Disclaimer – Original characters belong to Stephenie Meyer, plot lines and characterizations, all belong to Aurora, copyright February 2015.

New story y'all. Bella and Edward. A gym. Tension, the sexual kind.

Summary: Bella's had enough of not liking the way she is. It's time to do something about it. Lose weight, get fit and eat more healthily, that's what 2015 is going to be all about. Read as she struggles to resist any and all kinds of culinary temptation, but what about the other Cullen temptation she definitely isn't prepared for? Drabble.

Please note, I am not trying to offend anyone, this is a work of fiction. Everyone carries weight differently; a certain number of pounds on one person will almost certainly look different to someone else. I am not in any way passing judgement on anyone over/under weight, people who do/don't go to the gym or eat un/healthily. Remember, everyone is beautiful.

Chapter 1

Last Saturday night I finally took the plunge and weighed myself since Christmas. I was expecting bad but seeing the 170 lbs staring back at me shocked me to my very core.

How did this happen?

No, wait. How did I let this happen?

Why I'm asking myself I don't know. I love food, all kinds. Spicy, sweet, savoury, sticky. I don't discriminate, at all. Sure I exercise a few days a week but clearly the thousands of excess calories I've been adding to my hips have enabled me to pile on way too many pounds.

Well you know what? Fuck this.


Happy Thursday!
