RWOL here with my latest story for Evangelion and HSDxD crossovers. This had idea had been floating around in my head which led to the creation of my challenges. Yes this is my second Heaven-focused with Shinji taking God's place as the new God.

The basis of this story is that Shinji is actually a failsafe God put in place to restore the world's balance and keep Heaven safe.

So read on for this is the story of the legend that is The Greater YHVH.


Chapter 1: The God of this World Returns


The Biblical God was the strongest God of his time, rivaled only by Shiva – Hindu God of Destruction and Durga – the Hindu Supreme Goddess and could evenly match the Infinite Dragon God Ophis. He created the realms of Earth, Heaven, Hell (aka the Underworld the home of the devils after Lucifer's fall) and Purgatory (the supermax prison for powerful and dangerous beings after they died). He created the humans and animals of Earth, the angels of Heaven and by proxy the devils of Hell and the fallen angels of Grigori due to Lucifer's fall for the former and due to punishing Grigori for having sex with human women and siring Nephilim for the latter. He was feared and respected above all others, hence the reason for being known to all as simply the Almighty.

But God wasn't just uber powerful, he was also vastly intelligent. He created his Miracle System so he could enact miracles on Earth in an orderly and controlled fashion. Part of this system is the Sacred System; a system that distributed powerful artifacts known as Sacred Gears to chosen humans so they could not only protect themselves from the creatures of the rival factions but also affect humanity's development in a positive manner. He created the Heaven System to maintain the Heavens, the balance of the Earth and keep the faith of his religion Christianity strong.

As such it is not surprising that God would leave a failsafe behind in the event of his death.

This was demonstrated after his arduous sealing of the Apocalyptic Beast Trihexa during the twilight years of the Great War instigated by the vengeful Lucifer for being cast out after his failed rebellion. It was an 8000 year long war that spanned both the natural and supernatural worlds, and many from humans, devils, angels, fallen angels and creatures from other factions lost their lives in this ultra-bloody war.

When the war first started, God fought valiantly in the Great War leading his angels on the battlefield time and again and proving during those times why he was known as the Almighty. But as the war waged on, God knew that his death would happen sooner or later as Lucifer would have only launched this insane war due to having an ace in the hole, and so God created several failsafes that would restore the soon-to-be broken balance of the world, restore the Heavens back to their rightful glory and restore the systems back to optimal efficiency.

And now, a 1000 years after God's death the failsafe is ready to ascend and take his rightful place as the God of this world.

For the Greater YHVH has arrived.


Shinji Ikari looked around void he found himself in after being 'defeated' by the MP Evangelions and the dark ritual that was Third Impact started. As everything and everyone was wrapped in the aura and power of the Red Earth Ceremony, Shinji had managed to rip away control from SEELE and decided to give humanity a second chance while he punished his so-called father Gendo and the members of SEELE by casting their souls into the realm of Oblivion.

Yet why was he here in this void?

"Because my son you have fulfilled the second part of your grand destiny."

Shinji looked around startled until his eyes landed on an approaching figure. The figure was tall and was broad-shouldered, wrapped in simple white cloak with a hood that obscured all but the figure's lower face that Shinji saw had a full Donegal-style beard of snow-white hair. Shinji was instantly on guard but he was unable to call upon his trusted blade, his Longinus and even his powers.

"Calm yourself my son. I only wish to talk with you and explain why things have happened as they did." The figure said now only six feet away from Shinji and having stopped.

"Who are you then stranger?" Shinji asked still guarded.

"I have been called many things in my long life but you know me as the deity worshipped in the Christian religion." The figure calmed getting Shinji to balk slightly.

"You… you're God?!" Shinji asked in shock. "Where have you been all this time?! Metatron-sensei claimed you retreated deeper in Heaven with orders not to disturb you! Why have you come back now?!" Shinji demanded heatedly.

"There is much you need to know Shinji and that is why I am here." God began. "First off… I am dead."

"WHAT?!" Shinji shouted unable to believe what he was hearing. Due to being raised by the Seraph Metatron, Shinji was a Christian and so he could not be faulted for his shock at hearing that God is dead from the deity's own mouth. "But… but if you… you're dead…"

"Then how am I talking to you right now?" God finished for Shinji who nodded his head. "What you're talking to right now is a fragment of the original God's soul, left behind to help you as you fulfill the third and final part of your destiny." The soul fragment of God revealed. "For how the original God died… that is a long story but one that must be told. The Bible claims that after Lucifer's failed rebellion in Heaven, he and his cohorts were cast out to what would later be known as Hell." God began getting Shinji to nod since he knew that. "What the Bible doesn't tell you is that for 150,000 years after that, Lucifer and his cohorts submerged themselves in the darkness, becoming perverse creatures known as Devils; creating a civilization and an army to combat my angels of Heaven. Then 9000 years ago, Lucifer launched what would be known as the Great War and it would last for 8000 years." God began explaining. Shinji nodded having already been told this by Metatron-sensei. "As the war waged on I knew there was the chance I could die in combat, as Lucifer would have only waged this war if he truly knew he could win. An ace in the hole as you would say.

