controlled chaos

i had to leave that place

i was disgusted with myself

i killed those people

we killed those people

we ran

i ran

he has no remorse for them

the ones we killed

he knows that he must protect his own

so do i

i just don't want to hurt people

but i have to

when we landed

i vomited

i'm a leader

and i can't keep my breakfast down

the proper leader

he came to help

worry on the face

i love

we stayed

he napped

and i thought

i can't be who i was

now that i'm a leader

i have to be more like him

controlled chaos

that's the life we live

i have to be willing to kill

give myself to save others

accept all willing to change

and do the best i can

so as i watched him sleep

i made a promise to be more like him

a promise to everyone i know and love

especially him

controlled chaos

that what i would have to be

in a world as untamed as this

that's what i Will be.