He Falls:

Three days before, the bullpen at NCIS:

Tony blew his nose into a tissue and tossed it into the can beside his desk. He typed on his computer for a moment before Gibbs walked over to his desk.

"You feeling all right Dinozzo?"

"Little sniffy boss, no big deal. Light cold maybe. "

Gibbs said "Then you won't mind if Ducky checks you over and you go home early."

Tony shrugged. "Ok fine I'll go see Ducky and if he says go home then I'll leave the building. We do have a dead marine that should take priority over my sniffles though."

Gibbs said "I know you're sick. You get snarky when you are."

Tony sighed and stood up from his desk slowly to head to the elevator and get checked over by the Duck man. As he started to walk the room spun. "Whoa just got lightheaded. " Tony felt himself starting to slide toward the floor. McGee got up and grabbed him around the waist. "Boss he's burning up I can feel it through his shirt."

Gibbs said "Lay him down, I am going to get Ducky. Damn it Dinozzo you pushed too hard. The undercover assignment was too much that you just finished. "

Gibbs dialed Ducky on the phone before entering the elevator. "Need you and Palmer in the bullpen. Tony's sick, has a congested head and a fever. Just got lightheaded so he is laying down on the floor."

Ducky said "On our way Jethro, we will fix Anthony right up."

Gibbs went back to Tony's side with a cold can of Coke. He said "Drink some of this Tony, you might be dehydrated."

Tony took a slow sip and coughed. "I'm ok boss might need a little flat on my back time that's all." His eyes closed slowly.

Then Ducky and Palmer came out of the elevator and saw where Tony was.

Ducky said "Well Anthony let's start by taking your temperature shall we."

Tony exhaled slowly. "Fine." He opened his mouth and felt Ducky pop the thermometer in it. He said "Well 101.6, which is a very good fever you have."

"Cold." Tony muttered and coughed again.

Ducky said "I think I need to listen to your lungs a moment." He unbuttoned Tony's shirt a little carefully. "Well your asthma is not very happy with you right now either. You have a touch of bronchitis which I can give you antibiotics for and some decongestants as well. I want you home or somewhere in bed flat on your back starting now for the next week or so."

Tony mumbled "Crap."

Gibbs said "He will get some rest Duck, he'll stay with me."

Tony sighed. Great now everybody was worrying about him. He hated that and just wanted to sleep.

"Have to call some people before I go to your place boss. My neighbor needs to feed my fish. Have a self-cleaning tank now since there are two. And um Zoe."

Gibbs nodded. "We'll do that in my car." He helped him to his feet slowly.

He replied "I need my gear. Have clothes to wash in there."

Gibbs sighed. "Got it." He grabbed Tony's backpack and put it over his shoulder. Then he helped Tony up. "Come on Bishop, let's get him to the elevator. "

Ellie helped Tony up and let him lean on her until the elevator opened. "Is this cold bad that he has?"

Gibbs replied "When he had pneumonic plague several years ago, his lungs were weakened. So yeah it's bad, can make his asthma flare up too."

Bishop said "Well then I hope he feels better soon."

She helped move Tony into the elevator and he leaned against the back of it. "Thanks." Then he was quiet again.

She replied "Get better soon Tony." The elevator closed with the two men in it.

Vance came down the stairs then. "Where is Gibbs?"

McGee said "He just took Tony home, Tony's sick Director."

Vance nodded. "Well then looks like I get to be out in the field while you work this case. Bring me up to speed on our dead marine."