Okay, so I'm kinda absolutely thrilled with this one shot. It's the longest story I have on fanfiction, so it is amazing! I hope you guys enjoy it. A little information you should know before reading. Piper and Leo have Wyatt, Chris and Melinda. Phoebe and Coop have Peyton, Parker, and Patience. Paige and Henry have Charlotte, Penny, and Henry Jr. Darryl and Sheila have Michael and DJ. Sebastian is the half manticore from season six. Raven, Isabel, Alex, and any other characters besides the eleven I just mentioned are mine. Their ages change from section to section, but I'll give you the last section's ages, so you can figure it out. Wyatt is twenty three, Sebastian twenty two, Chris twenty one, Peyton and DJ twenty, Melinda, Charlotte, and Penny nineteen, with Parker at sixteen, Henry fifteen, and Patience fourteen.

Anyway, this is part of Chosen series, which has yet to be completed and posted. I don't believe you need to read it though to understand it. Okay, I know some people don't normally review, but I worked very hard on this and I'd love for some feedback. Thanks guys!

Disclaimer: I do not own Charmed. I do, however, own the rights to Chosen, which I can hopefully get published one day.

Most people had an official name and then something a friend or a lover would call them. Most people only had two names. Hell, even most witches had two. It was normal to have your name and then something silly or sweet that a sister or best friend would call you. Then again, most mortals wouldn't think magical beings were normal. Even by magic standards, the Halliwells weren't normal. Of course, even by Halliwell standards (low as they were), Christopher Perry Halliwell wasn't normal.

Chris Perry. Perhaps one of the worst parts of himself, Chris mused. That was the name he first gave to his family. Even in this future, most demons were frightened of that name. Then again, he was afraid of it, too.

To Chris, that name embodied the side of him he would die before letting anyone see. If he had his way, that name would be a secret part of history. The again, if he had his way, his family wouldn't be attacked by demons every day.

Agony and pain were all he knew. The blade cut through his skin with ease. Dimly, he realized his shirt was gone. Pity, it was one of his favorites. A deep laugh rumbled next to his ear and he tensed. It didn't help and wasn't it sad he knew something bad would happen by a damn laugh?

His teeth ripped through his bottom lip to keep from screaming. The salt mingled with his blood and it burned. It felt like his chest was on fire until he was soaked by water. Hanging limply by his wrists, he forced himself to lift his head.

Dark brown hair was plastered against his forehead, yet was long enough to cast a shadow over his eyes. Vivid green eyes burned with hatred, hot enough that the demon stepped back. A laugh ripped from his abused throat, humor absent. The teenager hissed, "You can torture me and laugh all you wish, but you're still afraid of me. Aren't you?"

Anger flurried through the demon's eyes and the creature gave into his primal instincts. With a roar of rage, the evil being threw himself forward, one hand wrapping tightly around his captive's throat. Black spots started to appear in front of Chris's vision, only for them to suddenly vanish.

Ignoring his need to gulp in air, he slowly breathed in. His eyes stayed trained on the new arrival's chest, refusing to look in the familiar, yet unfamiliar eyes. The demon spun around, anger evaporating the moment his eyes set on the man in front of him. He stammered, "My Lord! I-"

This time, a scream emitted from the demon. As his torturer turned to ash, Chris forced himself to look in icy blue eyes. His fingers clenched the chains around his wrists as he finally regained his footing. Slowly, Chris said softly, "Wyatt."

The King of Magic smirked at him and approached him. Despite Chris's best efforts, he flinched as one hand grabbed his jaw, forcing him to look up. His brother's blue eyes were a mix of emotions, so many he couldn't make out any specifics.

Seemingly seeing what he needed, Wyatt turned and ordered, "Bring her in." Panic started to build in Chris. Her? Please, don't be one of the girls. Please, anyone, but them. His heart jumped into his throat at the familiar brunette being dragged in. Her jeans hung loosely on her, her shirt ripped, exposing parts of her stomach. Blood was smeared across her pale skin, thankfully only superficial cuts and scratches.

He didn't notice when the restraints were released, only that Charlotte was here and he was going to hurt her. Wyatt smirked and Chris's blood ran cold. A demon shoved her forward and only then did he see the gleam of a sword in Wyatt's hand. She gasped as the blade pierced her stomach, and he almost thought she froze time. Then she was falling and he was holding onto her. Blood stained his hands, a bright scarlet color, and his heart was slowing and speeding up at the same time.

