Hey guys! I had, like, a beautiful yet sad idea for a story! It centers on Raphael and Leo more than any of them but I still like to balance the characters! :D

Warning: There might be a bit gory imagery, or not so much as gory as the injuries are terrible. And also, this is going to be a short story, like maybe a 4-shot ;D Or 3 depending on the plot. And the last warning is I made the villain and OC, and I hope I did well enough, I just really wanted to focus on the moral of the story.

Please enjoy and do let me know what you think! I love to hear from you!

They raced their way down the sewers, chasing after each other in what almost seemed like a game of tag. Leonardo was in front, smiling every now and then at Raphael, who tried to catch him.

Donatello and Michelangelo were in the back, chuckling to each other as they had planned an attack on their older brothers. Unbeknownst to Raphael and Leonardo, the two snuck into the shadows while they ran ahead still trying to capture and evade each other.

"What kinda trainin session is this anyway?!" Raph growled as he missed Leo again. Leo chuckled.

"Who says we aren't just having fun?" Leo asked with a smirk. Raph scowled.

"I'm not having fun!" Raph complained while he jumped off the wall and almost face planted trying to grab Leo, who laughed hard. Raph glared and ran faster.

But then they both paused, noticing Mikey was too quiet and not making any comments. Their eyes widened to find the two youngest gone. Then they began to panic.

That is...until the two younger turtles pounced on the older ones with a battle cry and laughter. Michelangelo caught Raphael and Donatello caught Leonardo.

"What the?!" Raph cried while he and Leo laid dumbfounded on the ground. Mikey and Donnie high three'd each other and laughed together.

"We won! We won!" Mikey jumped around excitedly while Donnie nodded, his gap tooth showing. Leo looked at Raph, who growled and got up. Donnie helped Leo up and was still smirking.

"Don't do that ta us, we thought ya got lost!" Raph growled while Donnie rubbed his head sheepishly.

"Sorry." Donnie apologized while Leo smiled. Raph shook his head.

"Guys!" Mikey yelled and they looked. He was staring at something in the sewer room. They followed him and saw something that looked like a deep pit, filled with sewer water. But not like the one with the drain. "What is it?"

"Who knows?" Leo wondered out loud, while Donnie investigated it. Raph crossed his arms, uninterested.

"It's not a drain?" Mikey asked peering over the top.

"No, the drains in the sewers are bigger, plus there are no levers!" Donnie said matter of fact, finger in the air. The brothers rolled their eyes at him.

Mikey and Donnie kept inspecting it while Leo was looking around. Raph sighed while leaning against the nearest wall. He blinked in surprise to see a golden coin near the crease of the corner near him.

He picked it up and inspected it. It was just solid gold, no design. He rose a non-existent eyebrow and turned to his brothers. "Hey guys, look at this, I found gold!"

They rushed to him with awed expressions. "You found the pirate's treasure!" Mikey beamed and Raph rolled his eyes, making sure they didn't snatch it.

"Maybe it's a well?" Leo said aloud, looking at the 'well' again. Donnie blinked in surprise.

"In a sewer? Who'd wish down here?" Donnie asked with a small smirk. Mikey and Raph snickered when Leo blushed.

"Well, never mind...just saying.." Leo replied crossing his arms with an annoyed look.

"Throw it in and make a wish!" Mikey giggled while trying to snatch the coin, Raph growled and pushed Mikey away, stumbling in the process. "Ow!"

"Yeah if only my wishes come true." Raph rolled his eyes dramatically and pushed Mikey's face away when he tried to attack again. But this time he landed into Don.

"Hey, watch it Mike!" Donnie complained and pushed him too, who stumbled into Raph, stepping on his foot. Raph growled and stepped back, but tripped backwards, the coin falling into the sewer water below with a 'plop'. Leo just stared at the scene. Raph half leaned over, Mikey on the ground and Donnie blinking in surprise. It was pretty funny.

"Look what ya did!" Raph glared at Donnie, who sweat dropped.

"It was just a coin!" Don argued back, feeling annoyed. Leo rolled his eyes and helped Mikey up.

