I apologize for this taking so long. There will only be one more part after this one.

Anyways here you go, Magic Swap Part 5!

Part 5

Himitsu flew at Juvia, fists aflame with her newly absorbed powers. Juvia struggled to pull up more water and was luckily just in time to lock Himitsu in her water log.

"You can't move in there," Juvia said, relieved to have the matter under control.

Himitsu smirked at the water mage. "We'll see about that." With that, Himitsu activated her prism again.

To Juvia's utter shock and horror, her water flared and was sucked into the prism once again. She took a couple steps backwards as Himitsu landed effortlessly on her feet. "How... how did you do that? No one has ever escaped my water log."

"I'm the first? That's actually a bit surprising. It's really a rather pathetic attack," Himitsu sneered.

Juvia quickly summoned more water, unsure of how to use it to her advantage exactly.

"Oh please," Himitsu said. "Don't even bother trying to put up a fight. It's useless."

"I'll leave. Please just-"

"Nope! You've crossed the line, missy. First you step on my turf-"

"That was an accident," Juvia interrupted.

Himitsu sighed distastefully as she shook her head. "And now your interrupting me? Didn't your mother ever teach you any manners!"

Juvia shrunk back even more.

"Also, I haven't had a decent fight in a while. I hope you don't mind?"

Juvia pressed her back into a tree as the other mage awkwardly quirked her head and put on a bit of an insane smile. Her eyes began to glow a weird purple color and her black hair suddenly grew streaks of purple. Golden lines began to swirl up her black leggings as well as her fitted black long sleeve turtleneck. Juvia had to blink twice to make sure she wasn't imaging it all. "What are you?" she whispered.

The last change that Himitsu took on was a elaborate black tattoo on her right temple. She threw her head backwards and a purple glow shot out from her.

"Alright water girl," said Himitsu with a bit of echo in her voice. "Let's play."

"Gray! Lucy! What did you hear?" Erza asked as she and Natsu sprinted closely behind their friends.

"I think Juvia's in trouble!" Lucy shouted over her shoulder.

"What? Why would she be out here?" Natsu said.

"She was probably looking for Gray," Happy said in a tired voice as he flew right above Natsu.

"Why would she be lookin for Gray?" Natsu wondered.

"Are you really that dense?!" Lucy exclaimed.

"I don't know what you guys are talkin about," Natsu said with a shrug.

"Quit chatting and run!" Gray shouted, sprinting ahead of everyone else.

"Shall I make this quick, or should I let you swim in your own pain?" Himitsu pondered as she slunk over to Juvia.

Juvia gritted her teeth. "I won't let you harm me! Stay back!" She quickly absorbed extra water from the tree she had her back pressed up against and then crossed her arms, charging the water at the deranged girl. "Water Slicer!"

She held her ground as her water quickly formed into sharp blades, liable to cut through almost anything.

As the attack approached Himitsu though, Juvia felt the whole world go into slow motion from her own anticipation. She was shocked to see the girl yawn and then hold her hand out. Juvia collapsed onto the forest floor at the sight of her prism attack.

The water fizzed once again into purple mist and then right into the prism.

"It doesn't matter how many attacks you throw at me! I will just absorb them and fire them back at you!"

Juvia shakily lifted herself onto her knees. "How will I defeat her?"

The girl that stood above her with a wild look in her eyes, released an evil cackle. "You can't defeat me! You will never defeat me!"

Juvia began to shake as tears started to roll down her cheeks. "I only wanted to see my beloved," she whispered.


The rain woman turned to see a sight see never thought of to be so beautiful. Four of her good friends, even if one was her love rival, rushing toward her with worried expressions. Even the little blue cat had come. Her eyes filled with more tears though when she saw her Gray, running toward her to come and rescue her. "My love," she whispered as she fell to the ground.

Hitsimu clenched her fists and awkwardly twisted her head to look at the five. "Friends of yours? Heh. Cute," she said bitterly.

"Wait you guys!" Natsu said, skidding to a stop.

The other four followed suit. "What Natsu? Make it quick!" Lucy snapped.

"How are we supposed to fight them with our powers all screwed up?"

Erza tapped her chin thoughtfully. "I guess we will just have to act on instinct. There's really no way around it."

"Are you sure that's a good idea, Erza? Remember what happened last time when I acted on instinct?" Lucy asked, slightly nervous about being on fire again.

