You don't know how good you have it until its taken away from you. In the blink if an eye its gone. Everything you've worked for is taken away, and you're left with nothing. You're left with an empty shell, a hallow ghost of the person you are from what is left of everything you used to be.

He understood this all to well, its happened over and over again. He's had to over come himself again and again with people he's never met over and over. A long term commitment seemed out of reach, a dream floating further and further away.

But then he met him, illustrious and forever shining sun. He felt warm in its glow. He wanted to be near him, he wanted the ice to melt from his heart and his soul to be because of the sun. So he worked hard, he practiced and practiced to become something, someone. He wanted to make the sub proud, to leave his mark.

But that was impossible, his world crashed down around him. He was bring forced away from his best friend, the sun was his only hope and it was being taken away. He knew that for the sun to remember his name, he had to leave his mark with the sun, quickly and remarkably.

However, nothing would be enough to impress the sun. The sun noticed everyone, was friends with everyone. The blizzard boy knew that he was just another face, another person in the mix. That he would never truly leave his mark. So he left, he didn't say goodbye to his friend the sun. He knew that within time, he wouldn't remember it anyway.

But then he met a new friend, someone who wanted to help him gain the sun's mark, to grow stronger. It was the Storm. The storm was going to help him by washing away his problems, by teaching how to become stronger. To leave destruction in his wake.

He taught the Blizzard boy to embrace himself and be what it is that he has was always meant to become.

And from that, what was once a sunny day, turned into a ragging blizzard.