"This has gone on for far enough. You must pull yourself together or there will be no recovery from this."


Arryn slowly opened his eyes and found he was laying in a gurney in a hospital room. A sharp pain surged through his head, making him grit his teeth and growl. "Ah, damn it! What the hell?"

"Oh, you're finally awake," a nurse said as she entered. "I imagine your head must feel like shit, right? The two women that brought you in said you hit your head pretty hard."

"Don't talk so loud, please," he asked, his voice a low growl from the pain. "My head feels like it's going to split."

"That's how everyone feels when there skull takes a beating," she said. "Don't worry, that pain will piss off sooner or later. The seething pain seems to be the only thing wrong other than the fact that you may end up with a scar on your noggin from the gash."

"Good, then if there's nothing else, I'm just going to go home," he said.

"Hold up, Mr. Enju. Before you leave, I'd like to do something first." The nurse grabbed her phone and punched a quick number in. "Yo, it's me! Yeah, it's about as you thought." She continued to talk more and more as Arryn sat around, not paying her droning on the phone any mind. All he could really do is stare at the far wall, lost in thought about things. A Fallen Angel, a new Demon, the dreams – All of the new developments were grating his nerves. All he wanted was to just get on with things and say goodbye to all this stupid crap.

"Hey, listen up!"

He snapped out of it and refocused his attention on the nurse, only to find her appearance had taken on a change. Red skin, a pair of small horns protruding from her head through dark lavender hair tied into a ponytail. No doubt about it. The nurse was a Demon.

Arryn didn't hesitate one bit to take hold of his scarf, but she merely held her hand up. "Hey, calm down, buddy. I ain't gonna try and attack you. Hell, in your current state you wouldn't even be worth attacking either way."

He decided to trust her for now, reasoning that if she had wanted to hurt him, she could've done it while he was still unconscious. Arryn allowed himself to relax and gestured for her to continue.

"Thank you," she said. "Now, I was just on the phone with your dad and-!" She almost looked shocked when she found a sword at her neck. Arryn looked peeved, as if the mere mention of his father was a trigger. "Calm down. This is important and it's about your dreams."

"Huh? How did you know about-?"

"You're dad, clearly. He told me all about your situation and asked me to lend a hand. I owe him a few favors, so I decided to get rid of a few debts of mine." She examined his expression. An expression of one who was confused, questioning, angry, and put down. "I'll bet you really think that your dad abandoned you when you were small, like your whore of a mother has been telling you, right?" The Demon woman jumped out of the way as Arryn swung at her with his weapon, slashing a medical tray in half in her place.

"Don't you dare insult my mother, you little bi-!" His head throbbed painfully and he faltered, his sword turning back into his scarf. He had to ground his teeth to keep from crying out in pain.

"I guess it's understandable that you'd stick up for her, not knowing everything." She mounted on top of Arryn, bring his face to a bright red. He wasn't flustered for long after she pressed two incredibly sharp spikes dangerously close to his neck. "Now, I want you to keep your trap shut and let me finish explaining, Scarf.
"As I said, regardless of what that mother of yours has told you, your father has been closer to you than you could've possibly known. He's been keeping a close eye on you all this time."

What was she talking about? Wouldn't he have noticed if his father was around at all?

As if reading his mind, she continued, saying, "I'll be you think I'm lying. That maybe he's lying. The only reason you haven't noticed him is because he's been maintaining a human form whenever he actively kept an eye on you."

He wasn't sure whether he should believe her or not. She didn't seem to be lying. At least, there were no signs that she was. But still, how could she say such a thing and expect him to just believe her right on the spot. As all these thoughts flew into his mind, another wave of pain broke through his thoughts. He managed to keep from crying out again, but a whimper did manage to slip through.

"That pain," the Demon said, "It must be really unbearable. But then, when your soul's been split, I'd bet it would be painful. Let me just tell you something. You've been in here for a whole week, buddy. You're headache should've ended by now. That pain's not coming from your head."

"What are you talking about?" Arryn demanded.

"After your soul split, you've been undergoing breakdown on a spiritual level. Your mind will break if this dilemma isn't solved soon." She smiled coyly. "But thankfully, your dad and I already have a plan to deal with this." Arryn was about to question her further, but she stopped him in his tracks. She pushed herself against him gave him an open-mouth kiss.

Arryn was so shocked that he almost didn't realize she used the kiss to force feed him something. A pill of sorts. After she had separated from him, he immediately attempted to spit it out, but it was too late. "What the hell did you give me?"

"A bit of sleep medication. You'll be out in a minute," she explained, licking her lips. "Normally I'd perform acupuncture, but now's not the time for you to be relaxed." She got off of Arryn and shifted back to human form and winked at him. "Here's hoping you get out of this. Good luck, Scarf."

Arryn's eyelids became heavy and he couldn't help himself as he fell asleep again.

Once again, he was helpless in his sleep.

Once again, he was split apart.

Once again, he fought against himself and for himself.

However, the presence of someone else made all the difference.

"Hello son. It's been a long time, hasn't it?"

Author's Note:

Hey guys! Sorry it's been so long since I last updated the fic. I've been busy with college and things aren't really going too well. Either way, this chapter's finally out, and the plot's getting moved along.

I really hope you enjoyed this chapter and, once again, I'm sorry that I couldn't have had this out sooner. College isn't the only reason for the lengthy time gap. Another reason was that I was so unmotivated to get things going again for the longest time. As much as I hate to admit it, it's true and I hope you can forgive me for neglecting this.


Signing off!