( I'm so sorry this has taken so long and I really appreciate all the support and patience from you guys you are the best. I really hope you like this chapter let me know what you think and if u want another and what should happen in it. Thank guys! Enjoy!)

Derek sighed from where he has leaning in the doorway of Stiles' hospital room. It had been three days since they brought him in. The only signs of trauma on the rest of the pack were the dark circles under their tired eyes and tears on cheeks.

The room wasn't big enough for the whole pack but no one wanted to leave their human. The Sheriff was a constant presence, an unmoving force beside his son, sole, pale hand in his. Melissa insisted he ate and slept but that was all she could do. He would not leave his child.

Scott and Lydia were the other two people that never left, despite the hospital regulations for family only in the ICU. Of course no one was going to tell the Sheriff off, so they stayed.

Scott sat close to his friend but let Lydia hold Stiles' hand as the two of them sat on the other side of his bed. Lydia whispered to him and occasionally listened as something else whispered back. Derek didn't think he would ever understand her banshee powers but he sure appreciated them when she said, with utter confidence, that Stiles was getting better.

"The pull isn't as strong as it was. In that cell, as he was bleeding out on the floor I….the scream was practically crawling its way up my throat. But it's gone. He's going to be okay, I know it."

Derek didn't have the same abilities that Lydia did, whatever they were, but he had to agree with her. The scent of death had left the room, Stiles' heartbeat was stronger, thumping with such ferocity that Derek knew Stiles was in there fighting.

Though the scent of death had disappeared there still remained the stench of grief and sadness because Stiles had not woken up yet. Melissa had taken the breathing tube out that morning saying that he was getting stronger and that breathing on his own was a good sign. Of course everyone would have preferred it if he just opened his damn eyes already, or squeezed one of his limp hands that were constantly being held.

The monitor displaying his vitals beeped making every head turn towards the boy in the bed. Derek pushed off the doorway and walked further into the room. Lydia gasped and looked down at her hand where pale fingers twitched in her grasp. The Sheriff stood from his chair looking desperately at his son.

"Stiles? Can you hear me son? Squeeze my hand." A tense minute passed waiting for a response. Derek held his breath.

Weak fingers grasped at his father's hand and a heavy head barely rolled an inch on his pillow but moved nonetheless.

"Stiles, come on buddy, open those eyes." Scott was on his feet with a hand gripping his brother's leg, desperate for contact.

Bruised eyelids flickered on barely pink cheeks.

Lydia pressed her lips to Stiles fingers and whispered to him, leaning close so he could hear her. Even with Derek's wolf hearing he could not make out what she said over the beeping monitor and his own thumping heart, but Stiles could.

The monitor started beeping faster, the human reacting to whatever his banshee was saying and his head rolled on the pillow towards her.

Everyone in the room moved closer, pressing towards the boy with fierce wanting.

Slow, clumsy lips parted, let out a puff of air and breathed out a name.

"Lydia?" The word was slurred and barely a whisper but brought a smile to everyone's face.

Stiles' eyelids flickered open to reveal hazy brown irises which focused on the strawberry blond girl leaning over him.

"Hey angel." A relieved giggle burst from her lips and tears fell down her cheeks as she smiled at him.

"Hey Stiles. Thank you for coming back to us, to me. I know how close you were to slipping away. But you did it, you're here." He said nothing in return, just stared amazed at her face as a smile played at his lips until Lydia bent forward and pressed a kiss to them.

They parted after a second and her slender fingers came up to brush along his cheeks before she looked towards the Sheriff.

"Your dads here."

Derek could tell the kid was tired as he moved his head enough to see his dad and smile at him.

"Hey Dad. You saved us."

John smiled and squeezed his son's hand, bringing up a hand to stroke at his sons unruly hair.

"You know I'll always be here for you son and I'm so happy you're okay. Don't ever do anything like that again." John said it with a laugh but the tears on his face gave away his sincerity. He couldn't bear the sight of his boy in danger and he would never again see his son bleed out.

"Okay Dad. I promise I won't almost die for at least another week." The boy chuckled quietly and looked at Scott when he heard him snicker.

"Hey bro, you okay?" Scott scrunched his eyebrows at his best friend's question.

"Yeah man of course I'm okay but you almost died."

Stiles got a faraway look in his eyes as they misted over at the threat of tears.

"I was worried about you. They were torturing you and I wasn't sure if I could keep the secrets I needed to when it came to my turn."

Scott swallowed the lump in his throat and laid a hand on Stiles' shoulder.

"You did it Stiles. You kept the secret, you kept everyone safe."

Stiles refocused on his alpha.

"We're all safe? Everyone?"

Scott nodded and smiled proudly.


Melissa appeared at Derek's shoulder then and beamed proudly at her patient before moving closer to the bed.

"There's our superman. I'm so happy you're okay Stiles, and awake too." The nurse checked his vitals over and updated his chart before brushing back his hair lovingly and pressing a kiss to his forehead.

"Now go to sleep sweetie you have a lot of healing to do. We love you Stiles."

The now very tired boy smiled dopily and let his eyes slip shut, letting out a breath before falling into unconsciousness completely.

"I love you guys too."