Author's Note - This is one shot that came from Casrin's idea that Regina was so fed up with Emma the day after she rolled into town, that she used up her magic in the vault to curse the apples she offered her. Not with Daniel's Ring though, to be clear. I mean, if she had enough magic to make herself a potion to forget her troubles about Henry's birth mother, who's to say there wasn't enough to get the thorn out of her side too?

This could be a stand alone one shot smutty sort of plotty story. Or if it's well received, possibility for more fleshed out plot points with further smutty times in the future. The seeds have been planted. Just let us know =)

We are neither A&E nor ABC; we do not own OUAT. We just play in a certain town in Maine and its fairytale land counterpart…blah blah blah!

It had taken the last bit of magic she'd had in her vault, but she'd done it. Regina had created a poison that now coated honeycrisp apples in a basket that she carried up the steps in Granny's Bed and Breakfast. The spell would force Emma out of town, never to return, because she'd become averse to Storybrooke itself. She'd want to leave and she'd want to stay away from Henry and herself. Regina had thought this through and would come out innocent.

How could it be my fault if there's just something about Storybrooke that forces Miss Swan out of town?

She rapped on the door to Emma's room and waited, a plastic smile on her face. Then the door swung open in a few seconds, Henry's birth mother greeting her unknown visitor in a white tank top and red underwear with a white coffee mug cradled in hand. Emma looked perplexed as to why the mayor decided to personally stop by after making her feelings quite clear that she did not want the woman in her town.

"Yes ...?" she said slowly, puzzled eyes going from the basket of apples to the obvious forced smile that was on the mayor's face.

Brown eyes roved over Miss Swan's obvious lack of attire and wondered at a person who would answer the door in her underclothes. This doubled her resolve that the spell was the perfect choice; this woman needed to be out of Storybrooke as soon as possible. She would be a terrible influence on Henry.

"I thought that since you've clearly stayed in town, despite your plans to leave, that we should start over, dear," Regina said, the smile unfaltering. "So, I bring a peace-offering. These apples come from the honeycrisp tree, the heartiest of apples. I've tended the tree since I was a child."

That was a backhanded comment if the blonde had ever heard one and remained sensible about this entire encounter, not taking anything that the mayor said for granted. "Since when are apples a peace offering?" she asked genuinely, looking for a legitimate response and truly not trying to cause tension. "Even ones so carefully tended by you?"

There was the slightest of tightening around Regina's eyes when Emma challenged the gift. Distinctly unused to anyone in Storybrooke questioning her or her motives, the mayor tilted her head to the side and studied Henry's birth mother curiously. At least she could understand where Henry had gained his contrary side; he had clearly inherited it from the woman who'd given him up.

"I'd extend an olive branch, but I'm afraid those trees don't grow in this climate," she replied with classic Regina Mills wit. And while she sounded patient, there was an edge to her tone that only someone who knew her well would hear; in Storybrooke, only her son would be apt to catch it.

That actually made the blonde chuckle. "All right. Fair enough." She did look skeptical at the basket full of apples. "Did you bring all of those for me? Because there's no way I can eat them all without some of them going bad."

Emma had a voracious appetite but even she had her limits!

"Just eat what you can. It's the end of the season," Regina replied with a smirk. "I'm afraid Henry will try to run away again if I fix another dish that involves apples."

"Oh. Right," Emma said, looking distressed. The kid had a good thing going here with his adoptive mom, and it made her wonder why he wanted to destroy that with this fairy tale nonsense. It was why she was determined to stick around for awhile to uncover those reasons. "The whole Evil Queen apple thing," she then clarified.

"Yes," Regina murmured.

Emma reached behind the back of the door to set her mug down on the table, balancing on one foot briefly. It made her backside jut out just enough to behind the door before the blonde came back to stand upright, taking the gift basket within one hand.

"Well, thanks." She reached into the basket and plucked out an apple, tossing it gently into the air. "Why don't you take one for the road, too?" she said, catching the apple and handing it to Regina.

Just don't ask me to eat it in front of you, Regina thought. She accepted the apple in the spirit of being seemingly tolerant with Miss Swan.

"Thank you, dear. Perhaps I'll bake it into an apple turnover." Palming the fruit, Regina took a step back from the door, looking pleased. "I don't want to keep you. But, do enjoy them."

"All right," the blonde said and took a hearty bite out of the apple, finding the flavor pretty damn good. Even if it were the end of the season, the apples were succulent and sweet and she couldn't wait to finish the one she was holding. "See you around then."

