Twas a night of awe and magic
Every dragon-one and all
Had gathered by the sea to fly
And answer instinct's call.

One by one, they would step forth
and sing their own heartsong
Hoping it'd attract the one
To whom their heart'd belong.

A dragon stood, waiting his turn
to step forward and sing
a newcomer to the whole event
and tense as a coiled spring.

Finally his turn arrived
He stepped forth into the ring
Cleared his throat, searched deep inside
and then began to sing...

'Calling, calling, hear my cry
O love, I'm searching through the sky
For you, O love, wherever you fly
My love for you shall never die! no! Love shall never die.

I cannot bear anymore my longing and pain
O love though Ilost you,now im searching again
I pray I am not searching in vain! in vain!
But my love for you shall always remain! yes! shall always remain."

The dragon stopped, his song now done
Silence pressed in all around
he blessed and cursed his voice and heart
and hoped and prayed love would be found.

no answer came for quite some time
The dragon hung his head
Had no dragon's heart adored his song?
Would he be left alone instead?

Then from the crowd a female stepped
And met him in the ring
She opened her mouth and smiled at him
And then began to sing...

"I hear thy call, though thou art far
I wish upon a shooting star
To come to thee and give my heart
So I'd be with thou, wherever we are.

O thou, my love, Iloveth thou true
Somehow I vow I shall come through
And give thee my heart, and my soul too
No words can tell how I love you."

The female's voice was like a harp
her eyes were ocean-blue
her scales were the shade of an autumn sky
She was a dream come true.

The dragon stood for a moment, unsure
And speechless of his luck
Then he knew he had to do
And Inspiration struck.

Their voices rose together in song-
A perfect harmony
Then while the crowd chanted loudly
the female whispered, "Fly with me."

Still singing like angels, both dragons rose
And began to dance in the sky
Coming closer, ever closer
With every moment passing by.

The dragon's song had found the one
to whom he gave his all
Twining and singing over the sea on that night
the dragon lovers heeded instinct's call