Esper vs Ninja

" means a character talking aloud.

* means a character is thinking to them self


"He's winning he's really winning against Accelerator." Is what Mikoto Misaka kept repeating in her head as she sees the black haired boy punched the white hire boy known as Accelerator or the strongest level 5 in Academy city.

The fight with the two boy went on but it was more of a one sided battle with Accelerator's every attempt to even slightly graze any part of the black haired boy ended in failur and a right hook to his face or stomach.

Accelerator was getting angry at every thing more and more every time he got hit by the boy in front of him. Why could this guy hit him was all he could think he checked his calculations over many time in this fight this person shoud not be able to touch him at all let alone hit him with this much force without his arm breaking and that shoud be his best case scenario.

After Accelerator charged at the the black haired boy again and again ended up on the ground where he had a moment of clarity.

Why fight close quarters with this person when he can use his power to attack from range. Sure this guy avoided his long range attacks at the beginning even a dust explosion but he could only do so for so long and this puts me out of his range.

Accelerator jumps to the far end of the of the shipping yard.

"Hey running away." Touma yalled at Accelerator in an attempt to make him think he had more stamina then he did.

"No it's that a thought occurred. What can you do from a ranga given how keen you are at staying close to me it would think not muck." He sadistically befor taping his foot on the ground to launch hundreds of rails in the the fight resumed except this time touma was on the defensive if you could call running hoping not to get hit buy flying rails and cargo containers defensive. He was always on the move now and not just simple running he had to think of every move befor he made it he had to look everywhere he had to change his direction constantly to not be an easy target and make sure he was not running in somewhere that would most likely be instant death for him.

I tought you would do something more than this look like i got my hopes up for nothing."Accelerator stated mockingly to Touma loud enough so he could hear it.

"You know I think your vary interesting, I mean it's not every day someone comes along and knocks me flat on my ass but if thats all you can do then my interest is not going to be enough to keep you alive any longer SO WHY DON'T WE END IT ALREADY!" After he was done belittling his opponent he stomped on the ground making four cargo containers jump in the air and land around Touma boxing him in. Touma looked for a crack that he could slip though to no avail. Frantically looking for a way Touma trys to climb one of the conainers just to look up and see twenty rain suspended in the air over head then they all dived at Touma. Accelerator jumped on one of the cargo conainers to see what has happen to his opponent useing his ability to quickly blow away the dust to see. grew bored of this game he was playing now and decided to put an end to it. To see the entirety of the black haired boys left body had been pinned down.

"Ha ha ha look at you now any words of courage..." lightning interrupts Accelerator mid sentences, which annoyed him since he already knew who it was.

"Accelerator stop right there im you opponent now" Misaka states as she trys to hit Accelerator with more lightning just for it to hit all around him.

"MISAKA GET OUT OF HERE NOW."Touma yells in the most demanding voice she's ever hear him use.

"NO HE'S GOING TO KILL YOU."Misaka says with cracks in her voice thinking about him dying.

"I'll be fine." Touma tell Misaka in a still demanding but more reassuring way.

"Wow you really draged this guy into this number 3. I mean I knew you were desperate but to take a guy stright to his death for some wind up dolls. But I have to thank you both of you I thought this would be another boring day." Now then if i recall it was that right arm that causes me so much trouble..." Accelerator said sadistically befor geting cut off by Misaka's lighting again.

"I SAID STOP! I won't let you do anything else to him."Misaka says As she sends more lightning at Accelerator trying to hit him only to repeat what happen last time.

Accelerator stoped paying any attention to her since he wasn't allowed to kill her instead he was only staring at Touma's right arm with a grin on his face.

"So any sarcastic comments now thired string. Or have you accepted your fate." Accelerator said with a tilted head and a wide smile as lightning was being trown at him.

Accelerator lightly kicked a rock and it when flying at the black haired boy faster that the speed of sound. A loud deing was heard right after blood flew every where. Touma passed out in pain ya he has had his arm cut of befor but that was a clean cut and he mentally perpared him self first this was different.

