I know I've got no excuse for updating so late, but I had a huge case of writers block. I wanted to make sure I got the ending right, and honestly I'm still not convinced I did. Hopefully you like it, it was fun to write, even if a little tricky at times. Thank you for everybody that reviewed or followed this story.

I felt Bellamy tense up in front of me as he tried to stay calm. He was doing a much better job then I was, I could feel my hands shaking as Raven turned the gun towards us. How could I have been so stupid? Finn was too busy following me like a lost puppy to be behind everything that had happened.

"Why?" The question slipped out of my mount before I had time to stop it.

"Why what Clarke? Which part of this would you like me to clarify? Let's start with something easy why did I shoot Finn? If I answer that would it satisfy your curiosity?"

I was at a lost for words. It wasn't just the fact that she had shoot Finn in front of us that scare me, but the way she was speaking and holding herself it was clear that wasn't ever feelings or anger she had did not dissipate with getting rid of her husband.

Long gone was the sweet hostess that had been caring for our every need, she had been replaced by this vicious bitter person who clearly had it in for me.

Bellamy squeezed my hand; he was probably thinking the same thing as I was; if we weren't careful we would share the same faith as Finn.

Turns out I didn't need to answer as Raven continued to ramble on without my approval. It was clear that these were feelings that had been bubbling up for too long and she wanted us to know what had happened to her and why she committed these horrible acts.

"We really were in love when we got married, well anyway I was. Finn was this loving guy, who was willing to give me the entire world. On top of that, his parents we're leaving us this beautiful inn, they had hoped that like them we would be happy here. And for some time I did believe we were happy, that we had found our place in life and nothing was better than getting to be with each other. Unfortunately that happiness did not last very long, after only a year of being married Finn started flirting with every single female that walked through our doors. At first he tried to be careful about his extramarital activities, but as the years went on he didn't even bother hiding them from me. The worst part was that during this time I was doing everything I could to save the inn that his parents had work so hard to built, while he was driving it into the ground."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing Finn was even more of a douchebag then we had initially believed. I couldn't believe I had let someone so disguising touch me. He might not have been behind the murders, but he clearly played important role in driving Raven past the breaking point. Of course that didn't excuse her actions, but I understood how painful it was to be betrayed by the people closest to you, sometimes it made you act in ways you didn't think you were capable.

"When Murphy was hired everything changed, he introduced me to this side business and together with Charlotte and Wells we were finally getting the inn back on its feet. Finn keep going on and on about how we should start growing flowers to supplement our income, little did he know that I was already doing that, just not the type of plants he had in mind." As she continued to tell us her evil plans Raven was grinning like a fool while looking down at her dead husband. She was clearly savoring the moment, happy to finally be rid of him.

"What went wrong?" I was surprised to hear Bellamy's voice, I expected him not to care as to the why's and how's but instead to be focused on getting us out of here. Knowing him, he was probably doing just that, so if he was making Raven talk it's that he needed more time.

"I realized that I was better without him." Raven didn't even flinch at Bellamy's interruption too caught up in her own story to really care about us. "As these plants grew I also bloomed. Realizing I was my own person and that I did not need Finn to make me happy. Not that it didn't still hurt every time he choose to look at someone else instead of me." She glared at me as she spoke these words; I really wasn't her favorite person at the moment.

"I wanted to get rid of him, I wanted all of this to be mine. Unfortunately, for him, Wells overhead me making plans with Murphy to get rid of my husband. You see Wells is one of those people that he's willing to do something illegal as long as nobody gets hurt, and well someone needed to get hurt for me to become free. So of course he had to go, didn't take much convincing to get Murphy to push him off the balcony after getting him drunk. Charlotte was another issue, Murphy cared for her, but she was young and impressionable after what had happened to Wells I didn't think she would stay quiet. So she needed to go as well, but in this case I had to make it look like she died of natural causes, so I used a poison that would mimic the symptoms of her seizures. And voila, now all that needed to be done was pin it on a scapegoat. You guys were great in helping me incriminate Finn. You see originally I had intended for him to spend the rest of his days in jail, death being too easy for him. A pretty boy like him he probably would have gotten what he deserved. But he was so obsessed with you Clarke that he started poking where he didn't belong."

The way she said my name, you could almost feel the hatred in the air. Bellamy gripped my hand even harder, Raven wasn't going to let me leave this room alive and we both knew it. She might have grown to hate Finn for his infidelities but part of her had still wanted him to choose her over all the other girls. I was the final blow.

"He found this place and confronted me, I couldn't let my secret be exposed and thankfully you both showed up in time to save me."

It was my fault, if I had done as I was told Finn might still be alive and I wouldn't have place Bellamy in this situation. Octavia couldn't lose her brother not because of me I needed to do something. However before I even had time to think of a plan Bellamy put into motion one of his own. He squeezed my hand one last time, to reassure me I guessed, and then he left my side and began to approach Raven.

"You truly are a mad genius."