Cradling her like a child in his arms, he begged, "Charlotte, stay awake. Please, Charlie, don't do this to me." She smiled at him and her forehead rested gently against his collarbone. He heard her whisper, "Protect them. Please."

Five memories flashed through his mind, each containing that promise. Fourteen, promising his mom, screaming for Wyatt, Aunt Paige, Dad, Mel, Charlotte, Penny, Henry, damn it, somebody to come. Fifteen and they were caught, Uncle Coop pushing DJ and Sebastian towards the door, and grabbing his arm, ordering him to get out of here and keep them safe. Aunt Phoebe, only weeks after losing her husband, no idea if Peyton was breathing, Parker's body only recognizable by the charmed necklace around her neck, a fireball to the chest, and once again, someone dying in his arms. Just turned seventeen, Aunt Paige and Uncle Henry, back to back, a darklighter arrow protruding from Paige's chest, her words slurring as she demands he keep fighting and don't give up, Uncle Henry, talking, even as blood ran down his chin from the athame in his chest, eyes soft and telling him he can do this.

Tears sprung to his eyes, but he held them back. He whispered, "I promise, kiddo. I'll protect them with my dying breath." A shaky smile as her brown eyes closed. Pressing his forehead to hers as the girl he considered a younger sister, his best friend, one of the few reasons he was still sane, who kept fighting even as her own twin switched sides and her parents fell in one battle, died in his arms. Chris slowly lowered Charlotte's body to the ground. His mind whirled, one thought resounding through it. She was only fifteen.

"Well, wasn't that heartwarming?" Snickers reached his ears and he slowly lifted his head. His eyes glowed with power as he raised his hands. Electricity sparked in the air, making the demons step back. Wyatt muttered something under his breath and dark orbed out.

The demons tried to shimmer and flame out, only to realize what Wyatt had muttered, was, in fact, an anti-transport spell. Insanity danced through Chris's green eyes. Finally, he screamed and let his powers create the chaos he desired. Perhaps even more terrifying was the grin on his lips as he watched the demons writhe in agony.

Screams pierced the cool night air, ripping through the apartment of Wyatt and Chris Halliwell. Wyatt bolted upwards and raced towards the origins of the screams. Bursting into his younger brother's room, he immediately caught sight of the reason for the tortured screaming.

His younger brother was trapped into a nightmare and by the looks of it, a hell of one. Striding forward, Wyatt caught Chris's flailing arms and pinned him down. Shaking him, the blond was relieved when green eyes shot open.

Taking a step back, he held up his hands as Chris threw himself away from him. He winced at the thud as the brunette collided with the floor. Waiting a moment, Wyatt gently crouched down in front of the frightened witch. His eyes were still wild with the terror of his mind.

Slowly, Chris came out of it. Knowing better than to touch him unexpectedly, Wyatt asked softly, "You okay now?" His answer was a shaky nod. Chris hesitantly gripped Wyatt's forearms as they stood. The older man led the younger into the kitchen, keeping one hand on his arm to gently keep his mind from sliding back into the abyss of the nightmare.

Casting a worried look at his younger brother, Wyatt pulled out two sodas out of the fridge. Turning back to the subdued Chris, he slid one can over to the younger man. The two sat in silence until Chris whispered, "I liked it."

Glancing over to him, Wyatt waited for him to continue. After several moments he does. "I liked hearing them scream as I killed them. Hearing them beg for mercy. I just wanted them to pay for killing Charlie." He glanced up at Wyatt, insecurity evident on his face.

Biting his lip, Wyatt tried to figure a response for that. In that world, maybe Chris was slightly…What was the word? In this world, however, Chris refused to torture a demon for information, unless they had no choice, he would die without hesitation if it would keep one of them from getting hurt, he would do his hardest to ease the pain of the innocents they saved. Pulling his younger brother into a side hug, he murmured, "That isn't you. That person's older brother is a psycho. His parents are dead. I am not a psycho, no matter what you or Mel say. Mom and Dad are both breathing and more than likely going to attend up lecturing us tomorrow for getting into trouble again. You're not Chris Perry, kiddo. He's not you."

Leaning into Wyatt's side, Chris reflected on his brother's word. While he appreciated the thoughts behind them, he knew they weren't true. Chris Perry was a part of him. It didn't mean that it was the overpowering part of him. Closing his eyes, Chris mused, Chris Perry is the bastard who had nothing else to lose and will do anything to defend his family.

