
I woke to a stuffy head and pounding ribs. I felt as if I were stuffed with lead. Pain throbbed through my chest, but not as intense as before. I opened my eyes slowly, and found that it was hardly dawn yet. More like the morning's equivalent of twilight, when there's light, but no sun yet. I made to sit up, and found a pair of strong arms draped over my chest haphazardly. On my right lay Fili, and to my left slept Kili, each with one arm over me protectively. I could see the redness around their eyes from where I lay. I frowned. Had they been crying? I felt even worse about worrying them, seeing poor Kili's frown. He gave off small, almost childish whimpers occasionally, his fist twitching, as if trying to tighten around my tunic. Even Fili looked sad in his slumber. When I moved, Kili's hand clasped my tunic tighter, and a slightly louder whimper sounded. Fili's frown deepened, but he made no move to resist me. I smiled through my sudden brimming tears. Always the heavy sleeper, Fili. However, it pained me to pry Kili's fingers (I was treated to another heart-wrenching whimper) and slowly heave myself to my own two feet, my ribs flaring painfully as I did so. Even so...I had a breakfast to prepare before we hit the road. Bofur was already awake, and after I had slipped my armored vest on, I found that Bofur was gazing unblinkingly, right at me again. Still practically half-asleep, I was feeling irritable, and my ribs were not helping my mood.

"Enjoying the view?" I muttered, sitting beside him and setting rocks around the fire to make toast in a minute. Bofur sighed. Sad to say...he was used to my temper by now. A surge of remorse and guilt overcame me.

"Mornin' to you, too, Aili." There he goes again. Using my first name. Since we were little, growing up together, forming a deep friendship despite the fact that he was a bit older (a fact I could always easily overlook. He did, too) he has been calling me 'lass' or 'little/young lady', if he used a title at all. Then he had sought out an apprenticeship with his cousin, Bifur, and was out of the picture for several years, him and Bombur.

And now that Thorin was bringing everyone thrust Bofur back into my life again, and I found myself almost desperate to keep him near. For the rest of time, until eternity in the halls of Mahal. I sighed, staring into the crackling fire peacefully. My mind can be a confusing place sometimes...since when have I been thinking these kind of thoughts about Bofur?

"I'm sorry, Bofur...I truly am." I whispered, not daring to wake anyone else. I had something to say, something to confess to my childhood friend, and him alone. No one else must hear this. Bofur's hand was running up my back as quickly as the shiver descended. "I...I jes'..." I but my lip. Just say it, Aili! "I worried about you, too, and...I feel guilty about worrying you in the first place." Bofur's hand squeezed my shoulder. I trailed off.

"Aili...why do you think I have followed you everywhere you go when I'm around? Because I worry. I worry about you even when yer not around." I blinked. I could scarcely breath...Bofur sat himself right beside me as my head emptied of its blood all of a sudden. His hands clasped mine, and I swallowed. "Yeh don't know it, but the reason I worry is because I would die if anything happened to you. Yer my...greatest friend, Aili," He said, like he wanted to say something else, but barely caught himself in time, "and though I haven't been around as much as I wanted...I hope I can make up for it somehow..." He trailed off. My breath hitched. Bofur really needs to stop beating himself up...

"You just did." I whispered, and not to avoid waking somebody. It was due to the heavy lump forming in my throat. "In fact, no matter what, I can never really keep my mind off you, either." I admitted, playing with a braid that ran down onto my shoulders. It had come a bit loose during our flight from Goblin-Town and...everything after that. I redid it almost without thought. Bofur seemed shocked at my words. "It's just been little things, really. I'll see a certain toy I thought you might like, and think of your smile." Once the floodgates were opened, it seemed, there was no closing them. "Or when merchants came in, and you and yer cousin aren't among them, I would wonder about you, and remember all the times you would stand up for me when others thought that I was too small to be a warrior in my training." Bofur smiled.

"That's a lot like me. I see a toy, and wish I had the money to get it for you, as a peace-offering when we next met." I shook my head.

"Peace offerings aren't necessary." I said.

"I feel they are, but I just hope that I haven't screwed things up between us..." Nope. In fact, they've gotten stronger, I wanted to say but managed a meager, "It hasn't." Bofur grinned that special, elated grin. My heart skipped a beat. His smile was warm and infectious. I couldn't help but return it.

