CHAPTER FIVE: The Misadventures of Moose And Squirrel

"Dude, if you do not stop singing, I'm gonna have to kill you."

Dean smiled a toothy grin before continuing to sing 'Eye of the Tiger' extremely off key, earning a warning glare from the giant next to him.

With a huff of annoyance, Sam turned off the radio with a little more force than necessary."You know, you still can't sing worth crap."

The newborn angel rolled his eyes and briefly glanced down at the same page labeled 'Demons' in the journal he had started on, not even bothering to read a single word.

Dean didn't want to remember a thing especially if it would be as painful as the first memory was. But, there was no reason for Sam to know that.

So, he flipped the page extra loudly just to make sure that his brother thought he was actually reading it.

Finally, he closed the journal dramatically, tossing it in the back seat indelicately. "Are we almost there?" Dean asked impatiently, a hint of whining in his tone.

Sam tried to stifle his frustrated sigh. "Almost, just…" He trailed off, flicking his gaze to the antsy angel beside him. "Try to behave, alright?" The long-haired man requested, trying to keep his obvious aggravation under wraps.

Dean huffed loudly, looking out the window for a brief moment before he brought his full attention to Sam, his brows scrunched. "Why can't I just teleport us there? I mean, I've got this kick ass power might as well use it." He argued, not sure why they hadn't done it in the first place.

The younger Winchester looked at his brother with an 'are you serious?' type of look. "Because one, you just got back and no offense, I'm not sure how good you are at the teleporting thing and I'd rather not end up in Egypt." Sam saw that Dean was about to protest so he plowed forward. "And two, this gives you time to ask me any questions." He added offhandedly at the end, not sure if he wanted to have to explain anything.

The angel shook his head quickly. "Nope, no questions. But, I will listen to more of that music." He said, quickly switching topics and turning the music back on at a loud enough volume that they couldn't have a normal conversation.

Sam didn't comment on the strange behavior because he wasn't sure if he was relieved or worried that his brother had no questions. If the young hunter would've died and come back with no memories, he's pretty damn sure he'd want to know about his life.

Deciding to push it to the side for now, Sam continued to drive, hoping that this was going to be worth it.


Dean got out of the car, eyeing the clearly closed bar that they had stopped at with skepticism. "Why the hell are we here?"

Instead of answering, Sam just marched to the door and pulled out a lock kit. Ten seconds later, he walked in with a strange blade in hand.

The angel held his arms out in exasperation before he followed, muttering obscenities about his brother the whole way inside.

"…Moose I have to say, when I received that frantic phone call from you, I almost couldn't believe it."

Dean approached the bar where he saw a short, stout man with a beard perched on a stool, his legs dangling and his Scottish accent making its way to his ears. Sam was standing in front of the stranger, gripping the knife tauntingly.

"Holy shit…" The angel whispered when the shape of the grizzly man changed.

Sam glanced back worriedly, giving him a questioning look. "You okay?"

Dean walked over to his brother and grabbed his arm, pulling him close. "That is not some dude." He whispered urgently as the Scottish man's appearance changed to a horrifying beast with two huge horns protruding from his head, bright red eyes staring at him.

The 'man' on the barstool broke into laughter as he eyed the angel with pity. "Looks like Squirrel's in bad enough shape he can't even recognize a demon when he sees one."

The elder Winchester's eyes widened as his fists clenched, looking as if he was about to swing. Sensing that, Sam quickly shoved his brother away and made sure they were a good distance from the bar.

"Listen, his name is Crowley and he can help!" The long-haired man tried to reason, meeting Dean's incredulous look. "He's the King of Hell and he can help you get your memories back!"

"You don't- know that-" The angel went to argue but was cut off as a pulsing headache started to blossom at the back of his neck. "Son of a bitch, not again-" He grounded out as the pain intensified, bringing Dean to his knees.

"I can't see jack shit."

Dean was at first thrown off guard as he watched his brother, Castiel and himself make their way down a dark stairwell, holding up flashlights and looking around.

All of a sudden, the angel couldn't see anything as a blinding light encompassed the whole room, making it to where he couldn't see anything.

The next second, Cas was gone and Sam was glaring at someone who had their hand on the wall, a red sigil beneath their palm.

"You sold us out?" Dean watched himself yell right before two demons appeared behind the brothers and restrained their arms. "Damn you Samuel." The hunter cursed.

The angel glanced at the bald man, Samuel, who stepped aside while a familiar looking man walked in.

"Yes. And I have to say, best purchase I've made since Dick Cheney."

"Hiya, Crowley. How's tricks?" Dean quipped as the King of Hell stepped forward.

"Above your pay grade. Been working. Big things." He stated before he sighed as if he was upset. "Alas, you'll be too dead to participate."

The short-haired hunter scowled. "Really?"

Crowley shook his head and seemed remorseful. "Shame I have to do away with you both. Rather enjoyed your indentured servitude."

Dean was brought back by Sam shaking his shoulders ferociously, yelling his name over and over again. Finally, the angel just pushed him over.

"What the hell was that?" The clearly unstable, since he let Dean who barely touched him send him back on his ass, shaggy-haired man asked from his position on the floor, nose scrunched with puzzlement.

Dean huffed and got to his feet, making eye contact with the bemused King of Hell who hadn't moved from his barstool. "You and some Samuel guy tried to have us killed. Why the hell should I trust you?"

