I'm Back! I haven't been writing in a while because of school and let's face it... It is COLD! No more excuses though. I've been gone too long. As for reading everyone's story. I have, but haven't had time to review. Let me just say I love all the work I have seen. I hope this makes up for my ghost reading :)

Anne stepped off the train. It seemed that nothing had changed since the first time she had set foot in the Bright River Train Station. She half expected to see Matthews as shy and timid as ever.

A wave of dizziness hit her as she stood. She shook her head. Although the rest of the Island Scholars would not be back from Redmond for another three days she had got a ticket back home on the morning after convocation. Anne hadn't been feeling well and left as soon as possible hoping that being back home would help set her right.

"Anne!" She looked around confusedly before her eyes found Diana waving at from the passenger seat of Fred's buggy holding her new baby, Anne Cordelia.

"Diana!" She yelled gleefully. Anne ran to her bosom friend, ignoring the way the station seemed to spin around her.

"Oh how I have missed you." Diana gushed when Anne was settled in the backseat.

"It's been so long." Anne splayed herself dramatically across her seat.

"So how are the rest of your friends at Redmond?" Diana asked a bit of bitterness in her tone. In her friend's letters it had always been filled with 'Philippa this', 'Stella that', Gilbert, Charlie, and a housemate's Aunt. She was nearly convinced that Anne had replaced her.

Anne looked at Diana in shock. "Diana Barry! I know exactly what you want to know. You are still my dearest and closest friend."

"I'm glad, but you must of forgotten that I married Fred." Diana smiled.

Anne turned a deep crimson. "I appologize. You were Ms. Barry for so long that sometimes it slips out, dear Mrs. Wright."

"You are forgiven." Diana said contentedly.

"Let's get you home, Anne. Diana and I were over at a Green Gables and everyone was anxious to see you." Fred said speaking for the first time during their drive.

"Dora was even fidgeting in her seat." Diana chimed in.

"I have missed Marilla and the twins so much. Even Mrs. Lynde's gossip is welcome."

A thick silence ensued. Anne closed her eyes willing for the nociousness to stop.

"Are you alright? You have not said a word for a while."

"I'm fine Diana. It is only the last few weeks have been hectic and I am a little tired." Anne murmured in reply, eyes still closed.

"You will rest when we get to Green Gables will you not?" Diana asked worriedly.

"I promise." Anne said. She didn't need any prompting. At this point she felt like she could sleep the rest of her life away.

When they arrived at the front of Green Gables Anne slowly got out and hugged her best friend goodbye promising to visit her the next day. She was ushered into the parlor and when the kind old soles found her 'only a little tired' and 'a bit woozy' they sent straight up to bed with bundles of warm blankets and came up a while later with some tea.

"Are you feeling any better?" Marilla asked setting a cup of tea on her bedside table.

"Anne? Anne!" When there was no answer Marilla hurriedly felt her forehead and the back of her neck. She was burning up. She was about to panic, but thought better of it. She pressed softly on Anne's stomach. Her girl squirmed slightly, almost unnoticeable, painfully. No. Marilla couldn't believe it. Her Anne could not possibly be sick and if she was it musn't be severe Marilla ran down the stairs screaming for Rachel to call the doctor. In the face of her girl being gravely ill. Marilla, none the less lost all the calm level headedness she was known for. She could only hope it wasn't true.