Christopher. Some would be surprised that he used that name for a persona. It was, after all, his full first name. However, there were only two types of people who actually used Christopher, instead of Chris. When he was in trouble, he'd hear, "Christopher Perry Halliwell! How could you be so stupid?" The last sentence varied. The other type of person was Elders and the 'politicians' of the magical community. Normally, he ended up making sure his family didn't insult anyone and start a civil war.

Not the worst of his personas, even if it was a manipulator through and through. However, the events forcing this one out sucked. Normally, it was some formal party that all important magical beings had to attend. So Chris got dragged along. However, there was a side of this part of him that was manipulative and had no problem spinning the situation his way. Michael Morris never had the pleasure of seeing that side of him, so he didn't know exactly what would happen when the case he was on started to seem like the losing side.

Chris sighed at the noises upstairs. Dropping his backpack on the couch, he headed upstairs. Footsteps behind him alerted him to Charlotte's presence. The two entered the attic and found a frustrated Penny throwing a book at the wall.

Freezing it before it connected with his body, he raised one eyebrow at her. He asked dryly, "What'd the book do to you?" She glared at him in return and spat acidly, "Fuck you, Christopher."

"Penelope Julia Matthews Mitchell Halliwell!" She winced at her full name. Henry looked furious at her. Chris diffused the tension by asking, "So, what's with the bitchy behavior? I thought that was my thing."

DJ said glumly, "A case we were working on just…" He waved one hand in an effort to describe it. Darryl took over and explained, "Kids have been going missing and being found dead. We know who it is, but we don't have the means to prove it. That bastard is going to walk free and there's nothing we can do to stop it."

Michael spoke up, "It's not like we can take them to court. We'd get destroyed." Abruptly, both witchlighters orbed out. The lawyer blinked and turned to the ones who actually knew how the two thought. Penny grinned and said, "That bastard is going down now!"

Which helped so much. DJ shrugged, although there was no denying the excited glimmer in his eyes. He somewhat wasn't that shocked to hear Justin Bares confessed to the murders. Two nights later, the man had a mental breakdown and was committed to a mental institution.

Darryl strode into the Manor, making the Halliwells look up. He headed straight towards Chris and Charlotte and neither looked surprised. Michael followed his father and leaned against the couch to watch. The cop narrowed his eyes at them and said, "Justin Bares mentioned something in his interview. Specifically, he was warned to confess by two demons. And guess who visited the day of his confession."

Innocent green eyes looked at him as Chris asked, "I don't know, who?" Darryl looked highly unamused as he answered, "Eve Mitchell and Christopher Bennett. Now, you two wouldn't know anything about that, would you?"

Charlotte shook her head, holding back a smirk. Chris's face was completely hidden from any clue he did it. He said, "Well, hypothetically, we could. Hypothetically, we could have manipulated Bares into thinking his victims were ghosts and forced him to confess. Hypothetically, I could have orbed into his room and reflected everything he did on those kids on him."

Michael called, "Hypothetically, right?" Charlotte nodded and said with a small smirk, "Hypothetically." Chris pushed off the table and said, "I don't find it a big loss though. The man tortured children for fun and would have continued until he was stopped."

The two vanished in a lightshow of blue and white. Michael turned to the Halliwell kids and said flatly, "I understand why you're afraid of them now."

Yes, this persona was a cold hearted bastard. He was ruthless and had no problem ripping your life apart, should you mess with any of the ones he called his. Chris wouldn't lie; it was somewhat fun in that role. However, it was one most knew not to mess with. Christopher was the manipulative witch who could make the word burn with just a few words.

Chris Halliwell. Famed demon hunter. Younger brother to the Twice-Blessed. The other Halliwell kid. As far as Chris was concerned, he didn't mind this name. Mostly known to the mortal world and Magic School. The role he played as Chris Halliwell had him acting like a regular eighteen year old kid, ignoring the fact he had twenty two extra years of hell in his head.

"Halliwell!" Tensing, Chris turned around. Max Logan jogged up to him, panting. Grinning at him, Max inquired, "Are you going to Jennifer Woodman's party?"

Sighing, Chris started to pile his books in his locker. Max wasn't a bad person, just too determined to be friends with him. They could have actually been friends if Max didn't see him as a damn charity case. Rolling his eyes, Chris said dryly, "No, I am not." He could sense Max opening his mouth, but relief filled him as a familiar weight settled over his shoulders.