Erza smiled. "That wasn't instinct Lucy. That was emotion."


"She's got you there, Lucy!" Happy agreed.

Lucy crossed her arms angrily. "Stupid cat."

"Alright, I can do instinct," Natsu complied.

"Me too," Gray added.

"Good. Cause its all we got for now," Erza said, readying her hands for ice make magic.

"Ok, lets do this," Gray said, selecting a key from Lucy's ring and holding it out.

"I'm all fired up now!" Natsu said, preparing to requip.

"Oh fine. I'll be a fire freak again. But this is the last time!" Lucy agreed, holding her hands out on concentrating on the single thought of fire.

"Ice Make: Sword!" Erza shouted. Her request appeared in front of her and she took it and charged to Juvia's side.

"Open, Gate of Lion: Leo!" Gray shouted. Loke appeared in front of him.

"I knew you would call on me again, Gray."

"This is so cool!" Natsu said as he danced around in a male version of Erza's Flame Empress armor.

"Will you stop goofing off for once in your life and be helpful!?" Lucy yelled at the excited mage.

Natsu stopped dancing and stuck his tongue out at Lucy. "You just don't know how to have fun."

With her hands still held out in front of her she groaned, "This isn't exactly a time to be having fun, Natsu."

"Natsu get over here!" Erza called. "You too Lucy. We have a big problem."

The two mages joined Erza. "What a creep?" Natsu commented as he examined Himitsu.

"These are your friends? Pretty weak looking if you ask me!" Himitsu said, kicking the prostrate Juvia in the ribs.

"Leave her alone!" Erza shouted, pointing her sword at the demon.

The girl smirked. "Don't tell me what to do with my prize. Now then if you four don't want to end up like her, I suggest you leave."

"Are you tired or something? One battle to much for ya?!" Natsu yelled.

"Or course not, you fool!" Himitsu responded, glaring at him.

"Then fight me!"

"You must be an idiot! But if you insist..."

Lucy shifted nervously. "Natsu..."

"Fight me!"

Himitsu smirked and lit her fists with purple flames. "As you wish."

She flew at top speed at Natsu without a warning. She crashed right into him and they flew backwards.

"Natsu!" Erza called and the three ran after him.

"Your gonna regret picking a fight with me!" Himistu shrieked, striking Natsu with her fiery fist.

Natsu tried to block her with his hands, but her punch hit him full force and he slid backwards on his feet. "Erza your magic stinks!" he shouted at the red head.

"Make use of your weapons, not your fists!" Erza shouted back.

"Yeah ok!" Natsu quickly summoned a giant sword that matched his armor. He then swung it over his shoulder and charged again at Himitsu who had already fired herself up for another attack. The two clashed once more in a blinding flash of dark purple and gold.

"Natsu!" Lucy cried as worry etched itself onto her face.

The glow faded to reveal Himitsu standing triumphantly with a crazed smirk on her face. The three gasped in horror when they saw Natsu prostrate at her feet. "Pathetic! He never stood a chance!" she laughed as she kicked Natsu over onto his back.

"No! Natsu!" Erza exclaimed.

"Get up you idiot!" Gray shouted.

Lucy stood in silence while staring at Himitsu with fear in her eyes. "No way..."

"Ha ha please, don't make me gag. I took all of his remaining magic energy. He won't be getting up anytime soon. This is just to easy. I'll just pick you all off. One. By. One."

"Forget it! We're not losing to you!" Gray retorted as he readied himself.

Himitsu glared at him and raised her hand. "Ok then, I guess your next."

"Your on! Loke-"

"Please! Leave them alone!"

All eyes turned to Juvia who had picked herself back up with the help of the large tree. She hung her head, refusing to show the weakness in her eyes to Himitsu. "They've done nothing wrong. Your hurting innocent people. It's me you want, so it's me you'll get." The water mage lifted her head some and closed her eyes as tears began to stream helplessly down her cheeks. "So let them go!"

Himitsu continued to glare at Gray. Then without warning, she shifted her hand towards Juvia and fired at her. The blow hit Juvia in the chest and she smacked her head against the tree. She fell to the ground unconscious.

"Juvia!" Lucy cried.

"Stupid girl," Himitsu hissed. "She just didn't know when to give up."

Lucy clenched her fists tightly as they began to glow. "That's it!" she screamed. "Iv'e had enough of you!" Her eyes lit up with a fiery glow as her fists ignited with raging flames. "I'm all fired up."

