Chapter 8: Abiding the Knight's Intentions

A/N: So, here we are already on Chapter 8. Thanks to all of your guys amazing support on this story. So last chapter I know I made James kind of a jerk towards Logan, but remember all is for a reason. My apology if this chapter ends up being posted sort of late, I've been dealing with procrastination and I feel like I'm losing.

Disclaimer: Anyone want to bail me out of jail after what happened last chapter? No? Ok. I do not own Big Time Rush just the creativity that flows around them…

Logan's POV:

"It's nothing Kendall, really." I turned away as I tried to focus my attention towards something else. It wasn't working as Kendall still ended up placing his hand on my bruised up eye.

"It doesn't look like nothing Logan. Is there something you're not telling me?" I turned towards him and finally my emotions let out something I honestly didn't want to point out.

"Do I honestly HAVE to tell you everything Kendall? Because moments ago when you were with your friends you didn't tell them anything about me." I felt the frustration coursing through my veins. It felt sort of good actually releasing that to him, but at the same time I felt as if I should have kept that to myself.

Kendall sighed in response as he placed his hands inside his jacket pocket. "Touché Logan, you got me there. But you see that's what I wanted to talk to you about right now." I turned in frustration as to pretend to ignore him.

I have never done these actions before so I'm pretty sure that I look really ridiculous pretending to be upset with him. Yes, pretending…I couldn't be upset with him. He was giving me the time of day to explain himself. Even though I didn't like how he was doing it, it still was effort in my book.

"About what?" I repeated in my head what I just said and realized it didn't sound convincing enough that I was upset with him. Kendall knew that as he continued on, "Logan please look at me, I don't want to have a conversation with your back." I turned to him and he smiled. Why? Because he knew my facial expressions would give me away on how pathetic I was on being upset with someone.

"I haven't told anyone about us talking already yet because the only ones who know this are REALLY close to me and if I tell another soul I think I'm going to lose it." Kendall said grabbing his hair out of frustration.

So Mr. Perfect actually had problems…who knew. "I-understand Kendall, sort of. What do you need?" he smiled half way as he picked up my hands from where I placed them on the table. I could have sworn I blushed due to his smirk.

"Listen Logan, I honestly do not ask for much…you can ask anyone around trust me. I just need…assistance in something, and I think that you fit in that department." I couldn't fit in what he was trying to ask me. I heard the bell ring as third period was over and then lunch was about to start.

I turned towards Kendall as he looked apologetic, "What class do you have next Logan?" I took out my schedule and showed it to him. It was a natural instinct like if I knew Kendall my whole life just to hand him the schedule like that.

He smiled a bit, "You have last period with Carlos and I." I took the paper immediately from him as I looked at it over and over as Carlos' words echoed in my head. "I'll see you in Literature Kendall!"

"You have Literature next?" I did a double take just to make sure he wasn't pulling my leg as he reached for his backpack and stuck out his schedule. "Here see, I'm not lying Logan." He smiled as I took his schedule and studied it for a bit.

"I guess we'll be seeing each other more often huh Logan." Kendall said as he chuckled. I smiled a bit, I still can't believe this kid makes me smile…why?

We gathered our things as Kendall helped me with my books and placed them into the backpack. I was still sort of upset with him about hiding the fact he knew me or at least talked to me. I didn't know what he wanted due to the bell interrupting that moment, but I hope I understand his logic.

"You have lunch after third period Logan so once you finish your Study-Hall you go to the Cafeteria ok?" Principal Crawford's voice echoed as I reminded myself that I had to go to lunch.

There was no sign of Kendall anywhere after he exited the Library. I guess he went off with his friends, this day was ruff as I replayed the first two periods of disaster along with third period's confusion of what Kendall wanted to talk to me about.

I hadn't realized that I was the only one in the hallway at this point as I looked up. Everyone must be at lunch right about now, I knew I had to head towards the cafeteria sooner or later, and my stomach was agreeing to the idea as I heard it speak out.

I was glad the hallway was empty, but at the same time I wasn't as my stomach's growl could be heard through the emptiness of the hall as it echoed. I was glad I was alone, I must have turned red out of embarrassment as I decided to just go towards the cafeteria and not wonder off back into the library and spend the thirty minutes of lunch there.

