The Warmth of Wanderlust

The night was silent, and all was calm. Two feet clad in stylish brown boots crunched over the frosted grass and walked towards the edge of the lake. With an atmosphere so harmonious, there was not even a ripple in the water.

Caroline Forbes exhaled slowly, leaning against a nearby tree to support her weight. She tugged on her chunky, wool cardigan covering herself to ensure more warmth to her core. Looking up at the moon, she analysed the beauty and serene environment of the natural surroundings, noticing the slight glint of frost beginning to settle. Under the moonlight her eyes mirrored that frost, sparkling like a shimmering stream, positively glistening with light. Her lips tugged into a small smile - silence, peace, calm. This was good.

Behind her, Klaus, slowly followed her - careful to not break the silence she was so much enjoying. He stopped with a few feet of space between, so not to invade her personal bubble as she relaxed for the first time in weeks. It didn't stop him from drinking her in with his eyes, from top to bottom, admiring the different shades of beige and black on her clothes, topped with the blonde hair messily tied up in bun, a mix of both pale and golden shades that the moonlight brushed through, endorsing the sweet colours of her bed-head look. She felt the weight of his eyes on her, and turned around to look at him. He stunned her with his strong and powerful stance. He didn't even have to try to look protective. His face was rough and rugged with hair he had not yet shaved, and she swooned inside when he smirked her way. She felt like she needed to say something.

"You look so cool," she muttered, almost in awe of him. Her cheeks began to change to a sweet pink at her choice of adjective, hoping he'd understand how she had meant it - however, it had suited the moment. His dark clothes fitted him well, his pale complexion complimented the faded, chilled shades of the setting.

He knew what she meant by that, he humoured her by flashing a smug grin. He slowly edged closer towards her, hoping his forwardness would be reciprocated. She stayed leaning on the tree, but her lips pulled into a grin as he extended his hand.

"Come with me." He nodded at her, encouraging her companionship.

"Why?" She questioned, arching a brow.

"You look exhausted. I didn't bring you here for no reason, love. There's somewhere I've prepared for us to stay the night."

"But it's so pretty here." She turned back to look at the lake, the moonshine reflecting and bouncing on the water.

Klaus dropped his hand and moved close to her, so close she could feel the heat of his breath on her neck.

"I promise where we're going is just as beautiful."

She turned back, their faces so close. Her vision quickly dashed to his lips before reconnecting with his intense blue-green eyes. She took his hand and allowed him to lead her away from the lake and back through the trees.

A few hours ago, Klaus and Caroline had got up and left. Packed nothing, ready for anything. He promised he'd show her the most beautiful places Mother Nature had to offer and lead her away from her home and into the unknown.

Caroline wasn't scared about being alone with Klaus and that worried her. It seemed that her feelings for this power-hungry original had transpired, and consequently overthrown the feelings of guilt for wanting to be with him. He told her he had many special places to take her to, and that they could go whenever she wanted, and she wanted to go then and there. So they left, with just the clothes on their backs. She was happy and it was simple enough for her in this moment to allow herself what she wanted without any complications.

They had been walking for approximately twenty minutes, breathing in the fresh air, with Caroline becoming more and more curious with each step. Klaus was supporting her through the irregular terrain, the banter and laughter flowing thick between them. Eventually, they reached a small cabin, it looked old, and abandoned. How was this more beautiful than the lake? Caroline stood still, trying not to show her disappointment.

Klaus moved towards the cabin, and when Caroline went to follow he turned around and stopped her.

"Stay out here, love. I'll come and get you when it's ready."

She just nodded and watched him slip inside the run down, bulk of wood.

She sighed, not so loud that he would notice...hopefully.

She ran her eyes over the thick branches of the many trees surrounding them, most had bark flaking off of their bases. It was so cold and was starting to get really dark.

A sudden rustling behind her made her jump, she turned quickly, eyeing the area the sound came from. Nothing. She felt nervousness creep through her, her stance becoming prepared for fight or flight. Again, a noise, but this time she saw a small animal scramble across the floor. She exhaled and rubbed her eyes. She was exhausted and beginning to regret her spontaneity of agreeing to let Klaus whisk her away to a camping trip gone wrong.

The door of the cabin opened, startling her again.

Klaus quickly moved towards her, grabbing her hand.

"What's wrong Caroline?" He asked, his eyes becoming soft with concern.