"Not tha coin, ya pushed Mikey into me!" Raph complained while brushing his arms off.

"Let's just go back so Master Splinter doesn't hit us..." Leo laughed a bit nervously at the thought and the possibility of a fight between Raph and Don. Mikey was nodding.

Don shrugged and turned, Raph just nodding with a scowl, following his brothers and slapping the back of Mikey's head for trying to snatch from him earlier.

All four had failed to realize the golden glow that suffused inside the 'sewer well'.

They entered the lair and, just as promised, Master Splinter was waiting for them, tapping a foot on the ground with a narrowed glare. They began to sweat bullets.

"S-Sensei...hi.." Leo said lamely. Splinter rose an eyebrow at them, crossing his arms, the glare still there. "W-What are you doing up..?"

"I woke up to make tea." He answered while looking disappointed. "Why did you not tell me you were leaving the lair? You know how much it worries me to just find you four missing."

"We were playing tag!" Mikey beamed, but still a bit nervous. Raph face palmed this time while Don and Leo sighed, shaking their heads.

"Tag?" Splinter echoed with a bit of surprise. "You were playing tag?"

"Yeah, we chased each other! Me and Donnie got Leo and Raph!" Mikey giggled and Raph growled.

A ghost of a smile appeared on Splinter's face for a second then he put his hands behind his back. "As punishment for not informing me..."

The turtles stood straight, eyes wide as their Father approached them. They tensed when he was right in front of them. He leaned to Leonardo, who was the first closest. He then flicked him on the head hard. "Ow!" Leo rubbed his forehead, surprised. Mikey giggled but Splinter then flicked him even harder. Mikey yelped.

Don and Raph were just surprised when they were flicked. "That's it..?" Don asked and then got whacked with the cane. Mikey and Master Splinter stifled laughter.

"I must go rest now since I know you're safe and home." Splinter said, looking a bit disappointed again. They bowed their heads and watched their Father disappear into his room.

"A flick? Really? That's new!" Donnie blubbered out loud, rubbing his head. Leo nodded while Mikey was still stifling laughter.

"Whatever, I'm out." Raph waved while going towards his room. His brothers watched him leave and then just shrugged to each other.

Once in his room Raph thought about the coin. What kind of coin had no design? Not one that he's seen. It seemed to be real gold, but that couldn't be right. Something about the coin made him really want it, though he couldn't place why. It was just there.

'A sewer well?' Leo had called it. Pfff...what a laugh! Raphael began to laugh out loud slightly at his thoughts. The thought of their being a wishing well in the sewers was just too much!

Raph sighed after laughing and shifted, closing his eyes. He was too tired to think anymore, he'd get up later.

He did it again. He threw a water balloon straight at Raphael's face. Michelangelo sweat dropped when Raph seemed to have fire around him, his temper flaring. He hardly got one foot out of his bedroom door before being attacked.

"I swear to god Mikey, I'll strangle ya!" Raphael growled dangerously. Michelangelo's eyes widened but only slightly as he had a nervous grin and sweaty palms. The orange branded turtle backed up slowly as Raph approached him, fists clenched.

"Raph, think about what you're doing!" Mikey cried as he backed away some more. Raph flat out ran after Mikey, who shrieked and ran for his life.

In the dojo Leonardo sighed, losing focus on his kata when he heard Mikey shriek. Surprisingly Donatello was in the dojo too, hanging out with Leonardo.

"Those two never stop, huh?" Donnie asked looking out the door. Raph had grabbed Mikey and forced him on the ground.

"No, they don't." Leo sighed again and they both sweat dropped when Mikey licked Raph's face, who was horrified, and ran into the room with them.

"Help!" He screamed with a happy grin. Raphael, after his initial shock, growled and came rushing in the room. Donnie frowned when Mikey used him as a shield.

"Can you guys go play somewhere else?" Leo asked, annoyed as he was in his kata position.

"Play?!" Raph asked with wide eyes, unbelieving. "I'm not playing!"

"I am!" Mikey giggled happily.

"My point exactly." Leo replied. Donnie rolled his eyes and tried to step away from Mikey. Once he did Mikey gasped and ran away in the room, laughing the whole time while Raph just looked tired and angry.