That wasn't exactly what I thought he was going to say. I hoped he was going somewhere with this.

"The perfect plan, you get rid of that horrible husband of yours and get to keep everything you've worked for. You only made one mistakes."

"And what would that be?"

"You chose your partners in crime poorly. First Wells that can't stomach any violence, then Charlotte who was far too innocent in the first place to be involved in any of this and thirdly Murphy who ran away at the first sign of trouble. What you need is a real man."

What was he doing? Was he being serious right now?

"And let me guess that real man would be you? Don't patronize me; you think I can't recognize a trap when I see one. You and Clarke are clearly involved; why would anyone choose me over little miss perfect."

"First we're not a couple, we were pretending in the hopes to get your clingy husband off her back. I went along with it because I had every intention of getting some action this weekend if I was to be suck on this island for an entire week. I figured helping her was the best way to get into her pants."

He didn't mean that, he was playing her. Their was no way that Bellamy had been playing me, I saw the genuine worry in his eyes when I had to be alone with Finn in his office. I had faith in him, for the first time in a long time I was going to believe in the people I loved. But if I choose to believe in Bellamy that meant this was part of his plan and for it to work I would also need to convince her.

"How could you, so everything you said was a lie. I was starting to fall…"

"For me, of course you were. I do have that affect on women, but never before have I met one that could hold her own until now."

Raven was blushing; I couldn't believe this was actually working.

"Look all I care about is my sister, nobody else needs to make it out alive, and perhaps in our joint grief we will realize our feelings for each other, deciding to sell the inn and move on. If you ask me that's a pretty believable story."

"It is, and it sounds incredibly charming, but I'm afraid it's going to take more to convince me."

"Anything you need." She was going to fall for it, between Bellamy's charm and her obvious desire to be chosen over someone else for once, there was no way she was going to refuse his offer.

"Kill Clarke." Shit. "I've already got enough blood on my hands, if you want us to partner up I'm going to need her to be sacrificed."

"May I borrow your gun?"

"Oh no Romeo you're going to have to come up with some other way to get rid of her, no way am I giving you my weapon before you convince me you're trustworthy."

Ok, so maybe this wasn't going to work.

"Well I guess I'll have to do this old school." Bellamy turned towards me, his eyes tearing up, begging me to trust him. I tried to fight him off as he wrapped his arms around my neck, I could see his arms flexing as if he was squeezing my throat, but the pressure never came. I used all the medical knowledge I had on how a victim of such an attack would react, making it as believable as possible until I finally pretended to lose consciousness. Bellamy gently lay me down on the ground, his fingers lingering on me.

"Impressive, now before we can move on to a more pleasurable interaction between us let me just check for her pulse." It was going to be ok, she would need to get closer to feel for a pulse and Bellamy would be able to over power her.

"Clarke, Bellamy where are you?" Miller, with everything going on I had completely forgotten that Miller and the others were still looking for us. By the fear in his voice it was clear Miller was suspecting our absence was not of our own choosing. His sudden interruption could go either way, depending on if Raven panicked or not.

"That damn cop when is he going to stop poking around."

"Probably when he catches the criminal, luckily for us, we already have him."

"Thanks genius, but if he comes down here now he's going to have questions that I don't have time to prepare answers for."

"Ok, so let's leave both of them down here for now, you act like Finn got violent with you and ran away, we can figure out what to do with the bodies later."

With my eyes closed I had no idea what was going on, hopefully she would be convinced.

"Raven you have to trust me, Miller isn't going to stop looking until he find us, and it didn't take Clarke very long to find your secret hide out."

"Fine, but I'm keeping the gun."

"No problem just keep it out of sight." I could tell by the sound of their footsteps that they were walking towards the secret stairs. I needed to wait long enough for Raven to be out of sight until I got up, but not too long because knowing Bellamy he wasn't going to wait for them to reach Octavia until he acted. He would try to deal with Raven before risking placing his sister in harms way.

I waited for at least a minute after I stopped hearing any noise before risking getting up. When I did the room was completely empty, I quickly looked around for a weapon, the only think that was usable was a shovel, I grabbed it and made my way up the stairs in pursuit of Raven and Bellamy. I made it up the stairs when I heard a gunshot go off. As I turned the corner I saw Raven pointing her gun towards Bellamy, next to him Miller was on the floor holding his injured leg.

"Fucker I knew it, nobody ever chooses me, unless they want something. Say your goodbyes lover boy."


There was no time for a plan only action, I rushed for Raven as fast as I could using all my strength I hit her over the head with the shovel. She crumbled right in front of me, blood coming out from the wound I had just inflected. I stood by her shocked by my actions, injuring someone even in self-defense wasn't an enjoyable feeling. All she had ever wanted was to be loved. I wanted to feel bad for her, but after taking the lives of two people I wasn't sure she deserved it.

"Clarke, are you ok?" The sound of Bellamy's voice pulled me back to reality.

