Hi everyone, I was watching Two Weeks Notice yesterday and thought it would be interesting to do a loosely based SQ fan fic version. I do not own the characters of once upon a time. There's no MM or David. However they may be brought into the story later on.

Regina Mills, 32, A Harvard graduate and the Face of The Mills Corporation in Boston. She impressed and wowed many people upon her return from Harvard. Nine years prior. That her mother decided to make her the face of the company, aswel as a lawyer for the firm.

The corporation itself, is a large law firm run by her mother Cora Mills, a stern strong brunette woman in her fifties. but the corporation also branched out into a Grand Hotel within the city, that her husband, Regina's father, takes care of.

Regina is well dressed, composed and well spoken, although she had a sarcastic undertone. She is clever, beautiful but has a sadness within her heart.

She was once married to a tall kind handsome man, called Daniel. They had been together for nearly four years, until it suddenly ended tragically, after a side on car accident, of which she still holds emotional scars from. She has mourned his death ever since that day and has guarded her heart fiercely, not wanting to feel such pain again.

However things were about to change...

Regina arrived at her mother's mansion at 9.48pm on a Thursday evening. Where she headed up the grand white stairs and towards her mother's room.

She heard the noise of the fold away strider and knew her mother was working out, while watching one of her programmes on the large bedroom TV.

She knocked on the door and ran a hand through her shoulder length brunette hair.

"Come in" Her mother shouted and Regina opened the door and indeed saw her mother, triding away on the walker.

She was Wearing an all black outfit and a white towel draped on her neck.

"Regina Dear" she said, flicking her long black hair back.

"Mother" she looked to the TV.

"How was the dinner dear?"

"Good, your be pleased to know I have got us a new client" she folded her arms.


"I was here, actually to talk to you about my personal assistant" she stared at her mother, who rolled her eyes and turned her attention back to the TV.

"I fired her Regina" she said sternly. "All this assistants you hire are useless. This one forgot to hand in a report, that lost us an important case. I want someone who has a brain and not someone you just take pity on"

Regina sighed.

"I want you to hire a new assistant by tomorrow" her mother then said.

"TOMORROW?" Regina replied with a stare.


Regina looked back to the TV with a clenched jaw and thought just great, more work!

"It should be easy enough" her mother then said, whilst stopping her workout and getiing off the strider.

"Okay Mother" Regina moaned.

"Have you seen your father?

"No, I will go and speak with him now before I head back to the Hotel" she motioned to leave.

"Don't take to long, you got a big day tomorrow"

"I won't" she rolled her eyes and went back downstairs to see her father.

The next day, lunchtime.

Regina walked out of the law firm building, with her designer black handbag and shades in hand. She had the morning from hell. Interviewing two women, who were clearly stuck up, ass licking snobs.

She then reached her black limo, only to be knocked into by a blonde haired, casually dressed woman in her late twenties. Who was to busy looking at the papers within her hand.

"Shit..Um..sorry ms.." Emma said, as she looked up at the brunette woman and her mouth suddenly went dry.

Regina however, took a deep breath and replied "It's Miss Mills to you"

Emma's mouth opened then closed, then opened "You are Miss Mills..The one that's going to knock down the children's center, to make way for another one of your Hotels?"

Regina blinked a few times. It wasn't her choice to have the building knocked down. It was one of her mother's grand plans and the center happened to be in the way.

"And why is that of concern to you miss..." she waited for the woman's name.

"Swan...Emma swan and it concerns me, because the building is an important part of the city. Especially for kids from backgrounds that well, you must know what I mean. And I practically lived there when I was a kid" she sighed.

Regina raised an eyebrow.

"I will do anything, if you don't go ahead with demolishing this building. Anything that is legal of course" she pleaded and Regina found her absolutely adorable in that moment, although she wouldn't admit it out loud.

She cleared her throat.

"Do you have a job Miss Swan?" she smiled widely and Emma felt a little dazed, at the sight for the most beautiful smile she had ever seen.

"Um, no what has that got to do with anything?" she gripped the papers in her hand.

Regina smirked.

"Get in the car Miss Swan" she told her and walked round to the other side.

Emma looked confused for a moment and looked to the man who was holding the door open, before proceeding to get into the limo.

Once inside, Regina studied her for a long moment. There was something about the blonde, that certainly intrigued her.

"Um, so do we have a deal?" Emma asked, feeling slightly uncomfortable.

"No of course not, I want something else from you" she smirked.

"Oh" Emma replied, noticing the way Regina was raking her eyes over her body and she waved her hand and looked anywhere but at Regina.

"There's no way your getting that" she said.

"And what is that?" Regina asked, slightly confused.

"Sex, I'm not like that, I mean I am interested in...oh never mind" she huffed, now feeling foolish, maybe she had read that look wrong.

Regina chuckled lightly.

"I did not mean that dear. Although that would be nice." she raked her eyes over the blonde once more suggestively.

Is she gay! Emma thought to herself. but then Regina said "What I really need is a new personal assistant"

Nope, I'm defiantly reading to much into it. Emma thought before it suddenly hit her, what Regina had said.

"You couldn't possibly want me. I don't have the slightest idea of how to be a personal assistant. You don't even know me" She replied and licked her lips. "I have helped at legal aid for a while though, but that's not the point" and Regina knew that was her cue.

"Well then, you would be suitable for this role and I promise to save your center if you take the job"

Emma couldn't believe it and Regina sighed.

"I need an answer today, Miss Swan. Here" she reached into her bag and pulled out a business card.

"This is my number at the Grand Hotel. let me know by tonight"

"You live in a Hotel?"

"Yes, my family owns it" she fiddled with her fingers and stared out the window briefly. "My life's very much like a game of monopoly Miss Swan and if it helps, I will start your salary off at one hundred thousand"

Emma's jaw dropped.


"Yes dear" she replied and the limo then stopped.

"The driver will take you where you need to go" she motioned to get out.

"Thanks" Emma replied, still dumfounded.

And Regina was gone.