But Mikey flailed his arms around and wouldn't stop giggling, obviously having the time of his life. Donnie and Leo couldn't help but smile at this.

"Jeez..." Raph glared, a bit tired from all the running. Mikey was a big ball of energy that could rival a sun. Leo just continued to smile through his kata and Donnie snickered at Raph. "Sometimes I just wish the little nutball would collapse like the rest of us."

"That would be a change." Donnie grinned at the pure possibility, watching Mikey run and send them grins.

"A good chan-" Leo was interrupted by a loud thud. They all looked, startled and was stunned to see Mikey had landed sprawled out on the ground, unmoving.

For a second they stood there stunned, waiting to see if he was playing with them. But there was no movement.

"Mikey!" They yelled in surprise, rushing to his side. Donnie put a hand on his plastron and was relieved to feel he was still breathing.

"What just happened?!" Leo demanded, feeling confused. Raph looked at Donnie with a scowl.

"He...he just collapsed..." Donnie trailed off while examining for injury. Raph and Leo shared a look of surprise. "He was fine a second ago...and he just collapsed."

Raph felt weird about the whole thing. He hadn't actually wanted his brother to collapse...was it because he wished for it...? No, not possible! That only happens in movies..!

"Michelangelo!" They jumped in their shells. Splinter immediately rushed to their side upon seeing their fallen brother. "What happened?"

"He was running around and giggling Sensei, nothing seems to be wrong!" Leo explained still a bit freaked out. They were all on their knees with Mikey's head in Leo's lap. Splinter rubbed Mikey's head and he groaned, baby blue eyes fluttering open.

"...Uh...ugh...guys?" Mikey questioned, sitting up. They gave him space. He blinked. "What...what just happened?"

"You passed out." Raph told him, cocking his head to the side with a scowl still. Mikey blinked again but this time his baby blue eyes were wide.

"I did? When did that happen?"

"Just a second ago." Donnie answered, looking at his brothers who were now a bit worried. Mikey looked confused but then grinned.

"But I feel fine!" He cheered while Splinter rubbed his head. He smiled and the brothers just sighed, somewhat in relief.

"Just..calm down the excitement?" Leo asked and Mikey nodded his head, a smile on his face still. "Good.."

"Come with me, Mike." Donnie ordered, helping him up. Mikey pouted but both Splinter and Leo insisted he be examined, just in case. So the two youngest left, leaving the rest of the family in confusion.

"He probably wore himself out." Raph pointed out when he saw his brother's face. Leo seemed to consider it and shrugged, but Raph saw the appreciative smile and smirked back.

"Yo, dudes where ya at?!" Casey's voice drifted in the lair. Splinter sighed, rubbing his chin.

"In the dojo Casey!" Raph called out while Leo watched Splinter leave to go back to sleep. Casey and April entered the dojo with a smile, though April looked annoyed at him. "What's up?"

"Nothin much man." Casey grinned, looking at April.

"Where's Don and Mikey?" She asked suddenly curious.

"Don's checking on Mikey because he just passed out a moment ago." Leo frowned. April and Casey looked towards Raph with surprise.

"Why ya looking at me?" Raph asked feeling offended.

"Because usually when Mikey gets hurt it's your fault." April pointed out and Raph crossed his arms and glared.

"Actually it's usually Mikey's fault." Leo sighed and Raph nodded.

"Oh, hey we brought the new set of Robo Mega Force Five tapes." Casey jabbed a thumb to the lair's entrance. Leo and Raph grinned.

They all walked out and into the pit together. They placed the first tape in and just as they did Mikey came running out and hugged April.

"Mikey!" April laughed and Don practically floated to her side while Casey rolled his eyes. "Hey Donnie."

"H-Hey April..." Donnie replied shyly. Leo looked up from playing the tape.

"So, everything's good?" He asked trying to downplay his worry for his baby bro. Mikey beamed and nodded. Inwardly Raph sighed in relief.

"He seems to have just collapsed. So I told him he needs to go sleep early tonight." Donnie pressed while Mikey groaned into April's shoulder, who giggled and patted his shell.

