I have to say I am sorry for being a retard when it came to this whole Cyberbullying incident I let my rage take over and didn't think of what I was typing and I know I hurt a lot of people and I apologize for that and I am tired of hurting you guys mentally I again am telling you I am leaving Ninjago and going to the Big Hero 6 verse I might come back in a years time for a visit and to all the guests whom said rude things I hope you guys are nicer because I was extremely hurt by the words you guys said and I can never say enough to Brice I know my temper has caused irreparable damage and I understand if she never wants to talk to me again so with these final words I say goodbye

Felix sighed as he took a photo of him standing in front of the home smiling two 3 year old girls stood beside him off the now bare wall ,he carefully wrapped up the photo and placed it in a box

"Do we really have to move Papa" ? Iris asked sadness apparent in her voice

"Yes Iris we have to move Papa did something that can't be forgiven " he answered the oldest twin

"I don't want to go I want to stay here" Iris sniffed

Felix picked her up

"I know this is hard but there is so much opportunity in San Fransokyo where our new house is" Felix said comforting his daughter

Iris sighed "okay Papa " she replied

"That's my girl now come it's time to go get in the car with Jubilee" Felix said setting her down

"Okay Papa" Iris replied smiling a bit to her father before running out

Felix looked around one last time then picked up the box and walked out the front door and set the box down turned around and locked the door touching it one last time dragging his hand down it sighing he turned around and picked up the box and walked to the car and place it in the magically increased trunk and then closed it he looked at the house one more time remembering everything that had happened he sighed again then got into the drivers side

"You guy's ready to go" he asked

Yeah" they replied

Felix then put the car in reverse backing out andthen put it into drive heading towards San Fransokyo and their new home