As the war relentlessly drew on, I began to grow weary of it but knew that Lucifer and his cohorts would only stop when I and my angels were dead. Also given how the war dragged in members from the other factions, I anticipated an attack from one of the other factions in retribution on whoever actually won the Great War. So I began looking for ways to truly end the war, if not force the devils back with a supreme deterrent force that would have them hesitate in trying anything further against me and counter any attack from the other factions.

During my search, I found the place that would be recorded as the End of the World, there I came across a powerful creature that is on par with Great Red himself (Shinji gasped that there would be a being on par with that OP bastard dragon) and would later be recorded in the bible as part of the Apocalypse Duo. Trihexa proved itself to be a mindless beast; being pure destruction and calamity incarnate. I sealed the beast off at the 'end of the world' so its power would not adversely affect the world and also to keep it from possibly challenging Great Red himself." God explained. "But sealing Trihexa away took much of my power, to the point that I had sacrificed my divinity just to do so, and when I returned to Heaven to recover, the final battle of the Great War happened and I died. But thankfully I created several failsafes before hand, one of which would be my heir and successor… you my son… Shinji Ikari." God revealed stunning Shinji again.

He was God's heir and successor? But how? Why?

"That too will be explained my son." God said simply getting Shinji to realize that God was reading his mind. "I knew that my death would cause the world to gradually decay and bring itself to the very brink of destruction. And that there will be those who would try to accelerate this decay in hopes of subjugating the world under their rule." God elaborated. "So I created the ultimate failsafe which I dubbed Trinity (阿吽; Aun). A failsafe, who in three incarnations would save and redeem the world. You Shinji are Trinity." God revealed further stunning Shinji. "Your first incarnation was Jesus Christ, who would redeem humanity by showing them it is possible to live a righteous life, giving them an extra 33 years of life so that they would have ample to straighten themselves out. You succeeded in that. Your second incarnation is the one you're in right now; Shinji Ikari who would redeem the world by preventing Third Impact and rejuvenating the world with the Green Earth Ceremony."

"What about the third incarnation then?" Shinji asked as he slowly took in God's explanation.

"For the third, you shall become the third by taking my place as the new God of Heaven." God said to the confused Shinji. "To understand my son, you shall be given Godhood, actual Godhood, and become a god of my former standing when I was still alive. You shall have all the advantages of a God and you shall be become the being all Christians will worship from henceforth. To this, I gave you various blessings and advantages for your second incarnation that will transfer over to your third and final incarnation. What? I'm sure you noticed how you were always stronger, faster, and smarter than others. How you were able to learn everything put before you so quickly? How you were able to master the most advanced of techniques that Metatron and the others taught you in such short amounts of time? How you were able to gain Ultimate-class power? Those were all the blessings/advantages I gave you so you can handle the trials ahead. Anyway, I'm talking to you now since after activating the Green Earth Ceremony, you have rejuvenated the Earth thus fulfilling the purpose of your second incarnation." God elaborated to Shinji who nodded numbly.

This was a lot to take in and digest for him.

"Now it is time for you to begin your third incarnation where you'll take over Heaven and become the new God. To help you ascend to true Godhood, you shall assimilate a feather of my wings that had been infused with all of my divine energies over the centuries up until my death in the Great War 1000 years ago." God told his successor. "The feather was hidden deep within your soul with seal on it to keep it from activating before the time was right. It also has the Godhood ascension spell in which will make you similar to me, thus in a way you can be seen as a clone of me but yet not. I know it's confusing but just go with it alright." God said seeing Shinji trying to understand what he just told. "Anyway you should also know that when the seal finally breaks in the next few seconds, literally every ounce of your latent potential will be unlocked, giving you massive power and in term making you as strong as possible so you can protect your followers." God said as the seal finally broke.

Shinji gasped as power, infinite transcendental power, flooded his body as the seal broke and the lone feather of the original God's wing fully assimilated into his being. He began to transcend his mortal coil to a Godly coil. He could feel the powers fusing together before becoming one with him, reaching into the very depths of his soul and becoming one with his own power (which also unleashed all of his latent power and potential) before the fused energies spiraled outward and filled the rest of his being. The transition from human to god was a relatively quick and painless.