"We have the new episodes," Casey announced and Don snapped his head up and beamed. Mikey gave a victory cry and jumped into Raph's lap.

"What the?!" Raph growled and stared in disbelief when Mikey kissed his cheek and dodged a hit, flying to the other side of the couch. Raph grabbed a pillow and launched it at Mikey's face, who gave the girliest shriek.

Immediately April, Casey, Don, and Leo bubbled out into uncontrollable laughter. Raph smirked when Mikey's green chubby face turned red.

Well into the first episode the screen kept pixelating. Raph felt his eye twitch when it didn't come back on. Leo and Mikey groaned while Casey beat at the TV.

"Watch it cavemouth, I fixed that!" Donnie complained. Casey and Donnie glared at each other.

"Ugh, I just wish it would back on already!" Raph growled in anger. He choked on his next rant when the show suddenly came back on with no problems. Everyone blinked in surprise.

"Raph is a wizard!" Mikey giggled waving his arms around. "Way to go!"

"That wasn't weird or anything.." April said looking at Leo, who shrugged.

"At least it's back on..." Donnie sighed while rubbing his head. Casey and Raph stared at each other and then just shrugged too.

'This is beginning to become weird...' Raphael thought, feeling somewhere in the back of his mind, something was wrong.

Two days later the turtles were roof hopping, on their nightly patrol. Leonardo was in front, as usual, concentrating. Donatello was on his left, scanning the area. Raphael was on his right, deep in thoughts. Michelangelo was strangely quiet, but he was jumping off everything he could find.

They stopped on top of a rundown antique shop. Leo looked up to see his brothers bored and one very thoughtful, which was almost disturbing because it was Raphael and not Donatello. "Well guys...looks like it's going to be a fast night."

"Lame!" Mikey groaned. Donnie sighed and let his shoulders slump. Raph just looked over the building.

"Wait, guys, it's the Purple Dragons!" Raph blinked with wide eyes. Leo gasped and rushed beside him, Don and Mikey behind them.

Peering over the edge you could see the Purple Dragons trying to break into the old antique shop they were standing on.

"Why would they break into a shop that's out of business? An antique shop too?" Leo questioned out loud.

"Something is probably worth something in there. Antiques can be valuable you know." Donnie added and they just stared at him. Raph looked eager and cracked his knuckles.

"Let's thrash some dragons!" Raph grinned. Leo put a hand on his shoulder.

"Wait Raph, hold on. Let's plan this through-"

"Plan this through? Leo, it's the Purple Dragons. Mikey could beat them alone...well maybe.." Raph said and smirked when Mikey glared and yelled 'hey!'. Leo frowned and Raph wrenched his shoulder away. "I'm going!"

Raph jumped down and snuck inside. The brothers paused and looked at Leo. They heard shouting and Leo sighed, nodding to the two youngest. They followed Raph, but they didn't see anyone. Leo panicked slightly.

"Follow them!"

They rushed towards the back. But when they got there they seen Raph, only the Purple Dragons were not there. Raph was cursing and stomping his feet.

"What the heck happened?!" Donnie yelled in confusion.

"I saw them run but they disappeared in a van!" Raph growled back, glaring at them. Leo frowned heavily.

"You lost them?! Now we don't know what they stole or what they wanted!" Leo complained. Raph's eye twitched.

"Are you blaming me Fearless?!" Raph demanded, feeling his temper flare. Mikey looked at Donnie and they both took a step back.

"Yea, because of your recklessness we weren't able to make a plan! And then you lost them!" Leo barked getting close to Raph's face.

"Hey back up Leo!" Raph pushed him away and Leo glared. "It's not my fault your plans don't work!"

"My plans don't work?! We didn't make a plan, let me remind you, because you ran off!" Leo hissed while Mikey unconsciously grabbed Don's arm.

"Guys, come on-" Donnie was about to stop them but they both glared at him with white eyes. Donnie stopped instantly and he heard Mikey whimper in annoyance and sadness.

"I wouldn't run off if you would just listen to me every once in a while!" Raph turned back to Leo, glaring intensely now.