Regina's plastic smile deepened into one of satisfaction as she watched Emma take a bite. Turning on her heel sharply, the mayor marched down the hall and down the stairs of the B&B…

Regina returned to the mayor's mansion. There was a message from Henry written in hasty scrawl that he was working on a project at a classmate's house. She disliked that he always went to group members' homes, instead of having them over. But, the annoyance she felt at that couldn't diminish her jubilation at finding a solution to her "Emma Swan Problem." She went into the dining room to pour herself a celebratory glass of cider, ready to enjoy an early evening alone then, gloating, but there was a knock at the door.

The mayor sighed, wondering who could possibly be there to interrupt her moment of triumph. She set the glass down and went down the front steps to the door, opening it without checking first.

"What are you doing here?" Regina gasped at seeing Emma and her damned skinny jeans and red leather jacket on her porch.

It was just the reaction the blonde was going for and her face lit up in delight that she caught Regina by surprise. She shyly rocked on the backs of her heels, hands currently clasped behind her and face beaming. "I wanted to see you. Thank you again for the thoughtful gift you gave me this morning."

Regina's jaw dropped. She stared at her, uncomprehending, thinking that this must be some sort of joke. What game was Emma Swan playing at? What was going on?

"The… apples? You're welcome, Miss Swan," she replied, her tone one of complete confusion.

Emma nodded and then put a finger to her own lips to shush the mayor. "No. Don't thank me yet."

Taking a tentative step forward, she produced a single red rose that had remained hidden behind her back for the other woman to take. Green eyes had sparkled with hope, but that slowly deflated while she watched Regina's expression remain unchanged. She would have to explain and when it came to feelings and explaining, that was not something Emma Swan excelled at.

"For you. And you can thank me now. If you like it. If you don't? Just take it and pretend you do because I'd die of embarrassment if you didn't. And … I should shut up now because you're not talking and now looking at me like I'm crazy and perhaps I should go …"

Oh hell, what happened here? Regina thought, stunned. She accepted the rose because the woman asked her to, but the brunette's mind was madly racing, trying to figure this out.

Bought at Game of Thorns, from that idiot who lost his daughter to the imp before I stole her from them both? her mind chirped.

"I… thank you, Miss Swan?" she said, sounding dumb. "It's… just that no one brings me flowers. Let alone a single red rose…"

"Why I brought you one," Emma said with a little confidence coming back. "I wondered what to get you. But I was like, what do you get the woman that has everything? So I thought this would be a nice token. To show you that I really thought about us. Starting over like you wanted."

Like I wanted? Oh lord, what went wrong with that spell?! Instead of driving her away, it's drawn Emma to me?! Regina cleared her throat and gazed thoughtfully at the rose she now held. Help! What do I do now?

"That was very kind of you," she said.

If the spell backfired and compels her to come to me instead of feel compelled to leave despite how she may truly feel about me, there's going to be no dissuading her from how she feels now. Shit.

Not knowing how to play this, Regina sighed inwardly, and offered her a plastic, polite smile. "I was just having a glass of cider. Shall we pick up where we left off last night? Would you care for a drink?"

Like a kid that just got the toy they always wanted, Emma's eyes lit up with Regina asking her to stay. "Yes!" she said eagerly and immediately cleared her throat, confiscating her voice back down a couple of antsy notches. She bit her lip and tried to play her next line coyly. "Promise I get to stay and finish it this time?"

Oh god, what have I done?! thought the mayor.

"We shall see, hm?" she replied in a way that was meant to be typical Regina snark, but it came out as if she was being equally flirty.

Regina stepped back, opening the door a little wider to admit Emma into the mansion. Her heart was thudding loudly in her chest, out of fear, because she truly didn't know how to handle the very clear interest that lay in the blonde's gaze.

"I hope so," Emma responded with a grin as she stepped inside and brushed just past the mayor. Eyes were thoroughly engaged with Regina's, waiting for the mayor to close the door and lead the way. This was her second chance in getting this right and so far everything was going to plan. Actually, it was going better than she imagined because Regina didn't slam the door in her face right off the bat.

Regina's brown eyes widened as she turned and faced the door as she closed it. Swallowing hard, she fixed the polite smile back on her lips as she turned back to face Emma. She went up the stairs and felt hyper-conscious of the fact that the blonde could be watching her every move-

No. That she'd be checking me out. Let's be honest about it, Regina. What have you done?!

Into the dining room she went, pouring a healthy glass of cider for them both. Regina tried to minimize the tremor in her hand as she passed Emma her glass. "Here you are, dear."