"Hey I know your still alive i only severed you right arm with that rock. Come on make this fun for me." Accelerator said in a monotone voice.

"YOU BASTARD!" Misaka screamed as multipel rails and cargo containers made there way to Accelerator. All of the rails and containers look to of hit him only to fly out in all directions a second later.

"I don't see what your mad about you knew this was going to happ..." Accelerator was cut off mid sentence by a sharp pain in his head and soon after feeling nausea.

*What is this. Has she been breaking down the oxigen into ozone like the clone did!* Was the only thing he could think of that made sense.

Accelerator struggles to life his head to see if that is the case only to fine Misaka on the ground passed out by what ever this is.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!" Accelerator yelled with all of his all the strength.

Buy then just befor passing out him self Accelerator felt something a stange power that rattled his brain then he him self passed out.

Chapter 1: What happen?

Touma awoke first with his right arm completely healed in a forst. Not that he knew his arm got blown off.

*Where am I forget that how I'm I alive or am I alive.* Touma thought honestly not knowing.

Touma then punched a tree with his right hand to make sure he was indeed alive because to him pain meant you were alive.

"Oooww well I guess that means I'm alive after all." Touma said leting out a breath relief.

*let's see the last thing I remeber is fighting Accelerator he had me pinned then I wake up here perfectly fine... Well no answers will come to me so I better get looking.* Touma thought as he began his search through the forest.

It was hard to for him to see where he was going since it still seemed to be night and the trees weren't helping the only good thing is that is was a full moon out with made it easier.

After looking around for a few minutes he found Misaka and the gournd he rushed to see if she was injured.

Once he confirmed she was not bleeding any where he lade her against a wide log in a clearing he found just befor Misaka.

*If I rember correctly her power scare away any anime that comes near her.* now the question is who brought us here there is no way it was Accelerator... Is he here and if he is here then would she be here as well.* Touma thought as he ran back into the forest convinced Misaka would be fine since her powers will scare off animes even when she is asleep.

Accelerator was the second one to wake up. In a tree of all places his body perfcetly balanced on a single branch.

After waking up he had a horrible headache but he could still calculate more than enough for to use his vector manipulation ability.

*Where the hell am I? I should look to see if the other two are also part of this.* Accelerator think only rationally.

And whit that Accelerator began to walk through the forest he figured it would be a better way to find someone than flying with all the trees around to block his view and its not like they would wave him down if they saw him flying. It was alot easier for Accelerator to navigate the forest than Touma since he could reflect the moon light in front of him making him look as if he had a flash light if you were looking at him from the front and as it dose give away his position they won't be able to tell who he is until you get close while he can see who you are.

After only a little over a two minute of walking Accelerator found the clearing that Touma left Misaka in. Accelerator seeing Misaka walked towards her only to find her sleeping soundly.

*Hmm what to do now whither I wake her up or she gets up on her own she is going to lose it and attack me it will be hard to get any information. She is more likely to think straight if she wakes up on her own so the best bet is to wait. Besides at least i can enjoy the quiet for now.* Accelerator thought as he walked to and sat on the other end of the log.

Ten or so minutes past by befor Misaka started to wake only to welcomed by Accelerator.

"So how are we feeling today." Misaka instantly recognized the voice and jump out of her haze form just waking up.

"I have some questions for you." Accelerator said with a flat voice.

"And why should I answer any questions you give me." Misaka quickly and angrily replied.

"Huu I expected more of a lightning fild response from you." Accelerator still with a flat voice.

"Trust me there is nothing more i want to do than kill you with my lightning but I know it won't work so whats the point if your going to kill me I'm not going to put on a show for you" Misaka sayed looking at Accelrator with a serious face.

"No need to be so harsh me and you are in the same situation right now. And I can't kill you that would mess with the experiment and I would lose all the progress I've made. But it is good to see your learning" Accelerator said with a slight smile.

"What do you mean same situation?" Misaka said angrily.

