They both have nothing. They both don't know what to say. In a room they shared in Rachel's villa, both of them were sitting on the edge of the bed holding small-sized doll replicas of each other. It just so happened that both of them thought about the same idea to give a present to each other by hiring someone to sew a doll replica of each other for each other to give.

They just sat there, dumbfounded. Like, how could this have happened? Both of them were just sitting there, having no idea what to do with the doll except to just stare at it blankly like a pair of dunces.

What the hell were they supposed to do with these dolls? Play pretend? That's girly, childish stuff! Rachel is FAR too old to play and Ragna was obviously not a girly-girl himself, seeing as how he's a BOY!

Ragna took a moment on his own discretion, with one index finger, poke the midsection of the doll of Rachel that had the buttons of her usual gothic dress. The doll didn't seem to react in any way.

Ragna sighed in deep relief that it didn't talk. If that thing could talk, he'd just might lose it. No way in hell he could handle two of them yapping at once, even if one of them just happened to be a doll.

Then, like magic, both of the stared the doll replicas for three seconds then at the same time...

"At least it doesn't talk." They both said.

And then just like that, the two of them turned their heads towards each other leering and slightly gritting their teeth at each other.

Ragna took the first strike. "Well excuse me! I put a lot of thought into my gift to you, rabbit! I thought that for the times we're apart, that doll would keep you company!"

Rachel scoffed at him as she whipped her head to the side as she said to him, "If I truly desire your company, I'd just teleport to you."

Ragna grinned as he took this opportunity to ask her, "How much DO you think about me? I'm willing to bet a lot but I'm also willing to bet that you don't teleport me because you thought that I would think that you're flirting with me!"

Rachel huffed, still keeping her head turned to the side while having her eyes closed. "You don't know as much as you say you know, Ragna. But I know what you know. I know every tendency you do and how you try to play these psychological warfare games with me. But here's where you don't know as much as you say you know. But I know that I don't resort to flirtatious, questionable behaviour to express my affection."

Ragna pointed at her face. "You can't keep up with me in a foot race, you slow rabbit bitch. I'll leave this argument with you in a ditch!"

The petite blonde slowly opened her crimson-red eyes as she turned her head to glare at him. "Is that all you got, you vexatious dog? I noticed that when you sleep, you're as motionless as a log. Your blade isn't deadly, if not more-so than you. That isn't saying much but just being this argument is giving me a flu."

"This whole thing is childish!" Ragna yelled in an attempt to blow off the entire conversation.

Rachel smirked as she proceeded to destroy him and the argument with it. "I agree. You going out of your way to assume what I do when it comes to you IS childish."

Ragna scowled then looked in the opposite direction of Rachel, slightly squeezing the doll in his hand out of frustration. Subconsciously, he reminded himself to go soft on the doll since that was the thing Rachel gave him. Besides, that's a replica of his girlfriend he was holding in his hand.

The criminal shook his head as he gave a sigh. Rachel, who was still looking at him, tilted her head to one side while wondering what was going on through his head. Then, she saw him turn his head around again to face her.

Using the doll in his head, Ragna held it up while having it straight. To Rachel, her replica and Ragna were looking straight at her with almost identical expressions.

Ragna lifted his eyebrows and then glanced at his own replica in Rachel's hand to send a signal to her.

"DO. IT. TOO."

Puzzled and curious to where the man could be going with this, Rachel slowly lifted Ragna's doll replica to about the same height as how high Ragna was holding her own.

Slowly, Ragna started moving the replica of Rachel toward his own.

Rachel quirked an eyebrow at what he was doing, wondering where Ragna could possibly be going with this. Eventually, she observed the faces of the two dolls pressing against each other.

In that instant, Rachel knew what he wanted. She softly smiled at the two dolls and then turned her glace towards the man who was smiling in a similar fashion towards her. He was happy she got the hint.

The two of them at the same time, dropped their doll replicas on the floor and then softly embraced as they share a passionate kiss.

But what they didn't realise... That the dolls fell in such a way that Ragna's doll replica was faced down, directly on top of Rachel's that was facing upward at the ceiling.

To a certain somebody: You know who you are. Thank you for letting me use your idea and letting me write it out!