"How's Dis? What does she think about all this?" I chuckled.

"She's the same old grumpy Dwarrowdam. Just as feisty as ever. She still doesn't like the idea of us being on the Quest." I answered, waving to my sleeping brothers. "She would rather have us stay with her." Bofur nodded again.

"Hmm...If I had children goin' on a dangerous Quest...I'd probably want them to stay, as well." By now, we were sitting on the ground, leaning against the rock we had originally been sitting on. Bofur's arm slid over my shoulder, and I play with my braid again, fixing it (although it was already perfect) as I try to hide my scarlet cheeks. He nuzzled the side of my head, his beard tickling my temple. I giggled softly. I then turned to him, face suddenly serious.

"Bofur...did you mean it when you said you would die if something happened to me?" My heart was in my throat, and a small part of me was wondering how I could still talk. Bofur's grin faltered.

"Aye." He said gravely, smile now gone. "Deathly serious." His eye twitched, as if wary of where I was going with this, but also eager to find out. I swallowed thickly. "Why'd yeh ask?" I gulped, trying to alleviate my dry throat.

"Because..." I took a moment to really think about my intentions. Was this just spur-of-the-moment? Or was it genuine? Then, I realized that I didn't need any more thought on the subject. I was sure. I opened my mouth again. "I would, too." And, as we had been talking, I had noticed that more often than not my gaze halted on his lips as it searched his face. They were slightly chapped. I thought of how they formed his deep, rumbling words, his enchanting smiles, his grins, everything that made Bofur Bofur seemed to come from those lips. Feverishly, I wondered how they tasted. Bofur eyed me curiously. His eyes caught where mine had gone, and his gaze softened, and there seemed to be a happy fire dancing behind those enchanting brown eyes as his his face neared mine. I screwed up my courage and slid my face closer as well, feverish heat encasing my cheeks, spreading everywhere.

Then...our lips met. It sent a wild, unkempt energy surging into me, a fierce and altogether new feeling of pure love making my thoughts run wild, then get lost on their way to being complete as Bofur's fingers curled in my hair, my hands curled at the back of Bofur's chest, and we pulled ourselves deeper into the kiss. All too soon, we had to break apart to breathe. My heart had never pounded so loudly, or so longingly, it seemed. Bofur's eyes held a dreamy look.

"I've been wantin' to do that fer a Aili." He whispered, his hand moving a stray strand of hair behind my ear. My hair must be a fright. A shiver went up my spine as Bofur's hand tickled my ear, cutting any thought of how I looked off mid-way.

His Aili. I think I like the sound of that... Was the last coherent thought I completed before our lips met again in a passionate kiss. Bofur poured his cheer, his worry and concern, his very being into the kiss. His hands wrapped around my waist, pulling me in tighter again. My hands went around his neck, and we stayed like that until we couldn't breathe again. Our hands remained where they were, and our foreheads met. His breath was hot and somewhat moist against my face. It felt good...

"It's funny. The older I got..." I panted. "the more I wanted you around. Recently, you've been making me blush and I've felt a shiver up my spine at your very touch. I guess I wanted more." I breathed, my forehead nuzzling against Bofur's hatted forehead. It felt so right...I couldn't bring myself to think of any reasons we shouldn't do this. Our lips met again. I was now certain that it was possible to get drunk off love.

Then, when we broke apart, I saw Mia, just starting to awaken. I prayed she hadn't heard all that...


Ever since last night...I've been so worried about Aili. But now that she has been treated by Oin himself (he is held in extreme reverence for his abilities) and is curled against her brothers, breathing evenly and deeply in slumber (or rather, as evenly as possible, given her ribs), I can ease my fears. She is fine now. With that thought, I drifted off to sleep.

And then, I heard a whispered, hushed conversation that woke me up. I was too awake to return to the fields of dreams and found that it was Aili and Bofur, starting the morning fire and getting breakfast ready. Funny how often they do that now...

And they were talking of peace-offerings, and their mutual worry. And then...came a confession that rocked my world.

"Bofur...did you really mean it when you said you'd die if something happened to me?" I forced myself to keep my breathing as even as it was in sleep. This was so new to me...