Sam's mouth fell open as he stared at his brother in absolute bewilderment. "You remember that?!"

"That's not the only thing." Dean said quickly and impatiently before returning his attention to the demon they had come to meet, ignoring the scoff that came from the younger Winchester.

Crowley shrugged like it was no big deal, glancing at Sam as if he was looking for the logical one in the situation. "Obviously feathers over there doesn't understand our relationship. Maybe that should've been something to talk about on the way over." He chastised, sounding a bit aggravated as the gruff man hopped down off his seat. "Unfortunately, if its Dean's memories you want me to restore, I'm afraid I cannot help you with that."

"Can't or won't?" Sam snapped, taking a warning step forward as he adjusted his grip on the enchanted blade.

Crowley held up a calming hand, his lips titled in amusement. "I said can't, I meant can't. Only the angel who put up that memory blockade can undo it." He stated, looking between the two. "I'd wish you both luck but, with your reputation, it wouldn't do you much good."

Sam went to argue but found himself about to talk to an empty seat, so he instead brought his gaze to his brother. "We'll find that angel, I promise."

"Woah, I don't remember telling you I wanted my memories back." Dean pointed out, seeming confused that the lumberjack had made that assumption.

Sam opened and closed his mouth, clearly thrown off by the statement. "What- What do you mean? Of course you want your memories back."

The angel took a step back, lifting a shoulder lazily in a half-shrug. "Hannah told me I didn't want to know about my old life, that I walked around full of grief and self-loathing. So no offense to your brother, but I'm not him and would rather not feel like shit all the time."

"You are him, though!" The taller man yelled, anger rising to the surface instead of the overwhelming dread he felt inside. "You walk, talk, and act like him! How can you even try to tell me that it's not you in there?" Sam took a step forward, trying to relate to the man before him.

Dean took a cautionary step back, trying to keep his voice low. "I don't know what to tell you, man. I may seem like your brother on the outside, but I'm sure as hell not him in here." He said, gesturing towards his head for emphasis.

Sam suddenly lunged forward, seizing the angel's collar and shoving him up against the wall roughly. "Don't you say that!" He screamed as his ferocity began to melt into sorrow. "Don't you dare tell me my brother is gone when he's just locked away!"

Dean didn't know what to say as he looked at the broken man who was trying desperately to find something to believe in. With a nod of his head, he forced a smile. "Alright, just… we'll get my memories back, okay?" He offered, although he had no intention to actually get them back. For the moment, he wanted to give this big puppy dog hope, and if lying to the poor bastard did the trick, then that's what he was going to do.

Sam seemed content with the answer and slowly released the new angel, backing away and looking ashamed of his actions.

"Come on, let's go home." Dean encouraged, clapping his brother on the shoulder as they walked out to the Impala.


"Will you go in and pay for this?" Sam asked his brother, holding up a wad of cash as they sat in the Impala by the gas pump.

Dean shrugged and took the money before getting out of the car and heading inside. He went straight to the counter and slapped a twenty down. "Pump number three." He stated distractedly as his gaze slid to the stack of newspapers right next to the cash register.

"Hm… mysterious deaths? Sounds right up your alley…" A voice in the back of the angel's head whispered, causing the newly resurrected man to become flustered.

The sales associate groaned with impatience, pulling the angel from the article he had been reading.

"Uh- the paper too." Dean stammered out as he dug into his pocket and pulled out a five his brother had given him.

After gathering his change back and the newspaper, the elder Winchester made his way back out to the black Chevy.

"Why did you buy a paper?" Sam asked once he joined his brother back in the car, eyeing it warily.

Dean shrugged as he unfolded it and begun skimming over the words of the main article. "The headline just sparked my interest, had a gut feeling." He said casually, easily writing it off. "What do you think? This anything?" He asked as he held out the paper to Paul Bunyan next to him.

Sam seemed hesitant but took it from him anyway and read the headline.

A Seventh Person Shows Up Dead, Authorities Baffled.

As the young hunter continued to read about how the police couldn't figure out what was killing the victims, it became more and more obvious to Sam what this was. "Dean, I don't think this is a good idea-"

"Is it a case?" The angel asked clearly interested, a grin spreading across his face.

"Yeah…" The man desperately in need of a haircut admitted disappointedly as if this wasn't the most exciting thing he had ever heard.

Dean chuckled before taking the paper back. "Oh, man we're going! It's just an eight hour drive to Ohio!"

Sam seemed like he was going to say no before a smug smile tugged at his lips. "We'll go-" He was cut off by a yelp of joy from his passenger. Instead of letting Dean get too pumped, he continued. "Only if you tell me about what else you've remembered and what the hell happened back at the bar."

The angel shot him a deathly glare before he growled, "Fine."

With a satisfied smirk, Sam pulled out of the gas station.



Sorry for the long wait guys! But, hopefully now that school's done the updates will be coming faster! Thanks for reading, favoriting, and following, it means a bunch! Special thanks to sunshine102897 (Don't worry, I'll never abandon this! I'm glad you like the story!), 1983Sarah (It's just gonna get worse, haha) and Remember Ember (I'm so glad you like my story! Thanks for the kind words and unfortunately, I'm not a fan of pie. Haha) for reviewing! It makes my day!