Chapter 1

*dodges random fruits tossed at me* I'm working on the other stories, I swear! *random alarm clock hits me in the head* this is just another idea i had .-. Inspired by an awesome picture I found on Deviant. I asked if i could write something based off it, and they said yes. So here it is :3 as always, this is draft 1. Ill add in more detail and make it longer. Im going to ask them if they want me to link the image to this. Writing this has actually given me a few ideas for my other fanfics (: so I'm going through and editing/updating. Might be a bit swamped after i get my class codes (if i dont get in trouble and dropped for not having the cash for books first :/)

If you haven't seen the video these characters are from (mystery skulls animated - ghost), then check it out. I will likely post a prequel kind of thing later. Right now, i have chapters 1, 2, and what will probably be 12.

Arthur sighed, breaking the silence. He quickly glanced into the mirror of the van, looking at the sleeping bluenette laying down in the back seat. Mystery was curled up half on her lap, while she leaned almost horizontally onto the seat. His gaze turned towards Lewis, who sat with his legs crossed as he watched the passing scenery out the back window.

It had been a couple weeks since the incident at the mansion. Lewis had appeared at Vivi's place afterwords, only a short while after they had returned home. She had began to remember, little by little. She still couldn't recall what happened in the cave, but she could at least remember Lewis from school and from the cases and time they spent together as a group. Arthur had tried to explain what happened back at the cave to Lewis on a couple occasions, with no luck. Lewis still felt betrayed. His trust for the blonde-brunette was shattered along with his body about a year ago. Arthur shook his head, attempting to will away the sleep that loomed over him like a giant.

"Arthur" lewis called out in a questioning tone, almost inaudibly, his voice still managing to send chills up the older man's spine as he drove.

"Y-yes?" Responded the sleep deprived mechanic. He hid the fear in his voice quite well, aside from the stutter which Lewis had been used to since just after he met Arthur back in school, before they were the mystery skulls.

"Are we going to be arriving anytime soon?"

It took Arthur a moment as he sighed and calculated how far they would be from their destination in comparison to the rate at which they were going (this sounds like math .-.). "Y-Yeah... Should be a-a little less than an hour, I think..."

Lewis turned to face the front half of the van. He slowly drifted towards the seats, resting his arms on the headrests.

Arthur tensed as soon as lewis turned towards him.

"You need sleep. Let me take over for a while."

Arthur nodded, pulling over and bringing the van to a complete stop before shifting to park and getting out.

Lewis climbed over the seats, getting in the driver's side and buckling in, even if it might not help him much in the event of an accident. Old habits die hard... (I didn't mean that as a pun or anything, i swear .-.).

The opposite door opened, Arthur crawling in and closing it again with a soft click. He gripped at his metal arm, Lewis taking a mental note that he seemed to do that often. A nervous tick or something, he presumed.

"You look terrible, Arthur." The spirit stated bluntly. "Do you ever sleep?"

Arthur looked up to meet the burning pink eyes of the ghost before speaking softly. "I've just been a bit busy lately... N-No time..."

"Just get some sleep, okay? I'll wake you up when we get there." Lewis sighed, turning to face the road. "And buckle up."

Arthur nodded, silently obeying the larger teen. He shuffled, moving to try and get into a more comfortable position. Arthur rested his forehead on the cool glass of the window, watching the scenery pass them by in the dark night landscape. It wasn't long before we was out cold, sleep finally taking hold of him.