Emma took the glass with a lingering smile because as cliche as it was, the blonde was memorizing the feel of Regina's fingers brushing against hers for that fleeting moment. "Thank you…"

Regina watched Emma react to her and bit back a despairing laugh. She only wanted Henry to love her as her son, and instead, it seemed she'd elicited a crush out of his birth mother! With a soft sigh, Regina gestured toward the den's door, feeling a strong sense of deja vu from their interaction last night.

It was difficult for Emma to get a read on her hostess right now, which made her heart clench with uncertainty as she followed after the mayor. She looked around the room, eyes immediately falling onto the chair where Regina had sat last night as if perched on a throne. The memory disappeared abruptly, knowing it would do nothing to regain the fragile footing she desired between them. Instead, she took a drink from her glass and sat down on the couch.

Regina sat down in her chair. Why not? As surreal as this was, she just played along, feeling certain that to do otherwise would only strengthen the blonde's resolve, given the spell.

"How many apples did you have…?" she asked curiously.

Cradling the glass between her hands, Emma answered the question quickly. "Three. It would have been four, but Henry took it and threw it away when I said it was from you. Told him that wasn't cool and there's no reason to think you'd hurt me."

A flurry of thoughts dashed through Regina's mind at Emma's reply. First, with three apples in her, it would've been enough to keep the woman away from Storybrooke forever. Instead, she couldn't get rid of her now at all! Second, what the hell was Emma doing with her son? And third, why did Henry insist on thinking that Regina was out to hurt people? Even if it was patently true!

"Oh, Henry," she sighed. "I don't understand this phase he's in with that book of fairy tales…"

"I'm sorry this is happening. I know you don't want me butting in because he's your son, but if I can help in any way, I will," Emma implored, resting a hand without thought upon Regina's knee. "I know you love him. And I think he just needs to be reminded that under all of this drama with the book and figuring out who he is, he loves you too."

Regina's leg jumped at Emma's touch. She flushed and tried to laugh the reaction off with a gesture as if Emma's hand had been a doctor's mallet to test her reflexes. Taking a healthy swallow of her cider, she considered this far more civil version of Emma before her. Knee touch aside, if Henry's birth mother had taken this approach the night before, Regina wouldn't have been nearly as threatened by her presence!

"Thank you for saying so, Miss Swan. I… read Henry's book last night. He believes me to be an evil queen from his stories. Do you have any idea how much that hurts? I've done everything for him. I've loved him so deeply. And, he is convinced I am a monster."

Relieved that the gesture was not seen as anything other than comfort, Emma could take delight in hearing Regina laugh for the first time. It was quite beautiful, even if not a full on from the gut one that she would love to hear.

"You still do. Love him and do everything for him," she corrected, not agreeing with the past tense that Regina was using. "It's all you can keep doing to show him he's wrong. That you're not a monster. Just his mother."

She wants to help and she acknowledges Henry being MY son. Well, if the spell backfired, at least I win with regard to Henry. If she won't go away, at least this has made her complacent, Regina thought.

"I think he regards your opinions more than mine, and he's only just met you," she replied.

"Yeah," Emma sighed, reaching to set her drink on the table. "I'm just his scapegoat to whatever it is he's running from because he thinks I'm here to 'break your curse'. He has a code name for our mission and everything, but I kept trying to encourage him to talk to you about this. Because it's clear something's really bothering him."

Yes. The actual fucking curse! Regina thought. She swallowed more cider, wanting the drink to numb the worst of the heartache she felt.

"I've had him speaking to Dr. Hopper, our resident therapist," Regina said, since she obviously could not reveal the truth of the matter. "But, so far, you can see therapy isn't helping. It's no wonder he sought you out, Miss Swan. Clearly, my son feels I am unfit, so he's resorting to fantasy and stories to reach out to you instead."

"I'm sorry, again, for all of this…" Emma trailed off, not sure what to say. She felt like an interloper more than ever. Maybe she should leave? It would solve the problem of Henry seeking her out and feeding into these delusions. She was even about to suggest that idea when the blonde braced against the couch arm, feeling lightheaded and believing it were the cider, despite how little she drank.

Regina perked up suspiciously, setting her own glass aside. "Are you alright, Miss Swan?"

"Yeah. Sorry," she swallowed back a bit of nausea that accompanied the dizzy spell. "I'm all right. Sheriff's right. Your cider packs a mean punch."

"My, you'd had a busy day. Henry and Graham, hm?" Regina mused.

"Well, Graham was yesterday," she gave Regina a scathing look. "Not that I couldn't help notice that the Sheriff had little to do today except follow me around."