Sebastian grinned at him and said, "Hey, kid." He didn't take offense as his arm was shrugged of the brunette's shoulders. Chris huffed, "I am a year younger than you, Sebastian. Don't call me kid."

The blond glanced at Max who was gaping at the scene. Sebastian Johnson, one of the best football players, was speaking to Chris Halliwell, the quiet, geeky kid, like they were friends. Tilting his head, the half manticore asked, "Who are you?"

Deliberately stepping on the older boy's foot, Chris warned, "Be nice. This is Max. He's in my history class." Puffing up his chest, Max said, "I'm Chris's best friend. You are?" Sending a look at the slight brunette, Sebastian saw him roll his eyes.

The football player grinned mischievously. He'd probably get lectured later, but this was too good to pass up. "Best friend, hmm? Here I though DJ was your best friend, Shadow." He dodged the slap aimed for his head at yet another nickname. Turning back to the unsuspecting kid, Sebastian continued, "I've been friends with Wyatt and, coincidentally, Chris since I was one." His blue eyes hardened as he continued, "I advise you to leave Chris alone. If you would shut your damn mouth for a minute, you'd know he hated parties and he wouldn't be caught dead at one if he could help it. Answer me this, Max, can you even tell me three things about your supposed best friend?"

The other teenager gaped and sputtered for an answer. Sebastian smirked, "Thought so. Chris isn't a damn charity case, so stop treating him like one. That clear?" Max nodded and fled. Chris turned from his locker and remarked, "That was mean.

"Yep. I still don't understand why you didn't tell him to go screw himself." Green eyes sparkled in amusement. "I wanted to see what you would do. I was thinking it'd be Wy or Deej that scared him off though." Rolling his eyes, Sebastian ruffled Chris's hair and said, "Well, he was annoying you and I'm the only person who can annoy you. Well, outside of your crazy family."

Smirking, he quipped, "You're part of that crazy family you know." Sebastian snorted and Chris turned serious. "I'm not kidding. Mom and the aunts, along with Dad and Uncle Coop and Uncle Henry, think of you as another kid. Parker, Patience, Charlie, Penny, Henry, and Mel think of you as an older brother. So does DJ and Wyatt thinks of you as a brother, not really younger, but best friend brother. Besides, I've adopted you, so you're stuck with us."

Chris Halliwell was the smart ass teenager who loved books and everything weird.

Chris. Incredibly similar to Chris Halliwell, except this was for his friends and family. Mom, Dad, the aunts, the uncles, Darryl and Derek (even though they counted as uncles in his mind), Isabel, Michael, Alex, even Raven, close as she was to the next group. They all called him Chris.

It was relaxing, but it wasn't his favorite. While the people he trusted called him this, they were on the outer circle. They were his close friends and his family. He ignored everyone who thought otherwise. Darryl and Derek were his uncles; damn it, and Michael and Isabel were cousins. Raven was the annoying older sister, who moved to New York. (Ignore that he moved there for three years.) Alex was, well, amazing. (What? Me like Alex? Hardly…I mean, uh, oh, shut up!)

However, there were ten people who had their own category. The ten idiots who kept his (remaining) sanity intact, from doing something stupid, knew how horrible he was, and refused to leave his side. It blew his mind.

They were the only people who knew every single one of his names and still gave a damn about him. They were the people he would kill anyone without hesitation, let the world burn to the ground, die for. Ten people.

Chris was a name where he didn't have to his as much. He could be himself, most of the time.

Kit, Chrissy, C, whatever horrifying nickname Sebastian came up with this time. Now, this was his favorite name. Never mind that it changed. This was where he looped ten incredible people into it. In his opinion, they were all his brothers and sisters,

His youngest sister, Patience. Technically, she was Aunt Phoebe's youngest daughter, but as far as he cared, she was his baby sister. A total sweetheart, but sassy enough to show she wasn't any doormat cliché. He could never help that stab of worry when they fought demons. Brilliant and intuitive as she was, Patience only had premonitions, empathy, invisibility, and levitation in her arsenal. Of course, she had Henry and Parker watching her back every second, even when the older Halliwells couldn't.

His youngest brother, Henry. Only a year before Patience was born, Aunt Paige named him Henry Junior. The adults called him Junior, or kiddo. Everybody else called him Henry. He was tech savvy, but so quiet, Chris worried. He adored Patience and Parker though. If one of the three could freeze time, Chris had no doubt they'd be the next Power of Three. Chris loved to just sit with the teenager in the attic and play video games or teach him new tricks.

