A/N: Hope you peeps enjoy this chapter!

Xoxo, RM

Alex sat up, she had been up for a while now just enjoying the warmth of being next to her mother, the smell of apples lingering all around her. Her mother was sound asleep, she looked absolutely flawless, her sister on the other hand had her mouth wide open, snores ripped through her throat, Alex giggled, she'd have to leave in a few hours.

She slipped off the bed and tiptoed to her sister and knelt down, she poked her face a bit but Avery didn't move at all.

"Avery." Alex whispered, Avery's snore ripped through the air again, Alex rolled her eyes, she huffed there was no way she was going to wake up her sister. She stood up and stretched the sun was still nowhere to be seen but she knew it was coming soon, she rolled her neck and decided to go to the balcony to think.

She sighed looking over the whole kingdom, it was such a breathtaking view, she'd only see something like this if she had climbed up a mountain or a tree. She closed her eyes and tried to imagine a life where this could be where she lived every day, a smile broke out on her face, it was silly to think, but it was a possibility. She felt a tingle feeling and shot her eyes open and yelped. There was a person right next to her.

"Who are you!" she gasped, he looked very unwell, sickly even, his skin was too pale, he had grey eyes and white hair almost matching his skin.

"You are all in danger." The male figure said

"What?" Alex asked

"I tried to tell you sister but she left." He said sternly, he began to flicker somehow, it seemed like he was disappearing.

"Wait, what are you talking about? You know Avery?" she asked, she didn't understand what was going on.

"Stop, listen." He said sternly, "I am at the end of my time, I need you all to know that she knows what you're doing. She's frightened for the first time in her life, by you two, by the bond you're bringing between what was supposed to be broken. There will be a curse, back to the land without magic you would think which is true but only few will have the magic." He speaks very fast and Alex is confused trying to make sense of his words.

"Please wait, I don't understand, let me get my mother, surely she can help you." Alex says

"No, no!" he yells

"Alex?" Regina's voice calls out

"You are the one, you are! You must prevent her from hurting your sister, if not, it will be you with the darkest heart, no return, no return." He mumbles, he begins to glisten and shimmer, he's barely visible.

"Who are you? Is this some sort of prophecy or something?" Alex questions

"I am no one, I watch, I learn, I tell. Heed my words Alexandra, rally your allies, trust your family, you can win, you can. Save your heart from the darkness that she's starting to see." He says, his final words before he disappears all together, leaving Alex sinking to her knees, racking her brain, somewhere in her brain this has to make sense but it doesn't, everything sounded so foreign, she begins to panic, what if she can't remember what he's told her. She stands up and rushes back into the room looking for something to write with.

"Darling, what's going on?" Regina asks, she stands and quickly goes to Alex who is now sitting at a desk, writing something down, she's mumbling to herself. She was so frantic and scared she didn't notice that her magic was going crazy around her. She's concentrating, she feels as of her life and everyone else's depends on this moment, she needs to get all his words on paper. Regina is flown across the room, hitting the wall. Alex doesn't notice, she is deafened by fear, her magic is ripping things up and creating strong winds.

Avery jolts up when she hears something crash, she looks to see her mother hunched, it feels like there's a storm in her mother's chambers, through some weird dark lines swirling she sees her sister writing something frantically, she runs to her mother and helps her up.

"Mom, what's happening!" Avery shouts, her voice barely heard

"She's scared!" Regina yells back, "I don't know why, but she's scaring herself so much that the magic is manifesting." Regina tries to explain

"What do we do then?" Avery asks

"Yell her name, she needs to snap back to reality." Regina says sternly, Avery nods, she and her mother yell Alex's name multiple times.

Alex keeps mumbling, she looks at her hand, it's still writing words, words she can't forget, she concentrates on the task.

"Alex!" a voice calls through the buzz. Alex stops, she drops the pen, everything around them stops and drops immediately. She looks to her sister and mother, unaware of what has just happened. The two cautiously walks to her.

"What happened?" Alex asks in a whisper

"You were scaring yourself." Regina says softly, Alex stares at her mother than to her sister, her sister has tears in her eyes, she's afraid of her.

"What?" Alex asks

"You were in some sort of trance." Avery says, her voice breaking

"Avery." Alex says softly, her sister is terrified, she doesn't have to say it but Alex can feel it on her, feel the sensation of fear reeking on her sister. Had she caused that? She mustn't have, Avery knows she'd never hurt her, not on purpose.

"I'm sorry, I was just so frantic, I didn't want to forget anything he said." Alex explains, "I just don't want to forget it, that's all." She mumbles, Regina focuses on her daughter, the strange behavior, she feels different.

"Have you been talking to someone?" Regina asks

"Yes, yes I have he's nameless but knowledgeable he's told me things, the things I've written down, there's a curse coming and he's, he's-" Alex begins to ramble

"Sweetie, take a breath, who you were talking to is called a watcher." Regina says, "This may not make sense but it will in time. Watchers are beings who watch things unfold, it's rare when they step in, to do so they take someone's life. It's of utmost importance, and the fact one has spoken to you manifested your fear, they overload you with truths of possible futures till you go crazy. It's with pure intention, but it takes a toll. So just breath and sit." Regina says, Alex nods slowly and returns to the desk staring down at the paper that is covered in writing.

Alex's eyes begin to fill with tears. She bites her lip to surpass her emotions but she can't help it as her tears flow freely.

"Alex." Avery whispers, Alex looks up at her sister, they've only just met but it doesn't matter their bond is something out of this world, Avery looks into her sister's eyes, they are full of fear, she knows something is definitely wrong but she won't push her sister.

"I won't let anything happen to you ever." Alex whispers

"I'm right here, nothing will happen to me." Avery says reassuringly

"You can't guarantee that Avery." Alex snapped

"Alex, calm down you're going to stir up your magic again, we will figure this out but in the meantime we need to gather everyone, if the watcher told you a curse is coming we need to be prepared." Regina said

A/N: Liked it, loved it? Confused? It's okay. This chapter just means Robin will soon find out that his daughters have been reunited, everyone will and the curse to go back to the land without magic will be coming.

Xoxo, RM