He was at the diner first thing, but that couldn't have been chalked up to actual coincidence and she had presumed he bought her a drink. Though it wasn't just any drink! It was her favorite drink! It was actually from the kid, and that was how the two of them got to talking about the story book, Storybrooke, his mission, and when he threw her fourth apple away! She was well aware as she spent time with Henry and went about her day that Graham was tailing her. Probably on orders from the Mayor. It just made her more tenacious in fixing their relationship that had started off so poorly. She would make this work.

Regina couldn't help but smile because she could see that Emma knew she had sent Graham to tail her. She shrugged lightly and sipped her drink. A question burned in her mind that she finally had to give voice to.

"With your staying at Granny's, and talking about helping to repair my relationship with my son… I presume that means you plan to stay in Storybrooke, Miss Swan?"

Yes!, Emma thought in triumph, I think she's liking this idea. Not sounding so … spiteful. Still hard to read, but that smile … she's starting to respect me.

"That was the plan. Of course this time, I'm hoping you don't mind that being the plan. I know I could go, and that's probably what you want still, but I really think I can help you," she admitted, fighting back the desperation that was threatening to surface within her tone.

Good heavens, listen to her! Regina thought. Help!

"I appreciate your consideration for Henry's… and my… welfare," Regina said politely.

"Of course I do!" she insisted, squeezing the mayor's knee once again. "I came here to bring Henry back home, and I've made things worse. It's not fair at all to you how this turned out."

Shit, what have I done? How do I get her to stop now? What if the spell doesn't wear off?!

Regina swallowed hard, glancing down at her knee. "Miss Swan… we're both in a predicament because of Henry's unique beliefs. Don't feel you're at fault in this. I am relieved you brought him back. Considering Graham and I had no idea where he'd run to… I could have lost him forever, and I'm acutely conscious of that."

"I'm not looking for validation of what I did. I just want to help," the blonde said softly. "Make sure he doesn't pull another crazy stunt that scares you half to death."

"Thank you, dear," Regina replied.

She downed the last of her cider and fell silent, not knowing what to say or do as Henry's birth mother smiled at her, soaking up the gratitude. It was true that - if she was stuck with her Emma Swan problem - it was better that the blonde was being so considerate and concerned compared to looking at her like she was the Evil Queen.

Which I am… but that's beside the point.

Still, Regina had no idea how to interact properly with her since the spell had clearly made Emma clingy in her concern for the Mills family's well-being. She'd never known what that was like from anyone; even her father's worry for her had been distant and complacent in a way.

"Want another?" Emma asked, finally taking the hand off Regina's knee to acknowledge both of their empty glasses.

"What? Oh. Yes… thank you," she replied with a distracted air.

The apple that Emma had given back to her as a token was on the sideboard table by the decanter. She hadn't eaten it, of course, and had left it sit there when she'd poured herself a drink. Regina realized this and wondered if Emma was now going to notice it as she approached with the empty glass?

Emma had set down the crystal on the table and pulled the top off the decanter, refilling their glasses, her mind working hastily on how to ensure it was all right to stay in town and perhaps get the mayor to accept seeing her outside the social norms of birth and adoptive parent.

"Hey!" Her thoughts completely derailed when Emma saw the apple that she gave Regina. Not that she was an apple connoisseur or anything, she just remembered the curve of the stem. "You didn't eat my gift?" she asked, feigning disappointment.

Regina winced, wondered why she had that reaction, and rose. She sauntered out into the hall, and then into the dining room. Ha! And end up smitten with you, Miss Swan?!

She was soon joined by Emma, holding out the glass for her to take.

"I hadn't had time to make it into a treat," she lied. "Later."

"Cool that you bake, huh?" she asked with drifting eyes that saw right through the lie and then responded with a jesting tone. "Not so cool that wasn't the reason you didn't eat it yet. I could always take it back if you really don't want it?"

Regina bit down on her lower lip so hard she nearly drew blood. The Swan woman wasn't terrible now that she was non-hostile and the mayor had to remind herself that it was only because of her backfired spell that Emma was so considerate and acting downright vulnerable. Just the same, Regina almost felt herself feeling badly for hurting Emma's feelings.

This is ridiculous! What. The. Hell!

"Miss Swan, it's really just a matter of not having had time to bake it into a turnover. Truly," she said. "Being mayor and a single mother of a son who has this tendency to run away from me lately keeps me quite occupied, I assure you."

Regina took the offer glass of cider from Emma, a strained smile on her lips. If the spell was to be strong enough to compel her to stay away indefinitely, what is likely to happen now that she feels compelled to stay and hang around me? Help!