Parker, the rebellious younger sister. She may have been a cupid-witch, but she was all rebel. He could still remember when he took her to get a pink streak through her hair. Her grin was worth the lecture he got from Aunt Phoebe and Mom. Feeling stifled, Parker would get into mischief, but she always came back for them.

Penny, only twelve minutes younger than Charlotte, but so different. She was frightened of how similar she was she to Christy Jenkins, but Chris knew her. A firestarter and telepath was rare, but Penny was too good to go bad. It was fun teaching her to use her telepathy. She loved pranking people with it, something he rarely had the heart to stop her. She was the prankster middle sister.

Charlotte, where to even begin? One of the few people who could even keep up with his mind. She was like a female version of Chris. At least, to most of their family. The two got along famously, able to understand what the other way saying with just a look. She was one of his best friends and was considered the older sister, even though she was actually only older than Penny, Parker, Henry, and Patience.

His biological younger sister, Melinda. They fought like cats and dogs. Screaming matches, throwing anything they could think of at each other (both physically and emotionally), yet would rip apart anyone would dared harm each other. Unspoken lines they never crossed, no matter how angry or hurt they were, because damn it, they still loved each other. (Although getting them to admit was like pulling teeth.)

Miss Love, the flirty sister, Aphrodite (because Venus was a planet and did you just call me fat?!), known as Peyton Halliwell. A total sweetheart, but had no trouble Charming demons into jumping off a roof, cause sweetheart, I may have passive powers, but I am a Halliwell and no one screws with my family! Chris would just smile and remind her to keep that voice of her's in control, lest she wants another bridge accident. (I said I was sorry! I didn't know that I had it and you're the genius who nearly walked off a bridge.)

DJ was his brother (who cares if he's not related? He's my brother and you can all go screw yourselves!) He would roll his eyes at their antics and mutter about why Darryl had to know the secret (couldn't you just think they were dealing drugs? Why did you have to know?!), but would leap in to defend them. After all, he was dating his best friend's sister and Mel would be pissed if you guys died. (Plus, I may think you're my brother and it'd kill me if you died, but we don't have to think about that.)

He was half demon, they should have killed Sebastian. (Irritating, yes. Annoying, yes. Killer? Nah, Chris is more likely to kill you than him.) He's funny and likes to prank. (Won't stop, even after being orbed to Antarctica in his boxers, dumped in a volcano, plus, the time in London they don't speak of.) He's an annoying older brother, but you don't want to see his demon side. (Turns out the falling in love with demons thing is genetic, Aunt Pheebs, because the sexual tension between Peyton and Sebastian is annoying and I don't care what anybody says, I will lock them in a closet.)

The only person who actually kept him from getting himself killed, if he died then damnit, Chris would follow, because he can't live without Wyatt. The only person who knows him better than even he knows himself is Wyatt. (Torture, laughter, death, protecting; it blurs when he isn't there and one day Chris knows he'll lose it without him and rip the world apart and burn the pieces.) It's his destiny to protect Wyatt, but without Wyatt he doesn't have a destiny or a soul. (Because he's always been a little screwed up, so his sanity being dependent on his older brother really shouldn't surprise him.)

And they all (except Parker, Henry, and Patience) hated him because he left. He couldn't tell them, he needed to protect them from that reality. It didn't matter if they hated him, but it still killed him inside and one day his heart really would shatter.

It was storming and he hated storms. It reminded him too much of yelling and screaming. When he was little, he crawled into bed with Wyatt and buried his face into his chest. When he was a teenager, Wyatt came and found him each time.

This time, however, he was on his own. Chris knew that this was ridiculous. He dealt with storms in New York for the past three years (by getting drunk with Raven and waking up in Michael's apartment with him glaring at the two) by himself, he didn't need anybody.

Chris cringed as another booming noise echoed through the manor (Mom and Dad arguing and screaming at each other.) Closing the Book of Shadows, Chris started to head out of the attic to leave. Penny looked up and asked, "Did you find a way for us to get our transporting powers back?"

He shook his head and turned around when the door opened. Peyton rushed in, shaking her wet hair like a dog. Another streak of lightning the ground as the house shrieked its displeasure. (Shrill screams as Patience's skin burned and begging for them to leave her alone; she was only ten for crying out loud!)

