Prince and Princess of Tennis Chapter 3

There are a group of 5 guys standing and chatting with one another.

"Ryoma and Ren Echizen!?" the 5 people say all at once.

"Nope" one of the guys says.

"Momo said there some kind of phenome or something. The man doesn't lie. And he said Ren has a very peculiar stare and she can do a twist serve and your return, Fuji"

"What return" a light brown haired boy said.

"The Brown Bear"

He opens his eyes and widens them and goes back to his eyes closed "Saa, Really well she seems interesting"

"If it true they couldn't hurt the team at all but we'll just have to wait for practice" a bowl haired boy said as he and the other boys went to Seigaku.

Ryoma and Ren are walking through the courts to get to practice. In the school you can see that Tomoka and Sakuno are looking out the window

"Sakuno look its Ryoma and Ren" Tomoka says to Sakuno who is sitting in a desk.

"It sure is" as Sakuno looks out the window to see them both.

"There so cool, don't you think so Sakuno"

"I guess"

Just the window above them is a guy standing with his hands in his pocket looking towards the courts. He has glasses on and hazel brown hair.

Ryoma and Ren are tying their shoes well Ryoma is anyway, Ren is reading her magazine.

Kachiro says "I hate morning practice; I sure hope I can stay awake during my classes"

"Well don't you think it was kind of weird what happened to Momoshiro, heard he trashed his leg and totally been off his game ever since that happened." Horio says

Katsuo exclaims "What, he was hurt"

"We couldn't tell from the way he was playing in the match against Ren" Kachiro said.

"That's why he was sticking around while the others had matches and were on the bus" Horio said

Ryoma was still tying his shoe and Ren was still reading.

"Hey Ren and Ryoma aren't you listening"

"Not now reading shhh" as she put her index finger near her lips and made a shh sound.

"Hmp your lose it's not like a new kid and a girl is going to be able to play first string anyway" Horio said overconfidently.

Ren is now intimidating an angry aura and walks away and Ryoma just sighs.

"Uh oh, Well the Ranked Regulars aren't even here yet and you can already see how awesome everyone is" Horio says overconfidently once Ren is out of view.

"I just can't wait till the top guys hit the courts" Kachiro says.

"It should be really great" Katsuo exclaims

"And hey did you hear the best part, each month there is a school ranking challenge with every regular position up for grabs" Horio tells them proudly

There were other 7th graders listening and says "How did you know so much I'm impressed"

Ryoma POV

Hearing them chat is so annoying. The boys are still chatting well actually Horio is the only one talking. 'I wonder where Ren went too'

"Hey do you know who the new hot shot seventh grader is?" a random 8th grader comes up to me and I look at him in a bored manner while thinking.

"Oh yeah he's there" as a point to Horio who is talking his mouth off and continue with my practice and looking around for Ren.

There talking and I don't care but seriously where's Ren?


'I am so angry maybe I'll have to get back at him for it. Yeah hmmm how should I?' As a I smile very sadistically.

I found a spot near a tree and was going to sit there when I heard my name being called "Ren" when I was about to sit down too. I look over to see who called my name it was Ryoma.

"Hey Ren, let's go its class time"

So Ryoma and I walked to our first class. Classes were okay but at the end of the day I still hadn't forgiven someone so I went home or wanted too anyway. I was side tracked into going to the street tennis courts or tried to find them anyhow. I found the tennis courts and two people were playing on them. A boy who looked like he was really tall and he had grayish hair and what looked like a Hyotei uniform on. The next guy had on the same uniform but has brown short hair. I watched their match and was taking notes on their performance.

'They could really improve if they learn more and train harder I wonder if Seigaku will play them' I thought to myself but a voice snapped me out of my thoughts and I looked up.

"Hey who are you" the short brown haired boy called to me as the boy with the grayish hair looked like he wanted to know too.

"Im Echizen Ren, who are you?" I asked with confidence in my voice

"Im Otori Choutoro and this is Hiyoshi Wakashi" the tall guy says introducing himself.

"Well it was nice meeting you two but I'm sorry I have to go home"

As I go I feel a hand on my shoulder and Otori-san asks for my number so we swap numbers to keep in touch and I wave back smiling as I continue to head home. When I get home Ryoma is already going through the door.

Im sorry everyone I know it was really short. I am going to keep writing more I promise Who should I pair up with Ren? Please comment

Ren X Fuji -1