If you recognize it, it's not mine.

Mostly backstory :P But action will come eventually!

Marie Holmes lies on the couch, flipping through a well-worn novel. She sighs, fondly rubbing her ballooning stomach as her husband and son banter in the kitchen. Suddenly she stiffens and gives a surprised cry. Edward and Mycroft come running into the living room and Edward kisses his wife on the forehead. "Looks like Sherlock is ready to enter the world. I'll call the hospital." He walks back to the kitchen as the front door flies open.

Moriarty strides in flanked by four armed guards. Edward freezes and his eyes flicker to Marie and Mycroft. Moriarty follows is gaze, "Mr. Edward Holmes, Mycroft shouldn't be at home right now. It's not a school holiday," he drawls. "In fact, I believe that Mycroft shouldn't even be alive if the school records are anything to go by." The ominous click of the gun causes Marie to gasp and draw Mycroft closer to her, despite her pain.

Edward tenses in anger. "What do you want, Moriarty?" he snarls.

Moriarty laughs, "Firstly, it's President Moriarty to you. And I'm just curious about how you managed to deceive every one of my enforcers. A potent talent I assume. Is it Mycroft, yours, or your lovely wife?" Edward refuses to answer, staring boldly at Moriarty. The slim man stalks forward, pauses with as a flash of confusion crosses his face, and then spins on his heel and yanks Mycroft from his mother's grip. "What is your biggest fear?" Moriarty purrs as his men wretch Edward back from his family. It seems your father is immune to my talent, so I won't get anything out of him."

Mycroft glares haughtily at Moriarty, but his pupils begin to dilate in terror as Moriarty darkens the atmosphere surrounding them. "Ahh…" Moriarty sighs gleefully, "Terrified of being powerless; interesting for one so young." Suddenly Marie Holmes gives a keening cry and her back arches as she begins to give birth.

"Let me help her!" Edward begs, struggling against the guards.

"Let him go," Mycroft commands, and Moriarty's men release Edward. Marie gives one last push, holding Edward's hand, and Sherlock slithers into the world, giving a hearty cry of surprise.

Edward clutches his newborn son in his arms, shirt now lying dirty and useless on the ground. He hands Sherlock to his wife, and turns in dread to face Moriarty. The self-acclaimed president is looking at the family thoughtfully, mouth twisted in a half sneer. "What a talented family," he ruminates. "A father who is unaffected by my fear manipulation, a son who can control people and a wife…what did you do to keep Mycroft hidden from everyone for three years?" Marie clutches her child, but even as Edward tries to shield her, she crumbles under Moriarty's presence.

"I can alter people's memories," she gasps, "I'll tell you everything, just please don't hurt my family."

Moriarty laughs. "Oh you are a fantastic family!" He narrows his eyes, "With a set of talents that can actually oppose me." He gestures at one of his men. "I have no use of someone who is unaffected by me." As the man shoots Edward in the forward, Sherlock gives a shrill cry and the air around him begins to shimmer. It protectively wraps up the baby, and Sherlock vanishes.

Everyone looks wide-eyed at the space where Sherlock used to be, while Mycroft kneels now beside his blank-eyed father, chest heaving in silent sobs. Marie looks in desperation at her dead husband, tears streaming down her face. She struggles into a sitting position and says to Mycroft, "Don't ever tell them what your talent is. Hide it, for you will be powerless without it."

Understanding dawns on Moriarty's face, but before he can do anything, Marie uses up her life force to change history – in the minds of everyone except Mycroft.

Moriarty yanks up the sniveling boy by his elbow. "I don't understand why parents try to keep their children. I really should phase out the sending of children home on holidays. No one has the power to oppose me anyways." He pushes Mycroft roughly towards one of the guards, "All well, at least I got a nice kill and some entertainment today."

Mycroft blinks the tears from his eyes, glancing one last time at his parents sprawled ungracefully on the floor, looking like broken toys, and his heart hardens. Raising his head to meet Moriarty's bored eyes, he makes a vow. He will kill this man, if it's the last thing he ever does.

