The vast, empty void of space was silent. Empty. Eerie...

This was ruined when a small red spaceship flew by at top speed, several other spaceships trailing behind it, launching laser fire at the red ship.

Samus sweated profusely as she gripped the controls of her ship tightly. The remaining space pirates were after her, and her ship's cannons were out of ammo... She had to find a way to-


Samus cursed. They had landed a direct hit on her ship! All she could do was fasten her seatbelt as the ship spun uncontrollably down to the nearest planet...

From what Samus could see before she entered the Exosphere of the planet, she saw that most of the planet was covered in water with giant masses of land scattered about. As she came closer and closer to the surface of the planet, she could see many cities filled with light.

The last thing she saw before she crashed was small red buildings and a cultivated field.


With a mighty crash, Samus's ship touched down in a field in England.

Knocked for a loop by the impact, Samus shakily rose to her feet, and stepped out from the rubble of her ship. She scowled when she saw it was damaged beyond repair by the impact. She reached for her radio to contact somebody...only to find that it had been smashed to pieces. Great...It looked like she was stuck here for a while...

She just couldn't believe her luck...First the baby metroid was killed by Mother Brain, then some of Ridley's left over minions attacked her when her ship was out of ammo, and now she was stranded on a planet, with no way to contact help.

She looked around to see that it was snowing heavily. 'Just like Phendrana...' She mused. She pushed the top of her ship open, and leapt out.

The young woman looked around the area, drinking in her surroundings. It was a nice enough looking place. Much more inviting than Zebes, Brinstar, Norfair, or any of the other planets she'd been to... It seemed she had landed on Earth.

Samus breathed a sigh of relief. If there was any planet she could land on, there were far worse places than Earth...

'What should I do?' Samus thought to herself. '...I won't get anything done staying here...Maybe I'll take a look around...' And so, without a word, Samus moved towards the nearby city.

25 minutes later...

Samus looked at the buildings in the neighbourhood she had wandered into in distaste. Such a boring neighbourhood, with such boring houses...They all looked the same, with the occasional lawn gnome being the only occasional difference...

The last thing she expected to hear in an area like this was the sound of a child's agonized scream.

Her head turned swiftly towards the direction she heard the scream coming from. Without another word, she sprinted at top speed in the direction she heard the scream. The sound led her to a house that looked exactly like the other houses in the boring neighbourhood... She walked to the window and peered inside to see if she could spot who was screaming.

"By the Great Moons of Zebes!' Samus said loudly in shock to herself as she watched the horrible event that was happening within.

Inside the house, a morbidly obese man was in the midst of holding a small child on top of a boiling hot stove. The child had tears streaming down his face as the man added to the injury by planting his large, meaty fists firmly into his little stomach.

Seeing a helpless child briefly made Samus flash back to the Metroid baby getting killed, awakening the maternal instincts stored deep within her. Without even hesitating, the bounty hunter crashed through the window. Vernon didn't even get a chance to turn his head and see what was happening before he found himself pinned to the ground, Samus's arm cannon pointed at his temple.

Vernon's eyes widened in horror, knowing he was in a terrible situation. Then, Samus spoke.

"...Get out of here. Now."

As soon as the woman was off of him, Vernon sprinted out of the room as fast as he could. Samus scowled as she rose to her feet. She would come back later to beat the hell out of the bastard...Right now, she needed to worry about the child. Wordlessly, she turned to look at the boy, who was still on the stove.

In an instant, she was by his side. Without missing a beat, she removed him from the stovetop and cradled him gently in her arms. She examined him, and was shocked to see just how damaged he was.

Harry's eyes slowly opened...and his eyes widened when he saw the creature holding him. Oh no! It was a robot! It was going to destroy him!

With a chorus of terrified whimpers, Harry began thrashing desperately to escape his captor's grip. He didn't want to die...Things hadn't gotten a chance to get better yet...

Samus was shocked. Thanks to the poor little boy's struggling, she had a difficult time keeping a hold of him. She was able to make it into the living room and set Harry down before she could accidentally drop him and injure him more.

