Surprise surprise! I bet you didn't saw that one coming! 3 posts within 2 hours am I awesome or not? Now let me explain a few crucial things.

First of all the obvious one. This will be a multi-chapter AU Touken story. I had this idea for a while and to be honest, I have been working on this story for the last couple of weeks... so it's kinda another reason why I haven't written much for ISWAQ. But I'm not planning to post the first chapter for this story anything soon. I want a good outline for the plot and connect the dots I've laid out for this story... point 2 is present there already soo...

Point 3 This will be quite a long, serious and dark story. Since the main themes of this story are the conflict, be it between ghoul's an humans, individuals, ethnics beliefs. The importance of promises, bonds, and a domino effect, I think that's how I should describe it. The prologue gives a better view of the theme and an image of what you can expect.

Also I might, may not add AyatoxHinami ship. It depends on how the story goes.

Now munch on this little drabble as much as you like. I wonder if you guys can figure out to who do these sentences belong. One is very obvious, but the others

Entangled Strings


This is how I met your mother...'

The sentence every child hears at least once during their childhood. One would never think much about it, as children have only interest in playing and having fun. Never would they realize that the time would come where they will be the main characters in such a story. You're young, no need to think about the future... But... Not every child has that privilege.

Tokyo was a metropolis. And like any metropolis, there are creatures who lurk between the bright places of the Japanese city, hidden from human sight; monsters in human disguise.


Years ago, a group of humans decided to stand up against the threat of the ghouls. And thus, the Commision of Counter Ghoul was born. The abbreviated CCG's mission was to kill every single ghoul, be they man, woman, elderly, or children.

The slaughter of their parents resulted in many ghoul children becoming orphaned, being abandoned into the world of conflict and fighting. If they wantedto survive, they'd have to fend for themselves and hide from the public eye, away from those who robbed them of their family. Even their own kind became a danger to the young and unprotected. Amongst more violent ghouls, cannibalism of the weak was common.

Such was the life for a ghoul.

If one was lucky, they could establish a normal life among the humans, living a peaceful life. But the moment their nature became revealed, the ghoul was good as dead if they didn't flee.

Such was the life for a ghoul.

If one was lucky, they could establish a normal life among the humans, living a peaceful life. But the moment their nature became revealed, the ghoul was good as dead if they didn't flee.

'It's the one promise that you have to keep, it's the only thing left... If you want to life peacefully and happy, then for now, please life among humans, away from the danger and conflict...'

'I will, it's the only solution. I will do my best, for me, for us... For my family.'

'As long as were together, I don't care about anything else. I have to take care of you, you; who is the only one I have left.'

'You wanted me to keep smiling, so I will. Even if you're not here anymore, I will smile through my life. I will prove that your sacrifice wasn't in vain. My existence is my gratitude.'

'If I want to survive, I have to fight. To fight and eat! To have a place in this rotten world. To eat is to survive, to eat is to get stronger, to eat is to live! Just so I can have some meaning in this useless life... I will fight and kill anyone who stands in my way.'

his is a story of two people, who, despite the cosmic chances stacked against them, somehow managed to meet.

Their meeting affected more than they could ever imagine...

But is that enough? Life is never gentle, especially to those who must murder to stay alive.

Doomed by their very birthright, every hardship will stand between them, until their long journey comes to an end.

This version had been slightly edited.

Thank you Angry Pencil Writer for taking the time to fix the grammar and spelling mistakes and for the suggestions! You're a doll. :)