"But I'll be helping with that," Emma gently reminded. "The making sure Henry doesn't run off part that is. Not so qualified for the other two."

She gave Regina a wink over the rim of the glass before taking a healthy drink, hoping that her drinking companion didn't dig too terribly deep into her past. Emma Swan was far from a role model growing up, but it was how she had to learn to survive. Even if it landed her in jail for chasing a foolish dream.

Regina's eyes widened as she swallowed a mouthful of cider. "Right. Of course. If you're in Storybrooke, there's no reason for Henry to run away…"

Swallowing the cider, Emma cleared her throat and thought this was the perfect lead into feeling out the mayor further. She took a tentative step forward, glass in hand still, as the blonde lowered her voice curiously. "Right. And … well, being in Storybrooke? Maybe there's another totally unrelated reason that could be keeping me here …"

She was certain that the moment the two of them met, there had been an undeniable attraction between them. Awkwardness aside of Henry being brought home by his birth mother, Emma felt something when their eyes met. Initially presuming it to be trepidation for being the reason Regina's world had been thrown upside down, followed by this morning's display of alpha female for being threatened, she wondered if the mayor's reaction was heightened because of mutual appeal.

Regina gulped as Emma stepped into her personal space, the sound of her dangerously low voice buzzing in her ears. She just knew where Emma was going with this, thanks to the backfired spell - And that's the only reason why, correct?! - but she still found herself breathless and flustered when she asked her question in reply.

"And what would that be, Miss Swan? Granny's lasagna?"

Chuckling, Emma set down her glass and reached to remove Regina's from her hand gently. "I can assure you that Granny, or her food, has no bearing on that reason."

Regina inhaled sharply, clasping both hands in front of her now that she didn't have her drink to hold onto. "No…?"

"No," she whispered.

Regina hadn't shied away from her or passionately refuted her advances as she had done with Emma's general presence since arriving. It only seem to reaffirm the blonde's previous notion that there was something that both of them felt.

"Do I really have to say it, Madam Mayor?" the younger woman smiled decisively, moving even closer to where they stood just inches apart.

Too strong-willed to step back, especially in her own home, Regina stared into determined green eyes and tried to think this through. It was difficult, however, with Emma Swan so close and so blatant in her intentions.

She means nothing more to me than Graham does, Regina told herself. And the curse has kept him in my bed for years. Maybe it's time to spice up my life. Having her as a pet is better than as an enemy…

The brunette smirked. "Say it. Tell me what you want, Miss Swan."

Now this made Emma beam in triumph! Regina was no longer denying it. Not with how the mayor's voice lured her into answering with that firm, demanding, timbre.

"I. Want. You," she drawled.

Regina's heart beat faster. Brown eyes met greens in challenge. "What's stopping you then?"

"Had to be sure …" answered the blonde and without any hesitation, immediately closed the distance so their lips could finally touched. Her blood was boiling with desire now, finally able to do what her heart desired. They both tasted of residual cider and Emma was no longer shy in expressing her needs.

She really kissed me!

Regina recovered quickly, returning the brushing of lips because this was, honestly, refreshing. Storybrooke had grown old to her, apart from enjoying life with Henry. As an adversary or as a lover, Regina had to admit that Emma definitely livened her dull life!

Drawing back slightly, she licked her lips and gazed intently at the blonde. "Well?"

"When does Henry come home?" the blonde rasped out, obvious intent glinting within her gaze.

"He should be a couple hours before I get a call to go pick him up," she replied. "Would you like to go upstairs, Miss Swan?"

"On one condition," she answered, lips curling upward. "Call me Emma."

Regina smirked, eyes flashing. "Now why would I do that, Miss Swan?"

"Because that's the name I want you screaming when we finally get upstairs," she replied without missing a beat.

"So confident," she replied, unable to hide her smile. "How about you earn your name off my lips then?"

Oh my, did I really just say that to her?!

"Well, Madam Mayor ... I do believe we've reached a deal." Smirking, she offered her hand and was already heading towards the staircase. "Are you coming or not?"

Oh for fuck's sake, Swan. Cheesy or what?! Well, at least I said it with confidence!

Regina bit her lip to hold back her laughter. She shot a challenge back at her. "That entirely depends if you fuck as good as you carry on, Miss Swan."

"Only one way to find out, Madam Mayor," she pointed out with a light shrug.

The brunette gestured toward the stairs beyond the dining room. "Shall we?"

"Was already on the way there," she corrected, offering her hand once again.