The bounty hunter's shoulders sagged at the child's scared demeanour. Then she realized...Her power suit must have made her look pretty intimidating. Wordlessly, she pressed a button on her chestplate. The power suit sparked for a few moments...then it fell off, the pieces landing on the floor, leaving Samus in her Zero Suit.

Harry's breath hitched when he heard the noise. He slowly opened his eyes, expecting to see the robot preparing to kill him. What he did not expect was to see a pretty blonde lady wearing a blue suit looking at him in concern while pieces of the robot fell to the ground.

He looked up at the blonde lady in confusion.

"Um... H-Huh?" Samus smiled softly at the child's reaction, and sat down next to him on the couch she had placed him on.

"It's just a suit, kid." She said calmly. "I'm not a robot." Harry blinked in confusion...and his eyes widened when the blonde woman reached out for him.

But before she could get close to him, Harry cringed and scooted slightly away from her. He closed his eyes again, afraid that she was going to hurt him.

Samus paused for a moment with a frown. 'That bastard really did a number on him...' She told herself as she reached towards him slower and placed her hand on his head.

Harry felt a hand on his head and braced himself for pain...Only to feel her hand making circles on his head.

His flinching gradually ceased, and he found himself leaning closer into the woman's touches. It felt very nice, and calming...

Samus smiled, content that he was relaxed. Then, gently, she reached over and took him into her arms.

Unlike last time, he didn't start freaking out and squirming to escape her grasp. She cradled him in her arms, making sure not to touch his burns, and he snuggled into her wordlessly, enjoying the first kind gestures he'd ever experienced in his life.

Samus smiled warmly at the child, cradling him like a baby. He was a very cute little boy, which made his injuries all the worse...

Harry let out a small sigh of content as the woman held him. For the first time in his young life, he felt safe and comfortable. He let out a soft yawn, and closed his eyes. Sleep overtook him in an instant.

She felt warm inside as he slept in her arms.

'This reminds me of that Metroid baby...' Samus thought to herself as she basked in the feeling while watching the little boy sleep happily.

She decided she needed to get him out of here before the walrus came back. Quickly, she gathered up the pieces of her suit and put them in her inventory. She looked outside at the falling snow, and decided the child would need a blanket. She raided the closets and grabbed the thickest, softest blanket she could find, then wrapped it around the little boy, making him look like a cocoon. Grateful that her zero suit was cold resistant, she stepped out the door into the snow.

She headed towards the field where she crashed her ship. Within twenty five minutes, in which she stopped every now and again to make sure that Harry was still fully covered by the blanket, she made it to the crash site to see that it was getting covered by snow.

Scowling in irritation, she adjusted the child to hold him in one arm, using the other to brush some snow off of her ship. Once it was uncovered, the young woman climbed into the cockpit and closed her ship. Taking a seat in her chair, she gently placed the child in her lap.

After making sure that he was securely on her lap, she started fiddling with the control panel to see if she could get the ship at least turned on so she could make it warmer for the little boy.

She breathed a sigh of relief when the ship's heaters switched on, flooding the ship with the artificial warmth. The bounty hunter relaxed in her seat, and looked down at the child.

She saw his content, happy face as he slept peacefully in her arms despite the fresh injuries on his back. Thinking about his injuries made her remember. She forgot about them in all the excitement. They hadn't been treated yet.

She unwrapped the blanket enough to see the burns again. She was shocked to see that they looked like they were healing for weeks.

Samus stared in shock at the rapidly healing injuries for several moments...then smiled gently. It was a relief knowing that the child's pain would heal fast...She couldn't bear the thought of such an adorable little boy suffering so much.

Regardless, she promised to go back to the house where she found Harry and 'teach' that man a lesson about harming children. She then yawned silently as she felt the weight of everything that happened today getting to her.

She adjusted Harry so that his head was on her shoulder, then unfurled the blanket from around his tiny, fragile body so that it covered both of them. Harry snuggled closer to her, and clutched tightly to her suit.

She rubbed the back of his head until she fell asleep ten minutes later.

This begins another epic journey of Samus Aran, the great Galactic Bounty hunter and the destroyer of the Space Pirates.

This journey would not be an action-packed tale of a young woman fighting world-destroying monsters.

It would be the tale of a strong young woman discovering the joys of motherhood.