Peter sat Indian style on Diane's bedroom floor. He was bobbing his head to the music as he and Diane listened to a Rolling Stones record. Diane was keeping time with her foot as Mick Jagger sang "I Can't Get No Satisfaction".

"I just love the Stones, don't you Peter?" Diane asked him.

"Yeah, they're pretty groovy. My absolute favorite is The Beatles though. George Harrison sure has a lot of talent, and it's out of sight that he can play all of those Eastern style instruments," Peter commented, "for example, I've heard the sitar is very hard to play."

"Paul's my favorite. I love that voice," Diane said, with a dreamy sigh, "anyway, I understand you're a musician. What do you play?"

"Bass guitar and keyboards," Peter replied, "do you play anything?"

"Well, I took piano lessons when I was a kid. I'm not coordinated enough to play with both hands at the same time. I get confused. Same with drumming... it's too much for my hands to do. Not to mention having to get your foot in the act for the drum pedal." She explained.

"Well, do you sing?" Peter asked. This really sparked Diane's interest.

"Oh yes, I love singing!" Diane exclaimed. "I'm an alto."

"I'm a baritone," Peter replied with a smile. For the next forty five minutes, Peter and Diane sang one song after another. They hadn't even been paying attention to how much time had past until Peter's stomach started to growl.

"Gosh, I guess I didn't realize how hungry I was," he said, grabbing his stomach.

"Me too," Diane replied, "come on, I'll go heat up our dinners." As they left the bedroom, they realized that Mike and Jenny were no where to be found. Peter strolled over to the table where a note was laying.

Peter and Diane,

Mike and I have already eaten. You two were getting along so well, we decided to go for a drive. Dinner is in the fridge.


"Well," he said, folding up the note, "I guess it's just the two of us for dinner." What he said made him stop and think about it once again. He was alone in an apartment with a girl he barely knew. His face turned white and his jaw dropped.

"Peter, are you alright?"

"I... I...," Peter began to stammer.

"Peter, don't be shy around me," Diane said, looking into his eyes, "come on, let's talk some more about music. It's going to take a while for our food to heat up. Please?" She gave him a smile, and Peter's serious face turned into a warm smile once again.


Mike pulled into a secluded spot that overlooked the whole city of Los Angeles. It was a little cliff called "lovers lookout" and in all reality, it wasn't all that secluded. Three other cars were there, but they were parked far enough away that he and Jenny would have some privacy.

"Mike," Jenny teased, "what are you thinking about doing?" Mike wrapped an arm around her and smiled.

"Oh... just this," Mike leaned in and kissed Jenny's lips. She melted into his arms, as he held her closer, pressing his lips even tighter around her mouth. Their heads moved in steady synchronization, as the kiss continued. Jenny began to feel lightheaded and her heart pounded. She had to stop this before things went too far. She didn't want to stop it... but she knew that she didn't want to go down the same path she had been once before, a guard had to be put up.

"Stop," she said, pulling away slightly. Mike, being the gentleman he was raised to be, concurred with Jenny's request.

"Gosh, I'm sorry," Mike apologized.

"No, you're not. You wouldn't have brought me here otherwise," Jenny said. She mentally kicked herself for being so stern. After all, it wasn't ALL Mike's fault that they were there. She had agreed to go for a drive. The tone of her voice then may have suggested that she was up for this scene.

"I'm sorry Mike," she apologized, "it's partly my fault. I guess perhaps I may have given you the impression that I wanted to come up here... wanted more. I'm very attracted to you, but I'm afraid to go beyond a kiss. I'm afraid things will get out of hand, if you know what I mean."

"I know exactly what you mean, and don't you fret it. We won't come up here anymore. Would you like to go get a soda instead?" He asked as the engine of the Monkeemobile roared to life.

"That does sound good. Just don't pick the diner I work at," she teased.

"You've got it!" He chuckled. "Anywhere but there."


"Wow, you and your cousin are good cooks," he said as he ate his chicken.