The journey towards the cafeteria was serene as no one was around to push you out of the way to get to class or stare at you after your embarrassing moments in class with them.

I realized that I was already closer to the cafeteria than I thought due to the many noises coming from a door that was closed. My guess for the door was to prevent students from distracting other students in classrooms during lunch hour.

My nerves started to kick in as I grabbed the handle from the door as I opened it. Students were sitting on benches talking with their friends while eating sitting on the floor. Other students were standing up talking to their friends as I passed, I felt some eyes wonder towards me as I got to another door.

This door had way more noises than the first one as I knew this was the cafeteria, I hesitated to open it. Then my stomach growled, I pretended to cough so that not many people could hear my stomach make noises.

I opened the door finally after standing there for about three minutes thinking about it, I walked into a giant room filled with students of all types sitting with each other talking and laughing as others were on their phones texting away.

The cafeteria had a stage in the opposite end of it and the other side had the lunch ladies serving food to the hungry students. Other students were hanging by the stage as they sat there confidently talking to one another.

I turned to look at the lines that were divided into three, one in the left side of the cafeteria, another in the right side, and the last one was in the center. My guess was to lessen the wait for students to get their lunch and enjoy it before the bell interrupted their fun.

I tried to compare the lines to see which one was shorter as I realized that neither were shorter than the other. My guess was that I had to wait in line, I walked nervously towards the right side of the line as I only observed the cafeteria scene.

Then I saw Kendall from a distance as he was holding an apple on his hand while talking to James and Carlos. He also had lunch with me, was this fate? Or was this just me thinking too much here?

If I wasn't nervous before, I was now as the line kept moving so did my legs. Things didn't click as I didn't know where to sit at lunch even if I did make it to get my lunch. I doubt that Kendall's friends would be too happy to see me sit next to him.

The line moved again as I realized I was by the buffet part of the line. I saw that the lunch lady placed a plate filled with pizza, another plate had a burger with some fries on the side, the other was a salad… a plain salad given in a plastic container.

I just picked the burger feeling rushed by the line and kept on moving. Then I got to the ice chest towards the end. The chest was filled with milk, chocolate milk, as well as water, an apple juice box, and an orange juice box. I couldn't decide so I picked the water out of panic.

The line kept moving as the lunch lady waiting at the end asked me for an ID. I had forgotten that we needed ID's to eat free lunch here. I took out the ID my mother gave me before she had her break down on Saturday and showed it to the cafeteria lady as she typed down the number on the card, "Ok thank you." She said in a monotone voice.

The hardest part now was to find a place to sit, but then I saw an opening at a table where some kids from soccer were sitting at and now left. I walked towards the table and sat there looking at my lunch as I played with the fries.

I was hungry but yet I didn't even bother to pick up the burger as I decided to push it away and crossed my arms on the table and laid my head there doing absolutely nothing. It was a mistake to come here in the cafeteria, I only felt more alone than anything else.

With seeing that others were talking to each other and I had no one here, I decided to pick up my plate and tossed it in the trash. I knew wasting food was a bad thing, but I just couldn't take a bite out of the food.

I pushed the door open as I walked towards the bathroom stalls that were right in front of the cafeteria. I entered the bathroom stalls as I closed the first one I saw and leaned against the wall, waiting for the bell to ring.

I heard footsteps come into the bathroom as I heard some kids speaking to each other, "So, that new kid what do you think about him?" the voice was familiar as he said this.

"I think he's something else." I knew that voice it was Carlos responding. "Yea something not from this planet." The other boy laughed.

"Hey, lay off of the kid. It's his first day here and you're bashing on him already? Don't you think James' did enough earlier today?" I honestly never knew that Carlos could be defensive towards me as well.

"Geez Carlos, you'd think you were his body guard or something. But I think he'll need it the way he keeps showing up James and Kimberly like that." Carlos sighed as his friend finished that sentence.

"Nah, James I doubt it, I know he was just frustrated. It'll pass for him if Logan ever decides to actually want to upset him again." Carlos sounded a bit upset.

"Kimberly on the other hand, that girl IS from another planet." Carlos chuckled in unison with the kid he was talking to now.

