Disclaimer: I apologize for being really late for updating. I will try to stick to the schedule, but with school it's a little hard sometimes. I'm trying something different with this story and a big shout out to Miss Fantaboolous for all the help! I do not own Sword Art Online, but I respect who does. Thanks and Please Review!

Chapter One

Bakura POV:

I stood in the sea of people, watching intently at the sky; separated from my friends.

I was alone, surrounded by an army of strangers who could kill me in an instant.

Among my mixed feelings of shock and fear, there was a burning for success. A warrior spirit grew inside me.

Who wants to die first! I screamed in my head. The courtyard was filled with screams and yelling. I saw two girls run out in a hurry, one had her head in her hands. I ignored them and continued with my internal monologue.

I will rise above! I shouted in my mind.

"Bakura!" Someone shouted.

The anger diminished with the sound of a familiar voice.

A short, tan skinned girl with long black hair stood before me. "Thank goodness I found you! I was so scared and I didn't know what was going on!" Tears started to form in the tiny girls eyes.

"Katsuki," I used a confident tone and slightly stood taller, "we should get out of here. Resources will go fast and-"

"I can't believe you could adapt so quickly," she put a hand on her hip, "it's like a new you."

I smiled and pushed the thought of conquering all to the back of my mind.

"You know-"

"I think I saw Bahira and Lyla run that way," Katsuki interrupted. She pointed at the left exit.

"Lets find them. Wait," I grabbed her arm as she started to squeeze through the crowd. "Do you know where Blaze went? What about Eden or Vic?"

"No, I'm sorry." She snuck off into the crowd.

I took a deep breath and followed.

I hope they're okay…

Blaze POV:

"There is no escape," the ominous voice echoed.

I pumped my fist in the air and sarcastically cheered. Several people gave my confused and disappointed looks. It was the only sound in the courtyard.

At the end of the speech I quieted in a courtyard full of screams.

Bahira POV:

Lyla stood next to me, her shoulder dug into my arm,

"What does it mean?" Lyla muttered.

I was in too much shock to answer. There were no words.

"Why would anyone do this?" Her questions continued but I showed no sign of answering.

The screams died down in my numb ears and my throat started to close up.

"My family," it was the only thing I could say.

The shields went down and I ran.

"Bahira!" Lyla yelled after me. She tried to grab my wrist but I was too fast. Tears formed in my eyes and I placed my head in my hands to avoid being seen.

My boots clicked on the cobblestone followed by the hard stomps of my friend. I took a sharp turn down an alleyway and stopped at a dead end.

Lyla put her arms around my shoulders and held me to keep me from running.

"Calm down Bahira," she whispered.

My breathing steadied and I pried her hands off me.

"I'm okay," I informed her.

"What was that about?"

"I don't want to be stuck here. My family, my sister…" I choked back another sob.

"How do you think I feel? My brother is probably worried sick about me."

I stayed silent.

"The point is," she looked me in the eye. Her bright brown eyes stood out compared to her dark skin. Her curly black hair "we all have families that are going to miss us. It's just another reason we should fight to get out of here."

"You're right." I smiled slightly. "We have to fight."

Lyla looked around frantically. "Wait! Where's Ai and Bakura?" She put her hands on her head and ran out of the alley.

I laughed slightly and ran after her. I let out a sigh of relief when I saw two figures running toward us.

A blurry Bakura and Katsuki came into view. Katsuki was sweating slightly and Bakura had a determined grin.

"Have you seen Ai?" I readily asked.

"I think I heard Blaze," Katsuki responded. "Did you guys see Cashi?"

I cringed at the name. "No."

"We should wait for them," Lyla suggested.

"No," Bakura countered, "if we stay for too long then all of the good spawn spots could be gone."

I looked at her like she was crazy. "Are you serious?"

"Lyla's right. We should wait," I argued.

"Alright, but we should move to the more outer regions of the town so we can get a head start." Bakura finally agreed.

I hugged her. She didn't seem surprised she just embraced it.

"We should start walking," Katsuki said, "Cashi and the other could have left using the opposite exit." She fingered her small dagger cautiously.

I walked beside Lyla and Bakura as we started our journey.

"Think of all the things we could do in here." Lyla went on about the possibilities. She seemed to have recovered rather fast.

"Yeah. I'll upgrade my sword obviously maybe improve some of skills. There's just so much to do…"

"Bahira watch out!" Katsuki warned.

I ran straight into someone's head. I gripped my forehead and looked up.

A tall brunette stood in front of me. He had a red and gold bandana wrapped around his forehead.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay?" I gasped.

"Yeah, I'm fine," he said.

"I'm sorry. I should have looked where I was going." I blushed slightly at my mistake.

"It's okay. Not the first time something like this has happened." He smiled. "My names Klein."

"I'm Bahira," I greeted shyly.

Bakura lightly punched me in the arm.

"Well, we have to get going," Katsuki broke the awkward silence. "Bye," she shouted as we walked past Klein.


This was new. Usually I'm the quiet and calm one. This was a situation I would have been levelheaded about.

Instead, it was a breakdown.

I screamed. I wasn't alone, others shrieked as well. My eyes widened, as I looked frantically for a way to escape.

I watched Bahira and Lyla run out of the courtyard but I was too shocked to move. Beside me Jace stood silently. His mouth was open in a gasp, his eyes still looking at the sky.

I screamed again just for the sake of making noise. The sword started to feel heavier, and my feet were frozen.

Bahira, I thought, I have to find Bahira.

I looked back at the exit they used. I went to leave but Jace put a hand on my shoulder.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"Anywhere but here," I said somewhat confidently. Tears streaked down my face and I couldn't stop them.

He let go and looked around, probably trying to find his friend Niki or Tai.

For a quick second I forgot about my situation and began to run through the crowd and out the exit.

The thought of my friends burned in my mind and the tears faded.

Eden POV:

My stoic personality didn't allow me to cry or scream. Shock was the only thing that coursed through my veins.

I heard Blaze cackle in the distance and someone scream. There was a shuffle in the crowd and I saw the tip of Bakura's head.

If my HP drops to zero, I'll die.

Fear slowly grew inside my heart. I suddenly didn't feel comfortable around these people.

I needed to get out. If it was the last thing I ever did.

Hope you readers liked it! It's a new thing that I am doing. This story will follow episode 1 to about episode 17 or 18 in the series. So basically all of SAO, but not ALO. Anyways, check back for more updates soon. Thanks and Please Review!