It was done in a matter of seconds and by the end of it, Shinji Ikari was the new God of Heaven and Earth.

The newly made God of Heaven looked over himself, seeing very little difference except a slight increase in his muscle mass and his height but he could indeed feel the literal transcendent power flowing within him. Looking up, his eyes widened when he saw God was fading.

"No need to be alarmed my son. With my purpose done there is no need for me stay." God said with a sad smile. "Before I finally fade let me wish you good fortune in the future my son and also not to worry as you also have knowledge of systems I put place. Right now my angelic children should be listening to the prerecorded message I left for them so they'll be expecting you my son." God said before fading away completely and officially passing the torch to Shinji.

Shinji let a tear fall before giving a quick prayer for God to have a peaceful afterlife before disappearing in a white flash.


(Heaven: the 7th Heaven; Throne room of God)

While Shinji was speaking with God, the angels of Heaven were overlooking the Earth, seeing Shinji Ikari succeed in saving it and humanity. Here there was a discussion of what was to be done now that the so-called Angel Wars was done and the earth safe. Leading the discussion was a handsome-looking man with long blonde hair and green eyes shaped in a perpetually sad manner. He is Michael – one of the Seraphim, guardians of the Throne of God and one of venerable Archangels and God's most trusted and powerful creation and the current 'God'.

Standing around him were the remaining Archangels; Gabriel a beautiful woman with an overly voluptuous body, long curly golden-blonde hair and sapphire blue eyes. Next to Gabriel was Uriel; a handsome-looking man with short cropped platinum-blonde hair, fiery orange-red eyes, and a fairly strong build. Next to Uriel was Raphael; another handsome-looking man with short grayish-black hair and silver eyes behind half-rimmed glasses giving him a slightly stern look. The other three Archangels were dead, having been KIA (Killed-in-Action) during the Great War.

Around these four was the Divine Council; made up of the chief angels that ruled the angel classes. Seraphiel was the chief angel of the Seraphim. Kerubiel ruled the Cherubim. Phanuel ruled the Ophaniam. Aker ruled the Dominions. Hamaliel ruled the Virtues. Camuel ruled the Powers. Cerviel ruled the Rulers. Zebuleon ruled the Hashmallim. Pravuil ruled the angels. Michael himself ruled the Archangels.

Before anyone could say anything else, the Heavens themselves pulsed with vast energies as if reacting to something. Behind the Archangels, the Throne of God erupted with gold, holy light that poured over the vast paradise that is Heaven. The original heavenly realm grew brighter and more brilliant, regaining much of its lost glory when its true master died long ago. All over, the angels wondered what happened as they felt a presence that they thought they would never feel again. But while similar, it was also very distinct.

"My children…"

The angels gasped when they heard the voice of their dead father and leader, a large holographic image of the late Biblical God appeared above Heaven itself.

"Father…" the angels said in a whisper.

"If you are watching this message then that means I have died and left you alone. For that my children I am sorry but please fear not for I had anticipated my death during the Great War and created a failsafe to take my place as the God of Heaven and the world." The message began. "The failsafe is known as Trinity for it was designed to help the world during its three incarnations. The first incarnation was Jesus Christ who would redeem humanity when my mortal children began to stray from my teachings. My son was created to show humanity that it is indeed possible to live a righteous life. Trinity's second incarnation has just finished its purpose; the redemption of the world and is now in the process of becoming its third and final incarnation. Trinity shall take my place as the God of Heaven and Earth." The message explained to the angels who didn't know how to feel about a supposed replacement.

"Another failsafe is also activating which is the holy light pouring over Heaven. The Heavenly System is restoring itself to its original condition as it recognizes its new master has finally revealed himself. The realm is also regaining its former glory and the barriers that protect the realm are being strengthened." The message went on. "There is one more failsafe I created and it is called the Angel Seed. All the angels that fell in battle during the Great War had their souls sealed away in the Angel Seeds so that the new God can revive them, giving them a second chance like you, humanity and world. So worry not my children. I may be gone physically but I live on thru you and my human followers so please support your new leader. This is my final order to you." The message said before fading.

By the end all the angels were crying as they listened to the message. Yes they would forever miss their father but he had created them a leader who would help them in these trying times and help Heaven become strong again. Soon they felt a literal overwhelming presence enter the realm, a presence in league with their late father and soon it neared the Great Hall of Heaven. The doors opened as the Divine Council looked at the figure entering through tearful eyes.

