Full Summary: After storming a Hydra base, they find that Hydra has attempted to create their own super soldier child, using Steve's genetics. Now their whole plans must change so that his son can be safe. To fully understand this story you should probably read A New Chance, but just knowing that Peggy is now in the future could cover the gist of it if.

AN: I'm really glad so many people wanted to read this alternate version! It will be completely different from A New Chance for most of the story, take a little fluffier path! The next few chapters will hold a lot of similarities, but it is pretty much a completely different story from chapter 13 on wards. The beginning of this is just the first part of that chapter but the last bit is all new! Hope its good!

"Doktor! Sie können es ihnen nicht sagen!" A middle aged German woman on Peggy's side cried out, taking a step toward the older man.

Natasha and Peggy both had her halting in place with two guns poised towards her. "Das würde ich lieber lassen Fräulein, oder die Sache hier endet böse!." Natasha stated coolly.

"What sort of genetic experiments." Steve asked but the man vehemently shook his head.

"I will say nothing else."

The soldier sighed and nodded. "Sam, Clint and I will bring the five other men in here and gather all the agents, you two stay here with them. We'll just have to manually search for our answers."

Peggy and Nat nodded and turned their focus on the nervously shifting scientists. "You can all just sit down now. No one's going anywhere so you might as well get comfortable."

The youngest scientist, the young man that had looked terrified from the start, stuttered in a nervous Italian accent. "You are not going to kill us?"

"No." Peggy assured him bluntly. "We aren't like the men you work for, death and total control is not what we aim for."

"But we're your enemies." A young woman stated in perfect English.

"You work for our enemies." Natasha said. "And your involvement will determine the length and form of your sentence."

They two looked nervously between each other, fear evident in their eyes. Peggy glanced from them to the other three, who simply held insolent glares. "You might be given leniency if you give up information."

"They won't be speaking to you." The first woman snapped with a violent glare.

Natasha just rolled her eyes and turned her body to face Peggy. "Nice work with the shield. You carry it like you own it."

She glanced down with a smile and gently touched the smooth red rim. "Thank you. I did feel pretty Steve like using it."

"Just keep it and we can ditch the men." The redhead smirked. "We'd get things done faster."

"And more efficiently."

"You would be so lost without us." Clint's voice came over the coms. "Utterly devastatingly lost."

"He's confused." She informed Peggy.

"Hush Duchess you love me."

"Duchess? That's a nice nickname. Where did it come from?" The British woman asked.

"My last name is Romanov, so Clint decided that makes me Russian royalty." She responded with the most delighted look Peggy had seen on her face.

"Oh that is really sweet!"

"We'd totally name a daughter Anastasia and use Nat's name if we had kids." Clint said carelessly laying the agent he had slung over his shoulder beside the others and walked to their side.

"Personally I prefer the Greek spelling, Anastajza." She remarked and reached over to pat Clint's cheek.

"They pretend to be terrifying spies, but are really giant fluff balls." Steve teased. He glanced to the awkwardly staring, or angrily glaring, scientists and smirked. "Well to each other."

The young man gulped and shifted away, causing Nat to grin smugly.

"Since they won't be answering questions, it will be a lot of manual research on our part. Sam, Clint, you two want to stand guard?"

"Sounds fun to me." Clint pulled out a very sharp regular arrow and notched it. "Your buddies are out with some ice, but this baby's the real deal." He waved the bow to gather the three older scientists' attention. "So don't try any weird chemist escape plans, because I'm not worried about using it."

Sam snorted and elbowed the archer's ribs. "You like sounding all bad ass don't you?"

"What do you mean sounding?"

"So my fair ladies, shall we go on an information hunt?"

Peggy nodded and handed over his shield. He smiled in thanks and placed it in its slot on his back. "Nat you want to scour the computers? Peggy and I can take those." He motioned to the line of file cabinets beside the rear door.

"Works for me. Files that we want I will just load up."

"What about if it's in a language we don't understand?" Peggy asked as she followed him over to the line of cabinets.

"I speak a large amount of languages, if it isn't French, German or English toss it my way, the other two Steve can read." Natasha stated. She pulled out the chair that was in front of the computer screens. "I'll just be over here playing in Nazi databases."

She nodded and looked toward Steve. "I'll take the oldest files?"

"Works for me."

She opened the file cabinet that was marked 1940-1945 and began rifling through the back files. The first one gave her a little surprise, as it was Johann Schmidt's.

"Steve? Do we want Red Skulls file?"

Angry murmuring was exchanged between the three older scientists and she sighed. "You'd think they see him as a god."

"The really do." Steve answered with a careless toss of a file into the already growing pile by his feet of paper to burn. "Read it through if you would like, but I doubt anything is in there that isn't Erskine's original reports and findings."

She flipped over the pages and nodded in agreement. "That's exactly what it is. Even his notes in here as to why it went wrong. Wow that must be painful to read for these guys 'caused severe violence and unstable reactions. Schmidt has the wrong sort of temperament for this serum to successfully have worked with his genetics.'" She snorted and tossed it into Steve's pile.

"What are you doing with those!" The lead scientist snapped.

"Destroying them." Peggy replied, tossing the next five files on the floor. "He and Zola tried hundreds of times to recreate the serums affects." She added disgustedly as she dropped more files down.

"You can't just destroy decade's worth of priceless information!" He cried out indignantly, standing in an outrage and moving towards Peggy. She moved quickly and had her gun out towards him in an instant.

"We can and we will." Steve said calmly and yet sternly. "Now back away and sit back down before she shoots you."

