Title: Sunflowers

Summary: Callaghan sees his daughter in Hiro, and decides to take him as his own.

A/N: Takes place before the movie.

This is supposed to be a dark fic with dark themes. Several themes include but not limited to: pedophilia, Stockholm Syndrome, feminization, rape/non-con, underage…

Okay with that? If so, feel free to continue.

Chapter One

They say an idle mind is the devil's playground. For Hiro, that meant that it was time for him to go to another Bot Fight.

Laying on his bed to stare at the ceiling while he tossed a tennis ball into the air and back into his hand, he decided it to be best if he were to wait for his brother to leave before going to check online for the latest locations. Last time he checked while Tadashi was in the room he got a long scolding on how his parents wouldn't want him to be wasting his time going to Bot Fights and instead using that big brain of his to actually do something productive with his life. He ended up missing the fight.

It wasn't even that Hiro needed the money either - though he did make a pretty penny - it was just that he was bored. He's already done with high school and he didn't need to go to his brother's 'Nerd School' either. So Bot Fighting it was. Besides, he had to admit the adrenaline rush that he would get at a Fight was something he would never be able to get in school.

It made him actually feel something, when he was threatened by his losing opponents. It made him feel alive. Sure he came home with a few bruises, which caused for his brother to get involved in the first place. But when he went to a fight, he didn't feel like he was wasting away like he usually did. He knew that if he actually wanted to apply himself he could go do something like his brother was doing at his school, but it never really interested him enough to actually make an effort to do.

So as soon after Tadashi left to go back to work on his project he was doing for school, Hiro hopped off his bed and made his way to his computer. He quickly pulled up the link for his possible next Bot Fight, surprised and glad to see it wasn't that far. He picked up his bot from his desk and made his own way out the door.


Hiro mentally sighed as he watched his opponent to be's bot pulverize the other's bot. He was waiting for the day when it would actually be a challenge, though he doesn't mind making easy money. But until then, he could easily play the role of the confused little boy trying to make his way through the Bot Fighting world with his little, non-threatening bot that could actually beat the crap out of any bots out on the streets of San Fransokyo.

A shiver creeped up Hiro's spine and he could feel a pair of eyes on him. He turned to find the source only to peer into the crowd of spectators all focused on the fight in front of them. He's been feeling that a lot lately, at his past few fights. Like someone was watching him. But that couldn't be possible, who would pay attention to a little kid like him during a Bot Fight? He couldn't help but feel something was off and he didn't think he liked it. Maybe he should head home instead of playing.

As the battle ended, he shook those thoughts out of his head and stepped forward. He was already here, and this was his chance to actually feel something. 'Time to put this show on the road,' he thought as he raised his hand to volunteer his bot against the champion's.


Surprisingly enough, after MegaBot destroyed Bottageddon or whatever the other bot's name was, no one wanted to break his neck for hustling. He frowned, not expecting the shrug of defeat from the former champion and the surrender of the money. He wanted them to get mad, revolt against him. Do something.

As he walked away with his winnings in his pocket, he was completely pre-occupied with his thoughts to hear the footsteps of someone following him.

He didn't have any time to react when an arm was placed around his neck and a rag in front of his face. Hiro recognized the stereotypical procedure of using chloroform on victims before quickly maneuvering out of the vice grip around his neck by kicking the stranger's shins and making a mad dash towards the Lucky Cat Café.

Just as he approached the café, he realized that he was leading his potential kidnapper to his home, which was a terrible idea for so many reasons. Hiro quickly turned a corner, heading away from the café and towards the police station instead. Sure, he probably will get in trouble for that pesky illegal bot fighting, but right now his safety is more important than spending a night in jail. Actually, maybe he'd be safer spending the night in jail…

Hiro almost tripped on his footing, shaking his head and trying his best to focus. He seriously needs to stop doing that.

Arms wrapped around his torso, and Hiro decided to take the chance to look at his potential kidnapper. He was dressed in a black trench coat, wearing a Yokai mask to hide his identity.

Hiro couldn't help but let out a little smirk while he struggled for his freedom.

"What do you want? Money? It's in my pocket," Hiro said pathetically, looking for the man's eyes through the mask. Because this had to be a man with this frame.

"Your bot. You made it yourself?"

The voice was gruff; the man had to have been using a device to distort his voice. Why was he asking about his bot? Did he want to replicate it? Has he been watching his fights? Has he been the eyes that Hiro has been feeling the past fights? Now that he thought about it, he could feel the same feeling from the man that he usually felt when someone was watching him.

When the man shook Hiro by the shoulders, he realized he didn't answer. He nodded.

It stopped being fun when he felt something jab at him in the arm.

Everything faded to black.

To Be Continued…