"That girl is something else. I bet she has a locket of Kendall's hair in her room just drooling all over him." The boy chuckled as Carlos did the same thing.

"I doubt it unless she stalks Kendall's barber and goes into the shop with a plastic bag to get his hair." Carlos laughed along with his friend, but then the laughter lightened up.

"But still Carlos all jokes aside man how's Kendall with Friday's game?" Carlos didn't respond at all as the room filled in with silence.

"Let's just say he's working on his game plan right about now…." Carlos didn't sound like he was believing what Kendall had up his sleeve and I felt the same as well.

I heard a phone ring as Carlos was heard picking it up, "Hello? Hey dad how is everything?" Carlos paused, my guess was to hear what his dad had to say.

"Yeah, I just need one more class and I'm done for the day dad, why?" He paused again waiting for a response.

"Oh, really? I guess I can go earlier if you need me dad. Sure, ok I'll let Kendall know." Carlos paused for a response, "Ok love you two dad, ok bye."

Carlos sighed after hanging up, "Everything ok Carlos?" the kid he was talking to asked as Carlos only mumbled a yes in return.

"Yeah, hey is Kendall in the Cafeteria still?" Carlos asked the kid as I heard footsteps walk out of the bathroom stall. "Yeah, he said something about getting to class earlier about…" The conversation faded as I realized they had left the bathroom stalls.

From the looks of it, Carlos didn't sound too happy after hanging up with his dad, and from the looks of it I doubt I will be seeing him in Literature class either. I sighed out of relief that maybe I didn't have to look like a complete dork around Carlos today if he did decide not to show up.

The bell was heard as I grabbed my stuff and headed out the door to go to Literature. As I was walking towards the classroom, I hadn't put together that I was going to have class with Kendall and Carlos this time.

My stomach twisted into knots as I just realized this, which wasn't very helpful as to I haven't eaten anything at all at lunch. The fact that I wasn't too sure how my next class would turn out, and if Carlos was going to be there, or if Kendall was going to decide not to show up like in first period was enough to keep me thinking. I finally made it to my destination, room three-hundred. I just stared at the door not wanting to open it to see what surprises this classroom had in store for me.

I mean Algebra was a complete mess, and Biology was a complete disaster as well. I honestly didn't want to upset the very person who actually didn't mind speaking to me normally. I turned the knob as I saw half the students were already there waiting for the teacher.

I observed the classroom, it was just an ordinary classroom just like in Algebra. The only difference was on what direction the classroom was facing. I turned to see if there was a desk available at all as I saw Kendall sitting in the very back.

There were two seats available around him, one next to him and another behind him. As I walked into the classroom I saw Kendall's face light up as he waived from the back and pointed towards the desk next to him.

He was actually glad I entered the room, I walked towards him as he smiled from ear to ear. "Hey, for a sec I thought you got lost or something Logan." I smiled as he smirked at my response.

The bell rang meaning it was already the tardy bell as the teacher walked in with a suitcase. "Afternoon class. "Is all he said as he placed the suitcase on the desk with a computer on it at the very corner of the room.

Nobody responded as he said this so I decided to play it safe and do the same. I turned towards the desk behind Kendall as I wondered if that seat was for Carlos. From the sound of his conversation he needed to take care of something really important.

"For those of you who don't know, I am Mr. Johnson your Literature teacher. Today class we are going to pick up where we left off on Friday. For those of you who were absent or not in my class on Friday we will be doing a recap of it today." I took out my notebook and a pen as I was ready to take notes.

I turned to Kendall to see if he did the same, surprisingly he did the same as he turned to me. "I'm ready to learn that's for sure." I smiled really big this time. Did he really just say that? This was a first in anything that I've seen anyone feel as enthusiastic as I was for learning.

The teacher called row just like any teacher would before the class started, oddly enough I wasn't as nervous this time like I was in the previous periods when the teacher called on my name to see if I was here.

Kendall smiled when I got called in roll call and I smiled back when he got called on as well. The teacher finally stopped calling row to start off on today's lesson as he was already turning the pages of a book he had on the podium.

"On Friday we discussed the famous play "Hamlet" can anyone tell me a bit about this play?" oh no, the dreadful "I'm going to pick on someone" question.