"Why should I listen to you when you don't even try to listen to me?! Huh?!" Leo argued while crossing his arms. Raph felt himself dangerously angry and he finally snapped.

"You don't know anything! You just won't admit that you're a terrible older brother and a horrible leader! Sometimes I wish you would just go! I wish you were gone!" Raph breathed heavily. He turned after seeing Leo's twist of surprise and pain. And he stalked off into black nothingness, growling the whole way.

"Leo?" Mikey breathed, stepping forth when he saw Leo just staring in space. Donnie was so stunned, though he should have expected this to happen given Raphael's temper. But still... "Are you okay?"

"No...I...I just... need to go for a minute..." Leo whispered while running and jumping away, shoulders slumped. Then he was out of sight. Mikey felt his eyes water as he looked at Don.

"Crap, they are both out here and emotional!" Don swore again under his breath. Mikey's eyes widened. "I'll calm Leo down, you get Raph?"

"Dude, you want me to die tonight?" Mikey groaned. Don looked serious and Mikey sighed. "Okay..I got Raph.."

"Call me when you've calmed him down. Or find him, whatever, just call." Donnie ordered. Mikey nodded and then they went their separate ways.

"Go...he just wants me to go, huh?!" Leo growled. He sighed and glared at the rooftop he was on.

After a few calming minutes he sighed again, though this one hurt. He was feeling hurt in his chest, it ached. His own brother thought he was horrible. Maybe he was. His own brother thought he was a terrible older brother...and he was.

They all used to get along so well...they were so close, probably closer than most brothers their age. It always had to do with the fact that they understood each other. Only they knew the pains of being a mutant freak...of being a turtle. They were the only mutants that were turtles...except Spike...but still. They lived together for years.

Leonardo sat on the edge of the roof and looked down. The night sky twinkled with stars. He was practically 20 feet in the air. He watched his feet dangle over the edge, he was staring hard. His mind drifted off to a childhood memory with Raphael.

"Ra'fel!" Six-year-old Leonardo called out in anger. Raphael had pushed him down, frustrated because Leo could do the kata way better than him. He was always better than him.

"What?!" Raph turned and saw Leo rubbing his knee, tears in his eyes, his face twisted in stubborn refusal. His knee had rubbed against the carpet and he had a bad carpet burn. Raph's face fell like lightening. "You okay Leo?!"

"No," Leo complained and pushed his brother away when his knee began to throb. Raph blinked in surprise. Leo felt the tears going down his cheeks. He wasn't crying because of the pain, not really, but because Raph pushed him down for no reason. Why was he so mad at him anyways? "Go away Raph."

"No.." Raph said stubbornly and plopped down next to his brother. Leo looked at him and then he blinked. Raph looked angry but guilty. "Shud I get Donnie?"

"No, I'm okay..." Leo muttered while touching his knee. It burned and he hissed a little. Raph's eyes widened and he went to stand but Leo stopped him, clenching his arm. "Why did you push me down?"

"..." Raph looked away, hugging his knees. Leo blinked in surprise.


No answer.

"Raph, c'mon don't ignore me..."

No answer. Leo frowned heavily. He did the thing he knew only Mikey was allowed to do..


"Don't call me that!" Raph turned with a couple of frustrated tears in his eyes. Leo gasped. "I just...hate that you can do kata's better."

"Really?" Leo blushed looking at his hands. "I thought I was bad!"

"No...and Sensei likes you more..." Raph felt more frustrated tears go down his cheeks and he hid his face. He almost gasped when warm arms wrapped around him and Leo was hugging him, smiling warmly.

"Sensei loves us all Raph. I love you too and you are strong than the rest of us!" Leo told him and Raph blushed badly. "I'm sorry I started a fight, you're usually right Raph."

Raph just blushed more and sunk into Leo's arms. Leo had not failed to see Raph's comforted expression like Raph thought he did.

"No...this is wrong...I overacted. I need to talk to Raph.." Leo said lifting his head, feeling lingering tears at the memory.. After all...he was right, sort of. He never listened to Raph, even if Raph never listened to him.