Regina smiled slyly and took her hand, feeling the world slip sideways as their hands touched. She stumbled, nearly bumping into the wall before regaining her balance. She looked at Emma with a disconcerted frown.

"Did you feel that?"

Emma was catching her breath as she held a hand to her head, feeling lightheaded herself. Much like earlier. "Too much cider? Got a good kick there…" It was the only plausible conclusion that the younger woman could come up with.


Regina's expression eased, looking perplexed because not for one moment did she think it had anything to do with her apple cider. But, she didn't know what had caused the earth shaking sensation either in this land without magic. The mayor smiled at the blonde and led her up the stairs. Emma couldn't be too terribly sad at this lead change. She was able to enjoy the delicious view of the mayor's ass sashaying up the stairs.

Her back to Emma as they went up the stairs, Regina smirked at how this had turned out. Perhaps better than chasing the woman off, she had her in her thrall now, controlling her with her apparent desires; after all, even Regina knew there had to be an element of truth to this for Emma for the spell to work so thoroughly. She led her to her bedroom door and leaned back against the frame coyly in an invitation that Emma eagerly accepted. Closing in on the mayor, the younger woman was bolder, letting her hands roam over Regina's hips as she had desired to do so since arriving on her doorstep. It was making Emma realize how badly she just wanted to kiss the mayor as soon as she opened the door.

"I'm all for starting the party out here …" she uttered, a singular brow lifting upwards as the blonde bridged the gap between them, needing another kiss. Their first one was too short-lived and Emma felt deprived.

Regina wrapped her arms around the blonde, plunging her fingers into her hair as they kissed. She kissed back, lips parted, devouring Emma's like a woman starved, and the blonde was just as ravenous in response. It was as if the two of them were feeding off one another's wants. Moaning as her desire skyrocketed, Emma sandwiched Regina against the wall and entwined her fingers into the fabric of the mayor's dress, tugging upwards. There was no further need of subtlety. She wanted the other woman now.

Regina gasped, breaking the kiss. She grasped at Emma's red leather jacket, tugging it off. She threw it down, fingers clawing into her shirt, a willing participant to this lust. Emma grinned at the move and resumed pulling the mayor's dress up and over her hips. An immediate moan escaped as her hands were privy to roaming over the curves of Regina's ass.

"Like what you feel, Miss Swan?" she gasped, tugging her shirt up. Palms slid over her abs and stomach, sliding higher to cup her breasts through her bra. "My nice, tight ass?"

"Probably as much as you like what you're feeling right now, Madam Mayor," the blonde husked out while Regina's palms grazed hardened nipples that were poking through her bra. She tugged the mayor's stockings down, allowing fingers to slide between supple skin and fabric. "But I've definitely got the better end of the deal here so far …"

Regina grinned arrogantly, her pulse and breath quickening at Emma's touch. "Why thank you, dear…"

"Ooo. I already got a thank you," smirked the blonde. "That'll do for now …"

She captured Regina's mouth once again, fingers slipping up and around the elastic band, drawing the lacy material downwards. The mayor grabbed onto her hips and turned them, pressing Emma's back to the wall instead. She pushed against her, making it impossible for the blonde's hands to continue their work as she kissed a trail from ear to the curve of her neck, making Emma's eyes roll into the back of her head. The aggressiveness that Regina displayed when threatened also extended onto carnal acts as well. Two could definitely play that game.

Moaning as Regina continued teasing her, she pulled the older woman tightly to her before bending at the knees - hands clasping just under the mayor's backside as the blonde lifted her off the floor and carried her across the hall, forcing her against the opposite wall.

Regina broke the kiss to gasp audibly, dark eyes full of surprise. "Well, aren't you something, hm?"

Chuckling softly, Emma couldn't help feeling quite smug at the rather backhanded compliment. Regina was quite apt in giving them out. "Well, I'm just full of surprises, Madam Mayor…"

Regina stared at her for a moment before nodding, more to herself than to Emma. "Keep surprising me."

"As you wish," the blonde purred before recapturing the mayor's lips, becoming lost in the kiss once again.

It was hard, messy and full of lust that had not been extinguished. Their short interlude had only added more kindling to the fire between them. Regina returned the kiss with fervor, finding this so much hotter, so far, compared with any other sexual encounter she'd had in either realm. There was something very passionate about someone believing they had a "thing" for you, Regina realized, and now that she had returned to being an active participate, Emma's desire kicked into full gear. The blonde immediately grabbed the older woman's wrists and locked them above her head, further losing herself in the kiss at the sound of Regina's moan.