I turned to see that the other students were trying to flip through the pages of the book in front of them. Unfortunately, nobody found the answer in time as Mr. Johnson's eyes made it to the back of the room.

"Ah, you there. Young man what is your name?" I froze as I realized that his index finger was pointing straight towards my direction. Here we go again, why would this happen to me? Was this the theme of the day? Let's all pick on the new kid or something!

"L-Logan sir." The class was still silenced as I saw that everyone's attention was towards me. This was déjà vu all over again, a repeat of the first two classes earlier this morning.

"Logan huh." He repeated as he rubbed his beard in fascination, "Maybe you can answer the question the first time, am I right?" I swallowed hard as he waited for me to answer.

'Sorry Kendall if you hate me for this.' Was all I could think about as I turned towards Kendall to see how he would react, he just sat there staring at me as I stared at him back.

Then he smiled and then he started writing something down. I honestly wished everyone else would stop staring at me, I felt rushed to answer. "Umm…" before I could say anything Kendall picked up the paper as I read it.

"Go ahead Logan, I know you know this." That was enough for my nerves to settle down as I stared back at the teacher.

"Hamlet…a play written by William Shakespeare." I paused as the class was still turned towards me as Mr. Johnson focused his gaze at me. I turned towards Kendall as I saw he had his pen in position on writing notes.

I continued, "Talks about a…story of Hamlet. News about the king….his father being killed was spread throughout the land. Till one day…he is visited by his ghost." I was gazing at Mr. Johnson for a bit and then I would turn towards Kendall. He was writing down everything I was saying. I couldn't help but smirk a little.

I continued again, "The king's ghost informs Hamlet he was murdered as Hamlet takes a vow to avenge his father's death." For some reason I got nervous as I didn't want to continue on.

"Well." Mr. Johnson said interrupting me in the process. I couldn't have asked for a better timing as I was ready to blow out in chunks.

"Mr. Mitchell I knew you have read into Shakespeare. Well done son, class this is most of "Hamlet" but there are more details on this as we will continue to read on towards this amazing play." Mr. Johnson turned towards the white board in front of the class as he was writing down all the information I had said just now.

I turned towards Kendall to see if he already hated me, as I did I only saw his pen laying on the desk as his hand was still in position like he was writing something. I could see the fascination in his eyes as he never stopped eying me even after I turned away out of embarrassment on how he reacted.

I could hear mumbling from the other students in the class, but I didn't honestly care at this point. I shamefully turned towards my notebook and wrote down what was put on the board from Mr. Johnson. It was the only action I could do now that Kendall was only staring at me in shock.

"So the key word on this is "revenge" as Hamlet wanted to no bounds find out the reason of his father's murder. He would do anything to figure it out, even if it meant going crazy." Mr. Johnson continued as the students were all into his teaching as I only saw fascination in their eyes, I was astounded as I saw that this teacher was the only one to do this out of the ones I had today.

I wondered what was so different from this teacher than from the rest. These students took in every word he said to heart as they smiled and laughed whenever he would compare the play into his daily life.

I caught myself smirking every so often and I knew that this teacher was contagious. It didn't feel that it been long as the bell decided to ring. The students all grabbed their stuff and started leaving one by one. His lecture was amazing to the point that fourth period was finished in a blink of an eye...or at least it felt like that.

I was putting away my notebook when a girl came up to me, "Wow, you know a lot about Shakespeare huh." I looked up from where I was putting my notebook away as I saw a girl with black hair and some red strips on them. She was wearing some black skinny jeans and a leather black jacket as I gazed at her in embarrassment.

"Well, I guess so." I said as I put on my backpack on my shoulder. I flinched, forgetting I had scrapped it on the way over here as I switched arms with the backpack.

"My favorite is Romeo and Juliet. Nothing tells a tragic story like two people trying to be together and then only killing themselves as it is the only option they ever had." I was a bit fascinated and a bit shaken by how she said this.

"Oh, yeah I think so two." She smiled, "I'm Lucy by the way." I nervously pulled up my hand as I shook hers.

