WELL, senpai is back because she kept getting hounded by various people that tell her 'Oh this isn't a story' 'reported because one harem romance isn't fun' etc etc.

And because no one has apparently read the manga like senpai has, I'm going to lay down some total spoilers in your midst TSUKUNE AONO DIES great now that I've got your attention, here we go;

At the end, Tsukune and Moka become the head masters of Yokai Academy (sounds pretty relevant to the plot doesn't it?)

Inner Moka and Outer Moka sorta fuse together so she no longer has to wear the rosary like she normally does

It's pretty obvious but Tsukune and Moka are fiancés by the end, Kurumu kisses Mizore at some point, they beat the bad guy etc. Nobody really major dies in the end, they all live happily ever after as Moka being the one who gets Tsukune. If you can't tell already, I'm kind of following the manga plotline and not the anime.

Love interests are probably going to be a big thing, but I haven't decided yet. And if it's not easy to figure out already, I'm talking about love interests for almost all the OC's. Not just mine.

AND~ finally, since people sorta have a hard time reading something super basic as this, I was planning on putting a full prologue out once I got one OC's in, but senpai can't have what she wants can she? No, senpai has to stay in front of a computer 24/7.

NOW that I'm finished with the added Author's note, let's take a look at my original author's note and see what that says.

An even number of genders would be pretty nice. There's going to be main and side characters. You'll figure out which one is which.

Same rules as always, No Mary-sues, Pm only, I just really don't want marry sues. If your character has potential, but has a flaw, I'll tell you and give you a chance to fix it.

I think I've covered everything for now. I'll make a prologue when I get all the OC's set. So, can senpai please have some OC's (;..;) and not get hounded?





Appearance: (Include height and weight and body type):

Eye Color:

Hair Color and Hairstyle:

Tattoos/ piercings/markings:

Skin tone/skin color:

School Year and Class:

Length of Skirt and how they wear their uniform including accessories (You know? How every main/side character had their own special way of wearing their uniform?):

A swim outfit:

A winter outfit:

A fall outfit:


Reason for attending Yokai Academy:

Back Story/ History/ Background: Family (If they're super wacky and different, they'll probably make an appearance \(^j^)/):

Personality (If you've done any of my other Syoc's, different personalities are what win me over. I don't like perfect.):


Monster Strengths (two maximum):

Monster Weaknesses (two minimum):

Best and Worst School Subjects:



Secrets (if they have any):

Type of person they like romantically:


Name: Okami Sora

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance: (Include height and weight and body type): She's about 5'7 and weighs about 134lbs. Okami has sort of a slim cello body type (I had to look this up *sweat drops*) thick eye lashes and canines that are sharper than most regular monsters, but not as sharp as a vampire's

Eye Color: A wine red color

Hair Color and Hairstyle: Her hair's black that reaches her lower back. The ends curl inwards; she has side bangs that reach her forearm and a little hair sticking up. People sometimes say that her hair looks like a pair of ears for a second.

Tattoos/ piercings/markings: She has a nasty X shaped scar on her upper back and a tattoo of a full moon on the side of her thigh.

Skin tone/skin color: Her skin tone's a light caramel color

School Year and Class: Third year, 2-B

Length of Skirt and how they wear their uniform including accessories (You know? How every main/side character had their own special way of wearing their uniform?): Her skirts upper thigh length and she has the dark green blazer that's left open with the tie. She also has a wide black studded dog collar with a chain connecting a moon pendant that contains a silver stainless steel alloy. She also wears black thigh high socks because she claims she gets cold very easily.

Monster type and appearance: A werewolf. Her true form is uncontrollable to her so she has to contain her form in the pendant. She is in fact able to transform halfway without pulling it off. Her half form gives her a black tail, black ears, her nails grow longer, and her eyes turn to a deep red.

A swim outfit: A grey bustier top and regular black bottoms.

A winter outfit: She wears a knee length light pink coat dress with black buttons across the chest, a black winter hat shoved on her head, black tights and dark green winter boots.

A fall outfit: A peach colored 3/4ths top with a light grey miniskirt. She also has brown knee boots and a brown jacket.

A summer outfit: A turquoise spaghetti strap sundress with gold gladiator sandals.

Pajamas: A simple long sleeve black knee length nightgown.

Reason for attending Yokai Academy: The nuns kept pestering her dad until he agreed to give her an education on how to live properly with humans.