"We're both here in the same place with no idea where we are and seem to have gotten here the same way or have you not noticed where you are yet. Or where you aren't." Last time I checked Academy city didn't have a parks anything like this. Accelerator going back to his flat voice.

"True we are in the same place but not the same situation the differents is that I'm here with a psychopathic murderer." Misaka said in her casual voice.

"I don't care what you think of me I'm just here to ask some questions." Accelerator said now with an annoyed look.

"Like what. Wouldn't it be easier for you to just find where you are by your self it's not like any one can stop you. And how do you think I can help you. Misaka said trying to get Accelerator to get away form her.

"I don't think it will be that easy to find where we are. And finding where we are is not my first priority i'm more wondering how we got here. Whatever it is it got past my reflection." Accelerator said with a perplexed look.

"And how do your think i can help with that." Misaka said wondering what could hit Accelerator.

"What's the last thing you remeber befor waking up just now?" Accelerator suddenly asked

"Fighting you then next thing I know there was a sharp pain in my head. Then I woke up here." Misaka said quickly

"So you didn't see me falling over? For the same reasone." Accelerator asked

"No" Misaka said bluntly

*So she was affected befor me dose this mean whatever did this my power some what minigated it.* Accelerator thought

"Anyways did you put me here this seems like an odd place to be put randomly? And something even weirder for you to do." Misaka asked hoping the answer was no.

"No I found you here." Seeming annoyed Accelerator

*She dose raise a good point I woke up in the middle of the forest. Dose that mean there is some one else who moved her. That guy I was fighting seems like the thing he would do but there is no way he is alive but he still interest me." Accelerator thought only getting more annoyed at this situation.

"Hey do you know that guy I was fighting and why he was able to hit me?" Accelerator ask pretty sure she knew him.

Misaka's face suddenly looked horrified thinking what could have happened to him. She never saw what exactly what happen to him but saw blood fallowed by Accelerator comment and that was all she knew.

Accelerator seeing her face now was sure she knew him in some way.

"So you did know him. Can you tell me what trick he use." Accelerator of all the questions he asked this is the one he wants to know the most.

Misaka just stood looking at the ground in silence.

"Come on share with the rest of us." Accelerator said with a weird smile

"What do you mean did I know him?" Misaka under her breath

"Really do you think he can still be alive?" Accelerator said with laughter in his voice

"He can't be dead he had to be the one to put me here!" Misaka yelled to nothing specific.

"Huu so you really do believe that don't you. Well it really doesn't matter whether he is or not I just want to know how he hit me. Would you happen to know that information. Accelerator asked again.

"I don't know" Misaka said under her breath

"Well thats disappointing. Lets hope your right and he's alive. Ether way we have to wait who ever put you here will most likly reture Then we'll know" Accelerator said as he layed down on the log.

The idea of sitting around waiting with Accelerator did not please Misaka but she didn't know what else to do she just hoped that what ever they were waiting on would get here soon.

After about ten minutes of waiting Accelerator and Misaka hear a noise from behind them they turned to see Touma carrying in both arms the Misaka clone that was fighting Accelerator befor touma showed up.

"Well it looks like you were right number 3 he is alive. And in one piece." Accelerator siad with a smile.

Touma stood there look over at Accelerator with hate filled eyes.

"Now you if you don't mind..." Accelerator was cut off.

"I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR YOU RIGHT NOW!" Touma yelled at Accelerator.

Then Touma walked past Accelerator thinking nothing of it.

"Misaka she needs medical attention. Can you use your power to find a hospital or a town or anything to help here." Touma with a serious voice.

"Why would you go this far for Misaka. Misaka's can be made at the push of a button..." Misaka 10032 said with a vary light voice befor being cut off.

"Shut up your not dying right know. Misaka did you find anything yet?!" Touma yelled

Misaka's been taken back by this whole thing and has been froze up ever since Touma appeared. Out of response to him asking she snaped out of her trance.

