Epilogue: 2 years later

Without pausing to open the door I burst straight through, startling the occupants inside. James was off at work with Sirius in the auror department. While working they met Frank Longbottom and invited him and his wife Alice over for a night to hang out. They became pretty close to all of us, and Alice was currently in Godrics Hollow with Lily so neither had to be alone on their maternity leave.

Two more months before Harry Potter and Neville Longbottom are introduced to a war-free Wizarding World.

"Danielle?" Lily went to push herself up off the couch but I gestured for her to stay seated. I didn't want her to exert herself too much.

With a shaky breath I dragged a chair in from the kitchen and sat down in front of them, "I'm alright."

Alice shared a look with Lily before turning concerned eyes onto me, "Are you sure Danielle? You look rather pale."

I opened my mouth to confirm that I was perfectly fine but quickly snapped it shut. Clearing my throat I tried again, "I just found out something that, well, I'm not sure how to feel."

Lily waved her hand, "What did you find out?"

I took a few deep breaths to try and calm my racing pulse, "You know how I've been pretty sick the last couple days?" They nodded. "At first I thought it was just some sort of virus, but being a healer I knew that something was a little off about it." I've been working at St. Mungos for almost two years now, and I loved it.

"So what did you do?" Alice shifted in her seat to get more comfortable.

My mind went blank. I didn't know what to say and I felt anxiety bubble up my throat until I automatically blurted out, "I'm pregnant!"

A beat of silence passed before Lily and Alice squealed excitedly. Any trouble they usually had with standing was gone as they got up and dragged me with them. Their excitement was contagious, and some of my worry melted away into a happy smile.

"Oh my gosh, congratulations Balto!"

I laughed in disbelief of the situation, "Thanks Tigger."

Alice was smiling widely, "What did Sirius say?"

My worry from before returned tenfold and my smile was replaced by a grimace. They noticed the change and looked at me in sympathy, "He doesn't know."

Lily put her hands on my shoulders, "Danielle you have to tell him."

"I know!" I pushed her hands off and sat back down in the chair. "I'm just…scared. What if he doesn't want it? What if he hates me for it?"

"No Danielle," Lily grabbed onto my hand with Alice following suit, "he would never hate you. He loves you more than anything! And if I'm honest I think he would be ecstatic to hear about this."

I bit my lip uncertainly, "You think so?"

"I know so," she gave my hand a pat before they both let go.

Taking another deep breath and rubbed my hands together and stood up, "Thanks you guys. Sorry for barging in."

They stood up from their seats and hugged me as best as they could with their distended tummies. Lily smiled when she pulled back, "Don't worry about it Danielle."

I left after a cup of hot tea before apparating back to the two story cottage Sirius and I lived in. He didn't come home for several long hours, and I spent that entire time pacing in front of the fireplace going over various scenarios in my head.

When the front door opened I turned to see him looking straight at me with a wide smile. Like always, as soon as I saw him my heart beat just a little bit faster. It made me smile back just as widely and I walked up to him to give him a hug, "Hey babe, how was work?"

He sighed, "Same as always. Not too busy at least." I nodded along and froze when he asked me, "How was your day? Feel any better?"

Sirius tried to feel my forehead but I grabbed his hand in mine to stop him, "Actually Sirius, I need to talk to you."

Worry filled his eyes, "What's wrong?"

I quickly reassured him, "Nothing bad! At least I don't think it's bad. It's rather great actually. I'm really hoping you'll think so too."

Pressure on my hands made me pause and look to see he was squeezing them, "I won't be able to know if it's good or not without you telling me what it is."

My heart was pounding in my chest and it wasn't from my feelings for Sirius. It felt like there was something stuck in my throat. Sirius might not want the baby, and then what? Would he make me get rid of it? My hand automatically flew to my stomach. There was no way I allow that to happen.

"Danielle what is it? Is your stomach bothering you again?"

"N–No, it's fine."

He sighed, "Then what's wrong?"

"I don't really know how else to tell you this Sirius, but," I looked him right in the eye and took a deep breath for confidence, "I'm pregnant."