The figure was fairly tall and wore a hooded cloak that revealed only the bottom half of the figure's face. The figure carried a six-foot tall elegant spear of platinum and gold which the angels easily recognized as the absolute strongest Sacred Gear in existence, the True Longinus. The figure walked resolutely towards the Throne of God, walking past the Archangels before sitting itself on the throne. The holy light reached its zenith as in one massive wave of holy energies washed over not only Heaven itself, but sent aftershocks all across the supernatural world.

Many lower-level beings were overwhelmed and promptly knocked out by the literal transcendent power that surpassed anything they've ever sensed. The Devils of Hell shuddered from the vast holy power washing over them, the Satans wondering what in the unholy was happening in Heaven. The fallen angels of Grigori also wondered the same thing, with Azazel wondering if this was something his former father was behind. The beings of the soon-to-be terrorist organization Khaos Brigade also felt the power and its creator Ophis itself narrowed its void-gray eyes as the power that was in league with its own and knew that things had taken a turn it did not account for. The true mastermind behind Second Impact, the 'Angel Wars' and the botched Third Impact narrowed its eyes in anger.

One by one, every being in every faction felt this vast power wash over them. And all knew that a new player had entered the game and this being, whoever he/she was, was a true God-class being which didn't sit well with a few. In the Dimensional Gap, Great Red merely huffed before going back to doing his cool tricks, though a small part of him was curious about the new power he felt.

Back in Heaven, the light died down and the angels knew beyond a shadow of a doubt the God of Heaven was here and he was here to rule. The figure reached up and removed its hood, getting the angels to gasp when they saw who their new leader is.

"My angels," Shinji Ikari began as he sat upon his throne, his voice echoing throughout his realm. "I am Shinji Ikari, the new God of Heaven and Earth. I know you are going through a lot. You recently lost your father 1000 years ago and now you find out he has created a failsafe to take his place." He began as all of Heaven listened. "Please understand that I am only here to lead you not replace God as your father. He will always be your father, no matter what happens. I am only here as your new leader and God. So please let us work together so we can make Heaven strong again and protect the world God left to us." Shinji said to all of Heaven.

Michael stepped forward before kneeling before Shinji. "I, Michael the Archangel, hereby accept you as the new God of Heaven. For I trust my father and know he wouldn't guide us down the wrong path by placing you in charge." The legendary Archangel said as his fellow Archangels bowed as well. The members of the Divine Council got up and moved until they were in front of the throne and bowed also. All over Heaven the angels bowed and accepted their new god and leader.

"Then rise my angels for we have much work to do." Shinji said.


Ten Years later

Ten years have passed since the botched Third Impact and the world was relatively peaceful. Due to his actions, Shinji had effectively created a new timeline in which Second Impact never happened, thusly the events that followed it; the Fallen Angel Wars and the botched Third Impact were no longer part of human history. The events were wiped from the minds of humans so they could have a second chance to live in a new/renewed world without the fear of being attacked by absurdly overpowered super beings. The only beings who knew of the original timeline were the creatures of the supernatural and they had no reason to mess with the new peace Shinji had given all beings.

Though it did beg the question of what exactly happened to the Messiah.

Many claimed that Shinji had become a hidden guardian, watching over all as a silent protector to ensure this world was protected.

Others claimed he had gone to the place where legends go to rest in peace.

Others simply said Shinji was most likely living his life in this new world he made.

For those who were of the third thought, they would be correct. Shinji was indeed living his life in this world he created as the new God of Heaven. Though he no longer went by the name of Shinji Ikari, having forsaken the name as it was the name of his second incarnation. Since he was in his third/final incarnation, the God of Heaven and Earth, Shinji decided upon a new name for his new life and role. As such he is now known as Emmanuel to all of his angels.

When asked why he chose the name Emmanuel, he said it was mostly symbolic as Emmanuel translated to 'God is with us'. Thus it was meant to be taken that God (both the original God and the new God Shinji/Emmanuel) would be with all, both physically and spiritually.

Within the ten years of ruling Heaven as the new God, Emmanuel had done many things to make Heaven stronger. Emmanuel had gone to the Angel Forest, where the Angel Seeds were. It was a beautiful forest of verdant, golden leafed trees with crystal apples. The angels who had seen the forest had always been curious about this forest, merely thinking it was something their father did as a hobby to help him relax. Now they knew the truth. The 'apples' were actually the crystalized souls of the angels who fell in battle during the Great War. Emmanuel revived the angels by recreating them in new bodies similar to their old bodies but with a few upgrades.

