Through the Veil

AN: I had gotten this idea from hpobsessor

Ch. 1

Hermione Granger was in the Ministry of Magic with Harry Potter and Ron Weasley; they had just gotten Slytherin necklace from the Umbridge pink blob, down in the courtroom area. They were running through doors, trying to get away from Voldemort's supporter, who were trying to fire every spell at the three teenagers. What neither party didn't know; was that they were getting near the Department of Mysteries, where they had lost a valued man a couple of years ago.

Hermione was guiding her group blindly and didn't realize until it was too late; they were cornered in front of the Veil, which Harry was still hearing the voices of the beyond. Hermione stood in the middle; to where she was right in front of the open gateway area, while Harry and Ron were on each side but away from being the pathway.

Couple of the men from the courtroom had followed the teens into the Death Chamber and started firing powerful courses towards; while two others that had followed him had fired upon the two boys, the man who fired Hermione had seen that the Veil was right behind her and was trying to push with all of his magic into getting the girl into the black abyss.

Hermione was slowly getting tired from her time of running through the Ministry and then having to put up a lot of blocking spells, as well as protection spells; just to make sure that none of them were deadly enough to hurt her. What she was not aware of; was that each spell that was hitting her shields, it was causing her to step backwards and having known clue as of how close she was getting to following Sirius Black's fate.

The man before Hermione had started laughing like the mad man that she knew that he was; then he raised his wand towards her, and fired a strong blue spell, which caused Hermione's body to being picked up and thrown back. The last thing that Hermione saw was the edges of the black Veil, before everyone had gone black before her eyes.


Sirius Black was walking out by the Black Lake; on a sunny afternoon, on a day before the school year had started. He had asked Headmaster Dumbledore if he could come to Hogwarts a day early; when his thirty-fire year old soul had woken up, in his seventeen year old body. He had remembered everything; from his time as a teenager, his best friend's death, his time in Azkaban, his time hunting down Peter at Hogwarts, and his time with Harry and his friends before his untimely death. When he had woken up with a big massive headache and all the memories for his own good; he knew that he had to get out of Potter Manor and into the school, before he said or did something that his best friend could not understand.

When he had reached the lake; Sirius sat down on a big boulder that was next to the water, he was thinking about a bushy haired young woman, who had taken his breath away and who also had taken his heart away from him. He had believed that there was no woman alive that could take his heart away; when he was known as the playboy of the school, from his teenage days.

Sirius closed his eyes and gave out a huge sigh, "Hermione, I wish that you were here. You would have been the one, for me. Just like Lily was the one, for Jamie."

When Sirius had opened his eyes; he noticed a doorway was forming before him, above some feet over the water. He had gotten upon his feet and stood upon the bolder that he had sat on, when he noticed that there was a figure making it bigger, as it was coming out of the flouting doorway. As Sirius blinked; he was hit by a massive force that caused him to fall backwards, and landed onto the ground behind him. When he had opened his eyes once more; what was laying on him, was the last person that he could have ever hoped to see again.


Sirius was in shock; he was surprised to see the young woman again, and she was not responding to his calls or his poking upon her shoulders. He moved Hermione over to where he could get upon his feet, then he bent down and picked her up into his arms, and he carried her to the Hospital Wing.

As he was carrying Hermione to the school; he noticed that her body had filled out to a curvy woman that he knew that she was going to be, her hips were wider than what he had remembered and her knockers were double the size than he had glanced at from before. Sirius was a man and he knew what was pleasing to his eye, which had caused a few rows with Remus Lupin from 1995 and also Author Weasley; who each one of them had seen Hermione as daughter.

It had taken Sirius twenty minutes, but he found himself in the third floor, where the Hospital Wing was; once he was inside, he called out, "POPPY, I need you!"

A woman; who was within her late thirties, walked out of her office and groin, "Mr. Black; what is the meaning of this yelling." Then she glanced into Sirius' arms and saw a teenage woman, who was out cold, "Oh Dear. Come; lay her down in one of these beds."

Sirius walked over and eased Hermione into of the beds that was close to the Nurse's office. Once she was upon a bed; he stepped away and watched as Poppy waved her wand upon Hermione's body, who spoke up, "Oh my Dear child; what has happened to you, to where you had to use up most of you magical stores."

"Will she be alright, Poppy," asked Sirius.

The nurse sighed, "Nothing more than a few potions and a good night's sleep couldn't handle."

Sirius closed his eyes and sighed, "Oh thank goodness."

Poppy then glanced over the young man, "Do you know here?"

"Yes; she is Hermione Granger."

"How do you know Miss Granger, Mr. Black?"

Sirius had to think fast and said, "She used to live in my neighborhood, she moved a year before I had started my first year here."

After a moment later; Headmaster Dumbledore walked into the Hospital Wing, after hearing what Sirius Black had said, "Hello Poppy, Mr. Black. I see that we have a new student at the school."

The nurse sighed, "New student, sir?"

"Yes; Hermione Granger was going to an all witches school, in the states and was transferring here after her parents had passed away, and she wished to be back in England once again. Do you know why she had come back, Mr. Black?"

Sirius sighed, "Not really sir, her letter was not very clear."

Albus Dumbledore had given Sirius Black one of his sparkling eyes; as if he knew what Sirius was going to come up with, once he had talked to Hermione without the nurse or Headmaster being around.

Albus smiled, "Then I must ask Poppy to allow you to stay next to Hermione, while she recovering from her fall."

Poppy shrieked, "What?! Albus; I must ask for you to reconsider, she is my patient and must have her rest."

The old wizard faced the nurse with a lectured glanced, "Oh she shall have that rest Poppy, but wouldn't it also help the young lady to heal with someone that knows her being next to her, when she wakes up?"

The nurse groined, as she sassily spoken, "You have a point old man, but I will not have any tomfoolery within my Hospital."

Sirius smiled, "I promise that there will be no pranks, jokes, or anything like that while I am waiting for Hermione to wake up, nor while she is staying within these walls."

"Can I get that in an oath," asked the school nurse, before walking off to get the potions that the mystery teen who was lying upon one of her beds.