Mycroft watches stonily as the two girls fight each other. One has beautiful wings curling from her back, and the other is simply vicious. Moriarty watches the vicious one with interest, so when the winged girl is unceremoniously tossed to the ground, he motions the winner over to him.

Mycroft is disgusted by the way the children clamor for Moriarty's attention. He's twelve years old now, and in his five years in this school, he has seen how each child is manipulated into worshiping Moriarty. If this keeps up, Moriarty will control all of his generation. But there is something about the winged girl. The other girl was bigger and stronger, but Mycroft has a feeling the winged girl lost on purpose. He memorizes her face as she slips away from her jeering peers.

"Let's leave this place." The words vibrate in Joanna's head and she almost gets up from the cafeteria table, the power behind the command thrumming through her. She raises a single eyebrow as she stares at the opposite wall. Mycroft gaze slides past her as he sits quietly amongst a table of rowdy boys.

"Donovan sees Moriarty leaving in a week to control the uprising in Ashford. With your help, Molly can raise the dead from the school graveyard to distract the guards. Lestrade is strong enough to deal with the doors."

Joanna idly draws a straight line on the table as she takes a bite of her sandwich.

"We need to get as far as the city cemetery. There, we'll exchange clothes with the dead and blend in with the crowd."

Joanna tips her head to one side.

"Then we flee into old mine tunnels, and start a rebellion"

Three years. Three years since Mycroft bumped into Joanna walking to class, spilling her books on the ground and slipping a note into her hand as he helped her clean up. Three years since they learned to trust each other enough to admit their secrets, Mycroft's ability to manipulate thoughts, and Joanna's ability to enhance gifts. It takes a while for them to perfect their communication method, for Joanna it feels odd enhancing Mycroft's gift to control her own mind, without immediately doing what he tells her, and Mycroft's observation skills are pushed to the limit to notice the silent, subtle gestures Joanna makes to reply to him without staring at her.

Slowly, they begin to recruit others. Molly, a girl whose greatest fear is her own power of controlling the dead, is befriended by Joanna. Moriarty and Mycroft are both interested in Donovan, but it is Mycroft who manages to win her trust first, and Moriarty assumes her powers are too weak to be useful to him. Mycroft smiled triumphantly when Donovan walked next to him to history class (all lies of course), and said in a falsely dejected voice that Moriarty didn't care about her anymore. Lestrade falls from Moriarty's grace when he refuses to kill a disappointing Mycroft in battle, and where Moriarty sees weakness, Mycroft sees goodness.

The escape is a success. And soon, the children are huddled in a dark alleyway as armed guards rush by. "We need to get to the tunnels," Mycroft commands in their heads. Hearts pounding, and adrenaline racing through their veins, they race across an open field, pushing their legs faster and faster, hyperaware of how exposed they are. The children reach the edge of the forest and disappear into it, finding the mineshaft in the dark and ducking into it.

Moving deep into the tunnels, they stop for a moment, as Lestrade morphs into a wolf to guide them. In that hesitation, the children seem to age a century. They are no longer in Moriarty's grasp, but now they are in the tight grip of uncertainty. Mycroft pulls the hood from his face and in the flickering glimmer of Molly's lighter, he can see the fear and hope in everyone's eyes. He takes a deep breath and looks at down at Lestrade.

"The war begins today."

Sherlock is enraptured by the tale. "So I simply disappeared as a child?" Mycroft nods, his eyes refocusing as he returns to the present.

"I believe you have the power to move between dimensions, and if my talents and our parents' are anything to go by, then you must have a very potent one."

Sherlock shakes his head, "All these years and I've never noticed?"

"Obviously, talents aren't common in your dimension." Mycroft shudders slightly, "How boring it must be. Like living in a world of goldfish."

Sherlock grins, "I always thought I lived in a world of idiots." Mycroft clasps Sherlock's and helps him to his feet.

"Welcome home, little brother."

Hope you liked it :)