It was also revealed that there was a device that had been feeding information to the angels while in their stasis so that they would know all about the current events so far. As such the revived angels accepted Emmanuel as new their God and leader. Emmanuel even created several new angels: Auriel (Hope of God) a Seraph and the Archangel of Hope; Tyrael (Justice of God) a Cherub and the Archangel of Justice; Eremiel (Abyss of God) another Cherub and the Archangel of Destruction; Itherael (Fate of God) an Ophan and the Archangel of Fate; Malthael (Wisdom of God) another Ophan and the Archangel of Wisdom; Oriel (Light of God) a Dominion and the Archangel of Light; Dobiel (Bear of God) a Virtue and finally Zophiel (My Rock is God) a Power.

He also created four powerful defenders known as the Cardinal Four; four creatures who were the physical embodiments of the four cardinal virtues. They are: Fortitudo – the Dragon of Fortitude; Temperantia – the Colossus of Temperance; Iustita – the Avatar of Justice; and Sapientia – the Leviathan of Prudence. These creatures had twice the power of Heavenly Dragons combined and were the official guardians of Heaven. Should anyone try to invade Heaven, they would have to go through these mighty beasts.

Emmanuel also made some changes in Heaven and the Church to make them more efficient and effective. He made several improvements to the Heavenly System because while extremely advanced there was still room for improvement. As such Emmanuel went through the process of debugging the entire system though a few 'bugs' Emmanuel found had some benefits to the system so he isolated them to create sub-systems based on the 'bugs'. The improvement of the Heavenly System was only the first change Emmanuel would make.

Another change was keeping the Brave Saint in use as despite having him as God, Emmanuel saw the benefits of the Brave Saints and he even created an angelic version of the devils' Rating Game. Since the Brave Saints were technically created because the angels studied a stolen Evil Piece set 300 years ago, Emmanuel thought that borrowing the idea of the Rating Game would be helpful to the angels. It provided a safe alternative to settle disputes between angels. It was also an excellent form of training so that the angels could improve their teamwork. It would also help the angels in safely deciding whose Brave Saints were the best since even Emmanuel could see that was just bubbling below the surface.

Though as the God of Heaven, it was only natural that he would have the strongest Brave Saint.

He then created the True Cross Academy (純粋十字架学園; Junsui Juujika Gakuen), a place where the High-ranking angels could learn how to properly lead their Brave Saints, how to handle the Angel Rating Game and where the reincarnated angels could learn the angel arts.

He also began helping the angels in understanding humanity and how to handle pleasure in moderation. He claimed that humans were imperfect which was both good and bad. The angels needed to understand this imperfection if they were to better help the humans live righteously. He also wanted the angels to understand that pleasure, in all forms, was acceptable as long it was done in moderation and not over indulged like devils and fallen angels did. This also included love and lust. He cited that all beings, he and the angels included, felt love and lust. In fact he told them that love actually came from lust citing the example of how humans start relationships.

Humans would first gain a romantic interest in another due to that person's sex appeal or their physical beauty. They would then approach that person in order to start the courting process; where they get to know that person and begin nurturing the seed of love so it develops into true and genuine love.

Emmanuel claimed that several of his angels managed to fall in love with humans and also managed to have sex with them (without using the sex purification ritual) without 'falling'. Thus it was proof that angels can handle love and lust. And so Emmanuel created a sub-system dubbed the Angel Love System that would allow his angels to safely have sex without using the purification ritual and not risk 'falling'. He even gave them the ability to have children themselves which Emmanuel explained was a preventive failsafe so in case something happened to him then his angels could keep their species alive themselves.

Thankfully Emmanuel made these specific changes gradually so his angels could get better accept them. It would be counterproductive in making Heaven more effective if he just dumped these changes on his angels without giving them the chance to adjust. And as he expected, his plan worked perfectly as productivity picked up nearly 1000% and there was an ease amongst the angels now that Emmanuel had removed much of the pressure off them.

Like with Heaven, the Church had wide sweeping reform in some areas. One area was sex because Emmanuel was getting really tired of hearing about some of his priests being accused of sexually molesting young boys. He had to explain that sex just wasn't for procreation but also for the physical pleasure of the husband and wife and just another way they show their love for each other and strengthen their bond. It also helped that he used some angel magic to get the Clergy to see things his way.

The second change was the Church having internet to stay up to date on events in the world. Now the Church had internet before but a few priests were caught watching porn so the internet was removed. Emmanuel had given the internet back and simply blocked all the pornographic websites and other content related sites and set the block up on his own personal computer so it couldn't be removed by anyone but him.