Back Story/ History/ Background: Her mother died at a young age (7), leaving her and her dad on her own. Her dad didn't have a choice but to send her to the church when she turned 13 for a couple years for 'female influence.' All the while she was at the church she was under the strictest training from the nuns, who were immortals, that included solitary confinement, her bed coated in wolfs bane and touching her with puree silver objects (where the scar came from). No matter what, they were going to teach her how to be a proper lady that was going to cooperate with humans in their world. Two years later, her dad came, got her, and took her home to where she belonged.

Her dad tried to send her to school with normal humans, but she kept getting in trouble for her first year. He knew she was getting into fights with the other monsters hidden there, but he couldn't do anything about it. The nuns of the church soon got word of her misbehaving and told him that he'd either send her to Yokai or they'll take her back.

Family (If they're super wacky and different, they'll probably make an appearance \(^j^)/): Toshi Sora- He's her dad and unlike her, he has black hair and a very pale complexion. He is casually silly and youthfully influenced in his personal life along with in circumstances that require no seriousness. Toshi's most obvious flaw in his personality is the way he seeks out entertainment through surrounding himself by random women. He becomes very longing for love from his daughter, who is the most important thing in the world to him, and he loves her unconditionally. He also has a bad habit of bringing out baby pictures of her. He too, is a werewolf.

Personality (If you've done any of my other Syoc's, different personalities are what win me over. I don't like perfect.):

She's very private, and enjoys a small group of friends. Okami is not easily intimidated by others and looks cold and unfriendly to other people. Nobody has just ever taken the time to approach her. When she finds someone that she actually likes, she'll change her attitude completely. She becomes friendly and smiling all the time, laughing and talking, pretty much the complete opposite of what she was before. She also gets very angry when someone says the wrong thing.

She knows it's her werewolf instincts, but she's fiercely protective of other people in her friend circle and loyal until she dies. Okami claims that if its one thing she could get rid of, it's the loyalty thing because its annoying.

Sarcasm is a second nature to her, and her most trademark feature is to pinch the bridge of her nose whenever someone says something that deserves a sarcastic answer. Surprisingly, she's also very prone to nosebleeds.

She's a glutton to almost any type of food (except chocolate and all those other foods dogs can't eat). Sweets are probably her favorite thing and she'll often add sugar to most foods to make it sweeter. Okami'll do anything when food or candy is brought into the question.

She blushes very easily whenever someone says something that can be taken more ways than one.

Fears: Not being able to find anyone she knows/ separation axeixity.

Monster Strengths (two maximum): Her strength/speed and her instincts/smell

Monster Weaknesses (two minimum): Silver, mistletoe/rye/wolves bane, and after she's changed into her half form, she gets tiered and sort of in a depressed mood.

Best and Worst School Subjects: Her best is science and her worst is math

Likes: The smell and taste of sweet things, her recent exposure to the world of yaoi, hot weather, the beach, going on walks, reading, listening to music, sleeping, rain

Dislikes: The cold, the cold, spicy/sour food, interacting with people she doesn't like, baths (she can tolerate showers, just not baths), when people pat her head.

Secrets (if they have any): Nah. None that I can think of at the moment.

Type of person they like romantically: Well, she's a tsundere. Someone who comes to her first and actually seems interested in her for herself. Someone who can make her blush easily and isn't afraid to include her in their activities.

AND NOW, THE PROLOGUE, which might not even, is good since I had to come up with it on the fly.

"What's this Akashiya-san?" Okami questioned, holding a leather dog collar with what looked like a moon pendant in her hand. She had a weird feeling about it, it didn't smell right; it burned her hand when she touched it, anything to get the point out that it was weird.

Moka looked at the teenager in front of her, "Your father previously mentioned that you had a hard time controlling your monster abilities. The pendent on that collar is made from a silver and stainless steel alloy to keep your full powers from coming out." The teen looked between her and the black haired male standing next to her.

To be very honest, she was scared. She had never been more scared in her life. Not even the nuns at the church gave her this type of feeling.

The man's brown eyes softened as he put his hand on Okami's head. "Hey. There's nothing to be scared about. "She forgot vampires could smell fear too.

"You passed your entrance exams and are about to start a new year. The collar's just," He paused for a moment, trying to think of a word," a precautionary measure."

Moka smiled a bit, putting her hand on her fiancé's shoulder. "If you ever need help with anything personal, you can just come to Tsukune and I."

I said a prologue. It's not a good one, but go read my SAO fanfic to see just how I write when I actually have time to think about things.

Senpai is not a mean and stingy person so please don't think that (;..;). She's just kinda annoyed that she couldn't write this half of the prologue like the wanted to( she wanted to write it good)

