"So Yuffie?"

"Yeah Tifa."

"You got a guy you like."


It was a pretty uneventful day in Radiant Garden up until that one moment. Tifa, Yuffie, and Aeirth were walking around the town one early morning doing nothing in particular until Tifa decided to spice things up.

"The hell did that come from?" Yuffie said.

"What? We've never had any real girl talk before and seeing as it is just the three of us I thought now would be the time."

"But you don't just jump into something like that, you gotta give a little warning."

"Yeah yeah whatever now come ooooon girl talk girl talk." Tifa begged.

"I'm actually a bit intrested my self." Aerith finally chimed in.

"Aerith's on board too Yuf. So come on, do you or do you not have a special guy?"

Yuffie thought of reversing the question but remembered that it wouldn't have the desired effect, both girls had their eye on a blond spikey headed sword wielder and weren't afraid to admit it. Yuffie was all set to say no but her subconscious, which had been seriously considering the question, caused an image of another spikey haired individual to appear in her mind. His hair was not as spikey as clouds, and it was color was almost always decribed as chocolate. He wielded a sword of an unsual kind and he always sported a large infectious grin.

"N-No..." Yuffie eeked out, face red and eyes darting off to the left.

"Ah, look at that face you so totally do!" Tifa squealed.

"Ohhh, Yuffie" Aerith said.

"S-S-Shut up!" Yuffie shouted, turning her back to them and pouting as much as humanly possible.

"Yuffie don't be like, it isn't wrong to love someone." Aerith told Yuffie putting a hand gently on her shoulder.

"But it is wrong to not tell your girlfriends who that guy is." Tifa said while poking Yuffie's puffed up cheeks.

"Don't care."

"Ahhhh don't be a spoil sport."

"I'm perfectly fine being one."

Yuffie once again turned her back to them only to have them walk around meet her eyes once more. This back and forth went on for several minutes until Yuffie gave a sigh of defeat and hung her head low.

"You two won't give up will you." Yuffie said dejectedly.

She was answered with a simultaneous "Nope!".


Yuffie had to cover her ears from the sqeauls the two made.

"He's been on my mind for a while, I didn't like him from the start, it took a while and-"

"Blah blah blah just gives a name." Tifa interuptted .

"Please do Yuffie I can't contain myself." Aerith added.





"No! No!"

Yuffie was getting redder by the second.




"Out with it already Yuf!"


"Yuffie please!"





All motor function Yuffie had was gone, knowing full well who's voice she just heard. Her head moved up like a rusted machine to see the wide grin of Sora, with Donald and Goofy right behind him. Without hesitation, Sora jumped from the ledge where he stood, once he reached half way his body began to fall at a much slower rate as if some invisible force had grabbed him and was gently letting him down. Donald and Goofy followed suit, but Donald had to active an aero spell. Once on the ground he walked up to the three waving as he did.

"Man Yuffie, your ninja skills are no joke. I was all the way up there but you already knew before you saw me." Sora said.

Sora was only meet with a beet red face and noises akin to a dying cat.

"Uhhhh Yuffie?"

Sora took one step, which was apparently enough to set her off, Yuffie disappeared in a cloud of smoke, letting out a scream of pure terror while doing so.

"...Okay. What's up with her?"

Sora got not answer. Only a wide smile from Aerith and Tifa wiggling her eyebrows at an alarming rate.

-At Merlin's place-

Cid was working on the computer like always, only this time he was getting distracted every five seconds with a loud rattling a whimper coming from under a bed.

"You'll have to come out of there eventually darlin'."

"No I don't!" A very Yuffie like repsonded.

Cid let out a tired sigh and tried his best to ignore her from then on. Just then the door burst open, Sora, Donald , Goofy, Tifa, and Aerith walked in.

"Yo Cid who's it-"

Sora was interrupted with a very Yuffie like yelp.

"-going." Sora finished.

Cid gestured to the bed.

"Well I was tryin' to put an end to her royal stealthiness's one man game of hid' and seek, but I'm gettin' pretty sick of it."

Sora walked over to bed and looking under to see a shaking, wide-eyed Yuffie

"Wanna come out from under there." Sora giggled out.

The ridiculousness of her actions the last ten minutes finally hiting her, Yuffie calmed down and pulled herself out from under the bed. She was still a bit embarassed though.

"Hehe, sorry about earlier...and now," She said meekly.

"Ah no problem, you did have me a bit worried though."

"Oh yeah...hehe," Yuffie said getting red faced and gaining a large intrest in her index fingers.

Goofy observed this reaction with curosity. Not many were aware of it, but Goofy had moments of incredible perception. It was the same perception that allowed him to see that Mulan was a girl when no one else could. It was like switched that turned on and off when ever it pleased, right now it was on and it was telling him something about Yuffie. He was just on the cusp of getting but was interrupted by Donald before he could grasp it.

"What's up with you?" Donald asked.