With a sudden determination Leo stood up, brushing his thighs. Then all too soon a golden light caused Leo to shield his eyes. What was that? "Donnie?"

Suddenly he felt weight pushing at him slowly. His eyes widened. What was that thing? Leo couldn't push back, like his body just wouldn't do it. He began to panic.

Stunningly the light sent him over the edge of the tall building with much heavy force that Leo didn't see coming. Leonardo screamed at the top of his lungs as he could only watch himself collide with the unforgiving concrete nearly headfirst.

Stars blackened his vision. 'Gone... I wish you were gone...' Leo felt pain suffuse every ounce of his head and down his spine. He could only moan in a raspy way. He couldn't move.

'Horrible...Terrible...' Then, as he felt warm and could hardly feel anything past the aches, a single tear made its way down his cheek and landed on the ground. 'I wish you would go!'

With sudden anxiety and fear, Leo realized he was dying. 'No, oh no, no, no! I can't die, not now, the guys...they need me...I...I don't want to die alone!'

I wish you were gone!

"LEO!" Donatello gasped in pure horror as he jumped down next to his wounded brother. His throat clogged up and vomit made its way up his throat, but Donnie did not release it.

A bloody puddle was forming beneath Leonardo. His deep blue eyes dulled and not focused. One of his arms was dangling in an awkward angle behind his shell and it looked like he broke his hip. There might also be rib damage, not to mention what the fall might have done internally.

Donnie forced himself to stay calm as he could and not cry as he quickly tried to assess every inch of injury, wondering if it was safe to move him. Donnie was shaking. "L-Leo...?"

"Heeeee..." Leo wheezed out in a lowly manner. Donnie's heart constricted. God, he's alive...but he's in so much pain. Donnie couldn't help but sob out now.

'Mikey, I found Leo but he's hurt! Like very hurt! Call April and Casey I'll need every help I can get! Make sure Raph knows...' Donnie quickly sent the text since he knew he couldn't speak right now.

"Okay bro...I'm so sorry, I'll have to move you..." Donnie whispered.

"Eeeeeee..." Leo replied, his eyes still not moving and his mouth barely moving. Donnie sobbed harder as he grabbed Leo's head around his neck as softly as he could. "Aaaaaaaaaaa..."

Donnie gasped as he saw the side of Leo's damaged skull. He cried like nobody's business. He had a bad skull fracture, it was a miracle it wasn't worse than it was. But it was looking more like Leo was gonna die..his big brother was gonna die...

'WHAT?! I'm on it! I found Raph, what happened?! Never mind, get him to the lair now!'

Mikey's text, Donnie sighed and more tears poured down his face. He carefully lifted Leo's body, his awkward limbs falling to the sides.

"Heeeeee..." Leo breathed out wheezily. Donnie worked his way to the closet manhole cover and dialed on his phone, contacting his loyal robot friend.

"M-Metalhead, c-come in t-t-the Shellraiser n-n-now, h-hurry!"

Donnie hung up and cradled Leo close. Leo was whimpering in a wheezy manner and it was heartbreaking. Who knows what happened? What if the person that attacked him comes back?

Leo was really warm now, he wasn't sure if it was death, loss of blood, or just Donnie himself. He was glad that he wasn't alone anymore. He could tell by Donnie's voice that he was not well off. He was probably going to die. He'd rather have all his family here, but if he died in Don's arms that'd be better than alone. Though it would forever scar poor Donatello, and Leo didn't want to do that.

Suddenly the ShellRaiser pulled up and the door opened. Donatello worked himself and Leo inside. "Back to the lair Metalhead!"

Donnie was surprised that he had stopped crying, sort of, and was in shock. But he was determined not to fail his brother. Leo wouldn't fail them, nor would he stop until the last possible moment. Right now Leo wasn't dead, and he was still awake, sort of. And that's all that mattered to Donnie.

POOR LEO! *anime tears* Poor Raphie too, oh my god it was so hard to hurt Leo, but it's the moral of the story, ya know?

The next chapter will be amazing! But please review and tell me what you think! I appreciate any and all support!