Written for the Fifty Shades of... Challenge. The chosen prompt was 'Memories'. Every important and many recurring characters of the books will have their chapter, with some weight to the Dark Side.

And now, I present to you...

Andromeda Tonks in a one-shot set during the First Wizarding War. Andromeda is having lunch with her husband and daughter at the Leaky Cauldron when a dangerously familiar smell hits her nostrils. And why is it coming from the stranger with the eyes the colour of fire?

"Ice cream, Daddy, please, please!" Nymphadora begged her father, eyes open in a hurt-puppy expression. The lively six-year old with the turquoise, spiky hair was jumping up and down on her chair, brandishing her fork as she pleaded with her father for her favourite dessert; she knew, if she was to get what she wanted, her dad was the way to go.

The small family had come to London for a short shopping trip to Diagon Alley and were now having lunch in the Leaky Caldron before they went back home. Ted Tonks was always happy to spend time with his family and shared the childish enthusiasm of his young daughter every time something new and interesting popped up in the various enchanting windows of the shops. Andromeda, on the other hand, did not share these emotions. She used to enjoy long walks on the magical street and exploring the shops and their products, but now the tight budget was enough to leave her depressed and bitter. The fact that times were dark and her family could be a potential target for a variety of reasons did not help lighten her mood at all.

"Nymphadora, sit normally down and lower your fork, these are not manners. You'll take your father's eye out," Andromeda said indignantly, her voice low.

The child sat down again and ate a bite of pork, but continued talking to Ted.

"Please, Daddy, I'll eat all of my food first, promise," she flashed him a Hollywood smile this time.

"I don't know, Sweetcakes..." the plump man said beaming, and winked to his wife mischievously. "What would you like? Rocky road?"

"No-o," the child extended the word into two syllables, her mouth comically taking the shape of a perfect 'O'. "I want mint. Mint with chocolate chips!" Her big brown eyes were gleaming with excitement.

"Mint?" her father repeated with equal enthusiasm. "That's just great, Mummy, isn't it? Fresh, healthy mint and Dora will keep her neat teeth!"

"Ted, I think we have agreed on this, remember?" Andromeda told her husband disapprovingly. "No sugar, unless we're celebrating something. Last time I checked we weren't celebrating anything today apart from blowing all our money again..."

"Now, now, Dromeda, there's always a reason to celebrate!" Ted smiled and planted a kiss on her cheek. "We could celebrate that you look as beautiful as a cherry blossom, and only our darling daughter can threaten your title, how about this?"

"Oh, Daddy, that's gross," Nymphadora giggled, but then caught her mother's eyes. "And sweet," she added.

"It is, my mood's poetic today. How about we have ice-cream to celebrate that, my love?" Ted turned his wife.

"Ted..." Andromeda warned him, "don't encourage her, sugar is no good for Nymphadora. Or you, actually, I don't want to become a widow just because you couldn't stop eating ice-cream. Our daughter needs to understand there are certain boundaries and rules, otherwise-"

Andromeda stopped talking abruptly. For a moment she couldn't understand what had caused this pause of her very important speech, but soon her surprise was replaced by pure euphoria that ran through her veins and hit her brain. She took a deep breath and then she knew it. It was a smell that had somehow made its way into the dark, mouldy pub. A delicate, discreet perfume of flowers and wood. A perfume that had been created for one very special woman; her sister.

A perfume maker in Paris, Monsieur Delacroix, had been bewitched by Bellatrix' beauty and fiery temper and had asked for permission to mix up a unique cologne for her. Their mother had been far from thrilled, but the final result had left Bellatrix so enthusiastic, she had finally consented. With the name 'Amazon', Greek for Bellatrix, is had become its muse's trademark, the only perfume she ever wore, enough to inform a room full of masked people that she was among them. Back in the day, Andromeda had not paid much attention to this remark, but now, now that she hadn't seen her sister in nine whole years, it was incredible how the tiniest amount of this fragrance was bringing back the memory of the girl with the shimmering dark hair and the midnight blue eyes.

Andromeda looked frantically around. Her previous thoughts had taken place in her subconscious in less than two seconds, and now they were replaced by fear of seeing Bellatrix, and possibly Narcissa, again. She was sure she would not be able to survive this. But as Andromeda scanned the dingy pub and its guests, she realised they had all gone silent, their heads lowered in submission to the new arrival who wore darkness for a cape. The tall man walked swiftly and soundlessly past the tables leaving behind the faint but unmistakable scent of Amazon, the scent of her sister. For a second, the stranger's scarlet eyes met with hers and a devilish smirk spread on his snow-white face. Could he have possibly recognised her, or was he simply astounded that a random witch had the courage to look him in the eye?

Before Andromeda's mind could think of making the slightest move, the man had already reached the entrance to Diagon Alley and was out of sight, allowing the guests to breathe more freely again. As the conversations continued steadily again, Andromeda ignored her family, thinking hard. How in the name of Slytherin could this man have access to the perfume? Because the simple explanation that her big sister, her vivacious, brilliant, slightly unbalanced protector of her childhood, was spending so much time with the Dark Lord that her scent was on him permanently was just insane. It was. Wasn't it?

"Mummy?" Nymphadora's voice came from somewhere far away. The child that couldn't sit on the same place for more than a few seconds had, with childish intuition perhaps, felt the darkness springing from the stranger and had remained silent while he was there. And now her brown eyes were wide, full of worry and confusion for her mother.

"Come, baby," Andromeda said in a kind voice and stood up, "let's go get you your ice-cream."

A/N: Thank you for reading, please let me know what you think.