Sabrina rolled her eyes at the morons who had slipped out of their seats and were floating aimlessly through the air, weightless in space. Fingering the electronic cuff on her left wrist, she breathed in sharply as the ship picked p speed, hurtling rapidly towards Earth.

"Hey, we'll be fine!" yelled a voice from her right. Tilting her head a fraction of an inch, she locked eyes with a curly haired guy who had a huge grin slapped across his face. "Think of it as an adventure!" His brown eyes flashed eagerly in the bright, blinking lights of the ship.

"Yep," she muttered, flashing him a brief smile, "Fun." The brunette's smile drooped as he reached over to pat her arm.

"I'm Jasper. Jordan. Jasper Jordan," he finished sheepishly, wide grin now back in place.

"Sabrina." There were a lot of things she'd wanted to do before she died, and have a heart-to-heart with a complete stranger onboard a flying deathship was definitely not one of them.

Jasper blinked expectantly, arm close enough to hers that she could feel the excited heat radiating off of him.

"Gray," she sighed, "I'm sorry, I'm just-I don't wanna die," she breathed, looking away from Jasper to her boots. "Sorry."

Jasper furrowed his brows.

"Sabrina. Sab. Brina? I'm gonna go with Brina," he mused, ignoring her look of utter disbelief. "Brina, think of this as a fresh start. I mean, you trust the Ark engineers, right?"

Sabrina tilted her head in assent, watching Jasper's hands fiddle twitchily with his seatbelt, seat, pants, anything within a ten inch radius. "So trust that this ship'll withstand the impact."

"And if we die after getting out of the ship?" she asked dryly, brief moment of hope extinguished. Jasper grinned.

"I'd rather die on Earth than in a cell," he finished, wiggling in his seat, "Relax. We'll survive."

Sabrina felt herself smiling as she looked up at Jasper, who was grinning shamelessly at her, brown eyes bright. "Feeling better?" She nodded, flashing him a grateful look.


Suddenly, the ship jolted downwards, vibrating and rattling with the sound of metal clanging against metal. Her seat began to warm up, and sharp grinding sounds began to emanate from the walls around her. Grabbing onto Jasper's thigh, she felt his hand wrap around her forearm as she closed her eyes, waiting for the end.

"Brina? Sabrina?" Blinking away the darkness, Sabrina opened her eyes to see her fellow criminals unbuckling themselves from their seats and moving towards the exit. The ship's lights flickered on and off as Jasper and a dark-haired boy peered anxiously into her face. "Can you stand up?" Jasper began unbuckling her seatbelt as the Asian boy smiled encouragingly.

"You blacked out as soon as we hit the atmosphere," he rattled off, not unkindly, "It's a good thing you had your seatbelt on, or…" his voice trailed off as she caught sight of the limp body a few feet away on the metallic floor.

"You cool?" asked Jasper, offering Sabrina a hand. Gripping his wrist, she pulled herself to her feet, shaking the dark spots from her vision. "Brina, this is Monty. Monty, this is Brina."

Monty smiled awkwardly, and Sabrina grinned. God, they were alive!

"We can't open the doors!" protested a voice from the huddle of teenagers crowding the exit. "The air might be toxic!" A small, blonde female was standing between the crowd and the doors as a tall, olive-skinned guy approached.

"If the air is toxic, we're all dead anyway," he responded, faintly annoyed. The blonde glared pointedly at him as he smirked confidently down at her.

"Hey! Bellamy?" called a voice, feminine, but slightly deeper than the blonde's. A dark-haired girl moved out from the crowd to approach the tall male. His eyes widened, and Sabrina blinked. He wasn't bad looking.

Turning towards Jasper, she edged slightly closer to her two friends, the blonde's words ringing in her ears. We're all dead anyway. Air is toxic. All dead.

Feeling something between her fingers, Sabrina looked down to see two of Jasper's digits interlaced with hers. He'd seemed to have already noticed she wasn't a huge fan of hand-holding, and had found an acceptable alternative.

Monty smiled encouragingly at her when the sound of metal scraping against metal tore through the air. Blinking at the sudden light that filled the ship, Sabrina looked past the crowd and into sunlight.

In the middle of the crowd and flanked by Jasper and Monty, Sabrina followed Bellamy, his sister, and the blonde.

"We're back, bitches!" shouted the sister, her brother clapping her on the back. The rest of the hundred sprinted after the siblings, whooping and cheering as they trampled through trees and grass.

"We're alive!" yelled Jasper, throwing both hands into the air, "We made it!" Monty was simply turning around in place, taking in the sights, smells, and sounds of Earth. Looking down at her feet, Sabrina dug the toe of her boot into soft, loamy soil, watching it compress spongily below the metal tip of her shoe.

Breathing in deeply, she felt herself begin to laugh. This was what being free felt like. This was a fresh start, just like Jasper had said. Wait, where was-

"We need to get to Mount Weather," said the blonde, teeth gritted in frustration. Bellamy shifted his weight, his sister at his side. An African American teen with a glare etched onto his features stood next to the blonde.

"I got a better idea. You two go, find it for us," retorted Bellamy, "Let the privileged do the hard work for a change." The boy next to the blonde immediately began to list every single reason why the entire group should go until a sharp-nosed brunette began moving closer to him.

"Wells Jaha," snarled the brunette, getting in Wells' face. Sabrina watched Wells fall backwards, the brunette immediately diving after him, hands clenched in fists-

A smirking boy with shoulder-length hair dropped through the air to land between the two, shielding Wells from his attacker.

"He's only got one leg, Murphy," he interjected smoothly, "How about you wait 'til it's a fair fight?" She watched Murphy glare at Wells' rescuer before backing into his band of followers.

"Sabrina, look at this," whispered Monty, tapping her shoulder. She turned around, gaze following his pointed finger towards a patch of red berries.

"Ginseng," she responded immediately. Training to be a doctor on the Ark seemed like it'd have its perks on Earth. Bending down to pick the berries, Sabrina heard an appreciative whistle from behind her.

"Earth has nice views, but this one takes the cake," smirked a voice from behind her. Wells' rescuer fell into step beside her as she attempted to walk away. "You seem to know a lot about plants." He paused, waiting for her name. She turned her head in the opposite direction, face emotionless. There was no way in hell she was going to let this guy try to talk his way into her pants. He didn't seem phased, filling the silence with his name. "Finn Collins. When you decide to tell me your name, I have a proposition for you. You seem to be good with plants, which could be useful, and I can keep you alive. Something I'd find very useful, if I were you."

Sabrina looked up at him, examining his face. He seemed honest enough, but then again, he'd just been staring at her ass. On the other hand, surviving seemed like a good idea. Feeding him non-poisonous plants was a small price to pay for her life. Finn looked like he would be able to hold his own if it came down to it.

"Sabrina." He flashed her a wide grin, teeth pearly white.

"See you around, Sabrina," he called over his shoulder, following Jasper, the blonde, Bellamy, Bellamy's sister, and a few others deeper into the forest. Probably going to explore the area.

She turned around to toss the berries to Monty, who slid them into a small, brown cloth pouch.

"Wanna keep looking?" she questioned, gesturing vaguely towards a dense part of the forest a few meters away. Monty nodded, grinning.

"Seems like our safest option."