Startled again, Regina nipped Emma's lip, fighting to free her wrists from Emma's grip. This was extremely pleasurable, but the mayor was not used to being challenged. The blonde loosened her grip and flicked her tongue along Regina's lower lip before pulling back.

"What's wrong, Madam Mayor?" Emma licked the spot that Regina had nipped with a sly grin. "Not used to being on the bottom?"

"Stop calling me that," she said shortly, frowning even as she tilted her head forward to kiss along her jaw.

Eyes narrowed with that demand, wondering how the situation had shifted to where it was acceptable to refer to her by her given name. There had been no audible or visible disapproval to this formality, especially considering that Regina refused to speak Emma's own name. Internal musings had only momentarily paused the blonde's attentions because Regina's soft kisses along her jaw pulled her back into the moment. Releasing her wrists, Emma fingers drifted downwards until she cupped Regina's face and brought their mouths together.

The brunette kissed her hungrily, hands roaming down Emma's back. She pulled back abruptly. "Bedroom. Now."

Emma didn't have to be told twice. With an eager grin, she pulled Regina off the wall and did an about face, advancing towards the bedroom.

"You can put me down though, dear," Regina chuckled. Then, with caution in her voice, she added, "We should gather up our clothes… just in case Henry comes home early. Unlikely, but, we don't need to risk that."

Blinking, Emma slowly set Regina down with a slow look of comprehension that finally hammered past her carnal addled brain. "Oh. Right. Yeah. We don't want the kid seeing that."

Not to mention Henry would flip out that it was his birth and adoptive moms spending time together and enjoying each others company. That would really confused him after everything Henry went on and on about today. Bending over, Emma did the honors of collecting the few items that they managed to pull off of each other like the good guest she was.

Chuckling at the truth of that, Regina went into the bedroom and removed the rest of her attire, neatly setting it on the divan. She stood at the foot of the queen-sized bed, fingers grazing lightly over the bedspread. Her brown eyes were dark with lust as she watched Emma enter her bedroom and drop the clothes she was carrying on the floor.

"Holy hell, Regina," said Emma in a hushed, admiring, tone. "You're … beautiful."

The most beautiful woman I've ever seen …

Too afraid to voice all of her thoughts, Emma stared longingly over the mayor's slender form and gorgeous olive toned skin, afraid to move any closer.

Regina bit her lower lip, the slightest of frowns crossing her brow before it vanished. "Thank you, Miss Swan."

She crooked a finger, beckoning her closer as she tugged at the bedspread, pulling it away from the pillows, exposing her luxurious, high thread-count sheets. Emma, unused to such luxury, really couldn't tell the difference except that everything in this room was of a higher quality than she probably deserved - and that included Regina Mills. With her tank top already pulled free from the mayor's attentive fingers, she removed it in one move and quickly divested the rest of what she wore while advancing on the woman of her desires.

"You're not so bad yourself," she said softly.

She had stared blatantly at the blonde, drinking in the sight of her beautiful nakedness. Leaner and more muscular than Regina, she was conscious of the edginess that Emma exuded. It was quite attractive. She kissed her hard, pushing the blonde onto the bed, half-straddling her as she followed her down. Fingers immediately tangled into Regina's dark hair, the war of dominance starting all over again despite Emma being on the bottom right now. She hooked a leg around one of the mayor's, forcing the older woman flushed against her body. Being so close and free of clothing elicited a wanting moan during their kiss.

Regina moaned back, hands splayed out to either side of her shoulders as they kissed hungrily, almost roughly. This was so different than with the Huntsman… with Graham.

With the mayor's hands grown laxed, Emma took the moment to capitalize and take control once again. She rolled them over, not once breaking the kiss. At least not until it was wished and the blonde caressed Regina's jaw with her mouth, lightly scraping the underside with her teeth.

Arching her back, tilting her head back to bare her neck, Regina moaned with pleasure. Wrapping a leg around Emma's hip, her own rocking reflexively. "Miss Swan… don't you dare stop…"

It would have been too easy to have earned her name with such simplicity, something Emma was well aware of. She would have to have Regina screaming with incoherency in order to forget such formalities. Her mouth worked down her neck, leaving a reddened trail in the wake of her teeth, lightly glistening from the wet kisses to soothe the pain. The brunette gasped with the contrasts of pain and pleasure, finding this so different from what she'd known in any realm.

Who the hell is Henry's birth mother that she affects me so?

