"Haruichi," Haruna called to her youngest, "Will you please go find your brother and let him know it's time to come home?" Nodding and getting up off the floor from where he'd been playing a video game, the five year old ran to the door and headed outside.

Haruna normally didn't like Haruichi going out on his own, being so young, but Ryousuke had said he was going to the park nearby and it wasn't very far from their house. And if he wasn't there, Haruichi knew to come back rather than wander off and get lost.

Walking to the park near their house, Haruichi wondered why his brother hadn't wanted him to come. Ryousuke normally always let him tag along, and he enjoyed being with his big brother. Seeing the park, he made his way through the small patch of trees that he'd learned was a shortcut to Ryousuke's favorite spot to practice.

Stopping just before the open space, he peeked out to see if the older boy was there. He giggled softly to himself, maybe he could finally scare the older Kominato for once! Spotting his brother, he was about to pop out when he heard his name.

"Haruichi is an annoying little brother. He follows me everywhere and never leaves me alone. Every time I try to do something, he copies me." The seven year old let out a sigh. "Sometimes I wish he wasn't my brother." The other kids with him nodded, and a few laughed.

Haruichi felt his heart break. The older brother he admired and looked up to; the brother he wanted to be just like, hated him. He'd always thought Ryousuke didn't mind having him along. He'd thought the two had fun together.

"Who'd want a crybaby like that for a brother?" One of the others said with a laugh. "He can't do anything on his own and you always have to protect him even if you get hurt."

"You shouldn't help him next time, maybe then he'll toughen up some," Another added.

Swallowing back tears, Haruichi watched his brother nod. "Only if he gets hurt I'll be blamed for not protecting him since I'm the older brother and should always look out for him."

He couldn't believe his ears. Ryousuke didn't protect him because he wanted to, it was because he had to or he'd get in trouble with mommy and daddy. Biting his lip, Haruichi felt his world fall apart. Everything he thought he knew turned out to be a lie. His big brother wasn't the kind, caring, amazing person he'd thought he was. He was just mean and selfish and didn't even like Haruichi!

Slowly backing away, the youngest Kominato turned and left the park. He didn't go far, simply near the entrance since he knew if he went home without his big brother him mommy might get mad. He also didn't want to be around Ryousuke right now. Curling up, he bit his lip so he wouldn't cry. He didn't like being called a crybaby.

He didn't know how long he sat there, thinking back over what he'd heard. His big brother hated him, and found him annoying. He didn't like having to protect him, and thought he was a crybaby. He wished Haruichi wasn't his brother.

That last one hurt more than anything. He'd always idolized his brother, thinking that Ryousuke was amazing and could do anything. He'd wanted to be just like him, so he copied his brother. Wiping his eyes he winched at the taste of blood, having bit his lip hard enough to make it bleed.

Taking a few shaking breaths, he stood up and stared at the entrance of the park for a while. 'Onii-chan doesn't want me as a brother. Maybe I should leave, so he can get his wish.' Taking a step forward, he stopped. He didn't want to leave mommy and daddy just because his big brother didn't want him around.

Sniffling slightly, he turned back around and slowly made his way back to where his brother was, taking the long way around. Wiping his eyes one last time before the other kids could make fun of him and call him a crybaby again, he stepped closer so they could see him.

One of them nudged Ryousuke, who turned and sighed a little at the sight of Haruichi standing a ways away as though hesitating to go any closer. "What is it Haruichi?" He called, frowning at the sight of blood dribbling down the youngest Kominato's chin.

"Mommy says it's time to go home," Haruichi said, his voice just loud enough for the others to hear. He watched his brother say goodbye to the others before coming up to him, wiping the blood from his chin. "What happened?"

"…I fell." It was the first time Haruichi lied, but he didn't want to tell his brother the truth.

Eyeing the slightly puffy eyes and dried tear tracks, Ryousuke sighed. His little brother was such a handful. "Come on, we shouldn't keep Okaa-san waiting." He grabbed Haruichi's hand, tugging him in the direction of the house.

He'd expected questions about why he'd had to stay home, random chatter about his day, or something that had happened, but for once Haruichi kept quiet as they walked, his eyes directed towards the ground. He wasn't even grasping Ryousuke's hand like normal, just letting it lie limp in the elder boys grasp.

When they got home, Haruna fussed over Haruichi's bleeding lip and chided him on being more careful and watching where he was going before having her two boys wash up for dinner. Haruna and Ryounosuke were slightly worried with how quiet Haruichi was during dinner, and with the way he was picking at his food.

When Ryounosuke asked what was wrong, Haruichi shook his head. "Not hungry."

"Oh sweetie," Haruna said, getting up and kneeling next to her baby, "Do you not feel good?" He shook his head. She pushed up his bangs along with her own and pressed their foreheads together lightly. "You don't have a fever." Stroking his hair, she kissed the top of his head. "Why don't you go up to bed if you don't feel good, alright?" Haruichi nodded and slipped off his chair before making his way upstairs.

Changing into his pajamas, he climbed into bed and curled up under the covers. He didn't know what to do anymore. Closing his eyes, he wished this were all a bad dream.


Not sure where this will wind up going, but it is most definitely AU and will NOT follow the canon (not really anyway) as we get into the later chapters.