Sirius was staring at me blankly before my words finally registered and his eyes widened, "You're…pregnant? There's," he looked at my stomach where my hand was resting, "there's a baby in there?"

I bit my lip worriedly, "Yes. Is–Is that okay?"

There was a long moment of silence that nearly killed me with suspense. I started to pull away from him and he tightened his hold on my wrist, "Danielle this–this is fantastic!" He pulled me up against him and planted a firm kiss to my lips before breaking away and looking down at my stomach. "A baby," he breathed, "boy or girl?"

I laughed with relief, "I don't know yet Sirius it's too early to tell. But just to make sure," I tilted his head up so he would look at me, "you're okay with this? You aren't mad?"

"Of course I'm not mad," he pecked me on the lips, "I'm thrilled babe."

All of my worries were thrown out the window now that I knew he was happy about the news of my pregnancy. We would have to tell the rest of our friends about the news, but for that night I laid out on the couch with Sirius wedged beside me so he could keep his hands splayed across my stomach.

9 months later

A loud scream could be heard from out in the waiting room. Lily and Alice winced in sympathy while James grimaced. Frank was at Longbottom Manor to watch Harry and Neville while Sirius was nowhere to be seen.

Another yell came from the other side of the door, this time accompanied by words, "I'm going to murder him when he gets here!"

Said man was then found sprinting through the halls with a pale complexion and frightened eyes, "She in there?" Another scream had any blood left in his face drain away.

Sirius bolted into the room and ignored the doctors and nurses to take his place by my hospital bed. He immediately grabbed my hand and winced at the bone-cracking grip, "How's it going?"

I looked up at him with a murderous expression, "How. Is. It. Going? That's what you have to–ah!" My sentence was interrupted by another painful contraction.

"You're doing good Mrs. Black, start pushing."

Doing what the doctor said I followed my body's instinct to push and was immediately overwhelmed with pain. "Take a deep breath Mrs. Black. Deep breaths and push."

With encouragements from Sirius I was able to think through the pain. I shouted a lot of abuse at him, but I don't remember what any of it was.

It took four pain filled pushes and a lot of screaming before my lower body finally relaxed and another scream filled the air. This one much more high-pitched and didn't belong to me.

The doctors took the baby and wiped it off with a towel before wrapping it in a pink towel and handling her over to us, "Congratulations. It's a girl."

I cradled her against my chest delicately and moved the blanket out of the way to drag my finger down her soft cheek. "Hey there," I breathed with an adoring smile, "it's your mom."

Sirius bent down over me to link his hand with mine and feel her cheek with the tip of his finger. "She's perfect," his voice was nothing more than an awed whisper.

"Beautiful," I breathed in agreement. "Here," I slowly adjusted her so I could push her towards Sirius. He carefully pulled her into his arms and held her reverently.

The doctor broke in quietly, "Have you decided on a name?"

I nodded lightly, "Carina Rose Black." We stuck to the Black tradition of naming her after a constellation, and Sirius wanted her to have my middle name. This came Carina Rose.

Sirius sighed happily, "She looks just like you."

I chuckled, "Funny, I thought she looked just like you."

"Merlin, I hope she has your eyes."

"No," I shook my head, "she should get your eyes."

He scoffed, "Definitely not. You're eyes are perfect."

I gave one more laugh and held Carina for a few more moments before the doctors took her away to let me rest. "We'll see."

Carina grew like a weed, and before we knew it she was moving her head around to stare at things in curiosity, she went from crawling to walking in no time, and her first word was "daddy", something Sirius boasted about to anybody that would listen.

Harry was very curious of Carina. The only other baby he had seen was Neville, and when he met our daughter he became a little possessive of her. It made all of us laugh and Sirius mock threatened James to control his hormonal son.

All three children were completely smitten with Remus. He would walk into the house and all three of them would giggle happily, making the were fill melt every time. They already had him wrapped around their little fingers. But of course, we all were.

Carina's first birthday came and went, and soon enough it was nearing her second birthday. Since it was in February the weather wouldn't allow for her party to be held outside so everybody would be hanging out inside.

