Sorry for the wait:( won't find excuses :)

enjoy the new chapter!


Chapter 14

Three hours has passed since Sasuke pissed her off, but things weren't getting any better. He just wouldn't stop and only give a short glance here and there before speeding up leaving for the girl to catch up.

At their current speed, the village will come to view in within a hour. He had expected it would take much longer considering who he's dealing with, but who knew she would go after him just because of a bracelet.

His lips curved up slightly thinking the angry expression she made when he took it. It doesn't take much to get on her nerves and he for some reason enjoy doing it.

Sasuke came to a stop on one of the tree branches when he found the spot behind him empty. He has maintained in this speed for awhile now and he knew she should be a good 30 minutes before she will catch up.

The cloudy sky hover over him as it was about to rain, there were little flashes and every now and then indicating the coming storm. The dark hair male sighed as he turned his eyes back to the path. If she didn't give him any trouble he wouldn't have to do that, it was her fault anyway, he assured himself.

A few minutes later into the walk, Sasuke landed on a tree when he suddenly sensed a strong chakra. It was unusually high and his shinobi senses told him to take it as a danger if he will encounter he/she in the future. Closing his eyes, he concentrated to locate that chakra which suddenly disappear after the short outburst. It was gone in a matter of seconds.

"Sasuke!" He was off guard when the girl suddenly jumped onto him from the back. How did she- Sasuke cursed when he lost his footing on the tree with the sudden uneven weight on his back. He never expected she will caught that fast considering how far away she was when he last sensed her chakra.

Fuck. He begin to fall on his back when he couldn't adjust their weight anymore. To make the matter worse, at this rate she will hit the ground first with him on the top. Though Sakura knew she will land first, she did not want to let go. She is sure if she let go now, he will run off and she wasn't sure she could catch him the next time.

Sasuke cursed again before grabbing her by her arms that were wrapped around him. It would be such a pain if she's injured. He doesn't want to take the responsibility to carry her back. When the ground came inches away, he took the chance to turned her over before they landed.

Leaves went flying around them as the two hit the ground with a loud thump.

Shit, that hurt. The black hair male laid still staring at the branches above him while trying to ignore the sting on his back. They actually fell higher than he expected, What was she thinking falling without chakra…. He sighed in defeat to her unreasonableness, even though he enhanced the chakra to protect his back, it still hurted like hell.

It seems like similar things had happened before when they were little, a short memory flashed through his mind.

Sakura was 8 at that time and it was a sunny morning when they hang around the forest. She lead him to a little adventure as if the forest was her backyard, they passed through small streams, flower field, and hidden caves.

It was a sunny afternoon, he recalled, when they found a baby bird that has fallen off its nest. He had told her it was too dangerous to put it back but she ignored it. The girl climbed up the tree that he wasn't brave enough to do but when he saw her fall, he was brave enough to do anything.

He clearly remember she had slipped from that tree and his mind was suddenly a blank. All he thought of was saving her and how to keep her away from getting injured. He had reached out to her but he wasn't strong enough to protect her.

She had hurt her leg and he couldn't do anything. She didn't cry or say anything and he was mad at himself for not noticing till they were back. Keeping the pain to herself was something she always did, it was not until he waved her bye and hide in the corner to see her sat on the street, hands clinching to her leg.

Whenever she's injured, she always did her wounds herself and hide them away from him or anyone else, he had wanted her to rely on him at least once. He had walked over that day, still mad at her for not telling him, but still, he picked her up and carried her into his house.

When he is injured, either it is a scrap on the knee or a cut on the finger, his mother was always the one to take care of it. He never understand what it feels not to have a family until that massacre.

He sighed at the sudden flashback, why does that have to come back all suddenly?

She laid on top of him, still wouldn't release his shirt. Her pink hair tickled his chin and all he saw was her blob of pink hair when he looked down. "Let go." He ordered but she didn't stirred. She only tighten her hold, "Give it back or else expect to carry me all your life."

Sasuke snorted trying to get her off but she still wouldn't let go. He remained still staring at the cloudy sky while thinking about her stubbornness. The thought of her weight cross his mind, he knew she was light but it barely felt like a few book on top of him.

When his eyes shifted down towards her once more, his dark eyes clashed with her bright green one.

She stared at him with those emerald jade eyes that he had always found stunning and breathe taking. Her eye lashes were longer than he remembered creating tiny shadows above her huge pretty eyes. Her blinks were slow and innocent making him want to get closer and closer to have a good look at them . Her mouth opened slightly as if she wanted to say something but only his name came out.

"Sasuke?" It was then he realized he was staring at her.