"My name's…" Lucy interrupted me, "I know Logan Mitchell, nice to meet you. Maybe we can hang out sometime? Maybe read into some more Shakespeare?" I shook my head nervously as I didn't know what just happened.

Before I knew it, the classroom was empty as I got up to leave the classroom. Then I got pushed towards the wall as I flinched.

I opened my eyes to see that it was Kendall who did this, "Ow!" I said as I felt my right shoulder sting from the impact.

"Sorry Logan I just didn't want you to leave just yet. Remember I had told you there was something I wanted you to do for me?" I nodded as Kendall gently placed me to the ground.

"Umm…yeah, I honestly had forgotten." I said rubbing my right shoulder from the pain Kendall just caused me. He didn't know it but it did hurt, the last thing I wanted was to get him upset.

Kendall turned left and then turned right as he realized that we were the only ones in the classroom, he walked up towards the door leading out of the class and closed it in. I felt butterflies in my stomach, maybe out of nerves again.

"I…I have been thinking Logan…and been thinking long and hard on this…." Kendall said moving back and forth not standing still as he continued to talk.

"I need your help….I'm not doing so well in my classes and I need you to help me out." He was rubbing his hair again, I think he only does this whenever he's nervous.

"If I don't get it together by Friday I won't be able to play in the game at all…and a lot of people are depending on this win….and I have game plans to memorize and….homework to study…" he kept pacing back and forth.

I only continued to follow his pace until I decided to shake myself off this trance as he kept on speaking, "And I now you don't feel the need to help me out. Like what does Logan get out of this huh? After I was being a complete jerk towards how I pretended I didn't know you and all…" this was what was bothering Mr. Perfect this whole time?

I realized that the calm and the always prepared Kendall I met on Friday of last week already had a lot on his plate. I interrupted him to prevent him from babbling on with more than he needed to say, "Kendall." I said as he kept on talking.

"By the way I'm sorry for pinning you on the wall like that…" I smirked a bit as he apologized for his action. This was honestly the first time anyone has ever done that to me in my life. I couldn't take it anymore as he was about to speak again.

"Kendall! It's ok, I'll help you." Kendall halted for a minute as he absorbed what I just said to him. I walked up close to me as he hugged me, again the butterflies in my stomach were all over the place.

"You're honestly going to help me out Logan?" I nodded as he squeezed me a bit harder this time. "Wow, Logan you're the best!" Kendall was smiling from ear to ear as he saw that I was smiling as well.

"I honestly don't know where to begin." Kendall placed his palms on his head as he was still taken back from getting the help he was begging for.

"Well, what classes are you struggling the most on? We…could work on those classes first and improve the others along the way." I looked at Kendall as he was still smiling, he was still in awestruck as I saw he shook his head a bit.

"Logan, I'm failing majority of them…you honestly think you'll have time to help me with them all?" his smile went away as his tone of voice went from ecstatic to worried in one go.

If only Kendall knew that homework was the only thing that ever kept me sane, and thanks to him needing the help I could focus on helping him out. "Sure, but where will we be able to focus on your work?"

Kendall paused for a minute and so did I as we both tried to figure out something, "Why not go to your house and I can help you out there?" he said as my eyes widened in fear. "Wh-wh-why not your house Kendall?" I failed I became the nervous wreck I was hours ago.

I seriously didn't want to expose Kendall to my way of life in the Mitchell household. I saw that Kendall was caught in surprise as I had quickly asked to go to his house.

"Umm…why not in the library?" I thought about it, and in all truthfulness it was better to go to his house as he had more time throughout the day to catch up on assignments. If we were at the library it would only be thirty minutes of his time and that wouldn't be a good idea. If we went to my house…I doubt it be the best decision.

I was still questioning how Kendall didn't want to do his homework at his house, but then I realized he must have his intentions just like I had my own. I just felt his intentions were to not be seen by me in public. After all he did just lock us in the classroom after the bell rang when nobody was around.

"Oh, ok if you think we can finish up before Friday by going to the library." I had doubts and I knew he felt the tone of my voice change as he smiled halfway.

"Don't get it the wrong way Logan, I think it's an amazing idea…but the library has more resources, right?" I nodded, he did have a point there.