Charlotte followed the older girl inside and informed everyone, "Looks like no one is leaving tonight. The storm's too bad for anyone to drive anywhere. I'll go call Aunt Phoebe, Aunt Piper, and Mom." She vanished into the kitchen, leaving everyone standing there awkwardly.

Penny stood and said, "Parker can sleep with Peyton. Henry, Patience, do you two mind sharing a bed?" Both shook their heads. It wasn't unusual for them to share a bed or even for the two and Parker share one. While Patience's power was rare, seeing premonitions in her sleep often gave her nightmares. Turning to Chris, the firestarter continued uneasily, "Chris, do you mind sleeping on the couch?"

Chris shrugged and said, "Wouldn't be the first time." It really wasn't. It had been a regular occurrence for someone to find Chris and sometimes Charlotte sprawled across the sofa in the living room or attic. The brunette rarely slept of his own free will. Of course, only Chris and their parents knew why. Nightmares were a nightly visitor to him.

Penny merely nodded and the teenagers vanished to their respective rooms. Chris climbed back up the stairs he'd just exited. Dropping on the couch, he eyed the Book for a moment before deciding to leave it until the morning.

Curling into the corner of the couch, he couldn't help the small whimper as another boom of thunder shook the house. Out of the corner of his eye, the witch could see lightning striking the ground. (Darryl unable to keep the screams from ripping out of his abused throat as electricity hurled through his body.)

His head snapped up as the door slowly opened. He relaxed as Peyton entered the room, her blond hair drier than it was. She handed it him a blanket and a pillow, citing, "The attic gets kinda cold at night." He gave her a small smile, taking the offered objects.

She gave him a look he couldn't identify before hurrying out of the attic. Chris resumed his curled up position, wrapping the blanket around his shaking body. Closing his eyes, he tried to get some sleep. At least if Raven asked, he could honestly say he tried.

When he was almost asleep, another loud boom of thunder echoed through the air and he bolted upward. Chris forced himself to conceal his panic and terror before it could wake anyone else. He hesitantly reached out to feel the bond linking him to his siblings and cousins.

The link calmed him somewhat. The three years he'd been gone and the link ripped away from him had been utter hell when he let himself focus on it. Chris's voice was barely a whisper as he spoke. "Phone." His cell phone appeared in his hand, even as he winced from the bright orbs.

Flipping it open, he frantically searched through his contacts. Pushing the button, he pressed the phone to his ear. He trembled as the thunder echoed. A sleepy voice mumbled, "Chris? You do realize how late it is, right?"

Guilt shot through him as he realized he woke her up. Chris apologized, "I'm sorry, Raven, it's just that th-"Another bolt of lightning hit the ground and thunder boomed, making the house shake. His voice broke off into a whimper of fear.

Alerted to his fear, Raven asked softly, "Chris, are you okay?" Clenching his eyes closed, Chris gritted his teeth, "It's ju-just the thunder and l-lightning. Raven, what do I do?" The pure desperation in his voice made Raven desire nothing more than give her friend a hug.

She was quite aware of the younger witch's terror of thunder and lightning due to a bad storm in their second year of being roommates. She ended up in his bed that night, murmuring into his hair as he shook like a leaf in her arms. Raven wished that she could be there to help her friend, but she was still in New York due to her canceled flight and her own powers gone.

"Chris, where are you?"

"T-he manor." Pulling her cell phone to her, Raven balanced the phone on her shoulder as she tried to recall one of the other Halliwell's phone numbers. Her heart clenched at the shriek from Chris. Across the country, he flushed at the noise he made.

Thunder and lightning seemed to be warring outside as Chris dropped the phone and pressed his hands over his ears. Curling up tighter, he clenched his eyes shut as he tried to ignore the memories trying to overwhelm him. He was oblivious to Raven calling for him in panic or the blond haired figure that entered the room.

The blond paused for a moment before he picked up the phone and spoke to the frantic girl on the other side before hanging up. Sitting on the sofa, he pulled the trembling Halliwell into his arms, running one calming hand through his hair.

Chris felt the familiar sensation of orbing, but didn't open his eyes. Instead, he gripped Wyatt's shirt and pleaded, "Make it stop, Wy. It's gonna hurt them!"

Wyatt rocked his younger brother back and forth as he tried to sooth Chris. He was grateful to the dark haired girl, who only called herself Raven. She'd texted him, asking if he could help Chris. The older man remembered oh too well about how terrified the normally fearless brunette was of storms. Without fail, every time there was a storm, Chris crawled into bed with Wyatt up until the day he left, at nineteen.

