?!" Vegeta barks, stopping Beerus cold, mid handstand.

"Vegeta, he's only having fun..." Goku remarks, and Vegeta places a solid arm upon his best friend.

"NO, Kakarot! He's messing it up!"

Vegeta, leaps upon the dance floor, cartwheeling twice, and coming to a stop beside the upside down Beerus.

"Like this, Cat!"

Vegeta, removes his right hand from the floor, leaving himself held up by only his left, and Beerus is quick to follow. However, a broken look fills the God of Destruction's eyes, as Vegeta, begins to spin his body round on this one hand.

The Saiyan Prince then uses his right hand to spin himself faster and faster, lifting himself up on one finger. Something the large cat just can't get right.

"I'm spinning the world on one finger!"

Vegeta's voice is almost taunting, and Beerus quickly gives up.

"I can't stand this guy's ability to remain sarcastic, while showing you up!"

"It's a talent he has honed for a while now..." Goku replies, getting a nod from both Krillin, his wife, and Piccolo, whom have now joined the small group by the dance floor. "...I usually just hit him afterward"

Vegeta stops at that moment, staring Goku in the eyes.

"He knows better not to swing, Kakarot..." Vegeta remarks, popping off his one hand, and positioning himself between Goku and Beerus. "...Bulma said she would not give him a doggie bag after the party, if he acts up in public again!"

Beerus looks hard at the Saiyan Prince, knowing that Bulma left strict instructions for him not to fight during the party this year.

"You're lucky the tempura is exceptional or I would knock your block off!"

Vegeta smugly grins at the large cat standing by his side, gesturing a hand at the clock that sits near the constructed stage.

"After Bingo...if you are still willing...we can take a few swings in the gravity gym..."

Before Vegeta can finish his statement the large cat leaps upon the stage, moving the minute and hour hands to their needed position.

"It's 4:00 PM!" Beerus barks out, then like Vegeta did two years back, begins the dumbest dance ever seen in the history of man kind. "IT'S TIME FOR BINGO."

Goku, Piccolo, Krillin, and Vegeta begin laughing at the dancing cat, however, Bulma has taken a bit of exception to the fast forwarding of time.

"Are you trying to rush through my big day, Beerus..." Bulma remarks with anger, getting the large purplish-gray cat to stop his dance. "...it's only 12:30, you crazy kitty,"

The birthday girl places a soft hand upon Beerus' head, scratching him behind the ear, soothing any anger he had inside. "but if you really want the Bingo game to start now... I guess I can do that for such an honored guest."

"You would really do that for me?" The large cat remarks with a bit of shock in his voice, however, Vegeta gives the reason for his anxiousness to play, knowing it will anger his wife again.

"He only wants to play now so he can fight with me in the gym afterward, honey!"

Bulma's eyes express anger as they return to Beerus.

"Oh, so you just wanna fight!" her voice gets loud very quick, making Beerus cower ever so slightly. Bulma can see this, and her plan of action is put into play even quicker. She truly wants this fight, as it was the only reason to invite the God of Destruction, and now her chance shall come.

"FINE!" She yells, grasping the microphone from Beerus' paw, and making an announcement.

"Ladies and gentlemen, there will be slight change in plans for the day's entertainment."

Bulma walks over to the small metal orb, filled with seventy-five different numbered and lettered balls, and shows anger on her face while dragging it out on stage. However, deep down, she too is now anxious, hoping to see the only thing she has craved for two years.

He is gonna kick your ass, Beerus.

Her thought remains within, yet her now smug grin shows the large cat how she feels.

"At the behest of my special guest... We will be playing Bingo, now..." Her voice, still filled with anger, puts a scowl on Beerus' face. However, her next statement puts the complete look of shock on everyone's face. "... then there will be a martial arts contest!"


Suddenly a smile fills Beerus' face, and his tail begins tapping the ground with a feeling of pure excitement.

"What, am I speaking Greek?!" She quips, then looks dead into her husband's eyes, and sees the fire that begins to burn.

"You boys..." Bulma pauses as her eyes come across Krillin and his wife. "...and girl... will duke it out in a winner take all battle royale. And the winner will receive the grand prize of ten million zennies!"

"TEN MILLION ZENNIE!" Everyone barks, including Dr. Briefs, whom spits out his ice tea and shows his daughter a bit of anger in this number.

"Bulma I already gave you your allowance for the week... don't you think for a moment that I will give you a second allowance this time!"

Bulma just looks at her mom, and quickly a reply is given.

"Don't worry sweetie...I'll make sure that he gives you the money!"

A wide grin crosses the birthday girl's face. Her hand reaches down to the metal caged ball, holding the Bingo numbers, and she begins spinning it clockwise.

"Okay, everyone..." she exclaims loudly, stopping the cage, and turning it one rotation counter clockwise, dropping a single ball out from the rest. "...get out your bingo cards, and lets see who will win this year!"

Before Bulma can even grasp the first ball, the entire crowd has their bingo cards in hand, awaiting like children on Christmas as the first number is called out.

"I 21!"

"Damn it!" Piccolo yells, making everyone laugh, knowing how emotional he becomes during bingo.

Bulma intensifies his anger as she starts reeling off the prize list of incredible things he will probably not win.

"Whoever finishes in fifth place will receive an all expenses paid trip around the world for a year..." She barks than calls out "...O 74!"


"For our fourth place finisher. You will receive a brand new Bugatti Veyron SS Twin Turbo..."

She looks at the small ball that comes out third.

"N 34!"

"Hey I got one already...YESSSSS!" Piccolo remarks, and again everyone smiles with the emotional roller coaster the large green warrior puts himself on.

"For our third place winner..." Bulma remarks, then opens the small case that is handed to her by a young security office, whom remains to hold the metal box with purple velor lining. "...will go this forty-five karot diamond.

This prize grasps the attention of someone who was not playing, not truly caring for any of the items until now. Titan quickly finds the Bingo card that was given to him earlier, and quickly checks off two numbers he has.

"B 1!"

Fire is blasted from the large dragon's mouth, as that number is not on his card, and quickly everyone begins laughing as a new sore loser begins grumbling with every number missed.

"I 16... N 41... B 5... " As the game goes on, and the grumbles and cheers continue from the Drake and the Namekian, Bulma adds fuel to the fire by telling everyone what is in store for the runner up.

"For second place, I went out of my way to purchase a wonderful gift..." she remarks, then yanks on a string, revealing a picture of a large island in the South Pacific. "...your own tropical paradise!"

"Are you kidding?!" Titan yelps, now realizing he would have a wonderful place to spend time alone.

However, as the final item rises up from the ground, the dragon king becomes even more anxious.

The stars that adorn their sides make little sense, but the glowing orange and gold color of the seven Dragonballs are more familiar to him than most at the party.


What do you think is gonna happen when the Dragon King meets the Eternal Dragon? Well as long as I don't die in the next few weeks, we will find out.

See humor, it is the best medicine.

I wanna thank everyone who wished for my fast recovery, it's very inspiring to see how many people I have touched with these little stories I write.