"Yes, I'm fine." As soon as the words were out he grabbed me in his arms, holding on to me like I was going to float away if he let go.

"I'm glad both of you are safe, but Bellamy could you let go of the nice doctor so she could take a look at the man bleeding on the floor."

"Oh my god, officer Miller, of course let me take a look at you. Could one of you explain to me how did happened? Seriously Bellamy I leave you alone for a few minutes and you get the nice officer shot." With Raven knocked out, the stress and tension was finally gone and by the way Bellamy was grinning at my words he also felt how the air around us had suddenly become lighter. Miller was the one to give me the details, as Bellamy was too busy staring at me.

"Bellamy and Raven suddenly appeared out of nowhere, I was talking to them but Bellamy keep giving me these weird looks trying to send me a message. He eventually gave up and turned to attack Raven, but she was quick pulled a gun out of her jeans and before I had time to comprehend what was happening she shot me. Luckily Bellamy managed to make her lose her balance as she took the shot and it went for my leg instead of more life threatening region."

"Yes, he was a real hero today."

"Both of you will have to explain to me what's the hell is going on, but first I think we should call the station."

"Where's my sister?"

"I've sent her with the rest of your friends back to town. When you guys didn't show up we figured something was going on so I sent them ahead. Took a lot of convincing to get her to leave both of you behind."

"That sounds like Octavia."

"Sure does."

Things had taken a turn for the worst, and we were lucky to both be alive. But having Bellamy next to me, smiling like that, it was hard not to be happy despite everything that had happen.

Six months later

We weren't in some exotic region or a fancy hotel, instead we were in my mother's living room, but this moment was absolutely perfect. As Lincoln and Octavia finally got to say I do in front of all of us. Bellamy and I exchanged a secret look before returning our attention at the newlyweds.

The aftermath of what had happened on the island was different for each of us. The boys and their respective girlfriends seemed to deal with it rather well. Their was the occasional nightmare and we all became weary of strangers but overall they recovered pretty well.

Bellamy remained his same old over-bearing brother, but his over protectiveness was kicked up to a whole new level and extended to me as well. For the first couple of weeks after the event, as we were calling it, neither Octavia nor me could go anywhere without keeping Bellamy informed on our whereabouts. He had eventually calmed down, but I knew anytime I was late he would still stress about it, so I tried my best to always be on time for every single one of our dates.

As for me it took me a long time to get over the guilt I was feeling over putting them all in danger. I knew I wasn't directly responsible and nobody blamed me, but it didn't stop me from shutting them out at first. That first week back I hadn't wanted to see any of them, even Bellamy. But he didn't give up, thankfully. After the fifth day, I was surprised to find both my parents, together, standing on the other side of the door. Bellamy had gotten in contact with both of them hoping that they could help me move past it.

The fact that for the first time in a long time we were able to sit together and talk, without any yelling or blaming, made me realized that anything was possible. After that day Bellamy and I grew closer, much closer. He was everything I had ever longed for in a boyfriend. He was caring, attentive and most of all loyal to a fault. We had both risked everything to save each other that day, and we're doing our best for each other now, I couldn't ask for anything more.

Lincoln and Octavia keep putting off the wedding, it took her a long time to admit it to me, not wanting to add more issues to my plate, but Octavia feared they were cursed and it might be better to not get married at all. It was my mother that finally managed to convince her that they weren't cursed.

Feelings and circumstances change, most things don't turn out as we expect them to. That's why you have to grab hold of your happiness whenever you can, the rest is just ambient noise, focus on the person in front of you and everything else will fall into place.

Octavia was moved into action by those words, but the act of that week she had the entire wedding planned. I also still cherish what my mother said, cause she understood how life sometimes doesn't go as plan, but what's important is that you learn to pick yourself up move on.

Raven and Murphy were currently awaiting their trial, but Miller had not doubt that they would both end up serving a maximum sentence for their actions. I was glad, that they were getting what they deserved in the end, but I promised myself that as soon as their sentence comes out, I would no longer think back on the bad stuff that come out of that horrible week, instead focus on the good. Bellamy was all the good I needed, so I stopped blaming myself for the bad things that happened but instead believed that Bellamy and I grew stronger together during that time and found our happiness.

"Hey princess this is a happy day what is your crazy brain of yours thinking about?"

"Nothing, I was just looking back on how much we've all grown since that day. Look at how happy they both are."

"Not just them, look around you Clarke, your friends and family, everyone is happy."

"Even you?"

"Of course I'm happy, my sister just got married and I'm dancing with the most beautiful girl in the room." Bellamy always the charmer. "How about you, are you happy?"

"Bellamy Blake how could I possibly be miserable with you by my side."

"Who's the charmer now." He was laughing, but suddenly got serious again. I was worried for a minute, until I noticed the corner of his mouth slowly forming his usual smirk.

"I'm glad I found you."

"So am I."

Here ends our mystery. I hope you enjoyed it; you're always welcomed to leave a review, good or bad.