I planed to wait for her birthday party when everybody was in the same place to announce that I was expecting for a second time. Just thinking about it had me biting my lip happily and I looked over at Carina, who was sitting in her high-chair. Her Cheerios were scattered about, and when she looked up at me with her innocent grey eyes I melted. "I love you, Care."

She squealed, "Wuv you mama!"

All of a sudden I felt the wards to the house shake. I froze at the feeling, immediately knowing something was wrong. Sirius and I were tied to the wards so we knew who was coming and who was going. This was someone who tried coming through, but the wards prevented them because they had ill intentions.

Abandoning the food I was making for dinner I rushed over to Carina and lifted her from the chair. She kept asking what was wrong but I just shushed her and ran up the stairs to her room where I put together a small bag of her clothes and diapers. "This might feel a little strange honey, okay?" When she gave the affirmative I turned on my heel to apparate–and didn't leave.

Panic levels rising with the addition of anti-apparition wards I ran back downstairs to try flooing to Godrics Hollow, but didn't work either.

Now completely panicking I felt the wards abruptly break from whoever was coming inside. Without really thinking I went back to the kitchen and looked to see if I could break the window, but saw a black robed figure standing in the back.

Death Eaters.

It wasn't the first time they've attacked me in the hopes to avenge their deceased leader. Each time I've been able to escape relatively easily, but this time I had Carina with me. My only worry was to make sure she stayed safe.

"Carina, honey," I looked at her and I could tell she knew something was wrong, "I need you to stay calm and quiet, okay? Mama will keep you safe."

Carina nodded seriously and I kissed her forehead before rushing to the front door and setting her down beside the wall. "There are bad men here, and when they come through this door I want you to slip out and find somewhere to hide. I'll make sure they won't notice you, but you still have to stay very quiet, and be very careful."

When she bit her lip fearfully I let out a shaky breath and kissed both her cheeks, "Please Care, I need you to be safe. Daddy will me home soon and he'll help us."

After she nodded determinedly I tapped my wand against her forehead to place a notice-me-not charm. When I could no longer see her I stepped back and threw the bag from my shoulder onto the couch. I sent a silent prayer to anybody listening–even if it was Death–and hoped Carina would get away safely.

The door was abruptly blasted apart and I had to duck to avoid shrapnel. My eyes flashed to the area where Carina would be standing but didn't see her. I wouldn't know if she got hurt from the blast or not, and I couldn't call out to her to find out.

"Well, well, well," the Death Eater stepped inside and I didn't recognize his voice, "if it isn't Danielle Morrickson, savior of the Wizarding World. Or is it Black now?" He huffed in mock laughter, "Congratulations."

With my wand still in my hand all I had to do was twitch it and the man went flying back out the door. Spell casting has become much easier since my last meeting with Death, and right now I wasn't going to complain about it.

The kitchen window suddenly shattered and I spun around to send a stunner at the second Death Eater. He rolled out of the way before sending his own stream of spells at me. I was able to dodge each one before sending my own, catching him with an incarcerous and another stunner. Spinning back around I sent a stunner and the Death Eater from before dropped to the floor.

Releasing a breath of relief I rushed out the door and shouted for Carina, "Carina, sweetheart, where are you?! Care?"

"Mama I in fron of you!"

Waving my wand to cancel the notice-me-not I finally saw her and picked her up into my arms. I breathed in the scent of her hair as I stood up with her held tightly in my arms. "You're a good girl Carina."

"Was I bwave mama?"

"Yes sweetheart," I pressed a kiss to her head, "you were so brave. I'm so proud of you."

Standing in the middle of the living room made me feel very exposed. It was enough to make me remove the block on the floo so I could bring the both of us to Godric's Hollow.

Harry was playing with his toys right in front of the fireplace, and when he saw us come through his face lit up with a smile, "Auntie Dani!"

I returned the infectious smile, "Hey Harry. Where's your mom?"

He pointed to the kitchen and I set Carina down next to him so they could play together, "I'll be right back sweetheart. Just gonna go find Aunt Lily."

Leaving the two children to play with their toys while I went to the kitchen to talk with Lily.

"This is a pleasant surprise," she looked up from whatever meal she was making to glance at me. "What brings you here?"