"Aye. Deathly serious." Came the grave reply. "Why'd yeh ask?" I heard Aili gulp.

"Because...I would, too." Then, silence reigned, save for the sounds of love. It's truly...odd to listen to. I have never given the thought of love much consideration.

But if I did...Bright blue eyes and cocky grins flashed across my vision, and I nearly recoiled as Aili nervously muttered from behind me. I swallowed, and now my breath was slightly shaky. What was that?! Of course I would never look at Fili that way! Never! I just...can't. Because of what...he did. I once looked to him that way, filled with love, when I was but a child, but then...he changed, and then...voices rang in my head, and glass shattered around me...

My left hand moved automatically to my right arm, rubbing it before letting my arm go limp to rest over the small curve of my hip, the sound of shattering glass and drunken shouting filling my ears. Me and Gandalf were the only ones who knew what was kept hidden under my shirt, but only the two of us were ever allowed to know. No one else...especially Fili...he...they wouldn't understand. Then, I snapped back to reality and realized that Aili had seen my arm move.

Grunting, I sat up, pulling on my boots and turning to find Bofur and Aili, both faces burning bright, sitting as close as they could without suspicion of what had happened. They couldn't stop smiling, though they tried as my gaze found them. My dark mood fled in their light, and I found myself relaxed.

"Good morning." I said, faking a yawn and stretching as I came over. "What's cooking?" Aili moved to flip the pieces of bread on hot rocks around the fire. Bofur's arm encased Aili's shoulders as she leaned back against the rock the couple had been leaning against when I woke up.

"Toast with boiled eggs with sausage." She said, and I could hear the laughter, giddy and bright, flowing from her voice. I forced my expression to remain neutral as the couple's hands found one another when they thought I wasn't looking. This was too adorable, and yet foreign to me at the same time. I found the kettle I had been looking for to make some coffee. Soon enough, at the smell of food, the Company came one by one and got their serving, chatting and laughing. Several of them were bruised, and even more had more than half their normally exposed skin covered in bandages. And we are...chatting, joking and laughing. It's...nice. I haven't felt this kind of friendliness since Gandalf and I parted ways. I hadn't realized...just how much I missed it.


As soon as Mia sat up, me and Bofur slid just as far apart as we used to sit. However, neither of us can stop smiling and our cheeks are still burning. And when Mia gazed around at us, we tried to force the smiles to simmer down a little, at least, couldn't happen. We were shining too brightly. I felt almost drunk off love as our hands met. Mia searched for a kettle to get some coffee going. There was still a good portion of Bilbo's jar left, and Mia had managed to get Elvin coffee, a smooth, almost fruity liquid that seemed to dance it's way down your throat. I quite enjoy it, especially when mixed with Bilbo's Shire coffee. Then, it's practically irresistible.

At the mere smell of the food and drink, the Dwarves wake, tickling over to get their breakfast. Surprisingly, Uncle was the last one up. Usually, he's the first one up, long before us. Not today, though. I ask how he's doing, and he replied that he's fine in a clipped tone. Which probably meant that he was hiding a lot of pain. I felt for him. It can't be easy on him. That Warg bite was nasty. And easily infected, according to Oin. The wizened old healer sought me out during breakfast. In fact, before I had gotten my plate.

"Aili," He started. "I know yeh were too outta it last night to listen proper. So I'll tell yeh now: no gallivanting about, no strenuous activity. Relax those ribs as often as possible, lass. We need yeh well." Oin squeezed my shoulder goodnaturedly. More specifically, Bofur needs me well.