Gently pulling Chris further up the bed, Wyatt settled against his headboard. He frowned at the fact that he could lift the twenty one year old like he was a child. Looking down at the still shaking witch, Wyatt started to realize exactly how bad Chris had neglected his own health. He was unsurprisingly thin (even when he was a teenager, they had to remind him to eat), paler than normal, dark circles under his dull green eyes (frighteningly different than his normally vivid gaze), and with bruises or scratches stretched across his body. Letting go of his anger, Wyatt focused his attention to getting the younger man to sleep.

Humming softly, Wyatt continued running one hand through Chris's dark hair. His lips quirked into a fond smile at the obvious way Chris relaxed in his arms. It always was the easiest way to get him to sleep, nice that some things never changed.

Holding one hand over his younger brother's sleeping form; Wyatt smiled as the healing golden glow removed all the bruises and scratches he could see. Tomorrow, he would see if there were any other injuries the devious brat had hid from him.

Wyatt looked up at the sound of his name. Penny stood in the doorway. Penny tilted her head in a silent question. He said softly, "Storms." Understanding entered her eyes as she recalled her cousin's fear of storms. She turned and left the room, calling over her shoulder, "I'll be right back."

His pillow was breathing. Or, apparently not a pillow, because pillows don't have fingers and somebody had their fingers in his hair. Chris peered upward, meeting Wyatt's amused look. Glancing down, he noticed Patience's head was on his stomach and his own hand was tangled in her dark hair. Patience had her feet propped up on Sebastian's back. He was sprawled out on the foot of the bed, one hand resting on Peyton's stomach. She had one arm wrapped around Parker's shoulders, who had Melinda as her personal footrest. Melinda and DJ were curled around each other. Charlotte had Henry's head in her lap, with her back against the wall. Henry had one hand on Patience's ankle. Charlotte had her head resting on Penny's shoulder. Penny had her feet on Wyatt's leg. Chris wasn't quite sure how all eleven of them fit on Wyatt's bed, but they were all connected to at least one other person.

Trying to move away, he gave a soft cry as Wyatt rolled his eyes and dragged him back down. He glared up half-heartedly at the Twice Blessed. Said witch just smirked before he said softly, "We need to talk later."

Suddenly finding his (Wyatt's) old t-shirt incredibly interesting, Chris avoided looking up at Wyatt. The blond ignored his hesitance and continued, "Although you are going back to sleep until it is after nine. Turns out when your powers are weakened, your glamours don't hold up so well, little brother."

Damn it. Chris bit his lip and tried to talk his way out of this. "I don't know what you're talking about, Wyatt. Besides, I need to-"

"Sleep." Chris's protests were ignored as Wyatt started messing with his hair again. His train of thought derailed and he glowered at the older man. "Cheater."

Wyatt looked smug as he tossed back, "Hey, it worked, didn't it?" He didn't receive an answer from the sleeping brunette. He knew that if he told anyone else that to subdue his younger brother, all they had to go was run their fingers through his hair, Chris would kill him. He found it horribly embarrassing, but Wyatt was just glad he had a way to actually calm the younger man down.

It wasn't until ten o'clock Chris woke up again. Stretching like a cat, he realized he was alone. He couldn't help the flash of disappointment at the realization. Exiting Wyatt's room, he slipped downstairs silently.

The storm had dissipated in the night, leaving no trace behind. Chris paused in the door of the kitchen. Sensing told him that the manor was empty except for Wyatt and him. Although, he thought Wyatt might have been under a spell.

Stepping into the kitchen, he raised one eyebrow at the blue eyed witch. Wyatt didn't notice until he spun around, belting out, "I'm a cowboy, on a steel-Oh, uh, hey, Chris."

Wyatt flushed red at being caught. Chris smirked and said dryly, "Well, I don't think you're going to win an AMA, Cowboy." If it was possible, Wyatt turned redder. He snapped, "Oh, shut up." Pausing for a moment and studying his brother, the blond asked in confusion, "Aren't those my clothes?"

This time it was Chris who blushed. He fidgeted awkwardly as he said, "Uh, um, yeah. They're comfier than mine." Wyatt snickered at seeing his normally smart ass brother stammering and blushing like an idiot.

The brunette glared and Wyatt wisely shut up. The two stood in silence for several minutes, the only sound being the radio. Chris wrapped his arms around himself and blurted out, "I'm sorry." Wyatt looked confused, so Chris elaborated, "About last night." He hesitated before adding, "And leaving without telling you guys why."

