For every action someone somewhere is going to have a reaction. It may or may not be a pleasant reaction but it's a reaction nonetheless. So many ideas run rampant in the world. The very idea that there are people out there who expect the world to bend around them. Who, without any thought or action, do whatever it is they feel like doing. Then there are others who are simply trying to get by with the way things are.

Sookie Stackhouse had always been one of those people. Up until a few weeks ago when she had met her first but not her last vampire, Bill Compton she had been simply content with getting by and dealing with her curse. Now she was dealing with so much more. So many events that no one wanted to understand and it was making her question things.

From the moment that Sookie started having Bill's blood she'd had questions. Yet he would never answer them. Always telling her it was vampire politics and that she didn't need to know. Something inside of her was burning with regret and a small sense of nausea at the very thought of finding out why he was so reluctant to answer her questions. Was it really that much of a burden to take a few moments and answer her?

From the very moment that they had arrived in Dallas, the blonde telepath had known that something bad was going to happen she just didn't quite know what it was. Call it a feeling or some sort of side effect to her curse. It didn't always happen but lately, Sookie had been getting far more bad feelings than good. Each time it had something to do with Bill Compton and now she was in Dallas and things were odd because of him.

He hadn't come for her when she had been trapped in the basement of the Fellowship of the Sun. No he'd been busy doing who knows what when she'd been almost raped. On one hand, Sookie had no idea exactly why Godric had felt the need to save her. She was just a human after all. One sent by Eric, yes, but a human nonetheless and they had done this to him. Trapped him in silver and didn't bother to feed him. Then they'd tried to silver Eric and kill her along with them.

It had taken both of the elder vampires to rescue her and for that she would be forever grateful. Bill had shown up, of course, with Stan and the others hellbent on destroying the humans. While his words had said one thing Sookie could read his eyes. Bill's eyes contradicted what he was saying and it was making her question everything she had thought she had known about the vampire that she had been dating.

Soft blue eyes stared out into the gardens that were attached to Godric's Dallas nest and they were filled with so much longing. Longing to finally understand what was going on in her life. It had only been a few hours since Sookie, Eric and Godric had escaped the Fellowship of the Sun and yet it felt almost as if it had been a lifetime ago. She'd been people watching, and vampire watching, since she had arrived with Jason in tow. With each passing second, Sookie could feel more questions rising up inside of her. Could it possibly be that she needed answers and only the two eldest vampires in the room could give them to her.

Her attention was drawn to the door when a woman dressed in a hideous red-orange dress entered. Everything about her screamed vampire but more than that. Sookie clearly got a 'bitch' vibe from the woman and from the way it looked, there was no way to avoid a confrontation with the vampire. She only hoped that things would end in her favor, rather than in the vampires. She was, after all, only human.

Most vampires hadn't been as obvious about approaching her as this one was and when she heard the name Lorena she almost cringed. Her gran would be disappointed if she didn't at least show some sort of manners.

"Hello there, I'm Lorena."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Sookie."

"Mmm. Yes. You're what all the fuss is about"

For a moment Sookie sighed. She hated how everyone seemed to think that she was the reason that everything happened. There was a part of her that wondered if anyone out there didn't know about who or even what she was. Still, she wasn't going to let on just how much she didn't trust this vampire at the moment.

"Excuse me?"

"Aren't you a morsel"

"I'm sorry but who are you?"

"Well. We have a mutual friend."


"That's right. Funny he never mentioned me. I practically made him what he is today."

The conversation was getting old and Sookie honestly didn't want to deal with it anymore. She was trying very hard to tune out the vampire in front of her. What was with this woman trying to start a scene in the first place? Only stupid people did that. Granted, she should have been a little more wise in her choice of actions because her words seemed to piss the older vampire off just as much as the woman had her.

She wasn't so bold as to actually expect that she wasn't causing a scene. In hindsight, she should have known the proper etiquette in handling a situation like this but she did not. Maybe it was a failure on Bill's part, maybe Eric's or perhaps her own because she had not bothered to actually find out. Up until this point Sookie had been happy to just deal with things her own way but when Lorena's hand wrapped around her neck she learned quickly that her way wasn't the best.

There was a moment where she actually wished for a quick death if nothing more than to end the embarrassment of her own presence creating such chaos in Godric's house. Just as she was sure that Lorena's fangs would be sunk deep into her neck Sookie felt the vampire be lifted off of her.

Her eyes lost their focus for a moment before she realized what had happened. Godric and Eric had moved closer, and Godric was holding Lorena by the throat. Instead of turning and trying to find Bill in the scheme of things, Sookie looked over at Eric. Her eyes clearly bespoke of the shock still running through her veins as she moved closer towards the Viking. At this very moment there were only two vampires that she felt safe around. One was standing there looking rather amused at the whole scene, the other, had his hand wrapped around the neck of her attacker.