"Huuu working on it!" Misaka quickly said

*Now that he mentions it I've felt nothing like technology anywhere* Misaka thought thinking of what Accelerator told her eariler.

"Hey there is one problem with this plan of yours your forgeting I'm here!" Accelerator said annoyed by how Touma was acting.

"like I said I don't have time for you right now." Touma said with out even looking at Accelerator.

"Your really trying to save her. Didn't you hear her she is something not worth the effort of saving yet here you are." Accelerator said with something sounding like joy in this voice.

"Shut up you may not understand the value of their lives but what would you know you've only seen them as thing made to fight you. You never seen them out side of that. You've never seen them have emotions be happy or sad so you don't have the right to judge them!" Touma yell right at Accelerator this time looking right in his eyes.

"I don't really care anymore I just want to ask you some questions and get back to Academy city. But know even if you save her and we make it back to the city i will just have to kill here. So why bother?" Accelerator ask curious to see his response now that he knows that he can beat him.

"Misaka have you found the anything? We don't have much time she's lost alot of blood already!" Touma said not so much yelling any more just talking loudly and with authority.

*So he's just going to ingnore me now. He's serious about saving her. Whatever when he fails then I'll get anwsers.* Accelerator thought not caring about the outcome.

Accelerator watched as Touma scrambled for leaves or anything else tp help stop the bleeding thinking why try to save something that doesn't care if it dies.

"No I can't find anything." Misaka said quietly with a look of shame on her face.

"What! Dose that tell us any thing like how for we might have to go?" Touma said with desperation in his voice.

"I'm not sure but what ever it is we won't make it in time." Misaka said with defeat in her voice and tears running down her face.

"So your saying we don't have a chance." Touma said looking down at the sister thinking only how he failed.

"No there has to be something we can do!" Touma yelled.

"It's ok Misaka says in an attempt to make you fell better. This was more than Misaka ever thought someone would do for her thank you." Misaka 10032 says smiling up at Touma

"Don't say that your going to get thruogh this your going to live." Touma tells the sister frantically.

"I'm so happy that someone cared so much for Misaka." Misaka 10032 said with that last of her strength.

Touma and Misaka realized there was nothing they could do they just tryed to make her as comfortable as they could.

Accelerator was in complete and utter shock at how the clone was acting.

*She cares she wants to live. Happinees sadnees they told me that they didn't weren't able to feel those thing. Why why did they never ask me to stop why did they never cry or act like they cared why did they just let me kill them. Accelerator thought to him self and how he did not like killing they even when he thought that were just emotionless shells.

"THOSE BASTEREDS." Accelerator yelled loud enough to make Touma and Misaka turn and look at him.

Acelerator jumped right beside Misaka 10032 which was now mostly on the ground only had padding from dry leafs that Touma was able to put under her. Touma and Misaka did not know what was happening as far as they knew Accelerator didn't care if she lived or died. They just thought he was waiting for one or the other to happen.

Accelerator placed his hand on Misaka 10032's stomach which made her face contract in pain with the little energy she had.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" Touma yelled.

At the same time Touma went to punch Accelerator off the sister but he stop to what Accelrator said and was taken back even more by it.

"I'M SAVING HER!" Accelerator said with his eyes wide looking right at the sister.

There was a long pause as Touma and Misaka looked at Accelerator wide eyed. Both Misaka and Touma had doubts about what Accelerator said but looking at the sister and seeing her breathing return to normal and the blood stop it was hard to think he had something else in mind.

"Why would you save her now whats the differents now weren't you going to let her die a moment ago what has changed." Misaka demanded to know.

"Dose that matter now Misaka. Whatever his reasons are we can ask later right now all that matters is that she is going to live. Touma said in a calmly.

It was silent for a time again.

"We need to find where we are and get here medical care." Accelerator says and he lifts the sister with both arms.

"Why I thought you said you were healing her." Touma said with a worried and angry voice.