"Great it's settled from now on it's going to be you and me in the library till Friday ok?" I looked up towards Kendall, "It's you and I, Kendall." Kendall chuckled.

"And that is why I asked you to help me out Logan." I smiled in response, but then Kendall got a bit closer to me, "Logan, keep this between you and…I" he smirked as he corrected himself.

"Nobody knows I'm failing except you and a couple of people and I don't want for it to get to the point where everyone knows and freaks out ok?" in other words I never affiliated with Kendall, Captain of the Hockey team.

I nodded as I realized what all this was, he was just using me to help him out with his grades and that was all this was ever going to be. He patted my back and walked towards the door as he turned to me one last time and smiled. I could only falsely smirk back as he left.

I leaned towards the wall of the classroom as I embraced the events of today. I couldn't tell how my day went anymore due to the different moments I had. I couldn't tell if James wanted to kill me, or if Carlos was on my side, or Kimberly had it out to get me, if Jo was the one who defended my reasons at the library, or Lucy wanting to hang with me, and most importantly…Kendall.

His intentions I don't understand them at all, but I guess it's for the best I say. At least this will keep me focused throughout the week for now as well as my homework. I pushed myself up as I left the classroom.

The hallways weren't so filled like they are in an hourly bases as I looked at the clock as it read "Three-fifty five." I woke up facing reality as I started walking towards the gazebo where the busses would pick others up.

I waited for my bus to get here, bus number "two-twenty five" but then realized that none of the busses waiting there were mine. I was starting to panic as I turned left and right trying to find my bus number, but to no avail.

I turned towards other students as they were still talking to one another, "Hey Logan." I turned as I saw that Lucy was walking towards me from the back.

"Hey Lucy." I was busy looking for my bus as she approached me, "What are you looking for?" she giggled as I couldn't help but start frantically moving about.

"Umm…my bus number I think I missed it…." I was freaking out at this point as Lucy could only smile.

"What's your bus number?" she asked as I turned towards her, "Two-Twenty Five" I only said still walking back and forth.

"Nope, hasn't passed yet Logan…Logan stop you're getting me nauseous!" she said as she held my arm to stop me from pacing in panic.

"Sorry." Was all I said as I finally stopped moving all over the place, "You are very jumpy aren't you Logan?" I didn't respond.

I turned towards her direction and gazed at her, she was pretty I'll give you that. I just didn't understand what she was doing talking to a dork like me at all.

I saw my bus arrive as the bus numbers were reading "two-twenty five". I turned to tell her goodbye, but she disappeared out of sight. What was this girl a magician?

I got on the bus as other kids from school were all laughing and looking through their phones. I took the only seat available that was not occupied by someone in the middle. As I placed my backpack there I only gazed at the window as buildings passed me by and cars as well.

The bus would stop on every chance it got to drop off student after student to their destination. The bus was becoming more vacant as each stop progressed, the feeling started to grow on me on being alone again as this would come up.

The fact that I was going back home to my parents and that I hadn't picked up the mess that I was supposed to pick up only made things worse. At least at school I avoided getting into trouble, even though it was inevitable that I would still face trouble at home.

Finally, the bus came to my stop as the bus driver opened the door and waited for me to get off the bus. I gathered my things and exited the bus, once my feet touched the concrete of the sidewalk the doors of the bus closed and the bus just continued on.

I sighed as I saw my house in sight, I paced myself not wanting to get inside to start another argument. Then I realized that no cars were in my driveway as I walked by the door.

I took out the keys in my pocket and unlocked the door, as I opened the door I saw that the mess I left earlier today was still there untouched by anyone or at least stepped on.

"Mom...Dad?!" I called out to see if they would at least budge, it was quiet. I figured they would react to the noise of the door closing shut as I tossed my backpack on the sofa. But nothing.

I climbed the stairs to the second floor to see that my mother's room was still closed, as I opened it…nobody was there. I closed the door and saw the bathroom on the top floor was open as nobody was in it.

I walked back downstairs to see if my mother was in the kitchen, but she wasn't as everything was still the way I left it this morning.

I walked downstairs towards the basement, "Mom…I'm home from school!" I yelled as I turned on the light by the stairs leading to the basement.