The third change was having his holy warriors having an education so they can properly function in the world and succeed in having jobs/careers outside of the Church whenever they retire from being exorcists. Emmanuel had managed to work a deal with St. Peter's International School; the in-training exorcists will attend St. Peter from 8am-3pm, they wouldn't have to join the mandatory club since they would be training after school, and during times the in-training exorcists would be called away for live-training exorcises the in-trainees would be excused from school and be allowed to make up any missed work which would compiled into a folder for the in-trainees to get upon returning. Thankfully for Emmanuel, there were several members of the Church who agreed with this particular change as they actually had children/wards who they had already at St. Peter getting a formal education.

The fourth change wasn't really much a change but more of Emmanuel keeping a closer eye on the Church as the new God had a zero tolerance for those in the Church who use his religion to justify human experimentation. Such was the case of the gruesome Holy Sword Project where over 300 children were experimented on so the Church could create more holy sword users. Having heard of the project, Emmanuel asked for all reports on the project where his keen eyes discovered several discrepancies that had Emmanuel investigate himself. What he found enraged him to the point he nearly took on his true divine and nearly kill everyone around him. So many innocent lives sacrificed for one man's insane ambition just to be able to wield a damn sword.

Valper Galilei was executed by Emmanuel's own hand and it hadn't been merciful. In fact the blood stains weren't coming out of the wall no matter how many galloons of bleach were used.

The only two survivors were two girls; Izaiya and Tosca. Two pure souls that were scarred and nearly broken. Emmanuel took it upon himself to heals these two maidens and make them whole again.

As for the Holy Sword Project, Emmanuel had it permanently ended and had all data destroyed… until Nanael stepped in asking him to let her have the data. The head of the Angelic Scientific Research and Development Center believed she could use the data to create safer alternatives for creating artificial holy sword users. Seeing the woman's conviction, Emmanuel let her keep the data.

Once again, Emmanuel did these changes gradually so as to not overwhelm his human followers. Just like with Heaven, the productivity of the Church picked up nearly 900% and there was an ease amongst his human followers now that certain pressures were no longer bothering them.

Heaven and the Church weren't the only ones going through changes, Emmanuel himself was also going through changes. He was still a handsome young man, but now he's in his twenties, stood 6'7" tall, muscular and broad shouldered. Emmanuel kept his hair short and neat because it was easier to manage. He had tried to pull off the Donegal-style beard but he didn't jaw line for it. He took more after his mother Yui more than he thought but this led to him being a bishie.

Another change was that he had fully mastered the full scope of his godly powers, which thanks to his super-genius intellect, he was able to master his new powers in record time while also keeping his other skills polished. These skills were to the ultimate test during the TOG (Tournament of Gods) held by Indra the defacto leader of the Hindu Faction. Due to Indra's borderline, obsessive desire to be the best (hence explaining his one-side rivalry with Shiva the God of Destruction) and having sensed Emmanuel's presence which surpassed Indra's considerable might, the Hindu God-King had held a tournament inviting every deity alive under the guise of determining the strongest God alive. The winner of the tournament would face both Shiva and Durga, who were at the time, were the strongest deities alive if they were defeated the winner would be declared the GxG (God of Gods)

Whatever Indra's plans, they were brutally dashed when Emmanuel decided to enter the tournament to both test himself and prove the Christian Heaven's might. Emmanuel swept through the competition, defeating many notable gods: the Greek Trinity Gods – Zeus, Poseidon and Hades; Ares the Greek God of War; the Original Hercules himself (who is the Greek God of Strength and Power); The Roman Trinity – Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto; Mars the Roman God of War; the Egyptian King Duo – Ra the Sun God (the Egyptian Faction's True King) and Horus the Sky God (the Egyptian Faction's Official King); Lugh the Irish God who killed Balor the Evil Eye; Xuan Wu the God of Martial Arts (and Shinji/Emmanuel's former teacher); the Norse Trinity – Odin, Thor and Loki; the Shinto Trinity – Amaterasu the Sun Megami, Tsukiyomi the Moon Kami and Susanoo the Sea and Storm Kami; Sun Wukong the Victorious Fighting Buddha; Indra, Durga and finally Shiva himself.

Emmanuel was officially recognized the GxG – God of Gods, the strongest god alive.

