Doc's Innovation

By Janine (see profile)

"Take care."

"You too."

The moment Marty grasped Doc's hand in a hearty farewell, he found that he could not let go. He raised his eyes slowly, from their clasped hands to Doc's shadowed face inside the DeLorean. His mouth opened with shock. Where Doc's kind brown eyes had sparkled with joy and gratitude a moment earlier, there now radiated a sort of desperate hunger from their depths, with such intensity that they seemed to sear holes in Marty's own eyes. Marty forced a smile and tried in vain to wrench his hand from Doc's death grip. "I'll be going now, Doc," he said, feigning cheerfulness.

Still Doc did not release him. On the contrary, his hold on Marty tightened, if that was even possible. He did not speak.

"Is – is everything all right, Doc?" Marty licked his dry lips and glanced around nervously, trying not to meet Doc's burning gaze. His sweaty fingers fumbled with his skateboard.

The wind picked up without warning and the trees overhead rustled ominously, their leaves black clusters against the indigo sky. Marty turned his face away before dust could get in his eyes.

The moment his guard was down, it happened. With a sudden, sharp jerk, he was pulled forward, into the DeLorean. The skateboard slipped out of his grasp and clattered to the ground. He landed on something warm and his head collided painfully with the steering wheel and he looked up and Doc's eyes were blazing and boring into him again and this time he didn't feel uncomfortable at all and when Doc grinned at him in a manic fashion he did the same and lay obediently on his stomach as Doc climbed over him and shut the gullwing door with a bang and then jumped on him and started tearing his clothes off and Doc was like Great Scott what are you doing just lying there okay this is so anticlimactic you amateur and Marty was like Holy shit I'm so sorry but Jennifer didn't give me much of a chance with this stuff and Doc screamed in rage at the mention of Jennifer's name and before long Marty's clothes had become a pile of goo on the floor and he would've too had he not had the sense to fight back and at long last Doc calmed down but then how calm can you be in these situations so then things started getting real and they initiated another fight about who would be on top and Doc was feeling very insulted because obviously he had had millenniums of experience but Marty had heard somewhere that the less experienced you were the better it was to top and so Marty started tearing Doc's clothes off and Doc couldn't do much about it because after all no matter how much of a genius he was he still had some years behind him and he sadly wasn't as fast as he had been in his blossoming youth but then Marty suddenly had a mind blank and was like Oh my God what the hell am I supposed to do now and Doc seized his chance like a madman and overpowered him and Marty was incensed and elated at the same time which made for quite a bit of excitement and they had the time of their lives inside that stuffy DeLorean which may not have been the best choice of location for such endeavours but in any case Doc had always been known for his eccentricity and Marty as usual admired him no matter what he did so he was like Oh Doc you're my hero and he started crying like a baby right then and there and Doc was like What the hell is wrong with you and kicked him in the face and Marty cried harder and was like This is heavy Doc and Doc cackled evilly and was like Indeed indeed but then he was like Shit stop crying you imbecile your family's right there you know and you can't call this a deserted street so can you like stop like seriously and Marty was like I can't Doc I'm experiencing such feels and Doc was extremely perplexed and he was like What the hell are feels I mean like is that even legit like how can you defy the laws of grammar by turning an adjective into a plural noun like what is wrong with your generation and I swear you have to stop crying okay do you want to wake your mother up even if she just kissed you on the lips but that's irrelevant but just for the love of God stop crying and Marty was like I really really really can't Doc you have to believe me and Doc was like If you put your mind to it you can accomplish anything and Marty was like Oh Doc you're a saint and he miraculously stopped crying and they had a gooey sweet moment but then the same realisation hit them both at once and they were like Shit our clothes are a pile of goo what are we gonna do but Doc being the genius he was decided they should travel back in time to the moment it all started as in when they'd clasped hands and felt drawn to each other by the mighty lure of fate and so that's what they did and when they arrived they ruined the moment by stealing their past selves' clothes and jumped back in the DeLorean with the clothes and travelled back to the present and put their clothes back on and technically since they went back in time and ruined the moment nothing actually happened in the DeLorean that night and so everything wrapped up nicely even though Einstein had been cowering in a corner through the whole ordeal.

Marty climbed out of the DeLorean and paused, his skateboard tucked under his arm. "So how far ahead are you going?"

Doc smiled and shrugged. "Thirty years? It's a nice round number."

"Look me up when you get there, all right? Guess I'll be around . . . forty seven."

"I will."

"Take care."

"You too."

Marty watched as the DeLorean backed out of the driveway and picked up speed, vanishing in a burst of bright light at the end of the street. He smiled, satisfied. All traces of what they had done had vanished from history. There was nothing to fear.

That is, assuming Doc got the DeLorean cleaned up.

A/N: So apparently, according to my good friend Dr. Foetus, this site didn't have any Doc/Marty smut set in the DeLorean. Now it does.

I'd also like to thank another good friend of mine, Fetus of Death, who inspired me with the structure, and more specifically – uh, shall we say – stylistic changes within the structure of her fic Street Fighting (check it out if you're up for it – it's on our shared profile page).

Lastly, I haven't watched BTTF for almost a year, so apologies if any of the dialogue at the beginning and end is incorrect.