"I said I'm saving her I can't heal." Accelerator said sounding somewhat disappointed

"Then what are you doing." Touam said mostly angry this time

"I'm maniputaling the blood in her body so I have to be in contact with her at all times until we find her medical care. We need to get moving." Accelerator said with a surious face and voice.

"Why do you need us wounldn't it be faster on your own?" Touma asked.

"The biggest problem isn't that I don't know where we are it's that I don't know how we got here, I think it would be best for us to stay together for the time being. Accelerateor face cleary showing how much his own words were annoying him.

"Ok so what do you think we should do." Touma ask honestly.

"Why are you asking him what we sould do." Misaka yelled angrily at Touma. Not only did she hate having to listen to Acceletator but that he asked him.

"Because he has a level head and looks like he has some idea of what is happening." Touma gave Misaka his reasoning.

"ARE YOU SAYING I'M NOT LEVEL HEADED" Misaka yells at Touma as she throws lighting at his only for him to block it with his right hand like he knew it was coming and vanish.


"Whatever it's not like I thought it would kill you." Misaka yells back thinking that justified her actions.

"That not the point." Touma yells back hoping she sees it his way for once.

"Fine will follow Accelerator for now but i'm doing it because you said I refuse to listen him.

Misaka wanted to say more but she had no idea what was happening ether.

"Anyways what do you think we should do first?" Touma asked Accelerator again

"We need to find any from of civilztion they should have something to help with her wounds." Accelerator said

"And what's your plan to find them?" Touam asked.

"Walk we are bound to find something eventually." Accelerator said as he started to walk in a random direction with Touma and Misaka walking close behind.

"Now that we know what where doing would you mind answering some of my qusetions?" Accelerator askd glancing at Touma right hand.

"Like what?" Touma said defensively.

"How where you able to hit me in are fight?" Accelerator asked now staring right at Touma's right hand instead of looking where he was walking.

This qustion also peaked Misaka interest she wanted to know what Touma's power was ever since she met him.

"It's a power in my right hand that negates all supernatural powers in comes in contact with." Touma said quickly and with out hesitation.

"I didn't think you would tell me so easily. Or are you lying." Accelerator said as a grin from on his face.

"What reason would I have to lie at this point. We have already fought and from what I remember you won now you only know how I did it it won't make a differents if you know or not. Touma answered.

"That was more of a thought out response an I was expecting." Accelerator said as he lost his grin.

"Is that your only qustion?" Touma saked trying to get this over with.

"How did your arm heal?" Accelerator asked

"What are you talking about?" Touma asked with a confused looking at his right arm assuming that was the arm he was talking about.

"you mean you don't remeber? I blow of you right arm right befor we came here." Accelerator said

"I had no idea I woke up the way I am right now" Touma said looking at his right arm

"Hmm that's all my qustions for now." Accelerator said as he started to look forward again.

"Don't think this is one sided I have some qusetions for you." Touma told Accelerator.

Do you now? Just know I won't answser if I don't want to. Accelerator said with a low energy voice

Touma grabed Accelerator's shoulder with his right hand and pulled him so he was looking at Accelerator right in his eyes. Accelerator had a surprised look on his face he was not use to any body being able to touch him.

"WHY DID YOU KILL ALL THOSE SISTERS!" Touma said in a loud stern voice.

"What a stupid question I did it because i enjoyed it." Accelerartor said as a large smile started to form on his face.

"I don't believe that anymore. The way your acting right now is not someone who enjoys this. So whats the real reason?" Touma said tightening his grim on Accelerator shoulder.

Accelerator just shook of Touma hand and continued to walk saying few words as he did so.

Not like it would make a difference.

Touma decided to leave it at that now and continued to walk with Misaka close behind him.


AN/ Hellow this is my first Fanfiction and thanks for making it this far I know it's not that good in terms of writing but I think the story is good so far and I think that I have the charaters down petty well I manly want to work on how I write the charters talking to each other.

Anyways please review and tell me how I can inprove and tip for writing would be great!

Oh and we are going to get to nanja right off the bat next chapter.