Another change was that Emmanuel was now in a relationship with Gabriel, Jophiel, Sariel, Ariel and Rachiel. He was surprised that the five beautiful angels held romantic feelings for him, and he was even more surprised the five had agreed to share him after talking it out. Emmanuel had, at first, been hesitant but he gave it a try after the five gave him the dreaded 'puppy-eyed' technique. Damn that technique to hell and back!

He was surprised they managed to make it work, the girls sticking to their agreement to equally share the man they loved. Seeing how their relationship was working out, Emmanuel asked them to join his Brave Saint. While initially shocked, the fiver angels agreed since Nanael stated it was indeed possible for pure angels to join another angel's Brave Saint. She cited since she created the Brave Saint System from a stolen Evil Piece set, the reincarnation process can affect pure angels as well. They would not be reincarnated angels like humans, still retaining their pure angel status. Gabriel became the Queen of Royals. Jophiel became the Jack of Royals. Sariel became the Ten of Royals. Ariel became the Nine of Royals while Rachiel became the Eight Royals. Even though they had the right to a Brave Saint, the five chose not to have activate their saints.

As Emmanuel continued on his role as God, he would find fate had some serious plans for him and it all began with the theft of the Excalibur fragments.


"Is this accurate Metatron?" Emmanuel asked his former sensei. Metatron kneeled before his God, decked out in his normal shinobi gear. Metatron was in charge of Heaven's spy network, thusly being Heaven's Spymaster and the one who relayed severely important information to his fellow angels so they wouldn't be caught flat footed.

"Yes Emmanuel-sama." Metatron began. "The Vatican, Eastern Orthodox and Protestant Churches were attacked exactly the same time where the attackers stole the Excalibur fragments: Rapidly, Nightmare, Transparency and Blessing. After a series of questioning we managed to find out the identity of the perpetrators. They are Kokabiel, Bezaliel and Qemuel." Metatron explained getting Emmanuel to sigh.

"Great. The war monger and his troupe." Emmanuel sighed tiredly already dreading the headache this will cause. Given Kokabiel's mindset, the war mongering idiot will try to find a way to start another Great War using the fragments. "Were you able to figure out his current location after the attack?" Emmanuel asked.

Metatron nodded. "Yes. We've triangulated his latest location to be Japan. Kuoh Town, Japan specifically."

Emmanuel frowned as he contemplated that. "Why Japan? Why would he hide there of all places?"

"That is the most worrying part Emmanuel-sama. After investigating I've found that Kuoh Town is under the 'rule' of two devils. Rias Gremory and Sona Sitri of the Gremory and Sitri clans respectively."

"DAMN IT!" Emmanuel roared in realization. "He means to assassinate them and place the blame on Heaven! He stole the Excaliburs to incriminate us so the devils would falsely accuse us of their deaths! And knowing their siscon older siblings, they'll gladly wage a war to avenge their sisters!" Emmanuel growled, his transcendent aura flaring. Gabriel moved and gently placed her hand on her beloved's shoulder, getting him to calm down slightly. Shooting her a thankful look, Emmanuel stood before addressing his angels. "I will personally handle this situation myself. Kokabiel will have to go through me to get his asinine war. Michael you'll take over in my absence." Emmanuel declared getting grim faces from his angels. "My Brave Saints go prepare for our mission." He order his Brave Saints who nodded and left via mandala.

"Lord Father is it wise to go and handle this yourself?" Auriel asked her leader/father, understandably worried for his safety as any loving daughter would.

"I understand your worry my daughter but I have to do this." Emmanuel countered. "This must be done in order to send an emphatic statement that such foolish actions will not be tolerated. The peace we have now is fragile at best and if Kokabiel succeeds then this new war would be more devastating than the last and will destroy everything and everyone! As I said, Kokabiel will have to go through me to get his war and unfortunately for him this will be his last fight ever." He said his eyes glowing with his transcendent power. "Do not worry I will return. It shouldn't take me long to deal with this." Emmanuel added before leaving for his palace to get his Brave Saints.


In the Brave Saints Royals dormitory within Emmanuel's palace, his Brave Saint members had finished preparing themselves and were awaiting their leader. Among the Royals Brave Saint, two were understandably nervous given the severe implications of the mission. Yumi Kiba – Seven of Royals, formerly known as Izaiya, a beautiful young woman in her late teens to early twenties with an athletic and shapely body, blue eyes, waist-length blonde hair and dressed in the normal battle attire of female exorcists, rubbed her arm as she battled with her nervousness as this would be her first high-class mission since she came to serve her lord Emmanuel-sama.

