Well here it is! The much awaited sequel to Blast from the Past. If you haven't read my first story yet then you need to go to my profile right now, laugh at the funny stuff that I have up there, and then read and love all of my other story's before you read Blast from the Past:) and for those of you that have read and loved my first story, well then happy birthday to you!

Disclaimer: this is my story, but the original story is Rachelle Meads:(

Previously on Blast From the Past.

"Lissa, what's wrong? Are you ok?" I asked in a hard but very worried voice.

"Oh Rose, it's horrible." She was crying, I could tell that right away and she was scared and on edge. Even without the bond, I could read her moods as well as I could read my own.

"Lissa calm down, now what's horrible?"

"It's Tasha, she's escaped!"


I almost dropped the phone after she said that, but years of Guardian training stopped me. Tasha. Dimitri's psycho, murdering, want- a- be ex girlfriend Tasha had escaped from jail. Needless to say, this was not good for me.

"How!?" I asked my brain kicking back into action after hearing the news. If Tasha has escaped then that means one thing: she's out for revenge on the one that put her in there. And since she's probably still hot for Dimitri, that means that I'm number one on her hit list. Lucky me.

"She tricked the guards to remove their glasses and compelled them to let her out."

Figures. Moroi may be vampires, but they watch movies too. And after watching Men In Black, they decided that black glasses that make you resistant to memory tampering was just a bang up idea. So they made ones for Guardians to wear that could resist compulsion. I guess that Tasha must have smiled really sweetly and asked a guard to look at something for her and he lowered his glasses without thinking and BAM! He was her willing servant.

"Then she used her fighting and offensive magic to steal a car and break out of Court," Lissa finished a sob breaking out at the end. I let out a sigh of relief at that.

I know what you thinking I'm crazy right? I just found out that the person who shot me, in the heart I might add, that almost killed me, and that blames me for getting her sent to jail, just broke out of jail and was more than likely on her way here right now to finish the job and I'm relieved!

Well not as crazy as you might think. If she broke out of Court then she can't make another attempt on Lissa. I won't ever forget that she was the intended target for Tasha's built.

"Rose I know that you and Dimitri have gone through a lot, and that I was the one that insisted that you go on this trip. And that it was supposed to be a nice holiday so that you could tell Dimitri's family about you being engaged. But I would really feel better if you could cut your trip short and came back to Court. I'll even order you back here as the Queen if I have to. It's not safe now that Tasha's on the loose. Who knows when she's going to come after you!" Lissa said through her tears. I heard Christian in the background comforting her. Good. At least he comes in handy sometimes.

"Liss, calm down. Now when did she escape?" I asked trying to figure out what to do now. I looked up at Dimitri who was still standing next to me with a hard look on his face. I knew exactly what he was thinking. Tasha had escaped and she was out to get me. And that he wouldn't let her anywhere near me, and that he was going to protect me no matter what. Man I loved him.

"About an hour ago. I wanted to call you right away. But I needed to wait for a report and a sighting to make sure that she's really gone."

Ok, so even if she drives to the airport right now, which she can't, the Moroi have their own airport security, and they would have been alerted of Tasha's escape right away. So she is going to have to somehow get money (probably by compelling a human) get new clothes and get a ticket to Russia without using a major airline. So that's going to take some time. And that's even if she knew we were over here (which she might, word got around) and if she decided to follow is here or wait until we went back to Court.

Either way we had some time to work things out. But by staying here we put Dimitri's family and my future family's life at risk so we couldn't stay here. For long anyway. I looked at Dimitri again, he had been standing next to me the entire time and had heard everything that had been said. He just gave me one quick nod of his head to say that he had followed my train of thought and agreed.

"Ok Liss, give us a few days. We will be back by the end of the week," I told her. Because there was no way that we would be able to just sit back and enjoy a nice holiday with the family when we had to constantly watch our backs for Tasha's attack.

"Oh thank you Rose. And please be careful! " Lissa said calming down now that she know that I would be safe at home soon. Or as safe as I could be with a psycho bitch on the loose.

"Don't worry Liss, I'll be fine. See you in a few days," I said before I hung up. Without a word I turned and was instantly wrapped in Dimitri's arms.

"I promise Roza, I won't let her hurt you. I will hunt her down myself if I have to. I won't let her touch one of your beautiful hairs on you head," he said his voice low and full of determination.

"Don't worry Comrade. I'm not going anywhere," I said back in a low voice. I know he wanted to wrapped me in bubble wrap and keep me safe from all harm. But he needed to remember that I was a Guardian too and that I could look after myself.

"Do you think that we should tell your family the truth? They will find out soon anyway, this will be all over the Moroi news," I said still burying my head in Dimitri's chest.

"You know that I can't lie to my mama. But we can wait unit tomorrow and just enjoy the rest of the night with my- our- family," Dimitri said stroking my hair. I just smiled at the last part. I really couldn't wait to marry this man and become a real part of this family.

"Ok. But if we want to avoid suspicion then we should probably go back to the table and stop loitering in the hall like we have something to hide," I said pulling back a bit and giving him a slight smile.

"In a minute," Dimitri muttered and pulled me in close for a deep and long kiss. I have no idea how long we stood there for, but our kiss was interrupted by Vika who had walked right up to us without either of us knowing.

"Vika! I told you not to interrupt the call! It was the Queen for heavens sake! It could be really important," Olena called out apparently noticing that her youngest daughter was missing.