Doing something that she knew was probably completely crazy, Sookie didn't even fight it. When she was close enough to Eric she threw herself into his body as if he would shield her from the situation. Maybe it was comfort that she was seeking, she honestly didn't know. All she knew was that the moment his arms wrapped around her she felt at ease. Despite the growl coming from Bill and the more than obvious smirk on the face of the blonde. To her, in this moment, this felt right.

"Retract. Your. Fangs. Now."

Godric's voice brought Sookie back to the situation at hand. She was half snuggled into Eric but had a clear enough view to watch the scene. Something inside of her was mildly amused at the turn of events but she was not going to show it.

"I neither know nor care who you are but in this area, and certainly in this nest I am the authority. Do you understand?"

The lilting accent that decorated Godric's voice was doing strange things to Sookie. From the moment she'd met him and seen his interactions with the Viking she'd wondered about his history. There were times when she could hear the accent in Eric's voice, especially as he talked to Godric. It was almost as if time froze on the two and the world around them simply faded away. His tone was soft and gentle but the power behind his words could not and would not be mistaken.

Sookie had absolutely no doubt that Godric was more than capable of backing up any threat he laid out with Eric not too far behind him to clean up the excess mess. What was it about these two ancient vampires that was drawing her in? Why had she chosen to seek comfort in them? She didn't know yet but the quick flick from Godric's eyes to hers, and the slight tightening of Eric's arms around her signaled that they were both more than aware of exactly how she was feeling. Neither would complain at that very moment.

"Yes sheriff."

"This human has proven herself to be a courageous and loyal friend to our kind and yet you treat her like a child does a dragonfly. Pulling off wings for sport. No wonder they hate us."

"She provoked me"

For a moment Sookie could hear everyone freeze. Was this Lorena really that stupid that she would try to question anything Godric said? Sookie might not be extremely well versed in the ways of vampire politics but she was quite sure that Godric's word was law, not just because this was his house, or because he was the sheriff of the area but because he was the oldest thing in the room. Apparently stupid begat stupid because she was starting to see a lot of similarities between Bill and Lorena and how they acted.

She watched as Godric got even more in Lorena's face as if trying to talk to some misbehaved little child.

"And you provoke me. You disrupted the peace in my own home. I could snap you like a twig but I haven't. Why is that?"

Was it mirth she heard in his voice as he spoke to the female vampire? Sookie was having a hard time trying to understand this ancient vampire. One moment she was sure that he would have ripped out Lorena's throat and now he seemed to be taunting her, almost goading her into saying something stupider.

"It's your choice."

"Indeed it is. You're an old vampire, I can tell. You've had hundred of years to better yourself, yet you haven't. You're still a savage and I fear for all of us, humans and vampires, if this behavior persists."

When he turned to Bill it was clear that Godric was studying the younger vampire before he ordered him to escort Lorena out of the nest. With the final parting words that he wanted Lorena out before dawn, it was clear that the conversation with Godric was over. Any move to challenge him would be handled swiftly and with much violence.

With Bill and Lorena gone the atmosphere in the nest seemed to shift some. The vampires and humans that had been standing around watching the scene fluttered back into their own space and conversations. Sookie was still standing there wrapped in Eric's embrace with Godric looking on.

She wanted so badly to say something, anything about the situation but she didn't, couldn't. What was there to say? Was she supposed to say thank you? Was she supposed to laugh and act like it was no big deal and move on?

Before anything could be said the sound of the door opening again brought her attention to the room. They should have been paying more attention. She should have been paying more attention but it was too late. When the man started to speak the only thing that Sookie could do was scream "Bomb!" and hope that enough of the vampires reacted.

Sookie had no idea if minutes or hours had passed before she had regained any semblance of being. Her ears were still ringing slightly from the blast and she could barely breath. Trying to move, Sookie realized that she had two heavy objects on her and gently reached out to see if she could move them away. When they didn't move she found herself trying to figure out why.

When her eyes landed on the form of Godric over her and Eric over both of them she frowned a moment. Struggling she was having a hard time dislodging the vampires, Sookie let out a groan. Apparently the noise was loud enough that it drew the attention of Isobel and Stan who helped her move the two vampires.

With air being able to be sucked into her lungs, Sookie took a moment to try to think about the situation. She had been shielded by the two oldest vampires in the nest. They didn't have too. They could have easily let her be and saved themselves but by the aftermath of the shrapnel on both of them they had turned themselves towards the bomb and tried to shield her.

"Why aren't they moving? Why aren't they waking up?"

Slight panic was starting to fill her voice as she thought about them. They needed to move, needed to protect her and they weren't and it was all her fault.

"It's the silver. Just give it a few moments, it should work itself out."

Sookie froze for a moment before she moved to the vampire closest to her. She could see Godric's wounds and could hear the sound of the sizzling of flesh as the silver tried to work itself out. Sookie was at a loss on what to do and for the first time actually went with her instincts.