I thought, but kept it to myself. Oin continued, my brothers hovering nearby for a few seconds before they suddenly came forward and grasped my wrists, dragging me away.
"We'll make sure she doesn't do something she shouldn't, Oin. Lay off!" Kili called back, laughing. They sat me on a log, pressing a plate that they had saved for me and a mug of coffee into my hands. I ate hungrily, then started to slow down, my ribs flaring again. I then pretended not to as hungry as I thought so as to avoid any more worrying about me. But I kept picking at my food while chatting and laughing. We spent the rest of the day milling about, and I found a fairly large stream to bathe in and soak my wounds, relishing in the feeling of allowing water to run through my hair, and over my body, washing away everything that clung to my body. I came back to the camp with Mithra close behind (I had told Mia about the stream right after I found it and she followed me without hesitation), and we were confronted by Oin, who wasn't too happy at having to re-wrap my ribcage. As he did, I re-braided my hair, clasping it securely before letting the rest fall naturally. At one point during dinner, Bilbo excused himself and left without another word. Growing concerned (and unwilling to let him think he's not welcome here. Not like at Rivendell...) I stalked after him, keeping in mind Oin's stern warning to keep my ribcage relaxed. I found him a short distance away, his back to me as he neared the edge of the campsite. He was trembling. Without thought, I raced forward. My hand was on his shoulder before he could react.

"Bilbo?" A sniffle, then a sigh. "What's the matter?" Another sniffle. He was vibrating under my hand. My eyes went wide. I knew what was wrong all of a sudden. First-Killing-Shakes. Mine had been pretty bad. I killed a bandit on the road that had been nearing a sleeping Fili. For at least ten minutes, I was mute, blind and deaf to the world as Thorin and my brothers tried (and failed) to snap me back to reality. I still feel guilty for the hurt, and worried expressions on their faces.

A hiccuping sob rent me from my reveries and back to reality. Bilbo was shaking me with the intensity of his sobbing. I pulled him into a hug, knowing he was all but unresponsive, and dropped to the ground, slipping the trembling Hobbit easily into my lap. He buried his face in my shoulder.

"Does it get easier?" He asked shakily after several silent moments. I pursed my lips, deep in thought.

"I...suppose. Over time. But even Thorin still has nightmares sometimes. Most likely." Bilbo hiccuped again, and his fists clenched in my tunic, almost painfully.

"But does this shaky feeling go away?"

"Yes. It does."

"I just...the Orc looked almost scared as my I..."

" you want to know what happened at my first killing?" I felt the Hobbit nod.

"I was worse than you. I collapsed, and couldn't stop shaking and sobbing for several minutes. And even then, it took at least ten more minutes for me to fully come out of it."

"What was your first killing?" He asked timidly.

"I..."My shoulders slumped. This little Hobbit was too curious for his own good... "If this becomes too much, squeeze me and I'll stop, okay?" Once again, Bilbo nodded into my collarbone. I licked my lips.

"We were traveling to an outlaying village on the borders of Rohan, to trade our metal works for food and other supplies. One night, I was awoken by shuffling noises. Thinking it was just Fili getting a mid-night meal- -he's fairly well-know for those, but don't tell him that came from me- -I sat up slowly, reluctant to be awake. And then...I found three bandits, and one of them was pressing his blade to Fili's sleeping throat, ready to slice. I barely noticed the steel against my own neck as I rolled up, and grabbed my sword. Before I knew it, the bandit was laying on the ground. Decapitated. As my brothers and Thorin dealt with the others, my vision tunneled until all I saw was that body. I suddenly felt dizzy and nauseated. I sank to the ground, shaking in terror at my own actions. It wasn't until Kili threw a very cold bucket of water over my head that I came out of my shock. I found Thorin and Fili kneeling before me, terror and worry etched deep in their faces. I had been unresponsive for over ten minutes." Bilbo was still shaking, but didn't squeeze me. I admired his bravery. "And when you...took care of that Orc..." Bilbo's hands trembled, and a sob wracked his frame. "and didn't melt down right then...yer already on yer way to getting over this." I said, with a surprisingly strong hint of sadness. Bilbo picked up on it.

"Aili? You alright?" I smiled, and kissed the top of his little head.

"Oh, Bilbo...I just don't want you to become like my uncle, such a cold and borderline impassive warrior. That's all." Bilbo gave a weak little snort.

"Oh, don't you worry. That'll never happen."

"Let's hope not." We stayed where we were until Bilbo cleared his throat.

