Virtual Becomes Reality

XANA has been released from the digital world and into the real world thanks to Anthea. Aelita has disappeared, Odd, Ulrich and Yumi are captured by the Replikator, the factory is destroyed, and Anja and William are still in their Lyoko forms. Now what's Anja suppose to do?

Chapter 1: Realizations

Three weeks ago

As the factory was burning, Anja desperately tried to comprehend everything that was going on. Why was she and William still in their Lyoko forms, where did Aelita go, how did the factory suddenly catch on fire? But she didn't have enough time to find the answers to these questions. She had to save William and the others before the entire place went up in fire with all of them in it.

Anja grabbed William and flew up the elevator shaft. She grabbed Laura and Jeremie and flew out threw the elevator shaft. She barely made it out before the explosion took them. She couldn't believe she had been this fast all along. Was this her full potential or something else entirely?

As she hovered over the burning building, the three were the first to witness XANA and her armies flood the streets with death and destruction. They also got a very good look at XANA as well. It was almost too easy to identify her as a form of AI; her 'skin' was pale white and had some sort of coding crossing her face, short black hair. She was wearing a long red dress-like outfit. Her legs and feet were covered in red and black leggings, and her eyes were completely red with her black symbol as pupils.

"Oh mein Gott," Anja spoke in German. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. In a way she felt responsible for all of this. She couldn't help but feel this was all her fault.

It didn't take long for XANA to notice the four in the air too shocked to even move fully. With an evil grin she waved her arm towards them, and suddenly a swarm of hornets were beginning to fire at them.

Anja wasted no time flying away from them. The hornets fired their lasers furiously but Anja's wings were providing some protection for the four.

"Anja," Jeremie started trying not to fall down as Anja dodged the lasers, "you have to get us on the ground in a tight area."

Anja nodded and headed for the nearest alley way she could find. Once there, she was able to easily destroy the hornets with her red scales.

They took this time to rest themselves and set William down someplace safe. Laura was very upset at the fact that William was hurt like he was. She looked at the dark warrior and tried to figure out how to help him, but she couldn't think clearly with all the laser fire and death filling the streets.

Anja was exhausted from flying and dodging lasers, so she leaned next to the wall and sunk down to the ground. She still couldn't believe she was able to maneuver through the air like how she did.

"Is everyone alright?" Jeremie asked the girls but somehow assumed what their answers would be. Without even looking at him, Laura simply shrugged not sure how to feel about XANA destroying the city.

Anja on the other hand was breathing heavy and could let out a few words to him. "I'm okay. Just tired." She said as she tried to stand up.

Both Jeremie and Anja were trying to regroup themselves, but then Laura suddenly snapped. "Don't you two get it?! We lost! Because of us, all of these innocent people are dying. What can we do now?"

The two looked at Laura with concerned yet depressed eyes. They knew Laura was only venting because of William, but at the same time they both knew she was right. All of these people were dying because of their failure to stop XANA.

A few minutes past when they decided to go and get William medical attention. They didn't want to get any monster's attention so they kept to the alleys. Anja carried William in her arms while Jeremie and Laura were up front to scout ahead. Eventually they came to the hospital. Unfortunately for them it was being evacuated and the police were there. The three didn't want their situation to be to public, but they needed to get William help.

Anja decided to stay behind while Jeremie and Laura carried William to the entrance. When they were questioned about their friend's attire, they lied and said that he is into cosplay.

Once inside the two decided to split up.

"I'll stay here and wait for William to recover. You go back to Anja and find the others." Laura stated. Jeremie didn't feel like arguing with her and went back outside.

"You there," a police officer stopped Jeremie and grabbed him by the shoulder. "It's not safe out there. You need to come with me. I'll take you to the safe area."

Realizing the policeman was only trying to do his job, Jeremie asked him, "Is it okay if I borrow your cell phone? Mine got destroyed."

The officer handed Jeremie his phone and Jeremie began to dial a number. "Dad, are you guys okay?" He asked. "I'm about to head over to the safe area with the police. I will try to be safe." He hung up and handed the phone back to the officer.

Anja was still hiding in an alley watching Jeremie being led into a bus with other patients and civilians. She understood what this meant and she needed to go and find her parents as well.

She flew high in the air to avoid being spotted by the monsters and other people. She then saw the horrifying sight of her new home burning down. Anja flew down as fast as she could but stopped when she noticed the fire department and the ambulance there and with her parents.