He blinked and looked away trying not to get bother by her eyes that were looking at him. If he has to describe it, he felt as if they were burning holes into him. Her eyes didn't shift and he didn't move, seconds passed then minutes and it was at last he sighed in defeat.

He took out the bracelet and dangled it in front of her, he spared a little glance at her and at that moment he knew he made a mistake, a huge mistake. Her eyes were now locked onto his and she looked happy, so happy.

" Really?!" He was sure there were sparks around her eyes.

His lips tiled upward, was it really that hard for him to just give it back, more like she forced him to give it. Sakura held out her hand and he returned it carefully knowing it was very important or else she wouldn't chase him for 3 hours long.

"Thanks." She had now released him and sat on top of her ex-teammate. Though the position was too much for the Uchiha under her. She sat on his chest with both legs apart next to his arms which he found very hard to deal with considering her or his shirt lifted way too high for his liking. Though she is wearing her own shorts, he was glad the shirt he offered her was big enough to cover up to her mid thigh. Because her shorts was way to short to cover anything.

Who the hell make that anyway, why don't they just call it a underwear.

Now with the shirt lifted higher than necessary showing her pale skin legs….. Don't even think about it, he closed his eyes and let out a long tiresome sigh.

"Get off."

"Oh, oh sorry." As if she finally realized the grumpy Uchiha under her, Sakura moved away accidentally stepped on him in the process which earned her a glare, she smiled sheepishly before apologizing again. Then she sat down on the grass next to him to put her bracelet back on.

In this late afternoon, the sky was getting darker and he really think they should finished their mission soon and head back before it start pouring.

Sasuke got up looking at his now dirt filled white shirt and snorted. Why was it that hard to just get there? He sighed for the nth time today before heading to the mission village but stopped after a few steps to look at the girl slowly got up and followed after him. On the way, though he wasn't running now, he could sense her steps stumbled as if she's holding in something.

After about an hour, he turned around when her chakra became a little too far. She was about 40 meters away though she started off following him close behind. She wasn't looking at him when he stopped to see her not wearing any shoes. Her eyes were on her feet walking carefully trying to avoid big rocks and branches.

When the cuts became clear on her foot as she got closer, he slowed his steps trying to ignore it before coming to a complete stop.

Thought he was checking on something when he stopped with his back facing her, Sakura took her chance to examine her foot that was giving her a hard time. It hurt to run without shoes for hours and the wood sticks and stones on the ground were making the matter worse. She held her right leg up to check on the base of the feet.

There were a lot of cuts and a little bruised from the stone but over all she can manage it, probably until they get back to the base.

She brushed off a leave that has sticked to her foot before asking Sasuke why he stopped. The Uchiha didn't reply just as expected then he suddenly walked towards her and grabbed her arm before positioning her onto his back.

"Wh-what are you doing?"

"Too slow."

"I will walk faster, let me down." Knowing she would struggle, he ignored her and jumped onto a tree. He speeded up faster than before and purposely made more movement than needed making the girl behind him grabbed on tighter.

He did it on purpose! Sakura made a face but can only hold onto him tighter when he made another unneeded movement nearly making her fall.

After a few minutes into the run, his back became more comfortable and the bastard had stop moving around. Sakura relaxed her hold and looked down on his spiky hair, she smiled internally thinking his hair still looks the same as before. What did Naruto called him? Chicken hair?

Sakura started to feel drowsy minutes later and found herself laying her head on his warm back. This wasn't the first time he carried her on his back, he has done this a lot of times when they were little. He always becomes over dramatic when she was hurt, though she has no idea why. And sometimes, the situation would reverse and Sasuke would be in a very bad mood when she carried him.

Doesn't know when but she has fallen sleep at some point. Sasuke could hear her soft breathing, turning a little, he found her sleeping on his back. He sighed at her defenseless, what if he decided to drop her? She really has no sense of danger. Falling from this height and in this speed will possibly be instant death. That idea feared him and the Uchiha tightened his hold on her.

The next time she woke up, Sasuke had stopped and she rubbed her blurry eyes to see the little town entrance in front of her.

"Is this the place?" She leaned in next to Sasuke's face. Her warm breath tickled his right ear and face. She was too damn close.

He dropped her instantly not even bothering to answer the question as he walked away.

"Oww…..could have at least warn me." Sakura sulked while rubbing her sore butt. She followed after him as her eyes wandered around the eerie village. Its appearance wasn't the best to start with with broken fences and shabby looking signs, and the weather was enhancing the overwhelm uneasiness emitted from this place. Sakura for some reason found herself swallowing hard before catching up with her ex-teammate.

Before they walked in, Sasuke glanced at her with the corner of his eye, he sighed knowing something will go wrong soon.

It always does whenever he is with her.


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