Sequel: Living in Reality

Here's a teaser :)

"Have you found it yet?" An annoyed voice demanded, grabbing the laptop's screen and pushing in back.

Shin slapped the man's hands away with annoyed sound. "Shut it Kiba, just be patient for once yeah? I had ten drones in my command and that 'prospect' of yours destroyed half of it, I don't need your grumpy ass hovering my neck. You'll have a much better view, idiot." he nagged glaring at his cousin.

"Oh fuck you, this grumpy ass just found out that his fighter is dead! I can be grumpy as much as I can!" Kiba yelled, kicking a chair roughly and breaking the wooden legs of the furniture.

"Oh shut up." Shin huffed and returned staring at the live feed of the drones, the visuals were bad considering that this was made from junk, he was just glad that he can distinguish trees from ground with the height of their drones. "Clear off section 4 to 7."

He eyed Kiba who touched the hologram map of the forest where they last saw the carcass of cat-mech, the segmented areas where Kiba touched turned red. A series of beeps took his attention and Shin grumbled when he saw that three of his drones were low on battery while the others was nearing their limit.

"Kiba get the goons to section five, it's time for a battery change." Shin announce as he maneuvered the three drones in a small clearing, he kept his eyes on the screen eyeing each one attentively, it would be bad if wolves were near and destroyed another batch. With their budget nearing their limit Shin knew that Kiba can't afford another batch of scraps., suffice to say, he's more careful of their gadgets nowadays.

"I'm the boss here Four-eyes." Kiba grumbled as he took out his phone and made a call, one annoyed conversation later, Shin saw their truck ambling slowly through the undergrowth. Eyeing the surrounding trees, Shin deemed it safe enough to land the other two drones. A few minutes later the goons changed the batteries, and once again shin went back to work.

Four more sections were cut off before Kiba spoke.

"You know, I'm starting to hate how intelligent our prospect is."

Noting the musing note of Kiba's voice, Shin turned his head and watched his cousin, he eyes the FlatPad on Kiba's hands and saw one of the feeds that they manage to scrounge up from his destroyed drones. It shows a single image, specifically the one where the bio mech's mouth was inches away from the camera, showing a glint of fury in its eyes.

"How so?" Shin asked as he continued his work.

"It's almost human, like a person…"

"You know Kiba, philosophy is not for you." he replied.

"Oh shut up, you know what I mean, you saw it too right?" Kiba grumbled throwing a piece of screw at Shin's head.

"Well, what of it?" Shin finally replied.

"I dunno, I guess that using Beta operation would be risky, if it will react like a person then we should use tactics for a person." Kiba grinned showing his canines.

"And that is…?" Shin ask.

" A Hostage."