She remembered the dark times of the Holy Sword Project, enduring the pain of experimentation in the name of God and constantly praying to God for salvation and Emmanuel-sama heard her prayers. He rescued her and Tosca and punished Valper for his sins and she and Tosca had been under Emmanuel-sama's care ever since. She had trained vigorously in order to be of use to her god, to be his sword that he would use to cut down those foolish enough to stand before him. She would fight for him. She would die for him. She would gladly give herself to him when he desired to partake of her body for his pleasure.

She felt a hand on her shoulder and turned to see Tosca – Six of Royals sending her a reassuring smile that helped Yumi push down her nervousness. "Don't worry Yumi-chan. As long as we have faith and believe we'll succeed for our Emmanuel-sama." Tosca said getting a resolute nod from Yumi. The elder she-angels smiled at the scene, having already agreed to let the two join them in sharing Emmanuel whenever they decided to confess their feelings for him. This also included the other members of Team Royal as well with the exception of Asia, Xenovia and Irina.

Off to the side was Griselda and Xenovia Quarta, the Five and Four of Royals respectively, were in the middle of talking possible strategies while Asia Argento, Irina Shidou and their shared boyfriend Issei Hyoudou, the Three, Two and Ace of Royals respectively were also talking with the Ace reassuring the cute nun she'll be fine as he wouldn't let anything happen to her.

"Team Royal." Emmanuel said entering the dorm and his Brave Saints to stand at attention. "Our mission is stop Kokabiel's insane plans for war and retrieve the Excalibur fragments. Team Royal let's roll out!" Emmanuel said.

"HAI! Emmanuel-sama!" Team Royal shouted. In a silvery-white flash, Team Royal was gone and headed to earth to stop Kokabiel.

And cut! Chapter one of The Greater YHVH is here. Now this is story has been in my mind for a good while now as I further developed my other stories. This lead to me wondering about a God-Shinji story for the EvangelionxHSDxD crossover section. So why the fuck not. Since I already had tons of angel information from my research for Angel Warrior, it wasn't hard for me to get this story up and running. The only real problem I had was trying to figure out how to explain Shinji taking the original God's place as the new God of Heaven and Earth. So I hope I did a good job on the explanation as well as the explanation of his new name. Now since Shinji is a God and as you read the second strongest being in the universe, Shinji will be overpowered and easily able to kick ass.

The ten year time skip was done to give Shinji/Emmanuel time to get into his role as God and bring stability back to Heaven and the world. I hope you like how I did that as if you really look at Heaven in the HSDxD series, it is the weakest of the Three Factions as both Grigori and Underworld have many sacred gears users and even highly skilled warriors of various species with their own unique abilities on top of their devil powers. This is my way of making Heaven stronger. Also Shinji was adopted by Metatron who God secretly entrusted to do so. Shinji trained for twelve years under Metatron and several others before returning to Tokyo-3 for the Fallen Angel Wars then ten years passed since he rejected Third Impact and rejuvenated the world. This means that main characters o HSDxD were 6-8 years old when Shinji fought the wars and will now be 16-18 when he returns.

For those of you who are fans of the Diablo Series, yes I did take the names of Archangels in Diablo and made them angels created by Shinji/Emmanuel in this story. The angel Eremiel is another name of the angel Jerahmeel who guards the abyss of Hades where the souls of those before and during the Great Flood dwell. So I made his name translate to the "Abyss of God" and made him the Archangel of Destruction. Oriel is another name for Uriel but this name directly translates to "Light of God" where Uriel's name translates to "Fire/Light of God" where many Theologians use "Fire of God" for his name translation. Oriel is a female and thus Shinji/Emmanuel's daughter along with Auriel. Dobiel is an alternate spelling of the angel Dubbiel, a Persian angel who protected Persia and whose names means "Bear-god" hence the reason for making him the "Bear of God". Zophiel is another for the archangel Jophiel and this name translates to "My Rock is God".

For Shinji/Emmanuel's harem, yes this is an angelic harem like Angel Warrior and the lucky ladies for this harem are: Gabriel, Jophiel (whose names translates to "Beauty of God" so I'm making this angel female), Sariel, Ariel (whose name at times mean "Lioness of God" as most of the sources I looked claimed Ariel meant this so this angel is female), Rachiel (whose name means "Sexuality of God" an Ophan who rules over Venus and governs sexuality (basically think of an angelic version of Aphrodite)), Yumi Kiba (female Kiba), Tosca (the new character from LN volume 19 the Durandal of the General Election), and Griselda Quarta.

Issei's Harem: Xenoiva Quarta, Irina Shidou and Asia Argento

Well that's all. You know the drill; read and review. Flames will be ignored. I'm out this mutha!