I sighed tiredly and sat in the seat that allowed me to look out into the living room, "House was attacked."

Lily gasped and she immediately stopped cooking, "Oh Merlin, are you alright? How's Carina?"

"Fine, we're both fine." I ran a hand through my hair, "I'm a little shaken up though."

Lily sat in the chair next to me and stared out into the living room where Carina and Harry were building something out of blocks, "No doubt. Does Sirius know?"

"Not yet. I don't know how to tell him while he's still at work so it'll have to wait till he gets home."

"You can stay until then. They're both coming here for some relaxation."

I nodded in remembrance, "That's right, Sirius mentioned something about drinks and how I was welcome to come."

The two of us finished making dinner just in time for Sirius and James to come through the front door. Sirius noticed Carina on the floor and looked confused to see her, but happy all the same, "There's my princess!"

Carina looked up from the toys and smiled happily, "Daddy!"

Sirius swooped down and lifted his daughter into his arms, "What's my little girl doing here?"

"Mama n' I wun from meanies."

"You ran from meanies?" His eyebrows furrowed, "What did the meanies look like?"

"Aw bwack wit scawy faces."

Sirius' arms tightened around his little girl as a suspicion for who these "meanies" we're took root. "Where's you're mama?"


He walked into the kitchen while James followed with Harry in his own arms. They saw Lily and I setting up the dining table. When we noticed them Lily walked up to James to give him a kiss on the cheek and I went up to Sirius to do the same.

"What happened?"

I sighed, "Carina told you, huh?"

"I's bwave daddy!"

Sirius absently kissed her hair, "Yes you are princess."

"Two Death Eaters came to the house and broke through the wards. They set up anti-apparition wards and blocked the floo system so we were basically stuck. I left the house as soon as I could."

Sirius pulled me close and kissed my forehead, "Are you alright? Where are the Death Eaters?"

"We're both fine and the Death Eaters are probably still at the house."

Carina was forcefully placed into my arms as Sirius stormed towards the fireplace. The flames went green for a brief second before he disappeared, ignoring our shouts for him to stop.

James sighed and passed Harry to Lily, "I'll go get him."

Lily and I waited for twenty minutes before the two of them returned through the fireplace. Sirius looked a little disgruntled and James smiled at us, "He's just upset because Mad Eye wouldn't let him kill the DE's."

We chuckled at the information and ushered the two men into their seats. Dinner was a quiet affair with little conversation. My hand was unconsciously resting on my stomach as I helped Carina eat her spaghetti.

"Danielle I thought you said you were okay."

I looked over at Sirius, "I am."

"Why are you holding your stomach then? Does it hurt? Are you sure they didn't hit you with anything?" Sirius laced his fingers through mine so he could press his hand against mine.

"They didn't hurt me I'm fine." I suddenly smiled, "I guess I could tell you guys though. I was going to wait for Carina's party, but I probably shouldn't take the spotlight."

James and Sirius looked confused bit Lily gasped, "Is it what I think it is?"

I just smiled harder and gazed into Sirius' eyes, "I'm pregnant. Six weeks along."

Lily squealed, "I knew it! Congratulations you guys." James smiled as well and gave his own congratulations.

Sirius had yet to say anything, too in shock to say anything. I bit my lip worriedly, suddenly not as excited, "Sirius?"

"There…you're…again?" He looked down at the hand still against my stomach with amazement.

His reaction reassured me, "Again."

Sirius laughed with elation and kissed me passionately until Harry and Carina yelled, "Ew!" That got us all laughing and we spent the night celebrating with some champagne, ice water for me of course. Sirius and I celebrated at home with a silencing charm so Carina wasn't disturbed.

A few weeks later, a couple days after Carina's party, Lily found out she was pregnant as well. The two of us went through the pregnancy troubles together before o finally gave birth to a beautiful baby boy we named Caelum Sirius Black. He had blonde hair that surprised Sirius since black hair was the prominent feature for Blacks. His hair also had a slight wave to it instead of mine and Carina's straight hair.