Wyatt ran one hand through his hair as he said, "Chris, I'll admit it. I was angry when you left. I didn't have all the facts, but I was…" He struggled for words, before he asked, "Can you explain to me why you left?"

Chris sighed and sat down heavily on one of the kitchen chairs. Tapping his fingers lightly on the table, he started to speak softly. "Aunt Phoebe spilled about the other me, didn't she?" Wyatt nodded guiltily. Phoebe never was good at keeping secrets. "Short version is someone hurt you when you were too young to know good from evil. It warped your mind and when Mom died when I was fourteen…Well, you went off the rails. Dad wasn't around much in that world. He was an Elder and only had eyes for you or Melinda, on occasion. We tried to fight back. Aunt Phoebe, Aunt Paige, Uncle Coop, a few Elders, Darryl, Sebastian, DJ, Mel and the cousins, and I were the leaders. Eventually, I realized that we were going to lose. I went back in time to figure out who hurt you and to save you. The official reason was that if I couldn't save you by the time I was born, I'd kill you."

Looking up at him, Chris smirked, "Of course, everyone knew that if I didn't save you, I'd probably end up getting myself killed. We found out that it was an Elder and he stabbed me with a cursed athame. I ended up bleeding to death, while Dad hunted down the Elder. He killed him, but the curse remained. I don't know why, it should have broken when the Elder died. When I turned eleven, I got abducted by two Valkyries. In the past, I murdered three of them to save you. I had dreams of that world, but I didn't know they were more than bad dreams. They cast a spell and the memories returned. The memories would have resurfaced naturally sometime after I turned eighteen. I made a deal with them and got home. No one actually noticed, ironically. I guess I was a little too good at keeping secrets."

Wyatt struggled to stay quiet, but he did move and grab his brother's wrist. He pressed his fingers against the inside of Chris's wrist and gave a sigh of relief at the steady pulse. Chris leaned into him as he continued unsteadily, "If I had my way, no one would have ever found out about it. When I was sixteen, the lines between them started to blur. I would think I was in that reality instead of this one. I kept it a secret until Mom and Dad found me when I was seventeen." Chris tensed and gently pulled his arm away. He started to stutter, "I-I almost k-killed you, Wyatt. I couldn't tell what reality I was in and I was going to stab you! Mom and Dad talked me down and I 'fessed up. They made me talk to Uncle Henry or Uncle Coop about it, because they were the only ones completely impartial to it. I thought it was working until I was nineteen and I a-almost ki-killed you again. I'm so-sorry! I know you pro-probably h-hate me and I de-deserve it."

Staring at the now crying brunette, Wyatt struggled to understand exactly what he just heard. His blue eyes were wide as he gaped at the story Chris had just told him. He knew the basics, but that was…Shaking his head, Wyatt dragged Chris forward. He sobbed into his chest, apologies spilling from his lips.

Leaning back to look at him, Wyatt frowned at the sight of Chris's red eyes. He said gently, "Hey, it wasn't your fault. I'm so sorry for just thinking you abandoned us. You saved the world, kiddo. That's why you've been so distant? Because you didn't want to hurt anyone?"

Chris nodded, his green eyes trained on the floor. He said softly, "I should have told you, I know. I was scared though." Once again, Wyatt was painfully reminded of how young they actually were. They all acted older than they were, pretending to be so strong for each other. He couldn't fault his mother for her decision to tell them the truth about magic, but he understood why Grams had kept if from them.

Biting his lip, Chris looked up at him shyly through his bangs. He buried his face in Wyatt's shoulder as his brother hugged him again. Damn, I've gotten more contact with him in the last twenty four hours than the entire time I've been back. Wyatt's voice was thick as he promised, "I'm not going anywhere, Kit."

That didn't make anything okay. There would be more tears and yelling later, he was sure. However as Wyatt called him by the nickname only he used, Chris knew they'd all be okay. Kit, Chrissy, Shadow, only his brothers and sisters called him those names. And they were his brothers and sisters, blood family or not.

Chris Halliwell would die without hesitation if it meant they wouldn't be hurt. However, he knew they'd do the same for him within a heartbeat.

That's the end of it! I hope you guys like it and please tell me what you think. I'm a little unsure about the ending or if I made Chris a little too out of character, but I think it kinda fits. I hope you guys enjoy and please review, favorite, follow, hell, even PM me. I shall be back soon with more Chosen stories!