It is time for the moment you have all been waiting for. The final chapter of Girl Meets Daisy! This has been a fun and challenging time making this story, and I'm just as sad as you guys that it has to end, but don't forget, Girl Meets Anna is up, so you better look it up when you finish this! :) Also, the first reviewer to review on Girl Meets Anna will get their own character, so go ahead and do that too! For the final time in this story, I do not own Girl Meets World or its characters. Alright, let's begin!

(Daisy's POV)

"Anna," Mom replied.

I sat in shock. "You, you're going to foster Anna?" I asked.

Mom nodded. Maya still hadn't said anything. Her eyes were staring straight ahead, so I couldn't read them. That's what Maya and I could do. We could understand each other just by looking in each other's eyes. "When?" Maya finally asked.

"In a week," Mom replied.

Maya smiled at me. "You ready for another adventure?" she asked me.

"You bet," I replied, surprised that Maya was going to accept Anna.

Maya and I went back to our room, to get ready for bed. That's when it hit us. "Where's Anna gonna stay?" we asked mom.

"Well, I was thinking about getting you and Daisy a bunk bed, and giving Anna one of the other bed," Mom replied.

"Awesome!" Maya and I yelled at the same time.

We went to bed that night, and couldn't wait till the next day.

The next morning, it was Sunday, and we went to get the bunk beds. When the men had set them at home and Maya and I had made our new beds, we got a bed ready for Anna, and I used her favorite color for the blanket, yellow.

Our room looked really cool now. With our bunk bed, decorated in blue, black, and green, and a bed next to it decorated in yellow. We knew then, that we were ready for Anna. We were ready anything.

At school the next day, we told Riley, Lucas, and Farkle the news. They seemed surprised. We then had to all go to the auditions for the school musical, which was called, 'Hard Life in the Big City.' There was singing at the end for the lead female role.

The drama teacher called us up one by one for us to audition. Maya faked a bad singing voice to not get the part. Then, it was my turn.

"What will you be singing?" the teacher asked.

"A song I wrote," I replied.

I thought that I was done for that night

Everything seemed wrong, because nothing seemed right

But looking on the news and watching the fire light

I realized:

As time goes on

We move on

Life goes on

It goes on

You get one shot

You get one chance

You one time

To stand up and dance

Yeah, you get one time

To stand up and dance

I really wrote this and worked hard on it, I promise, tell me what you think of it

I finished the song and went back down to my seat. "You did great," Maya whispered.

"Thanks," I replied.

They finally decided on the roles. "For the lead male, Forest Window," she said.

Forest walked up there. He was tall with brown hair and eyes. He looked shorter for fourteen-thirteen.

"And for the lead female," she said. "Daisy Hart."

I walked up onto stage. I was ready. Read for the play, ready for Anna, ready for life. And even though it was Riley's goal to, I, Daisy Clara Hart, was ready to meet the world.

And that's it! I know this is a shorter chapter, but I wasn't planning on doing this at first anyways! So Girl Meets Anna should be up by now, and remember, first reviewer who isn't a guest gets a character! So, for the final reviews of this, tell me your favorite parts, your favorite chapters, just tell me what you thought of the whole story. Alright, it's time for my final farewell to Girl Meets Daisy. Thank you and Lacey!