Anja let out a sigh of relief and flew back up in the sky. When she was above the clouds, she took the time to relax, but this was interrupted by her sudden realization that she had no idea where Odd and the others were. She didn't have a phone on her and was trying to think of something.

"I need to get to a pay phone." Anja said to herself.

She swooped down as quietly as she could to a park no one went to except for her and Odd. She remembered that one day Odd hid some money in a bush for one of them to use if the other forgot their phone.

"Odd you better be okay." Anja said as she dialed on the pay phone.

There were a few rings and then it went straight to voice mail.

"Odd it's Anja. I don't know where you are and I'm freakin out about where you are. Pick up Odd."

The phone was still at voice mail and Anja started to really get worried.

"Odd? Odd please answer me." She said while she started to sob. She sunk down to her knees and was uncontrollably crying. It was only when she heard a familiar voice coming from the phone that she stopped.

"Anja," the voice started. "Is that you?"


"No, it's Ulrich."

Anja was confused at this. "Where are you? Where's Odd, Ulrich?"

"He's fine. Just unconscious." He sounded exhausted from Anja could tell.

"Where are you guys? I'll come and get you."

"I don't think that's a good idea." Ulrich started now in a whisper. "XANA sent the Replikator on us and we're being hunted by, you won't believe this, Krabs. Somehow XANA virtualized them on Earth. Take care of the tower, we'll be fine."

Ulrich had no idea about what was really going on, so Anja had to break the news of XANA being on Earth.

Ulrich couldn't believe what Anja told him. He was in complete shock from her words.

"Ulrich, tell me where you are and I'll take care of the Replikator."

"No way," Ulrich protested. "It'll annihilate you."

"No it won't." Anja said in a determined voice. "Now tell me where you guys are."

Ulrich sighed in frustration and then told her that they were at the Hermitage. Anja hung up and jumped high in the air.

She had only been to the Hermitage once with the others, but she had a good memory of where it was.

Once Anja was over it, she immediately saw the Replikator. It had cornered Ulrich and both Yumi and Odd who were both still unconscious. She flew straight at the Replikator and crashed into it, causing the fight to start away from the others.

Ulrich was shocked at what he was seeing. He had no idea Anja was still in her dragon form, and he knew the situation was worse than he thought it was.

Anja pulled out her chain whip from her wing and was about to fight the Replikator, but for some strange reason, it backed away from her and then began to turn into a smoke cloud. It dissipated like the specters do once they're tower was deactivated.

Anja had no idea what to make of this and didn't care how to. She just put her chain whip away and ran back to the others.

"Odd," she started. "Are they okay Ulrich?"

"Yeah, the Replikator just knocked them out with some laser arrows."

Anja let out a sigh of relief. She had never felt that angry toward any of the monsters before.

"So," Ulrich started motioning to all of Anja. "Is this permanent or something?"

Anja shrugged and had no idea how to answer him. She picked up Odd and Ulrich got Yumi. They went inside, locked the doors and set the two down on some of the furniture.

"Hey, where's Jeremie, Aelita, Laura and William?" Ulrich asked her.

"Laura's at the hospital with William I think. Jeremie was taken to the 'safe area'. And I don't know where Aelita is."

Ulrich gasped at the last sentence she said.

"I think her mother took her somewhere." Anja said.

"Anthea?" Ulrich rubbed his chin for a short time then asked. "Where were you two when that happened?"

"In the Core, trying to stop William from doing something." She recalled all the events leading up to the Replikator dissipating.

At that moment, both Odd and Yumi were finally starting to wake up. Anja didn't know how to show them both her dragon form, so she just sat next to Odd as he woke up.

Odd and Yumi saw Anja and were starting to panic, but then Anja explained everything to the two.

"So, you're stuck like this?" Odd asked his girlfriend.

"I really don't know Odd. I'm just so happy you're all okay." She and Odd hugged each other and they all knew what they had to do. They had to somehow defeat XANA.


"I still don't think this is a good idea guys!" Yumi said to the two girls and her brother. They were hiding in some bushes away from the Bloks. Yumi pressed a communicator on her wrist and Jeremie came up.

"Yumi, are you in position?" He asked.

She nodded and Jeremie took a breath of preparation. "Then it's time to get inside. Alright everyone, mission is a go."

A great way to start off a new story. Review and I'll as always PEACE.