"Thank you," Diane replied.

"Have you and Jenny always been close?"

"Well, we weren't raised in the same place. We did see each other on holidays and when we would spend a week at our grandmother's in the Summer."

"That sounds wonderful." Peter said with a smile.

"How about you? How long have you and Mike been friends?"

"Oh, for a couple of years. I left home when I was seventeen... school was too hard. I just didn't dig it. I went to Greenwich Village to get into folk music. I only stayed there a year. My band mates were always in trouble. They got arrested for having marijuana. I was lucky that I was at work that night."

"What did you do?"

"I was a bus boy at a local dive... you know poetry slams, beatniks, bongos, the whole nine yards."

"That sounds quite interesting."

"Oh, it was. I had always wanted to go to California though. So one day I just didn't show up to work. I packed my duffel bag and bought a bus ticket to the west coast. I didn't have much, and it was sort of scary. I spent the whole week on the trip out there eating nothing but vending machine snacks and washing up in the bathroom sinks in the bus station."

"How awful!" Diane replied, "that does sound scary."

"Aw.. it was ok," Peter said bashfully as he blushed, "I'm here... and that's all that counts."

"Well, I still think it was brave," Diane gushed. Soon after, she blushed in response to her enthusiasm over her new friend's daring move. "So... um... would you like another soda?"

"Sure," Peter replied. After thanking Diane, he took a swig of his pop. Then, he became very quiet.

"Peter, are you alright?" Diane asked with concern as she placed a hand on his shoulder. Peter looked up until his eyes met hers.

"I was so nervous about tonight. I was scared that you would think I was a weirdo or something. I get really nervous and really scared around girls. I'm not very smart, so dumb things come out of my mouth most of the time."

"Oh Peter! I don't think you're dumb. Why... you are so smart when it comes to music. You certainly know your dog breeds. Last but not least, you are so funny. I wasn't looking forward to tonight either... but it's turned into a very nice evening. I'm glad we met."

"Yeah?" Peter said, perking up a bit. "No foolin'?"

"No foolin'," Diane said with a chuckle. The lamp light glowed in his soft brown eyes, as she just sat there and stared at him. Slowly, Peter brought his hand up to caress her cheek, as he gradually leaned in to gently kiss Diane on the lips.


Mike and Jenny laughed as they playfully threw fries at each other from across the table of the diner they had chosen. They were completely unaware of the disapproving glances they were receiving from the waitress and other patrons. They laughed until their sides hurt and they could hardly breathe. To settle themselves down, they took a sip of the ice cream soda they had been sharing. Once they were done sipping, Mike reached over to touch Jenny's hand.

"You are really something, Jenny O'Connor. I've never felt this much chemistry with anyone in my life."

"I know what you mean. I really like you too."

"I would like for us to go out some more. I'm not sure... and don't freak out for me saying so... but I think you're the kind of girl I could love."

Jenny sat there stunned for a moment. Surely if Mike knew her past he wouldn't love her. She hadn't wanted to bring the subject of Kaylee up so soon... but it was better she did it now, rather than waiting until she was head over heels for this man.

"Oh Mike! I don't know. I don't think you want to love a girl like me."

"Why? I think you're terrific. You're beautiful, fun, smart, sexy..."

"Mike. Listen please. I have a daughter. Her name is Kaylee. She lives with my mother in Spokane, Washington... and that is where my money goes most of the time. I live here because my parents kicked me out. I haven't seen her since she was born. She's two now. Mom sends me pictures and letters every so often... but dad is still so mad at me, I can't go home. I'm sorry, Mike."

Now Mike sat there stunned. That sweet little gal had a daughter? He wasn't quite sure what he thought of the whole situation. All he knew is that he had felt a special connection with Jenny. This news did not stop the fact that he wanted to get to know her better.

Sorry I haven't updated for a whole year. I'm hoping the next update won't take so long. Gilligan's Island is the main fandom I gravitate to... so I'm usually working on those fics. I promise, I will not leave this one hanging.