Leaning forward she started trying to suck the silver out of Godric. Moving as quickly as she could the woman spat out every bullet and piece of shrapnel that she could find. Getting the silver out was only the first step, he still would need blood to finish healing. They would deal with that when she had seen to Eric.

Turning to Eric, she repeated the same actions that she had for Godric. It should have bothered her that she was ingesting the blood of two vampires that were not Bill but in her mind she didn't even care. Both Eric and Godric had proven more trustworthy to her in the span of a few seconds than Bill had in the weeks they'd been together. This was not a feeling that she was used too and yet for her it only made sense to protect them and try to help them in the only way she could.

Feeling the two vampires near her rouse, Sookie spoke softly to them, hoping that no one would interrupt their moment.

"I know y'all need blood and you both aren't exactly in the right frame of mind to refuse. Please, take what you need to heal so we can get out of here."

With that she held her wrists out to both vampires. Godric on one side, Eric on the other. Human blood was the only thing that was going to heal them like they needed. True Blood would not do so.

Waiting with baited breath, Sookie had no idea if they would take her up on her offer. She should have thought about this before the offer but without knowing the rules of what she was getting involved in she didn't know if she was crossing any lines.

Casting her eyes between the two vampires, she could tell they were groggy but it was as if they were communicating between the two, silently trying to come to terms with the situation. In one way it was exactly what Eric wanted, a chance to get his blood into Sookie and he'd done that, but now she was offering her blood to him. That alone was sign enough that Bill hadn't taught her what it meant to be a pet or to be claimed by a vampire.

Catching the eyes of his maker he looked at the elder vampire, speaking through their bond. We have much to discuss master but please, feed and I will do the same. She is being genuine in her offer but she knows not what this will do. I'm afraid that Compton hasn't educated her in the ways of our kind like I thought he had. We must get out of here before more humans arrive.

With a slight nod from Godric through the bond, both vampires tried as gently as they could to drink as little as they could. They didn't want to hurt the precious human. The words that Godric had spoken to Lorena were once again proving true. She was a courageous and loyal friend to their kind and his nest.

With the first pulls of her blood upon their tongues both vampires let out small moans. Godric instantly recognized what made her blood sweet but neither vampire was at risk of draining her dry. Instead, they both pulled away after only a few small pulls. It was enough to kick start their healing without weaking her too much.

When Godric had his head on his shoulders he stood slowly and approached his second in the nest. With a murmured whisper from Isobel he spoke, telling them to regroup to the Hotel Carmilla. He would be joining Eric in his suite but before they could leave Bill Compton was suddenly back and in their way.

"What have you done, you stupid human? You are mine!"

Jerking her head towards the sound of Bill's voice, Sookie had a look of complete shock on her face.

"I saved the only two vampires who bothered to try to save me while I've been in Dallas. I'm not yours Bill. I only said that at first because you told me that Eric would eat me if I didn't. Now if you'll excuse us, we are going to the hotel. I need to shower and change. It's been a long night."

Sookie was not even shocked at the growl that seemed to come from Bill. Sookie had just publicly renounced his claim to her as if the two older vampires could do nothing to Bill about it. Sookie had learned a few small things, that as Bill's sheriff Eric could have forced him to hand her over at any point. Yet he hadn't. She knew that but she wasn't going to dwell on it now.

Backing up a moment, Sookie realized that she had no where really to go. Her back hit a hard object and she felt breath ghost across her neck before placing a soft kiss behind her ear. The action was not lost on Godric or on Bill as Sookie tried to hide herself against Eric, as if he was going to protect her.

"I believe that was your queue to leave my makers Beel. Go back to the hotel. We will make sure Ms. Stackhouse and her brother return safe. Go."

Bill resisted a moment but a simple raise of Godric's eyebrow had him turning on his heel and leaving.

Sookie took a heavy breath as her body relaxed some with Compton gone.

"Come Little One, let's get going. We have much to discuss tonight."

Taking Sookie's hand, Godric zoomed them out of the house with Eric following. Taking off into the night with the human clutched too him, Godric had no qualms about flying and knew that Eric would join him.

The hotel would be their safe rendezvous for the moment. At least until they could talk. There would be repercussions for the bombing in his nest, and his capture by the Fellowship. Godric knew this much but any thoughts on how he had been going to handle it had fled his mind the moment Sookie's blood had touched his lips.

No there was something about this woman that he wouldn't leave. Not if her reaction to him was just as strong as her's to Eric. First, he needed to make sure that if he did anything with Sookie it would be with her and Eric. There was a bond between the three of them, a fledgling one, but he could feel it. He wanted to have a chance to know this woman, and in doing so he would find out what was going in Eric's area and more about who this Compton was.

It was rare for a telepath to be found, let alone one that tasted of Fae blood. They must be very careful. Godric got the sense that she had no idea about her heritage. It was just one of the many conversations that they would need to have. He doubted they had enough time left in the night to discuss everything.