"I'm alright now, Aili. Thanks." Nodding, I got up and led the poor half-asleep little Hobbit back into the camp. It was nearing the end of twilight. My brothers and Bofur looked up as we walked in. The three of them seemed to put two and two together, and knew not to bother me for details yet. Bilbo leaned his head into my shoulder as I crouched (still supporting the Hobbit, and my ribs hated me right now...) and spread Bilbo's bedroll out, laying him on it to murmured thanks, but then the Half-Ling was asleep. Chuckling, I stood, stroked a final piece of hair out of Bilbo's face, and left to talk to my brothers and Bofur. At closer look, I saw Thorin there, looking stony as always, but the stone was at least somewhat warmed as a smile played on his lips as he puffed at his pipe. My brothers were smoking, as well. Thorin suddenly got serious as I sat down, warming myself by the fire, pulling out my pipe and lighting it, sighing as I took the first puff. Bofur seemed to sense (as I did) a family conversation starting, and politely kept his distance. I frowned. Bofur shouldn't be so afraid to join in...especially given this morning...and a few stolen moments during the day, when we'd sit together, occasionally kissing and merely drinking up each other's love.

"Aili." Uncle said, to draw my attention. I snapped my head in his direction. "How are your injuries healing?" I smiled. Uncle worries too much.

"Just fine. Much better after Oin's treatment, whatever he did." I said, shrugging slightly. ribs ache a little, but I wasn't lying about anything. I can handle the pain, and they did feel a good deal better after Oin's treatment. Thorin nodded, satisfied with my answer. I glanced back to Bofur to find his disbelieving stare. I gulped. He was always able to see right through me. Then, Thorin snapped me back to reality with his deep voice.

"Good. I'm afraid we can't afford to rest here any longer. Although the Eagles lent us much ground over Azog, rest assured he will press his troupe hard. We can't afford to waste our advantage." I nodded. Of course not! Why would Thorin even consider...oh. He's worried I won't be able to travel. I chewed my lip. How was I going to wear my pack (one of the few that made it out of Goblin-Town) all day long, heaving it along on my back?

I'll just have to suck it up, I guess. I can and will do it.

"Yes, Uncle. I'll be ready to move." I said crisply, trying not to show how much the thought of what was to come worried me. Uncle sighed, but got up to check on the others. Fili and Kili settled themselves beside me.

"Yer not really thinking about traveling with yer pack on, are you?" I narrowed my eyes.

"What of it?" Kili scoffed.

"'What of it'?!" He repeated. " this are going to run yourself into the ground before we get past these mountains! You can't wear your pack!" He hissed, not willing to make a scene. I finally decided to allow my worry to show. Kili understood my position.

"What other choice do I have, Ki?" I asked, "It's not like I can just keep my pack on a pony. We don't have any. I have no other choice!" Fili frowned, hand on my shoulder.

" bad is it?" I frowned.

"Um...not too bad if nothing touches my ribcage, still flares hotly when I touch it. So...if I have to carry something that heavy against my back, and by extension my ribs, all day..." I grimace, thinking of the ramifications.

"So I'll carry your pack." I shook my head.

"No. I can do it...but it won't be pleasant."

"Or healthy." Fili shot back. I glower at him.

"It's not like I'll be running all day! Even Uncle wants to take it as slow as possible. I'll be fine." And with that, I stalk off to retrieve my bedroll, and am shocked to realize that Bofur must have carried me with my pack on the whole way down the rock. I gazed back and find his soft, dreamy gaze trained on me. He smirked, and I smirked back, remembering earlier that day...the taste of sausage (he had cooked one up to munch on while he prepared the rest of the food) and pipe-smoke on his lips...His strong arms pulling me closer, the way his arms held me. A flicker of guilt flitted through me again at being carried the whole way down the rock. Bofur's words the first time he ever carried me ring through my head then.

"Don't be silly, lass. Yer light enuff. Don't you worry none."

That was what he'd say whenever I raised a protest against him heaving me up in his strong arms. He'd laugh and wave me off, but I could see how much energy was spent in carrying me. I'm not the tiny little dwarrowdam I once was. But...neither was Bofur. He, too, has grown stronger and more capable. I shouldn't worry so much about him...but I can't help it.

He is my heart's One. I can feel it.

And after our kiss...we have realized that we are each other's One. This may be sappy, probably even unoriginal, feels like we were meant to get together.

That we were made for each other.*sigh*

And with that thought, I laid down and was asleep before I knew it. Warm, chocolate colored brown eyes and bearded grins flitted through my dreams.