He did so but kept an angry glare on her. She just shrugged it off and turned back to her work. After a few moments of tossing out more files of captured soldiers, or even captured citizens, she came across one that drew her attention. "Steve, I found James's original file. The one from when he was brought here originally."

The captain nodded. "Does it say what they injected him with?"

"Just a chemical number. That's what all of them said. Name, date, serum number, and results." She sighed sadly and shook her head. "Most of them were killed. "

He sighed sadly and looked back into the cabinets. "Let's keep it. Maybe in some other lab we can find reference to what is inside of that number. Set it in this pile, it's a few other files I have found with things related to him. "

She set the file aside and restarted her search. The files jumped dates for almost a decade after 1945 and the next one wasn't until '52. She hesitated for a moment before opening the drawer; the thought of these experiments and projects happening in only three years for the alternate version of herself made an uncomfortable knot form in her stomach.

She shoved the feeling aside and pulled open the drawer. The first file she opened was in Russian and she put it down to start a pile for Natasha. Most of the files from the beginning of the fifties were in Russian and she added them to the others.

"Hydra was allied with the communists in the Cold War weren't they?" She asked.

"Yes." Natasha answered. "They supplied funding to Zola to help his little underground ventures, in return for weapons and assets."

"Or An Asset?" Peggy asked. "This file refers to a biological asset for 'S.H.I.E.L.D war time allies.'" She frowned deeply. "It's signed by Howard.

"Keep it." Natasha told her. "актив, Asset in Russian, is what the Winter Soldier was referred to by the Soviets and the Red Room. It is probably related."

She did so and moved on to more. Being completely zoned out as she was from the action of opening, scanning, tossing or saving various files caused the highly shocked reaction she had to the loud banging and crushing noise of Steve suddenly punching his hand through the wall. She jumped violently and turned to look at him with a shocked look.


He ignored her and stormed straight to the lead scientist, lifting him up by his clothes. "Where is he." He growled out.

"I don't know who you are talking about." The man gasped out, fear in his eyes.

"Yes you do." The soldier shoved the file in his hand into the others face. "Tell me right now. Where. Is. He!"

"There, there!" He gasped out pointing vaguely towards the back door. "It is kept back there!" He dropped the man down in a heap and quickly moved away from him in disgust.

"Steve?" Peggy questioned again, but he moved past them quickly and almost tore open the door. She turned to the others with a look of confusion. "What is he talking about?"

The scientists ignored her and she frowned before glancing at her teammates. "Do you guys have any idea?"

"Barnes?" Clint suggested giving them a little shrug.

Moments later Steve returned, his arms curled around some sort of bundle. He came closer and Peggy gasped as she realized what was in his arms; a small towheaded child.

"Yeah that's not Barnes." The archer stated with a dumbfounded tone.

"Steve is that a baby?" She asked quietly taking a couple steps toward him. He nodded his head as he gently ran a hand over the thick golden locks of the child.

"You were going to kill him." He stated coldly glaring fiercely towards the scientist.

"It is a failure." He spat out.

"He is a child." The soldier looked like he was tempted to rip the man in half. "A living child, not some failed experiment."

"That's exactly what it is! Just as much as a test tube result as you, only it was unsuccessful. It will go nowhere!"

"What did they do?" Natasha asked her voice dripping venom.

"Recreating a serum wasn't working for them, so they decided to just breed their own using super soldier DNA." He looked down at the baby with a fond delighted look on his face that made Peggy feel elated. It only took a moment for her to understand why.

"He's your son isn't he?" She asked quietly.

He smiled at the baby and looked up to look at them. "Yes he is." Eyes moved to the glaring Hydra scientist. "And nothing will ever happen to him."

"You are wasting your time Captain. That thing is nothing but a failure."

"Your baby?" Sam asked his eyes wide as he stared at the Captain. He briefly glanced down at the groaning agents at his feet. "How?"

"When I was unfrozen S.H.I.E.L.D. took a lot of DNA samples." He replied. "Must have really been Hydra."

"So you're going to keep him?" Clint asked.

"Of course I am!" Steve snapped and then frowned. "Sorry Clint."

"No its okay dude I get it." He looked down to the agents and then back to the other three. "What do we do now though? Keeping an eye on these guys, finishing the files, and then finding a way to get them out is going to be a lot harder with a baby."

Steve frowned but quickly shook it off. "I can go back outside with him and meet you guys there? Call Tony and get a hold of Rhodey while up there?"

"I can take him Steve." Peggy informed him taking a step closer to her soldier. "You should stay down here, your presence will make them easier to handle." She gestured behind her.

"Are you sure? I don't want you to feel like you have to." He smiled at her lightly.

"Absolutely." She took a step closer so that she could talk quietly with just him. "I want to help you Steve." She sat her hand over his arm next to the sleeping babe's head. "Right now you're needed as Captain America, at least for a few more hours." She looked down at the baby and then back up. "I'll make sure he's okay and then as soon as this is taken care of, you can start on your daddy skills."

He gave a small smile at that and nodded. "You're right of course. You're sure you are fine with this though?"

"Completely." She gently maneuvered the child into her arms. "The prisoners are already secured so I don't need to worry about you doing something stupid." She winked at him and then smiled at the baby. "I'll protect my newest Rogers man instead."

The smile he gave her was so fond and full of love that it made her blush faintly. He bent down and kissed her forehead. "Thank you."

"No need to thank me." She cupped his cheek for a moment and then moved away and towards the doors, holding the precious bundle securely against her. "Sam do you think you could help us get into the plane?" She asked as she came to his side.

"No problem. Be right back guys."

She followed the Airman out, her eyes never once leaving the baby. Steve's baby. And, hopefully, their child.