With no answer to that question, Regina could only moan and pant in ecstasy as the blonde heightened her arousal, Emma now having turned to nipping her collarbones. She was on a high, hearing Regina's soft moans and gasping breath, knowing that it was only going to intensified further. Sighing against supple flesh, Emma gasped as she finally captured a nipple inside her mouth. She worked the tender flesh between her lips, sucking and flicking the nub into perfect hardness.

Regina cried out wordlessly, then pushed Emma forcibly off her, chasing the blonde's body without pause. She pressed her back into the sheets, reasserting her control, teeth and tongue grazing her pert, pink nipples, needing to know she could make Emma react the same way she responded to her.

The confusion that Emma felt was transitory because Regina was assertively working her breasts now as she cried out. "Ah fuck!"

Now it was the blonde arching her back against the mayor, tugging at dark hair and demanding more. Regina was only to happy to indulge her, caught up in the moment. This was new and exciting, having such a vibrant partner in her bed. Lips, teeth, and tongue assaulted her nipples, moving from one to the other, making Emma groan with delicious approval. Her senses were slammed with pleasure and she wanted more.

"Want … want you …" she confessed with a guttural tone, tugging Regina's hair, needing to lock eyes before she spoke once again. "Want to taste you …"

Regina's brown eyes went wide with surprise at hearing that from Emma. Looking haughty and positively queen-like, she slid off the blonde and reclined back on the bed. Lust-filled eyes smirked at her lover as she bent one leg at the knee, one hand and arm tucked behind her head.

The blonde had been going for something truthful, but with just enough surprise to take Regina off guard. Which did happen! Emma was ready to pounce on the mayor, turn the tables, and do precisely what she craved. Instead she was now riveted towards how Regina recovered and took complete control of the moment. She crooked her neck around to maintain eye contact as the older woman took up position next to her. Green eyes dragged down along the mayor's body, Emma twisting her body over as she gauged her plan of attack, but it was impossible to prepare for what came next out of Regina's mouth.

"By all means, Emma."

All the blonde had to be was honest in her desires, and that reward was finally hearing her name uttered by a voice cloaked in velvet. It triggered an intense sexual craving that paled in comparison to anything else Emma had felt thus far. Hands immediately clasped both of her lover's thighs and pushed, dominating her position between Regina's legs in order to sate her thirst. Moaning as the first taste of her lover hit her outstretched tongue, Emma plunged further, lapping at swollen folds thick with the mayor's arousal like water to a deprived nomad long lost within the desert.

Regina's hips jerked as she moved her arm, gripping the sheets with a strangled cry. This was what she'd thought Emma would do, but it felt more incredible than she ever would have imagined as swipes continued to flick through her folds, growing with intensity. She moaned, hips moving swiftly.

"Emma…!" she moaned hotly, one hand coming up to cup her own breast, tweaking the nipple that the blonde's lips had recently teased.

Gasping at hearing her name now uttered in the throes of ecstasy, Emma's focus had shifted. She cupped Regina's mound and tugged her lips wide open, revealing the sought out swollen bundle of nerves. Flicking it not once, but twice to tease, the blonde batted her tongue eagerly over Regina's clit, wanting to hear her name cried out this time.

Regina's eyes rolled back into her head as pleasure assaulted her senses. She arched her back and howled Emma's name as the swift work against her clit threw her into a powerful climax. Fingers went white with the force of gripping the sheets - both hands back there, hanging on for dear life - the intense orgasm well beyond anything she'd known. As Regina bucked wildly against her, Emma adjusted to keep up with her, daring her eyes to roam upwards to watch the beautiful results of her work.

She shuddered what felt like forever before the mayor collapsed against the sheets, panting heavily. Trying to catch her breath, she looked at Emma, eyes wide. With Regina lying still did the blonde finally pull back to slowly lick her lips, wanting to savor the delectable flavor that still lingered- so enthralled that she was able to bring this much pleasure to her. Oh Emma recognized the look on her lover's face. It was one of pure shock! That the possibility of a skilled partner could exist to bring out such intense pleasure.

Regina's head fell back against the pillow, eyes slipping closed. Her chest heaved as she tried to settle her breathing, every inch of her body tingling with pleasure. Emma smiled briefly at the sight and leaned down, placing gentle kisses along her lover's inner thigh, helping to soothe the mayor's body as she came down in the aftermath of climaxing.

"Emma…" she gasped out, not seemingly able to form any other words beyond her name, as the blonde continued to place soft kisses against her skin.

She slowly worked her way higher, breathing hotly into the curve of the mayor's hip in hearing her name once again. Emma hadn't known this desire had welled up inside her, craving Regina to acknowledge her like this since they first met. She nuzzled against her side, holding her with a satisfying sigh. "Regina ..."