"Hm, nothin' buddy."

Goofy tried to regain focus but Yuffie's expression was back to normal and the switch was off.

"So what brings you to our little slice of the universe Sora?" Yuffie inquired.

"Well...I kinda wanted to give Riku and Kairi some alone time."


Tifa and Aerith were curious as well, but Cid ,being the veteran he was, knew excatly what those words meant. He walked over and put his arm on Sora's shoulder as he explained.

"Well after a lot of thinking, and I mean a lot of thinking Kairi figured who she loved, and it wasn't me."

Yuffie put all her strength in maintaning neutral expression, Tifa and Aerith didn't hold back a bit, letting there faces light up like christmas trees away from Sora's line of sight.

"That's tought man, real tough. I fell for ya."

"Yeah it stings a bit, but they're my friends,"

"That's real good of you man, now-"

Cid's grip tighted and he got face level with Sora.

"-let's focus on the silver lining of all this," Cid said with a smirk.

"Silver...lining?" Sora said.

Cid out a little chuckle, by this point everyone in the room was enraptured with whatever he was about to say.

"Are you aware of your title of Radiant Gardens most eligible bachelor?"

"I'm the what know?"

Yufffie attempt at neautrality broke, he jaw hung wide open. Tifa and Aerith's full attention was on Cid now. Goofy was once again focused on Yuffie and Donald had lost all interest and began meandering about. Cid continued to explain.

"It means all the girlys here want ya, and want ya bad. You never noticed before cuz of yer obbession on yer friend, but now a whole new world is open. This place is filled to the brim with pretty ladies, and if none of them catch yer eye, you got yerself a Gummi Ship. You can use it to travel the whole universe to find that special little lady."

Sora processed this new infomoration, the idea seem promising but he knew he wasn't ready something like that yet.

"Sounds great Cid, but how about we hold off on that for the bit, I came here to relax and have fun and that's just what I'm gonna do." The Keyblade wielder said.

An understanding nod was given by cid, he retreated back to the computer and starting working on whatever particular work he had at the moment. Sora turned to Yuffie only to be dumbfounded by her yet again. Once again Yuffie was red faced and wide eyed, currentley caught in a detalied fantasy of Sora in a typical playboy position. He sat upon a large throne. A smug expression firmly planted on his face, and he was surronded by a copious amount of woman. She didn't like it one bit, and Sora was offically worried.

"Ok Yuffie, somethings up you, what's going on." Sora worry clear in his voice.

"W-W-What are you talking about, problem, I don't have a problem. I'm fine. Nothing wrong here. Nope. Nope. Hehehe..hehe..he..eh...*sigh*."

Yuffie let her whole body go limp, tired and annoyed with how worked up she has been getting herself.

God enough is enough Yuffie.

"Yeah...I've been acting stupid the whole time you've been here, sorry. As of know that stops. You said you wanted fun, well I'm gonna give you fun, LET'S GO!"

The young warriors troubles were cast away as he followed Yuffie out the door, the rest of the gang sans Cid following the two. Donald noticed Goofy following at a much slower fate, he tried to drag him out it as expected iit fail due to size differnce, Donald thought to hell with it and went outside. Goofy finllay realized he was alone and ran outside, but It did nothing to stop his mind. The switch was back on.

-In the Market Place-

Sora quickly discovered Cid spoke the truth. Free of his feelings for Kairi, Sora couldn't not see the looks that every female gave him. He was feeling like a walking piece of meat.

"Hey uhhh guys can we go somewhere less crowded?" Sora asked.

Yuffie was more then happy to do so. She grabbed his hand and marched with bravado. Tifa, Aerith, and Donald quickened their paced to reach them, but Goofy had not moved one inch. Goofy was once again on the edge of figuring Yuffie out, he had been watching her the entire trip, seeing the way she looked at Sora, the way her eye's lit up a little more whenever she turned to him, the more cheerful she sounded when she talked to him, and the way she reacted when ever an aforementioned female would walk up to him. This time no one was fast enough to noticed him lagging behind, and Goofy was able to understand what excatly was going on with Yuffie.

"Well I've got it now." He announced.

Now you see, Goofy's perception was great, but his skill at knowing when to say something and not say something malfunctioned at times.

"I'm think'n you like Sora, and all this stuff been goinn' on is buginn' you."

An moment of silence followed, finally broken by Sora.

"Well of course she likes me, she's my friend," Sora said.

The three present girls released a collective breath.

"Sora I think Goofy means like-like," Donald interjected.

They held another one.

A visible change was present in Sora's eyes.


Oh god oh god oh god!



Donald face palmed while Goofy let out his trademark laugh.

"Sora that's not a thing. Like-like means-" Was all Donald could say before Tifa closed his mouth shut.

Unfortunatley for the girls, Goofy finished the sentence, and he was to far away for them to stop him.

"It means she loves you," Goofy said while laughing again.

