A/N: The amount of reviews and the amazing reviews and people leaving them have been so great! Thank you and I am so glad you are enjoying these. I do usually get inspiration from the episodes, but since we have to wait WEEKS for the next one I've been inspired to fill the void. I have a few more planned so stay tuned. I hope you enjoy this one, it's a bit short. Set sometime after they get together but before they cool off.

Disclaimer: I own nothing related to Chicago PD, or Worst Cooks in America.

Buon Appetito

It had been an eventful week for the intelligence unit. Jay and Erin had been working late every night, picking up some form of take-out and switching off apartments to sleep at. It was stressful, on top of being tired trying to keep their secret at work was frustrating.

Which was why Jay was beyond excited that it was Friday. He had a plan that would hopefully start the weekend off on a relaxing note. He watched the clock as the minutes until he could go home got smaller, taking his phone to send a text to his partner across the bullpen, How about we stay in tonight? My place okay?

He waited, typing up some report while watching her reach for her phone. She responded quickly, Your place is fine but I cannot eat take out again.

He enjoyed eating out with Erin, they had gone out a few times in their short relationship. However, it was always accompanied with the same fear that they would be caught which could put a strain on the evening. I was thinking we could cook.

She looked at him, eyebrows raised as she answered, You can cook?

I think together we can figure it out. I'll stop by the store on the way home, something simple.

He saw her smile and knew he had convinced her, That sounds nice.

Jay gave her a large smile back, immediately dialing it down as Voight stepped out of his office.

"Go home. I'll see you all Monday."

The team dispersed quickly, all ready for the weekend to begin. Jay and Erin were the last to leave, saying goodbye to Adam as he went to talk to Platt to see if Burgess's car was still out for the day.

Jay and Erin made their way to their cars, keeping a good distance, "I'll meet you at my place; use your key."

"I need to get some clothes from my place."

"Just use the washer," Jay said as they reached her car. "I'll be there soon."

"Okay," Erin agreed with a smile, "I'll see you in a bit."

Erin made it to Jay's apartment quickly, using her emergency key to let herself in. They had exchanged keys after Hank was taken from his home, in case of emergencies. Now, it was a weird phase of the keys becoming a part of their relationship rather than for emergencies.

Erin was happily surprised with herself. She was surprised, and could tell Jay was too, that she hadn't panicked over their relationship yet. Despite his joking comments about commitment phobia, it wasn't that far from the truth. Yet she felt more comfortable in this relationship than she had in a while. She used her key to let herself into his apartment, even without him here. They had drawers at each other's places. It wasn't something they talked about but something that just happened over the past weeks of switching off each other's apartments. Despite the secrecy, everything between them felt natural as it progressed behind closed doors.

Erin went around the apartment gathering all of her clothes that had accumulated at Jay's, picking up his dirty laundry as well, she started a load before settling on his couch with a beer.

Jay returned soon after, with bags full of food. She followed him into the kitchen, "So what are we making?"

"Chicken parm," He answered, "Simple but a classic."

"Alright, I just have to move our clothes to the dryer then we can start."

He stopped unpacking groceries, following her to the small, stacked washer and dryer, "You washed my clothes?"

Erin dropped the wet clothes back in the washer as she looked over to Jay, leaning against the wall, "What?"

"Ms. Commitment Phobia is combining our laundry, I never thought I would see this day."

"I told you to drop that psychoanalyst crap. It's not a big deal, clothes were dirty and I washed them."

He held up his hands in surrender, happy that their relationship didn't seem to bother her, "Thank you."

She rolled her eyes as she turned on the dryer, kissing his cheek and heading for the kitchen, "Come on, I'm starving."

"Yes, Ma'am," Jay answered with a smile as he followed her back to the kitchen.

Erin sat on the counter, reading over a recipe on her phone as Jay leaned against the counter next to her sipping a beer, "Looks pretty straight forward."

"Let's get started then, what's first?"

"Fill a pot with water to boil for the pasta, I'll find a pan to cook the chicken in."

Jay filled a pot with water, turning on the stove for it to boil. Erin found a large pan, covered the bottom in oil and turned on the burner to get it heating up.

"What now?"

"We have to dip the chicken in egg and then the breadcrumbs."

Jay retrieved the eggs from the fridge as Erin poured the breadcrumbs into a bowl, "Want me to crack the eggs?"

"I can do it," He rolled his eyes as he hit the egg hard against the bowl, cracking it all over his hands, they froze for a moment staring at each other, "Not a word.

Erin let a laugh bubble up, ducking quickly when he threatened to touch her with his egg covered hand.

"Don't you dare!"

"What? Come here, baby."

"Jay! Wash it off," She laughed as she went to dump the egg filled with shells into the trash, "I'll crack the eggs."

Erin quickly cracked the eggs, whisking them together as she started breading the chicken. Once it was all breaded Erin moved over to the stove and started placing the chicken in the waiting pan.

It sizzled right away, hot oil jumping out and burning her wrist, "Damn it."

"Here," Jay quickly took the plate and placed it on the counter, leading her to the sink and turning on the cold water, "Run it under the water."

"Are you going to kiss it better?"

"Maybe," He grinned kissing her wrist before returning it to the water, "It hurt?"

"Not really," She responded. "Jay, do you smell burning?"

"Crap," He muttered hurrying back over to the stove and flipping the chicken, which was already burned on one side, "The oil is too hot." He took the chicken out after a moment, bringing it closer to her as he cut into a piece, "Both burnt and raw."

Erin groaned, "How are we so bad at this?"

Sloshing water suddenly caught their attention and Jay quickly turned around to find the water boiling over, "Shit." He turned it off quickly, turning back to Erin before they both broke out into laughter.

"Well this is a complete disaster," Erin said with a laugh as she turned off the faucet and examined her wrist.

"Think you can handle take out for one more night, it'll be a long wait anywhere at this time on Friday without a reservation."

She laughed again, "I think it will be best for our safety. Imagine, we stay in to stay out of sight only to have to call the fire department."

"Fair point," He said as he began to throw out the little progress they had made, "Thai?"

"Yummy," She said suddenly craving it, "Want me to come with?"

"Nah," He said kissing her cheek, "I know your order," He handed her a beer. "Rest your wrist and drink up, I'll be back soon with something edible."


Erin abandoned her beer on the coffee table, pulling the warm clothes out of the dryer. She brought the basket over to the couch and made work of folding their laundry before putting it back in the basket. She pushed the basket out of the way just as Jay returned with a bag full of food.

"A got a lot so we would have leftovers," He started unpacking cartons as Erin grabbed plates, utensils and two more beers.

"What do you want to watch?"

"I have an idea."

The pair settled on the couch, with plates full of food. Jay took the remote and turned on the cooking channel, "Seriously."

He laughed as she settled against him, "So we can be prepared for next time. Learn a thing or two."

It turns out that they weren't the worst cooks out there, they spent the next three hours watching episodes of Worst Cooks in America, laughing at the mistakes and feeling better at their attempt.

Erin pointed to a contestant struggling to pull chicken off a grill pan, "At least we used oil."

Jay laughed, as he lifted her wrist to his mouth once again, kissing it softly, "Despite our failed plan, I still had a great night."

Erin smiled as she sniggled further into him, "Me too." Erin would happily eat take out for the rest of her life if the night ended like this.