A/N: Hey, I'm back with another new story instead of updating my old ones (No surprise there). I do plan on updating my other stories eventually, but I don't know when. This is a fun little idea that I had while on a train for a class trip, and I though you guys might like it. I hope I was right! Enjoy! Love, Chiyuki-chan.

Magnus walked into the hospital, taking a deep breath and smelling the antiseptic and cotton smell. Smoothing out his newly donned lab coat, he made his way quickly to the office of his new mentor.

Magnus had spent the past eight years training for this, and it was finally his first year or residency. He was training under a well known doctor in the field of internal medicine, which was really just a technical term for a doctor who doesn't specialize and instead works on everything.

He knocked on the door to the office and heard a gravelly voice tell him to come in. Magnus entered quickly and nodded at the doctor inside. As he opened his mouth to introduce himself, he was cut off by a beeping that was most likely caused by the older doctors pager.

The older doctor, a man with greying dark hair and light brown eyes, looked down quickly before standing and walking to the door.

"First lesson, when the job calls, answer. No time for formalities, I imagine you are Dr. Bane, my name is Dr. Jackson and I will be your residency adviser." He said, his pace fast, but Magnus had no trouble keeping up thanks to his ridiculously long legs. "I just received a page, we have a new patient. In my area, we mostly deal with the troublesome cases, ones that others can't seem to get under control."

By now they were approaching the room that, Magnus figured, their new patient must have been in.

Magnus wasn't sure what to expect, but he wasn't prepared to see a boy, not a man, a boy. He was laid out on the bed, his eyes half opened, and he was surrounded with nurses and ER doctors. Then, Magnus saw the blood, a lot of it. Thanks to the years of training and the internship, blood had very little effect on him now. Magnus stood slightly back, observing what the other doctors were doing and watching carefully.

"17 year old male, lateral incision to both wrists, appears to have severed the Ulnar artery."

"Okay, lets get him off this cart and onto a bed." Dr. Jackson said, rushing to the boys side. When he went to lift the boy, he flinched, swinging an arm out and connecting it with Dr. Jackson's chest.

"Don't touch me!" The boy screamed, his light blue eyes flying open. He began to panic, swinging his body around and keeping all of the nurses away from him.

"Push two mg. Diazipam, stat." One of the doctors said, calmly holding down the boy's already bleeding wrists. One of the nurses did as told and the boy almost immediately ceased movement, which gave the doctors time to move him, and, as the room cleared out, gave them time to stitch up his arms. Magnus stood back, watching on in a grotesque fascination as to how Dr. Jackson could look so disconnected. Magnus noticed with a bit of a start that the boy was still awake, and looking at him.

Magnus took a step closer, giving the boy a reassuring look. He looked so broken, and Magnus wondered, again, what could have happened that had caused a young boy like this to want to end his life.

"Dr. Bane, would you mind cleaning this up for me?" Dr. Jackson asked, pulling off his gloves and throwing them in the garbage. Magnus nodded, pulling on a fresh pair of gloves and taking a seat in the chair next to the boy. Dr. Jackson left the room then, giving Magnus the chance to do his job.

"What's your name?" Magnus asked, pulling out an alcohol wipe.

"Alec." Magnus looked at him, and the kid rolled his eyes. "Alexander Lightwood." He added, turning to look at the ceiling.

"Well, Alexander, want to tell me what happened?" He asked, lightly scrubbing away the fresh blood. Alec looked at him like he was an idiot.

"You're a doctor, can't you guess?" Alec said sourly, and Magnus was expecting to see anger in his eyes, but they just looked empty.

"I mean what caused you to do something like this to yourself?" He tried again, moving onto his other wrist.

"The usual teenage hormonal issues, I guess." The boy said, finally looking back at Magnus.

"The usual teen issues don't end in a teen trying to kill themselves." Magnus said gently. When he was finished cleaning the wounds he began to bandage them up, wrapping them in layers of gauze.

"Can I trust you in here, or do I need to restrain you?" Magnus asked, Alec rolled his eyes.

"There's no need, moment has passed." Alec turned his head away and looked out the window as Magnus left the room.

Little did the doctor know that this chance encounter was going to be the start of a life long fight with the demons in a certain Alexander Lightwood's head.

The next day, as Magnus came into work, he couldn't stop himself from thinking about the boy he had met the day before. He was worried, the boy wouldn't talk about it, and they didn't really know anything about him.

Magnus grabbed a cup of coffee before going into the boys room and grabbing his clip board.

"So, Alexander, did you sleep well?" He asked, glancing to see if anything had changed on the teen's chart. The boy just shrugged, looking over his book. His blue eyes met Magnus' striking yellow ones. Alec raised an eyebrow.

"You sure dress strange for a doctor." He said, there was nothing judgmental in his voice, it was just a observation. Magnus smiled.

"Hey, who's to say that all doctors have to look boring?" He said, smiling again at Alexander's interest. "Beside, who are you to judge my outfit, you're in a hospital gown." He pointed out.

Alec shrugged again, and Magnus could see a hint of a smile on this light lips.

"God, that looks so good." Alec said, eying Magnus' coffee mug. Magnus smirked at him.

"Want a cup?" He asked, which caused Alec to nod eagerly. "Okay, I'll be right back." He told him, leaving the room with a smile on his face.

It was a good sign that Alec was talking normally like this, but it also made Magnus more worried about what could put him in the state he was in last night. He filled up another cup, and grabbed some cream and sugar.

When he made it back, and handed Alec his coffee, he offered him the cream and sugar, which the boy declined and instead drank the drink black.

Magnus sat at his bed side, pulling out one of his notebooks.

"Alexander, I need you to talk to me about what happened last night." Magnus said, he watched as Alec's eyes darkened, and he set his cup down, a frown appearing on his face again. "Listen, I know that this is weird, and probably hard to talk about, but you need to if you expect to leave here anytime soon." He explained gently.

"I-I was just stupid." He said, as if that was in any way an explanation. "I just felt like, I-I..." Magnus nodded reassuringly, urging him to continue. "Never mind, it's not a big deal." He finished lamely.

Magnus sighed and closed his notebook.

"Alec, please, the only way we can help you is if you let us." He said, touching his hand. Alec flinched away, tucking his hand under the covers. He looked to his side and out the window again, not saying anything. Magnus waited, just looking at Alec, before he turned back to him.

Magnus was shocked to see the look in his eyes. He looked so lonely and scared, much like a frighted child.

"It-it seemed like the only way out." He whispered, looking down at the thin blanket that was covering him.

"Only way out of what?" Magnus asked gently.

"The only way out of the hell hole I'm stuck in." He said, taking a deep, shaky breath before continuing. "I-I didn't know what else to do, I was sure that I was going to die and I didn't feel anything." He looked at him with wide, bottle blue eyes.

"Why did you do it?" Magnus asked, his voice soft.

"Because that is what would make everyone happy." Alec said softly, avoiding Magnus' worried gaze. "That's what everyone wants." He whispered, looking at the ceiling as he fell back onto the bed.

"Alec, that's not-"

"I'm tired." Alec said, cutting him off. "Can you leave so I can sleep?" He asked, Magnus nodded.

As he left, he pretended he didn't notice the tears on Alexander's cheeks.