"They were just making out in the hall. What's so important about that!" Vika shouted back and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Mama wanted to know if you wanted to have hot chocolate in the living room or if you were tired and just wanted to go to bed," Vika said putting her hands on her hips.

"Yes but I never said to go and interrupt them!" Olena called out again but this time in a tired and not at all surprised voice.

"We would love to," I said without looking at Dimitri first. After all we had just agreed to spend this night with the family before we told them the bad news.

"Well then stop lip locking and get in there! You two are about to be married and that means that you can spend the rest of your lives together doing stuff like that. And not doing it in front of me," she said before storming off.

"No one was making you watch," Dimitri called out in a half angry voice. I just smiled and followed Vika out.

"Is everything alright back at Court?" Olena asked as she handed us our mugs.

"Nothing that we have to worry about right now," was all I said. It was better to tell a half truth then to out right lie. I bet that Olena would spot it right away. But one look at Yeva and I knew we were busted. I just hoped that she kept what she knew to herself until tomorrow.

"Well then that's good. So how long can you stay with us?"

"Only for about three days sadly. Strigoi may no longer be a threat. But we're still needed," Dimitri said picking up on where I was going and playing along.

"Well I'm glad that I don't have to worry quite as much about my baby boy now that those monsters are out to the picture," Olena said taking a sip of her drink.

"Mama! I'm 27 years old! I'm not a baby anymore!" Dimitri said in an adorable complaining voice, trying to defend his manliness, but doing the exact opposite.

"You will always be my baby boy no matter how old you get."

"But you have Vika! Baby her," Dimitri said still not happy with his new title.

"Oh don't you start! I had to fight tooth and nail just to get her to stop cutting the crust off of my bread when she packs my lunch for school! I don't need you to encourage her!" Vika called out from the kitchen making us all laugh.

"Well at least you're not the oldest! She still does it to me and I've had two kids!" said Karolina.

"Well you're not the man of the family!" Dimitri defended. "It's emasculating being called a baby!"

"I'm sorry who's the kitchen bitch at home?" I asked with a mix of innocents and sarcasm that made everyone crack up again.

"You just watch your mouth young lady. You just became my new baby girl," Olena said giving me the mum look.

I lowered my head and meekly said, "Yes mama."

And the night went on until it got to be around ten and the jet lag caught up with us.

"I think I'm going to turn in," I said getting up slowly. Dimitri followed looking just as tired.

"Oh of course. You two will stay in Dimka's old room like last time. It's our guest room so it's all made up."

"Good night mama." Dimitri said giving his mother a hug. I followed suit.

"Good night Olena," I said giving her a squeeze.

"It's mama dear. Welcome to the family," she said and I think I cried a bit.

"Night...mama." Wow that sounded nice.

"Night daughter."

I followed Dimitri up the stairs feeling like I was floating on a cloud. We quickly showered and fell into bed utterly exhausted.

"I heard that downstairs," Dimitri muttered into my ear as he held me tight.

"Really? Heard what?" I asked so I could hear it again. We may have had a bomb shell drop on us today but I was focusing on the silver lining.

"Mama asked you to call her mama. You're officially a part of the family," he smiled and kissed my hair.

"Well give us a few months and we can make that a reality," I said with a smile. I just hoped that we could find time to plan a wedding with Tasha on the loose. Who knows what she's capable of.

"It will be ok. She can't stop us from being happy," Dimitri said once again knowing what I was thinking without me having to say anything.

"I know, but we have to think about how much of a threat that she is. She's smart, well connected, a good fighter, and she's also lived in the outskirts of the Moroi society for a long time and probably has dirt on a lot of Royals. I underestimated her before and I ended up at the wrong end of a murder trial."

"That won't happen again. Lissa and I will make sure that finding Tasha is the number one priority around Court. And with the Strigoi gone we have lots of free man power for the job. Don't worry milaya, everything will be just fine. Good night," he said kissing me one more time.

"Good night Товарищ (comrade)." Yeah now I can annoy him in two languages!

Tasha's POV

Well that was refreshing, I thought as I drove down the freeway. Nothing like a prison break and a high speed car chase to give a nice kick start to the day. I smiled as I listened to what was going on over the radio. I had managed to steal a Guardian patrol car so I had a high end all frequency radio and I could eavesdrop on all the communications that were being sent around Court right now. They we sending my photo out over all the channels so that I couldn't leave the country. A good idea. If I planned to leave the country that is.

I may have been kept in a maximum security prison, but news like that got around fast. I was well aware that my Dimka and his blood whore were in Russia right now announcing their engagement. Ugh the very word made me press down harder on the accelerator. I know that men were weak minded things that could easily get distracted by a pretty face and a sexy body, but I really thought that Dimka was stronger than that.

I can't believe that that slut had managed to screw Dimka's brains out enough to get him to agree to something as stupid and scandalous as this. But it was up to me to snap him out of it. And I knew just how to do it. I can't believe that it has come to this but desperate times call for desperate measures.

And if this gamble paid off then not only would I have my Dimka by my side, but all the power that we will need to rule our world and the humans' as well.

Sooooo. What did you think?

What evil evil plan dose Tasha have cooked up?

And am I seriously going to do what I did last story and leave you with all of these annoying questions eat the end? Well apparently so:)

Please review! It makes me wright faster:)