An Eternal Session of silence followed. Nobody in the general area moved, as if a stop spell was cast on everybody. Sora broke the silence once again.

"L...Love," Sora said. The was no way it was going over his head now.

He slowly turned to Yuffie, to find her on the verge of tears.

Sora had saved the whole universe twice, faced thousands of enemies, specifically a thousand at one point. He braved the darkess darkness and came out an top, yet all of that combined paled in comprasion to this one moment. Knowing full well that Yuffie didn't want it to go down like this, he had to be extremly careful with his words. Sora took a small step, tentatively calling out her name as he did. She took a step back, shutting her eyes as she did so.

"Is..what Goofy said...true?" Sora asked.

His answer was a puff of smoke, and her gone.

"*sigh* I'll take that as a yes," Sora said as he turned to see Aeirth and Tifa's woried expression.

"And I'll take that as you both knew,"

"Found out today," Tifa said with a frown.

"This isn't how I envisoned this at all. I had plans and everything," Aerith said with an even bigger frown.

One final moment of silence was shared, this time Tifa broke it.

"What are you gonna do?" She asked.

Sora had already been thinking that before Tifa even asked, along with how he felt about it this. Memories of moments he shared with Yuffie going thourgh his head as he thought about it. At end of his mental slideshow all that was left was an image of her smiling face. He had reached his conclusion.

"I'm gonna go find her," He said matter of factly.

"How are you gonna find her, she could be anywhere?" Tifa responded.

Sora began to walk away fro them. Once a he reached a safe distance from them, he turned his head and smirked at them.

"Do you remember who you're talking to."

A flash of light burst forth from Sora's body, blinded the two for a moment, when their vision, they saw that Sora's clothes had changed to a completly silver and black color scheme and they glowed with a white light. Two wisps of light moved around him, and he was floating, as if being held by the wind. Then without warning, he flew away at a great speed eventually disappearing from sight.

"Ha, I do now. Now, Aerith don't we have business of our own to take care of," Tifa said while cracking her knuckles.

Donald, who had been watching from the side lines with Goofy stiffened like a board.

"Why yes we do Tifa," Aerith said.

"Goofy?" Donald whispered.

"Yeah Donald," Goofy said, blissfully unaware of the hell they were now in, the switch being in the off position for the moment.

"How many potions you have on you."

"A couple, why do you ask,"

"...We're gonna need them."

-At the postern-

Sora had finally found the ninja at the Postern. She was leaning on the railing with a forlorn expression. Sora slowly flew down, Yuffie noticeing his presence when has halfway down. Once he reached to ground, he turned back into his normal state and walked up beside her. Nothing was said for a by the two of them for a while. Sora was thinking of what to say, Yuffie didn't want to say anything, but knew she would have to. Sora decided on simple questions.

"How long?"

"...I'd say...your second visit hear. That's when it was serious."

"Hide it pretty well,"

Yuffie let out a dry chuckle.


"Any specific you...you now."

"I could give you a hundred, but I'll just give you the most important one. You're amazing, I mean for gods sake you just flew in her like it was now big deal."

Sora silently ugred her to go on.

"You were pretty young when all this happened to you. You could of turn tail and ran at any time, but you didn't. You didn't even run when Leon attacked you, I've never seen anyone try and stand up to him. At first I thought you were an idiot, thought that for a while actually, but as I got to now you I realized I was wrong. You were brave, unnatrually brave. Then there it was, that thought, you're amzing. Every time I say you I thought that. Then you came back after your last adventure, and I saw how you grew, and that's when that one thought would pop in my head, even when you weren't there. That thought brought us to where we are now."

As Yuffie finished, she moved herself from the railing and started pacing around, trying to calm her nerves down after that speech. Sora had not moved from his spot, nor say anything as Yuffie continued to pace.

"Well?" Yuffie said, getting frustrated at Sora's inactivity.

Sora turned to Yuffie a, smile on his face making her hopes rise.

"Listen, you know what's got me all frazzled, So I can't really answer you. It wouldn't fell right."

Her face fell at that. Ignoring her he went on.

"I do have an answer, but you know."

Yuffie felt like crying again.

"You'll like the answer."

It was said in a whisper but Yuffie just barely heard it. Her head shot up to see Sora with she could have sworn was a blush. Yuffie still wanted to cry, but now it was out of happiness.

"And with that I gotta go. Don't know why but I feel Donald and Goofy need me right now, but I'll for the fun that you promised me." Sora said, transforming into Final Form once again. When he turned to wave goodbye, Yuffie noticed a shine in his eye, a shine she had never seen, a shine that captivated her and made her heart swell. The only thing that existed in the whole world right now was Sora and his eyes that sparkled like the sea, and just like the moment past and Sora flew away back to the town square. Yuffie watched him until he was out sight. Once he was she let out a breath she didn't now she was holding.

"You're amazing."