Nothing was heard as I walked downstairs, still everything was in its place, untouched. I walked back upstairs forgetting that I hadn't closed the door.

Where could they be? I understand my father because of work, but my mom only ran errands and those shouldn't take you up to seven hours to finish.

I sighed as I closed the door and locked it, I was alone even at home. I walked up towards the kitchen finally picking up the papers I tossed due to my morning rush. I even had time to organize them, bills was all they were as I skimmed through them, as I finished up putting them back on the table, I realized I had homework from today.

I grabbed my backpack from the sofa from where I tossed it when I got home and walked up the stairs towards my room.

I closed the door, "Well at least you have your homework" I took out all the notebooks in my backpack and the books I carried with me, I was glad I only had three valid classes as if I needed a fourth one to carry a fourth book to make things worse on my back.

I started off with Algebra, I opened the book as I realized that I had finished that during Study-Hall and closed the book a little upset. I sighed as my list got shorter, I pulled out my biology book and turned towards the assessment in the back of the book. I read the chapter over and over, even though I probably knew it by heart already.

It was just to pass the time, the assessments weren't that long and I figured that I only took up one hour of my day as I stared at the clock "Five-Thirty". I placed my books back into my backpack as I walked towards the window.

Kendall's blinds were closed and I knew I wouldn't be able to pass the time "talking" to him like I would other days. It was too bad that there wasn't any homework given in Literature today as well, could have used the extra distraction.

I laid on the bed thinking about today's events as I could only question them as they came up. What was Kimberly's deal? Did I really upset James that bad? Carlos, Jo, Lucy, and Kendall…I don't know what you all want from me. I did know what Kendall wanted, he wanted the assistance as he clearly mentioned to me last period.

I sighed as I placed the pillow on my head still thinking about everything that happened on my first day of school. Then something was heard outside as I got up to check on the noise, it sounded like the bushes again.

The noise stopped immediately as I approached the window…maybe the wind, then my instincts took over and I gazed at Kendall's window. 'Stop doing this to yourself Logan…he's not going to open those blinds and start saying anything to you' even though I wanted to be wrong…I was right.

My house was empty for the second time being here in Minnesota, I guess I was going to have to get used to it from here on out. I looked at the clock one more time as the time hit six-thirty, I got up and got ready for the night to sleep and get ready for tomorrow. Who knows maybe Kendall will be there in class…maybe not.

I rested my head on the pillows as I felt something in my gut, a feel of being lost and a bit of being alone. I couldn't place the answers towards today at all. I felt more alone than I ever did coming here and I knew that tomorrow would make me feel ten times the way I feel now.

Kendall, what is your game, and do I have to be the pawn of it all? I said as I felt tears fall from my eyes, it hurt I don't know why but thinking this was just a game to Kendall to befriend me and then toss me out. I didn't want that at all, for once I wish things would go my way, with that I cried myself to sleep thinking about everything that happened today and what it may do to me in the future.


Bound at every limb by my shackles of fear
Sealed with lies through so many tears
Lost from within, pursuing the end
I fight for the chance to be lied to again

You will never be strong enough
You will never be good enough
You were never conceived in love
You will not rise above

They'll never see
I'll never be
I'll struggle on and on to feed this hunger
Burning deep inside of me

But through my tears breaks a blinding light
Birthing a dawn to this endless night
Arms outstretched, awaiting me
An open embrace upon a bleeding tree

Rest in me and I'll comfort you
I have lived and I died for you
Abide in me and I vow to you
I will never forsake you

A/N: I took way too long to update this chapter guys, I'm very sorry about this. The song that is for this chapter has the lyrics that fit perfectly for it all. I had pondered a lot about the song being for this chapter and this was the winner. The first part of the lyrics are sung sort of in a low key tone so it might be hard to hear them out, but rest assure that these are the lyrics. I put majority of the song only because cutting a piece of it didn't sound like an amazing idea like the other ones. So guys let me know what you all think, this chapter had my procrastination on full effect I hesitated a lot finishing it up. But you all were my reason to keep going, special thanks to TheGuestReviewer who kept pushing me to keep going. Thank you tons for the inspiration. Read and enjoy and review guys, promise I won't take as long in the next one, plus the best parts are coming up so stay tuned.