Another thing that surprised but pleased Sirius to no end was the fact that Caelum had purple eyes. I had doubted any of my children would be given my eye color, but there it was. Although instead of the pure purple color he had flecks of grey near the pupils, making them more unique. Caelum also had Sirius' nose and lips.

Our children were going to be real heart breakers when they got older.

Lily and James had a boy they named Logan James Potter. He was a beautiful boy with red hair like his mother's, James' strong jaw, Lily's button nose, and shining green eyes flecked with brown. His eyes were much more earthy compared to Harry's striking emerald.

Carina was very protective of her little brother and I watched her grow closer and closer to him as he grew up. He would even follow her around the house to copy the things she did, and it was the cutest thing ever. Many pictures were added to their baby books.

As for their godparents James and Lily were Carina's while Sirius and I were Harry's. For Logan they made Remus his godfather and then had Professor Mcgonnagal for the godmother. Minerva had teared up when she accepted the news.

When I told Sirius I wanted Severus to be Caelum's godfather he protested vehemently. I was only too happy to remind him about how he helped me and that he's actually a good guy. Sirius eventually caved and the two of us went to Severus' house to ask him. There was tension between both men, but with Caelum there as well they didn't do anything about it.

Severus was surprised to hear that I wanted him to be godfather, but accepted all the same. Whether it was because he wanted to or because he wanted to irritate Sirius I wasn't sure. Maybe it was both.

As for Caelum's godmother Sirius chose his cousin Andromeda. She was delighted to hear the news and accepted the request without hesitation.

Years passed and before we even realized it Carina was eleven years old and about to get on the train to become a first year. Harry and Neville were already going back for their second year in the Gryffindor house.

Caelum was hugging her tightly around the waist, and she was happily returning the gesture. The two of them had always been close to one another and this was the first time they would be apart for so long.

"You'll send letters right?"

Carina nodded, "Of course. And you can always use Aunt Lily's floo if you want to come see me." Lily had pursued her career as a charms professor and now worked in the castle as a teacher.

"Come on, Carina!" She turned to see Harry and Neville waving for her. "Coming!"

She turned back to us and sighed sadly, "I love you, dad." Sirius pulled her into a tight hug, "Cause lots of trouble, and make sure you get caught!"

I hit his shoulder while Carina and Caelum giggled. James and Lily walked up soon enough to hear the comment and Lily gave him the same treatment while James grinned, "I told Harry the same thing."

Lily scoffed, "Yeah, and now him and Neville are terrorizing the school."

I laughed along with them and felt a tug on my arm. I looked down to see Carina looking at me in worry, "What if I'm not in Gryffindor?"

"Aw honey," I crouched down to give her a hug, "it doesn't matter what house you're put in, okay? When you get to the castle you will be sorted and you are allowed to give your opinion on where you want to go."

She huffed, "But how do they sort us?"

I smiled mischievously and tapped my nose. Carina rolled her eyes, but I saw the smile on her lips.

The train let out a loud whistle and I nudged her away, "Hurry up or you'll miss it."

She rolled her eyes again and I worried she would be entering the teenage years early, "It's not like I can't just floo there." Either way the hound eleven year old hopped onto the train with her bags in tow.

The seven of us: Lily, James, Sirius, Remus, Logan, Caelum, and I, all watched as the train pulled out of the station. Harry, Neville, and Carina were all leaning out of their windows to wave at us, and I wondered where Hermione was. She met Harry last year in the train and the two of them became fast friends.

"Well," I sighed sadly, "I feel so old now." Everybody laughed while Caelum assured me I wasn't old.

"We'll see you all tonight for dinner?" Lily looked around to see Sirius, Remus and I nod at the invitation.

Remus said his goodbyes first before leaving the platform. James followed, and Lily apparated with Logan.

Sirius took Caelum into his arms, "Ready to go?"

"Yeah," I said with a nostalgic sigh, "let's go home."

AN: Oh my Merlin you guys it's finally done! Thank you so much for sticking with this story, I know it's been going on for a long time, from Travels Through the Universe to Officially Lost in the Universe. A long time awaited ending (for me anyway), I hope you all enjoyed it! Also a shout out to NatNicole for Carina's first name. Thanks!