A towel hit the side of Harper's face, covering her sight, and she huffed. "Ellie!" she half-shrieked, tossing the towel back at her giggling best friend. Ellie caught the towel and dropped it beside her and went back to waxing her board. "Afraid it'll mess up your hair?" Ellie teased.

"No! I'm sick of you doing it," Harper said. But she couldn't help but smile and and shake her head. She finished up with her surf board and stood, taking it with her. It was a bright and sunny day on the beach. Ever since Harper moved to Hawaii she did nothing but marvel at the beauties of the islands and the wonderful weather. Perfect for daily surfing. "See you on the flip side," Harper said, glancing back at Ellie before taking off for the water. She dashed across the sand and ran into the water.

Once in knee-deep water, she hoped on her board and started paddling. Ellie finished with her board seconds later and ran to join Harper.

Steve and Danny had agreed to go surfing together to try and work on their relationship, as per counselor's orders. And so they did. Steve was out of the car and ready to surf before Danny could even think of unbuckling. It annoyed him, but he moved on. He joined Steve at the back of the truck, where Steve was pulling out his board. "You ready for this, Danny?" Steve asked.

"Yeah, are you?" Danny asked, causing Steve to chuckle. "What? What was that?"

"What was what?" Steve asked, playing dumb.

"You know what? No. Let's just get this over with," Danny said, grabbing a board. They hauled their boards to the sand, where they started waxing them.

Harper stopped at the line-up and seconds later, Ellie sat up beside her. The waves were rolling in, big and steady. It always excited Harper to see such big waves. That meant great surfing. "I got this one!" Ellie called, eyeing the next big wave coming. She got in position, lying on her stomach, then started paddling toward the wave. Once she reached it, she stood on the board, catching the wave with ease. Harper whistled. "Yeah, Ellie!" she called, smiling. Just then, a man paddled up a few feet to Harper's left.

He was tall, muscular, with dark hair. Another shorter, blonde man paddling up next to him. Ellie cut a nice snap off the top of the wave and Harper cheered supportively. "Go, Ellie!" she called. Once the wave fizzled, Ellie dove off into the water. "That was sick, El," Harper said, as Ellie paddled back.

"Nice moves," the dark haired man said. Ellie sat up next to Harper, in between her and the man, and smiled. "Better than you, I bet," she challenged.

"You bet, huh?" the man said, cocking an eyebrow. "Is that a challenge?" Ellie tilted her head momentarily with a cocky grin. "Alright," the man said, obviously thinking it wouldn't really be a challenge to beat her at surfing. "Danny? Why don't you be the judge?" Danny nodded. "Okay," he said.

"But you won't be competing against me," Ellie said, with a smile. "You'll be competing against her." Harper glanced between Ellie and the man and sighed. "Alright, fine," she said. Harper didn't do much competing. But when she did, she usually held back so that she wouldn't win. "Let's do this."

"Sweet!" Ellie said. "Okay, Danny and I will judge—unbiased, of course."

"Right," the dark haired man said, unbelieving.

"Ready? Get set…go!" Ellie said. Harper was on her board and paddling in seconds. Steve paddled up quickly behind her, keeping pace easily. His arm strength was an advantage Harper didn't have, but she paddled faster. The first one to catch a wave was Harper. She dropped in from the backside and sped toward the curve, then zipped back up to the white water. After putting on a nice show of skill, Harper jumped the wave. Ellie clapped and so did Danny. "Wow, that was good," he commented.

"She's been surfing since she could walk," Ellie explained.

"I give it a solid eight," he said.

"Same," Ellie said, nodding in agreeance. She turned back to the newly surfaced Harper and the awaiting Steve and shouted, "Eighteen, total!" Harper nodded and swung up onto her board. "That was good," Steve said, paddling to her. "Where'd you learn to surf like that?"

Harper brushed the wet hair from her face. "My mom taught me when I was a toddler," she replied. He slowed and sat up on his board, next to her. He couldn't help noticing her good looks. Blonde, semi-curly hair down to her shoulder blades, piercingly blue eyes, not necessarily thin but lean torso, generous size up top. Not to mention she seemed nice. Harper glanced at him and her eyes drifted down his toned chest and to his ripped abdomen.

She caught herself staring and quickly looked away. Steve did the same. "Your turn," Harper said. "Impress the judges." Steve chuckled, not feeling so competitive anymore. Instead, he felt like he wanted to impress her rather than beat her. Either way it was just a game. He paddled on, heading toward a wave. Harper paddled back to the line-up with Ellie and Danny to watch. "Show off!" Ellie shouted, cupping her hands for volume as Steve worked the wave.

He pulled off an impressive spin and Harper whistled. After he was finished, Ellie and Danny gave their scores while he paddled back. "Eight point five," Danny said.

"Eight," Ellie said.

"Looks like I won," Steve said, sitting up on his board. Harper stuck her tongue out at him and he laughed. "Next time, then," she said. "Come on, El. We gotta go."

"Yeah, Danny and I should probably get going," Steve said, looking at Danny. Harper and Ellie started paddling for the shore and Danny raised an eyebrow at Steve. "What?" Steve asked.

"Nothing, nothing," Danny said, trying to stifle a smile. Harper and Ellie hit the sand and started walking up the beach to their towels. "I think I've seen them before," Ellie thought aloud, picking up a towel. Harper put her board in the back of her sky blue 1970 Volkswagen van. Ellie handed her board off to Harper and Harper put it in the van as well. "I got it! They're Five-0," Ellie said, drying out her hair. Ellie tossed her towel in the back of the car and Harper sighed.

As they put their boards in Steve's truck, Steve could see Harper and Ellie's van. He couldn't stop watching Harper. There was something about her that was captivating. He couldn't quite figure out what it was, though. "I'll be right back," Steve said, and without thinking he started for Harper and Ellie. It was a whim idea. She would probably blow him off. But he had to try. So he walked over to Harper and Ellie, interrupting their conversation. "Hi," Steve said, looking mainly at Harper.

She turned to see who spoke and was surprised to find him standing behind her. "Hi," she said, in shock.

"I don't suppose you like shrimp?" he asked. Ellie excused herself, walking around the van and getting in the passenger side. Harper grabbed her T-shirt from the back of the van and slid it over her head. "It depends. Whose asking?" she asked, with a smirk.

It dawned on him then that they hadn't exchanged names. "Steve McGarrett," he said, holding out a hand.

"Harper Kelly," she said, shaking his hand. "Yes." He looked confused. "I like shrimp," she clarified.

"Oh, right. Are you free tomorrow for lunch?" he asked.

"Free! Completely free!" Ellie shouted, inside the car. Harper chuckled shyly and Steve laughed. "Yes, I'm free," Harper said.

"Great. It's a date then."

"It's a date."