The reverse mage blinked and then started laughing, "Oh so scary!" she laughed in a mocking tone. "I suppose you think you can beat me with those little flames?"

"Maybe. I don't know," Lucy replied in a determined tone. The flames in her hands burned brighter as she walked over to Himitsu so she was about five feet away from her. "But I do know I'm not going to let you hurt anymore of my friends."

"Your beginning to sound like the boy whose butt I just kicked. Ha ha alright little girl." Himitsu licked her lips and summoned her prism. "I guess your the next one of your pathetic friends to go."

They glared at each other for a split second before Lucy released a war cry and began to throw every single attack at Himitsu that she could remember from the many times she had heard Natsu say them. Blast after blast, she flung them at the other mage, but every single one was easily absorbed into Himitsu's prism.

Amidst the flames, Erza, Gray, and Happy went to make sure Juvia was ok once Loke had returned to the Spirit world.

"She's out cold," Erza remarked as Gray set her up against the tree.

Gray was breathing heavy. "Why are they being so stupid?"

"Lucy is giving it her all," Happy said as he cast a worried glance in her direction. "Juvia was trying to help. Natsu was the stupid one."

"I know but..." He looked at Juvia for a moment and then turned sharply away. "Shes here because of me."

Erza sighed and put a hand on his shoulder. "Don't blame yourself. This is no time for self pity."

"Hey guys?"

"What is it Happy?"

"Lucy's not acting like Lucy," Happy replied.


"Your gonna pay dearly one way or another for hurting my friends!" Lucy cried as she threw a wing attack at Himitsu. "No one hurts my friends and gets away with it!"

Erza watched intently as Lucy took out everything she had on the evil mage. "Hmm your right Happy. She almost sounds exactly like-"


"Well yes but-"

"Whats that idiot doing?" Gray growled.

Erza turned to look at Natsu and clenched her fists in frustration. "Why that little..."

"He's napping! I can hear him snoring from here!" Happy cried in disbelief.

"NATSU!" Erza cried. Natsu only twitched and rolled over.

"Ice-Make hammer!" A perfectly crafted ice hammer appeared before Erza and she took it in her hands. "You get up right now!" she yelled as she ran over to him and hit him full on with the large hammer.

But before it could crush him, a big black sword came out of nowhere and shattered the hammer.

"What?" Erza exclaimed in surprise.

"Fine, fine, I'm up," Natsu yawned as he sat up. "Sorry I just get so sleepy when I run out of magic energy."

"She took your magic energy Natsu. You should still be out," Happy said with a sigh.

"Napping helps me regenerate faster," Natsu replied with his classic smile.

"Nothing out of the unusual Happy," Erza remarked calmly.

"Where's Lucy?"

Erza pointed over his shoulder. "I don't how much good shes doing though."

Natsu watched Lucy fight with a proud grin. "At least she figured out how to use my fire!"

"That's such a relief," Gray said sarcastically with an eye roll.

Erza studied the two fighters for a moment. "Wait a second..." She got to her feet and took a closer look at Himitsu's prism. "I think Lucy may be onto something."

"How so Erza?" Happy asked as Natsu stretched and got to his feet.

"Look at Himitsu's prism. Do you see the top part of it?"

"Yeah I see... Is that a crack?" Happy replied.

"A crack?" Natsu asked.

"Of course!" Erza exclaimed. "No matter how strong the mage, they always have a weakness."

"What?" Gray asked in confusion.

"Himitsu can absorb our magic and use it against us, right?"

The boys nodded.

"But if she doesn't use what she absorbs, I'm guessing it remains stored in her prism until she uses it later. And no matter what it is, everything has a limit."

"So your saying-"

"Yes Gray. At this rate, Lucy is going to overfill and possibly shatter that prism."

"Then why are we just standing around? Let's help her!" Natsu shouted.

Gray and Erza nodded. "Right!"

"Gray, summon Sagittarius to shoot arrows at the prism," Erza told Gray as he flipped through Lucy's keys.

"Got it," he responded as soon as he found the key. "Open! Gate of the Archer! Sagittarius!"

"Natsu, requip into my Lightening Empress armor so you can use lightening."

"You got it!" Natsu replied and then quickly requiped into his new armor.

"Ok team! Let's go!"

Thanks so much for sticking with me. I would love to hear what you what you thought!

~ Magical Reality ~