Was this genuine? She thought to herself, her eyes becoming lost in his. She didn't know what to think, other than that she was extremely careless to throw away her safety into the arms of a thousand year old serial murderer. But this serial murderer gave her stomach butterflies. His gaze made nerves shake her bones - in a good way. His touch sent excitement to places she didn't want to admit. She had feelings for him, she wanted to spend this time with him and if he wanted to spend it with her then why should she stop this? Even if he were pretending for some personal gain agenda, she could revel in a few days of reciprocated affection.

She shook her head slightly, holding on to his firm arms. "Nothing, I'm just a bit tired of travelling. It's been a long day."

He smiled, and slowly pulled her towards the cabin by tightly holding her hand.

"Close your eyes." He whispered softy.

She obliged, her skin becoming more sensitive under his touch. With her eyes shut, her body blossomed for him, her other senses enthralled with curiosity.

As he lead her into the cabin, she felt the cold leave her veins as warmth swarmed her blood.

She smelt cool, fresh linen, which juxtaposed with the heat of her new environment, but it worked - it felt cosy, and she hadn't even seen it yet.

"Open." He whispered against her neck. He was behind her, his arms had slowly snaked around her waist, her hands resting on top of his.

She looked around. It was simply duvets, blankets and pillows of simple dark shades - endless amounts. Lit candles were dotted about the room, sending out small flickers of light. It looked so, so comfortable. She grinned. It was slightly romantic.

"Are we staying here...together?" She asked, breaking free of his hold on her.

"We don't have to if you don't feel comfortable."

She smiled, the idea that her comfort mattered to him was weirdly funny and even more strangely, it was comforting.

"No no, it's fine, it's awesome." She was being honest. It looked extremely appealing after the day she'd had.

"Why is it so warm in here?" She asked as she took off her boots.

"Is it too warm?"

"No it's perfect, I was just wondering..." She was actually just trying to make conversation. She suddenly became stuck with awkwardness now she knew they would be sleeping next to one another. He wasn't saying much either, though, so at least she was trying.

He kicked off his shoes and fell onto the mass of blankets.

"Come and lie down with me then." He smirked, leaning up on his arm waiting for her.

She slowly crouched down and lay down next him on her back.

It felt so good to relax, her muscles automatically becoming less tense as she lay back and looked up.

Then she saw it. The hole in the ceiling that illuminated the small room with starlight, the dark sky freckled with small, twinkling lights rained down on them both as they gazed up.

It took her breath away.

"Wow..." she muttered, completely mesmerized by the view.

Klaus was no longer looking into the sky. He was looking at Caroline.

He ran his eyes over her features. Appreciating her smooth skin, watching those gentle pink lips curve into a faint smile. Her bright eyes were smiling up at the stars, and he felt a deep sense of longing to hold her, press his face into her hair, caress her skin with his touch.

She was beautiful yes, but there was something inside of her that radiated something so positive it amazed him. He felt such a deep need to protect her, shower her in beauty and open her eyes to the wonders of the Earth. It was fuelled by nothing but his instincts. He wanted her and he was going to have her, comfort her, look after her and be there for her.

He reached over and brushed his fingertips against her face. She jolted, startled, and began to giggle.

She turned towards him, looking him in the eye, grinning brightly. "Thank you, Klaus."

He put his hand on her waist to pull her closer, smiling softly, his eyes inviting, "No...Thank you."

She rested her head on his chest, her body and mind still reeling from everything that was happening. He began to slowly stroke her hair and she started to unwind, the painful and difficult emotions becoming lost in the euphoria of this moment.

"This is nice..." Caroline muttered, her eyes closed and breathing slow.

"We can do this every night for the rest of eternity if you want to, Caroline. I can take you anywhere, we can do anything you want and I will always hold you at the end of every day as you fall asleep. If you want to fall asleep under the stars, I'll make it happen. I want to cherish you, give you all your sweet heart deserves."

There was a pause, Caroline's breath had faltered, her hand on his chest gripped at his shirt slightly, as if needing to hold on to him.

"Can I do that for you, love?" He asked quietly.

There was another quiet pause. Then he felt her head nod against him, as she mumbled her response before falling asleep.


Let me know if you'd like me to continue this story. All opinions are appreciated. I hope you enjoyed, and have a lovely day!